Jay Rosen, Media Critic and Journalism Professor at NYU | Credder Podcast #21

Jay Rosen, Media Critic and Journalism Professor at NYU | Credder Podcast #21


3 года назад

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@LiviaHolanda - 02.03.2021 23:46

Great episode, thank you both for sharing. It's great to hear Jay's thoughts on the Australia hyperlink situation and I'm so glad he is working on the membership model, which I believe is very needed to ensure good journalism is sustainable. So much insight packed into this conversation, thank you!

@GarrettMaring - 02.03.2021 23:55

Great conversation and a lot of good insights 💡 Cool to see Jay Rosen connecting with the Credder team

@marcopalmieri9330 - 03.03.2021 03:39

Great to see Professor Rosen on the podcast. Very informative podcast on the current state of journalism and where we go from here. Really liked hearing about the membership model. Seems to me we will see more and more of this and hopefully this will prove to be a successful method of revenue generation for smaller publications and keep them from using pay walls. It would be nice to get him back on the podcast in a year and get his take on how media in general and cable news in specific have adjusted to the post Trump era.

@Mikeysil - 03.03.2021 04:36

Really interesting conversation. Jay brings great perspective to the topic. Well structured and moderated as well.

@joeywiessler3502 - 03.03.2021 08:04

Enjoyed this episode. Glad to have Jay on to explain this issue

@leebailey304 - 03.03.2021 22:43

Great insight into the future of Journalism. Really enjoy this weekly podcast. Keep em coming!
