1  Laravel Search Functionality, Search Data, Search Products, Posts, Search Mysql records

1 Laravel Search Functionality, Search Data, Search Products, Posts, Search Mysql records

Theodore Coding

4 года назад

4,881 Просмотров

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@aniiblender2068 - 02.05.2022 15:09

really i am proud of you bro

@nikolicvladimir - 30.06.2021 15:11

far away from super advanced, you are searching thru a 5-10 million records table, looking for a term in title, description, etc.. ? That is pretty beginners.
You will kill your db.
Using LIKE %term% is never give the proper performance on any decent size table, no matter of indexing.
This will be fairly better if you switch to FULL text search.
At least you could make a notice that this is far from anything serious that shall be used on big data sets.

@thuythanhvongu - 28.12.2020 18:56

thank bro

@pad6y639 - 01.12.2020 02:07

hi, how did u config vsc to let u import the class via right click menu?

@yetesfaalemayehu301 - 13.11.2020 19:27

Thanks Bro, Respect!!!

@seekhelp6032 - 10.08.2020 23:41

Can you pls provide me source code for search functionality?

@YerushalayimShelZahv - 11.07.2020 00:04

Thanks for the video and tutorial.
