CRYPTO GUIDE! How to CARRY YOUR TEAM! (Apex Legends Guide to Crypto) OP Legend Guide

CRYPTO GUIDE! How to CARRY YOUR TEAM! (Apex Legends Guide to Crypto) OP Legend Guide

ProGuides Apex Legends

2 года назад

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AFK-47 - 20.06.2023 00:58

Excellent and useful guide! Crypto has, by far, been the most difficult legend for me to learn, but its also the most rewarding for me.

Michael Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez - 22.04.2023 21:13

if they’re flesh dies the emp do flesh damage

G4mer_D4d - 04.12.2022 06:03

All good stuff.
FYI, today with crypto I ran smg/ar and won 2 outta 4 games just pushing like I'm entry... I did get ressed 4 times each game, but I want omlettes!

You right, but scans are basically legal hacks. You can get away with more, generally speaking. ❤

TheSushiDealer - 24.11.2022 23:28

Pro tip: u can heal while in the drone with some well timed button clicks

LaShawn Kent-Ogiata
LaShawn Kent-Ogiata - 02.09.2022 01:53

I'm a crypto main and I love your tips it will really help me improve thanks alot

MagicalSakuraArt - 13.08.2022 12:49

I favor Crypto, this isn't a tip, it's just something that made me laugh. I was playing with randos and put out my drone, as a crypto does, and one of my team mates was on mic and yelled "Ah Crypto Drone!? Do we shoot it???" That was the funniest thing ever.

Dan R
Dan R - 17.05.2022 08:11

Fly low and fast in big fights before getting height for a target so they don't see where the drone is coming from

Cloud Duster
Cloud Duster - 02.05.2022 02:58

I am a Crypto main, and he accounts for roughly 25% of my games played on my account. I’ve mained him ever since season 6 if memory serves. I personally think he’s underrated and am always happy to see him in play, be it on my team or when the enemy smacks me with an EMP.

Takashi Amano
Takashi Amano - 05.04.2022 08:02

If you close your eyes it sounds like Stephen Colbert narrating this…no offense…he sucks…this video was awesome

Camdyn Miller
Camdyn Miller - 30.03.2022 04:41

I 2nd main crypto I love him but I suck as him

glacier - 29.03.2022 04:45

When im feeling more aggressive, when behind cover, il throw my drone up and then try to go around or heal. Either they start rushing or start healing. Then i can adjust from there

Emperor of Atlantis
Emperor of Atlantis - 28.03.2022 14:20

Here's my tip and this also includes arenas. While in the drone, continue to scan the enemy while your teammates know exactly where they are and push their attacks. Using your EMP while your teammates are within range of the enemy is an extra bonus. Especially if it's just one enmy or 2 or full squad.

this only works if thre are less than 10 squads leftlet alone 5. The more enemy teams gone, the less you put in effort to attack and the more your teammates do the dirty work for you while providing wall hacks. Which also making you the "sweeper" or whatever basically the one supporter who will clean up the rest in case one teammate gets knocked

In arenas, just place the dron a really good position and you automatically scanning the enemy, wall hacking with easy win. They wont have time to destroy the drone because they have to worry about you coming for them. It's also best to use the EMP when they are sort of half way to getting low with their health

bence banfi
bence banfi - 18.03.2022 23:22

I have a little circle in my crosshair (just like pathfinders) when I play crypto, is there a way I can remove that?

27 Heart Beats
27 Heart Beats - 25.02.2022 22:26

just started using crypto yesterday

Lee_Mill - 10.02.2022 09:05

As a console player who usually gets matched against other console players, it's very very fun to drain the enemy's bullets with the drone

DeathMaestro - 09.02.2022 06:40

What I do with drone placement is I set up a drone in a location where the enemy could flank to instead of my drone getting a visual on the squad we are fighting I set it up in a place where we won't have any unsuspecting surprises. This limits the chance of the team destroying my drone because the drone is there as a what if scenarios but ofcourse I keep it in range of the enemy for the emp

OfficalKasuVO - 08.02.2022 23:00

this helps a lot! I have huge trouble with crypto and I will use these tips and practice! Totally recommend this video!

jthablaidd - 07.02.2022 17:25

I just unlocked him and I use his drone as a respawn card collector and a “security camera” where the drone is in a corner of a building or room

infant on the internet
infant on the internet - 02.02.2022 08:13

Also stop recalling your drone when you're still In it extinct the drone then recall it it helps alot

MrThunderLord888 - 29.01.2022 17:51

TIP to be able to go into your drone faster mantle a small thing (not to tall) and press tactical at the same time it cuts out a lot of the animation

Sorano Emi
Sorano Emi - 28.01.2022 16:24

You can pop the drone while sliding down hills, to avoid staying static.

OSOGOF Tunnel - 27.01.2022 11:06

One thing I don't think I've seen anyone else mention, is that when Crypto uses respawn or surveillance beacons, he does it instantly. There is no time delay, so he's the best character to send to scan beacons 100% of the time in the situation you run multiple recon legends like bloodhound or pathfinder. He's the only one that's never in any danger while using them and he uses them and gets to the faster as the drone is faster than your run speed.

LegendaryGQ - 27.01.2022 04:13

A good way to be aggressive is to slide into cover while popping your drone allowing you to still have movement into the action. This works amazingly well when you’re sliding down hill into cover. Caught in close combat outside, immediately send your drone up facing the ground. It gives you consistent enemy recognition and there’s a low chance of them swatting it down if you’re applying pressure because you’re too close to give them time to aim.

