Program your own web server in C. (sockets)

Program your own web server in C. (sockets)

Jacob Sorber

5 лет назад

132,128 Просмотров

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Al Fredo
Al Fredo - 04.10.2023 01:56

hey, can you please comment on your opinion regarding the more "modern" api that contains functions such as getaddrinfo?

Ensar Makas
Ensar Makas - 07.07.2023 19:46

We working on IRC protocols. We will test our project with KVIrc. This video is good start i guess.

sunil vasudevan
sunil vasudevan - 12.04.2023 10:14

it was a very useful session.. thank you

ghuthguhd - 16.01.2023 21:33

what if i wanna expose my server to the public internet

115breno - 06.12.2022 16:52

sir, thank you. i was having hella trouble finding someone that could explain sockets and servers in a eli5 way. you nailed it, ill check out your course when i can afford it

Oscar Mrad
Oscar Mrad - 08.11.2022 21:32

Hey man just found out about your channel and i think it will change my searching for answer life. Pretty clear explanation and covering all sorts of topics. I really like your color theme on Vscode, do you mind telling me which one it is. Thank you so much.

Edmond Phillips
Edmond Phillips - 25.10.2022 16:52

Awesome vids, I was looking to learn C but I already know C++ so your channel ended up being the perfect gateway

Mohammad Hossein Zolfagharnasab
Mohammad Hossein Zolfagharnasab - 15.08.2022 09:09

I have just recently found your channel, and i have to say its fantastic. Thanks a lot pal

Prithvee Raj - Youtube
Prithvee Raj - Youtube - 24.06.2022 12:40

Too hard for me.. Thanks btw..

Sachin Singh
Sachin Singh - 04.04.2022 18:57

I use the server inside my PLC
SCADA HMI Connect to it to gather real time data....but i use UDP......

mamo - 18.02.2022 17:16

Thanks for this video. That was very helpful.
Actually I have a question: What is the role of the "clien.c" here?
Program will work even without client.c

Anton Nyberg
Anton Nyberg - 07.02.2022 19:02

Does the client.c program even do anything in this example? Or is it the connection from localhost that acts as the client in this case? Do I need the client program for this to work I guess the question is.

Tea Lio
Tea Lio - 07.12.2021 16:41

very nice,tks

AlexmGaming - 23.11.2021 23:54

This is for Linux right?

Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi - 08.09.2021 22:52

I hope you could come up with videos which could give knowledge about html request response in c/cpp using or without using libraries like libuv, cpprest, curl etc. I find my struggle a lot making a small request - response in c/cpp compare to script languages like js,python. Which makes me wonder can we really do the same request- response in c/cpp.

Harsh Pathak
Harsh Pathak - 27.07.2021 18:09

Code editor?

Island Cave
Island Cave - 03.06.2021 03:12

A video on how to do secure sockets in C would be nice.

Alireza Nemati
Alireza Nemati - 14.03.2021 22:39


Yisheng Jiang
Yisheng Jiang - 09.03.2021 21:33

Way to actually skip DNT in explaining list of request headers! Don’t worry I don’t know that one either.

Alex Caesar
Alex Caesar - 29.12.2020 23:36

what is your editor name?

Dhakshithraam S
Dhakshithraam S - 21.11.2020 18:48

Hey, I have a doubt. Why do you allocate arrays of length MAXLINE + 1, and then only set MAXLINE bytes to 0? And, why do you read only upto MAXLINE - 1 bytes into recvline?

Dhakshithraam S
Dhakshithraam S - 21.11.2020 18:39

Hey I'm so thankful for your tutorials! I just wanted to give you a suggestion; Its better to use
sizeof servaddr
instead of
to emphasize that sizeof is not a function, and that it is an operator. You would have known this, but just saying, brackets are necessary when you use sizeof on a type name.

Alina Ust
Alina Ust - 11.11.2020 19:59

Hello, thank u so much. the best explanation ever ;))

Laiba Mustafa
Laiba Mustafa - 01.11.2020 18:44

I have a read() call and then a write() call in my while loop and write is executing before read, how can I make sure read completes first

krystof - 01.11.2020 16:50

any tutorials how to make it working so i dont have to be on same pc and network? want to make server from my rpi 4 :)

JYSER roshan seeam
JYSER roshan seeam - 19.10.2020 18:13

Very helpful!!!

John Carlo Franco
John Carlo Franco - 11.09.2020 09:43

I build a vpn

AmrT Cpp
AmrT Cpp - 06.09.2020 01:13

Thank you Jacob, really thanks,, so much

Fabian Lopez
Fabian Lopez - 01.09.2020 02:47

Hi Jacob, wonderful tutorial :)

Podi - 20.08.2020 18:10

Hello from Russia. Thank you so much, you explain very clearly and easily!

DirectX - 18.07.2020 09:45

There is something i never clearly understood. Aren't filedescriptors supposed to be unidirectional? like you have 1 to read and 1 to write to? why do we have only 1 to talk to the client here

Kiwi AustEcon
Kiwi AustEcon - 25.05.2020 06:36

I've been looking for exactly this kind of channel. I'm a python dev but more and more I find myself wanting to dabble in some lower-level stuff... and I have a strange fascination with C even though C++ is probably easier to use for application development... I wonder if a lot of things could still be done in raw C given good enough libraries...

GItaf - 18.05.2020 16:35

Hi Jacob, I'm from China. Just wanna say welcome to China! And I'm so appreciated what you're doing! It's very helpful!

Sort of
Sort of - 24.04.2020 14:13

Hi, how do I send my image files to the server in MacOS, I used the senfile() for the linux but I couldn't make it work for MacOS.

Bob Hob
Bob Hob - 17.04.2020 11:47

Still helping people over a year later! Thanks!

HELLEL O. - 01.02.2020 16:31

2 Years Later you will try to invent a templating language based on C then people will ask you to publish this language you will call it CTC, then people will use it as language instead of templating tool, then they force you to include all features of languages until it becomes fully object oriented language in its 7th version CTC 7.

kathiravan kathir
kathiravan kathir - 14.07.2019 21:07

its really cool

Mihir Luthra
Mihir Luthra - 13.06.2019 16:43

I am really thankful that i found ur channel, really helped me alot. I love the way u just come to the point without wasting time on stupid little things. Thanks for the videos, best wishes.

尚子皓 - 27.03.2019 13:31

Amazing tutorial!! Wandering if you could share the code, which would be very helpful!

Thuận Nguyễn-Thái
Thuận Nguyễn-Thái - 09.02.2019 13:12

Hi Jacob,
Thank you so much!!! The code you were presented, can it shared?

JonDaBomb218 - 05.01.2019 01:09

I know it's been over a month so I 'm not sure I will get a reply but when I do localhost:21898 (the port i chose) it says localhost refused to connect. Do you know of any reason why any chance?

searching4facts - 21.11.2018 00:36

nice video, you should expand this to cover epoll
