Being a Scholar is SUFFERING | FFXIV

Being a Scholar is SUFFERING | FFXIV

Lucy Pyre

2 года назад

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@gaiusgrdn - 22.10.2021 15:24

broil 'em, ruin 'em, dissipate their stew

@azhaf8 - 07.12.2023 12:43

everyone was laughing at Expedient until they understand it was so broken SE had to nerf it down

@antipyretic - 07.10.2023 00:21

Selene now is EVEN MORE glam. RIP :c

@Drakthus - 18.09.2023 08:06

damn your voice is cringe :O i really hope thats a fake voice :S so so sorry if it is not :(

@johanmedioni7856 - 11.08.2023 12:06

The P word. You said it. 😡

@adidesu6881 - 29.07.2023 13:48

coming back to this now is even funnier because selene is literally a glamour now

@Dwayneff - 08.07.2023 00:59

Yoshida-san is like a real life father, he takes away our toys. Pisses us off, then gives them back, we can be mad at him, but we can't stay mad. He is master, forever.

@xxxchaosxxx92 - 13.06.2023 13:57

Tell the truth your main is a white mage

@ryanchurchill5081 - 11.06.2023 00:21

Jokes on you as an intp cringe is kinda how I operate.

@KenanVonKaiser - 31.03.2023 10:04

My Lore Is That Fairies Are Enemies And Scare Me So No Scholar For Me Lucky That Leveling Up Summoner Also Levels Up Scholar!

@UrbanCohort - 13.03.2023 21:46

I remember the ARR days, when I'd cross-class WHM and direct Eos to spot heal player B while directly healing player C...times were hard, but they were good.

@Second_UNIT - 22.02.2023 03:13

As a baby sproutling who only recently tried again with this game (10 year long journey, 5 failed attempts to like the game, long ass story) I suddenly understand the echo of Selene that is seen when you first multiclass into SCH
Truly, we are bearing witness to the ghost of the better days :,)

@Slydaa7 - 21.01.2023 22:34

I don't get this video. If you don't like Scholar, just don't play it. There are plenty of jobs to choose from, including different healers. Why make a video just to hate on the job?

@Cheshipuss - 20.01.2023 23:16

Now that we're well into Endwalker's release, can safely say that I prefer Scholar over the other healers.

@playtf2 - 07.12.2022 12:07

being meguka is suffering…

@Faputa-Sosu - 04.12.2022 14:27

So true also never touching Sage.

@Tanktaco - 12.11.2022 03:32

War has changed. What a play.

@Kojiro3210 - 03.10.2022 08:12

I still sch. sch 4 life

@cl9260 - 01.10.2022 07:48

"Brute force transition to the afterlife."

This is how you get a dungeon named after you.

@coyote311 - 19.09.2022 16:15

I main a Scholar in FF XIV and honestly I still enjoy it. There is just a different FEEL about how they play versus any other healing class. I definitely understand where you are coming from with how things changed but I am still enjoying it so I will stick with it. Hopefully you come back to us on your SCH soon!

@LostGeburah - 09.09.2022 20:47

i tried playing sage.
then i had a moment of clarity: i'm not a masochist.
so i swapped back to any of the other healers.

@teadrinkingking - 08.09.2022 21:23

gosh your voice is so jarring

@robinjonk - 07.09.2022 04:27

I can imagine that it has really sucked for all the players that found their niche in pre EW Scholar, but I've personally fallen completely in love with the job while I had never even considered playing a healer before EW. I'm not sure what it is about SCH in it's current state that makes me like it so much though. I kinda feel like the job has this weird balance of being clunky while still feeling smooth to play at the same time(?). Oh and I also LOVE the sound design on Broil IV. It really feels like I'm shooting heavy ordnance mortar cannons out of my hands or something.

99% of playing a healer in this game is spamming this 1 skill over and over and over and almost a year later it STILL hasn't gotten old for me. I think there might be something wrong with me lol.

@kelosrobi3770 - 04.09.2022 21:40

The cringe is what I live for. You are truly a vixen from the seventh layer. Please continue your unholy work.

@Rage-Baby - 04.09.2022 18:08

I cringed every time she mispronounced Seraph. That aside you'll never understand how square really screwed over sch when they took away Selene's ability to apply haste to party members. The. Again the ability to enable the entire party to do everything 2x faster was pretty broken

@xKALLx1 - 30.08.2022 23:16

Scholar is great. But the weapon?? The worst.