Acer Jake
Acer Jake - 23.01.2022 21:49

Pro tip if you move up to a ledge wile going into a drone the anamation stops

Myles morales
Myles morales - 22.01.2022 11:00

Also is if u play on console hold L2 while drone is on the ground or floor and you will go faster with the drone

Sam Mcconville
Sam Mcconville - 21.01.2022 12:54

i would highly recommend using the flatline (maybe a 1-2 x sight trust me) and a triple take (with either a 3x or a 2-4x )

First Name
First Name - 17.01.2022 22:14

"apex is a game with a million things going on at once"

Me who plays overwatch. Smh you don't understand

MigC - 14.01.2022 01:03

This might sound a little be unnecessary and Op but how would yall feel if crypto had like a warning that someone is "near/attacking/aiming" at him while he's in drone mode? Bascially wraith's passive.

Would it be too OP and too much or do yall think it sounds fine?

The WorldForge
The WorldForge - 11.01.2022 23:27

Thanks for the tips have been playing since the start but when crypto came I didn’t think he was good but I just picked him up and he’s great

Tiago Wandert Ribeiro
Tiago Wandert Ribeiro - 05.01.2022 23:57

He and gibby are my favourite characters tried crypto couple of matches and absolutely loved him u barly get ambushed and getting ambushed is so frustrating

Anders Pedersen
Anders Pedersen - 02.01.2022 03:31

They say people play him cause they like his style… well… i dont Think theve come across me yet…

𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃 𝐙𝐄𝐔𝐒 - 31.12.2021 06:25

Pro tip climb an object that is head level or less then press tactical while climbing to instantly pull it out above cover for extra cover or to manipulate the enemies aim assist while moving around in front of it because it can block bullets your drone is essentially portable cover

Vmobro - 30.12.2021 10:14

3 tips as a crypto main
1. you can cancel calling in your drone in by climbing walls
2. climbing onto ledges while activating your tactical will speed up animations
3.Always carry onto mobile respawn beacons instead of heat shields

Jay - 24.12.2021 06:35

Ima be honest I figured all the little tips n tricks on my own this my first day watching pros crypto so see if I see anything new but I know all this and if y’all didn’t know crypto drone will shut done ults and gibby bubble etc

Hoodie - 22.12.2021 02:31

Pro tip crypto can still use respawn beacons 3 seconds after a team used it

Kingston-phazes - 22.12.2021 00:25

For crypto you should focus on hiding a your drone this should only take you about 5 to 7 seconds and the drone is great for flanks just make sure you don't mark when going for a flank

Syeng Syeng
Syeng Syeng - 20.12.2021 11:00

Sometimes using it as a distraction works. Send it out and annoy them and they will try to shoot it down and your teammates can quickly knock them while being distracted. You can do this by yourself but you have to be really quick due to the fact of it being a easy target.

TheLucky Clain
TheLucky Clain - 17.12.2021 13:49

Hemlock and rampage works well with me

michael caley
michael caley - 17.12.2021 07:35

I also like to use my drone just to annoy teams and bait them into firing on me. This works great mid-late game in ranked when everyone is holding a spot. With any luck you can work up a third party on a team without ever exposing your team or firing a shot and squeeze out a few more placement points.

michael caley
michael caley - 17.12.2021 07:32

Crypto will really shine if they ever change ranked RP to a team based system instead of the individual points we earn now.

The Shadow
The Shadow - 15.12.2021 03:47

Here’s the thing I do with crypto and that is when I use the EMP I hard push cause I have the advantage cause here’s the thing let’s say you have common armour and they have blue the emp will take 50 putting them at 25 and you at 50 purple 50 and red 75 and not to mention in 3rd parties this puts both teams in a panic as they wonder what to do and if your team has red chances are your team is winning

Justin Bannister
Justin Bannister - 13.12.2021 22:23

I like to emp teams that are stuck in the storm especially in 3rd or 4th. It always get me kills because it slows them down enough to kill them with the storm.

Dio - 13.12.2021 19:13

genius guide, thank you. also these comments are very helpful👍

SpyroHero - 12.12.2021 22:10

How can i find how much squats near me?

Rocco - 11.12.2021 02:50

I like to hide my drone in leaves in the new storm point map because my drone can still see them through the leaves but they cant see me.

Miles Adams
Miles Adams - 21.11.2021 16:24

self emp i have no or very little shield and your getting chased you can emp yourself to back the team off

Drumm3r_B0y - 16.11.2021 00:18

Also if you ever want to main Crypto one small tip I learned is never use the drone in mid fight or even your ultimate it will hurt your team and cause you to get eliminated

Styx - 11.11.2021 15:50

Tip: If a team is pushing you and you're solo and on a hill EMP while sliding down a hill it will stun the enemies and cancel their slide

Dylan - 10.11.2021 17:40

"Don't run flatline r9.... I suggest running an AR and SMG". Huh? lol

James Carreon
James Carreon - 10.11.2021 03:37

Some tips with him:
He automatically reloads his weapons while in his drone try using this feature more often.
Press the exist drone key and return drone key to waste less time when you need to put his drone away. Try to predict where enemies will push and use his ultimate with this prediction(this one will be a lot harder to get used to).