@sky_shu1202 - 29.08.2022 11:06

As a sprout. When smn changed I got p pissed. And going to sch got me I went whm and became a healbot

@arkboi2145 - 12.08.2022 18:01

Scholar main here. SCH in 2022 is essentially this: "Lol. You don't need healing if you never take damage." Yes, you have clutch instant-cast heals. However, Eos/Salene will do most of your actual pure healing and HoTs. You, the SCH, will be primarily shielding allies, preventing damage in the first place along with dpsing. You know you're doing your job well when the other healer in the party/raid is literally twiddling their thumbs waiting for a chance to cast a healing spell. I can tell you right now, the MOST sought-after healer in The Bozjan Front, is Scholar. You prevent people from being insta-KO'd. Aside from the other healing classes, there are a handful of lost abilities and lost items that heal much faster and for significantly more than any of a healer's spells/abilities anyway. But no matter how powerful a healer's heals are or the effect of an item is, it can't save you from taking damage past your maximum HP. This is why Scholars shine. You provide that necessary buffer to protect allies HP from being completely drained. Essentially, "doubling" their total HP.

@askalon7817 - 10.08.2022 01:05

I don’t even know why I’m still maining SCH. I should have switched WHM a long time ago

@jonathanbaker4361 - 23.07.2022 05:44

Boobs of steel?

@charleseloi6479 - 19.07.2022 00:35

The only reason I play scholar is because it makes xp easier for summoner (low queue times as a heal and the 2 jobs are level linked).

@rms1034 - 14.07.2022 06:21

Dude I'm laughing my sides hurt gerl. Scholar main I was crying and laughing.. it's all so true fffuuuu

@EmetSelch. - 12.07.2022 10:41

I have been playing the scholar since the beginning of the game. The release of the Astromancer had already put a big dent in this class, but since the release of the Sage, it's worse.
I'm going to quote one of our favourite characters:

Remember us.
Remember that we once lived.

@Roadblock911 - 05.07.2022 05:32

Scholar, the main for intellectual sadists. So long as you know your mechanics, you can let your tanks sweat a little and burst some lustrate into them just when they think all is lost. Toss some crit hit materia in your gear and easy mode all the groups you'll ever be in with crit shield buffs. Watch the suprised reaction on a WHM's face when you give them over 2 bars worth of shield while they only have their little flowers for comfort.

@theimmoralcookie6344 - 02.07.2022 20:02

Removing strategy from SCH is like removing love from life. It's dull, boring, and way to easy.

@ameliagearhearte7875 - 30.06.2022 05:37

And now I am becoming a scholar main... bring the PAIN

@hinotaiwildfire7276 - 21.06.2022 14:27

1. Not gonna lie, I miss my dot mage summoner xD
2. Mained astro before they dumbed it dow- butchered i- changed it...
3. Sage is wonderful and brought me back to healing
4. I attempted scholar and it is indeed suffering lol

@2eeky - 13.06.2022 22:15

I like your insight! I think I'll skip over Scholar for now and consider other classes. Thanks!

@CrossRoadsOfTime - 10.06.2022 20:19

I started with Scholar before switching to WHM in stormblood and, after getting that and Sage to 90 and then going back to get the other two up for completion sake, I totally agree with everything you said, it's way different then I remember, and a lot more painful then playing WHM or SGE

@digitalchemist3867 - 31.05.2022 03:50

she sounds like Monica Rial, the english va for Tanya in "saga of tanya the evil"

@MrPistoleroGun - 25.05.2022 02:42

Selene was the real MVP.
I didn't main scholar, Selene mained my dps T.T We had dots spread and a speed run fairy, we truly were our own kind of job.

But now ... well now we're a good healer with resources, just hated by the devs who like to make us the laughing material with amazingly not amazing new abilities each expansions.
But i'm glad that yoshi hates us, it means we will never see a deep rework that might remove all fairies and make us as boring as the others ! We are winners by being the losers.

@EngorgedBanana - 23.05.2022 08:55

smooth jazz rap was fire

@chandlerwynn573 - 17.05.2022 00:32

Scholar sage and gunbreaker are my favorite jobs ☺️

@thecherrypah83 - 16.05.2022 19:43

I don't know how I've gone so long without knowing or hearing of you. This is the second video of yours that I've watched and I cannot tell you how impressed I am. Seriously, this is pure FFXIV quality content. Thank you for... being you. Now, I'm off to watch your other videos. Much love and respect!

@neitherlink6612 - 12.05.2022 11:25

Honestly, I just like the animations and aesthetic. Broil 3 looks like you are conjuring tactical missiles or something, with Broil 4 being an upgrade!
