Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | The Road to Odyssey - PRE ALPHA: Mission Playthrough

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey | The Road to Odyssey - PRE ALPHA: Mission Playthrough

Elite Dangerous

3 года назад

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@paprika8795 - 22.02.2023 04:34

after one year later, im having a lot fun with odyssey. give it another try now.

@oz5174 - 14.01.2023 23:27

Watching this rn feels so...sad

@theonefrancis696 - 14.10.2022 14:49

These guys: super sneak

@roger_isaksson - 27.07.2021 12:11

Goddamn it, night drops helicopter style and IR goggles. 🤔

@gregorygobert1688 - 20.07.2021 14:09

J’aimerais bien avoir de nouveau véhicule prochainement

@Astronomy1610 - 22.06.2021 00:49

Mr. Braben , thanks for odyssey , despite the bugs , I know it wil be fixed. I love it!

@lilmookieesquire - 12.06.2021 06:52

That's hecka messed up. I'm playing the (new?) tutorial now, and it's night time and everyone is dead and I'm trying to bring the station online and download data. (But I can't because there's 11 pieces of data to download and I'm full at 10/10 data). That said, it looks like the new tutorial is the aftermath of whatever happened here.

@bhupikaushal3833 - 12.06.2021 05:17

Well done lads !!!!!! Spot on!!!!!!

@alezandercorben4122 - 05.06.2021 13:38

Shame it wasn’t finished when I came out.

@Cedrowacki - 29.05.2021 18:09

there are no team missions only one person gets the profit from the mission. Scammers

@ChompZael - 23.05.2021 07:06

"Making great progress" yeah..... with mostly negative steam reviews currently at 33%.

@3jake5mee - 20.05.2021 22:39

the AI, is DUMB. DUMB. DUMB.

@gf1945__ - 14.05.2021 09:13

Some of the guns were based off Destiny 2 guns.

@jenskaufmann3353 - 12.05.2021 23:18

Nice video und it looks good. Unfortunetly the whole expansion seems to me as going 100% into the wrong direction -- and doing the same mistake like Star Citizen. Seriously, people that enjoy Elite Dangerous love to fly in space ships and fly around with their joystick/flightstick gear. If they want an FPS shooter, there are good options for everybody. I would have loved to see a big multiplayer expansion extending stories and mission as cooperatively playable content. I also love PVP content and a consistend universe but that is flawed in Elite anyway because of the inconsistency between online & offline gameplay.

@pharossymphony - 12.05.2021 22:27

I hate when people play the game like this. It's not that serious. Looking forward to the release May 19th.

@Willientus - 12.05.2021 18:27

The rest looks good but please change the gun sounds. It's very underwhelming.

@rytisgudkov4392 - 11.05.2021 13:30

A few touch ups, and its the DLC of the year!

@Marcioss - 09.05.2021 02:56

Please make this DLC FREE 🥺🥺🥺

@tambian9130 - 08.05.2021 15:27

You should change the name of this game to Elite ORANGE! ..From in game text to HUD to travelling in space. All i could see was fucking orange. Whoever chose or did the Colour programming for this game needs to get sacked ASAP. And the name of your DLC?...Odyssey Orange edition?..

@Sheeg - 07.05.2021 15:51

This HUD is everything but immersive

@Johannes00 - 06.05.2021 14:52

Eve Online had this first with its Dust 514 intergration, but it got shut down in 2016.
Hoping very much that this will fill that scratch!

@ContraryClipsHub - 06.05.2021 01:21

You should team up with Ripple and put XRP all over the galaxy to be mined. 👌 Now that would be next level traveling the galaxy Mining Crypto that you can actually spend in reality boom mind blown!

@Lahres - 05.05.2021 16:38

great for Alpha... i do hope they fix the non existant AI tho ^^

@Gantz1689 - 01.05.2021 04:37

i like it but was also painful to watch

@johnathaned - 29.04.2021 15:29

We need a good turret system for when the ship is docked if the pilot needs to provide cover fire.

@morisking555 - 29.04.2021 00:28

When enter in atmosphere not burn chassis? Atmospheric Planet Sky in day time see stars in the Sky? Is not realistic! Please Frontier solve this poblematics!

@vertexrikers - 28.04.2021 22:29


@Khemore - 28.04.2021 19:52

So happy for the steps u guys make... But PLEASE give us storage or inventory on station to store minerals items etc...... Would be a HUGE quality of life and it won´t require that much to make.

@annastasijaspellman2536 - 28.04.2021 05:47

Lol no one talks like that on voice chat

@ahmedelsheikh2737 - 27.04.2021 09:13

You should be able to walk around the inside of your ship while flying

@annihilator4413 - 26.04.2021 09:57

Man, at this rate maybe Elite could wind up being a better Star Citizen lol. SC has been in development for almost a decade now, but ED is finished and keeps getting more and more features added. With space legs it is more or less equal with SC, though I will admit SC has pretty great graphics. The main problem with SC is the pay to play ships, beefy computer requirements, and lack of things to do... plus it seems like it will never be 'completed'. How many hundreds of millions has SC raked in but it still isn't even out of Alpha? Elite could have all the features and more in another 2-4 years. More ships, ship interiors, base building... if Elite can add all of that, then it'll be better than SC. Elite definitely needs more ships though, would help with more variety and larger pilotable ships.

@rafaelgoncalvesdias7459 - 25.04.2021 23:01

Geez "painel is cut", "painel is down" that clip was so annoying for me. In my education I've learned that unless it's something meaningful it's better to stay with ur mouth shut. Also I'm not sure if making the game a fps was wise. CCP did it on eve and lost lots of money's. Also by the look of it I think there's other fps games that do it better.

@pmondi9998 - 25.04.2021 21:09

Am I the only one who thinks this is basically the rainbow six siege gameplay trailer back from 2014?

@laurens6989 - 25.04.2021 19:37

I’m still sad you can not walk in your ship.

@vistaero - 25.04.2021 13:17

I’ve been waiting for years for an update that brings planets with atmosphere because I was sick of landing on boring ass planets with no sky. But as a paid DLC with lots of extra stuff? Now all hope is lost because I’m not paying again for only one feature I actually wanted. Game uninstalled.

@timk6612 - 24.04.2021 23:00

Bro why are people so bitchy in this comment section

@FelixTsang - 24.04.2021 09:15

The dev teams can borrow some ideas from star citizen if it’s not already implemented
For example:
Armor damage reduction percentage
Disable comm link to make a small area (planet) anarchy.
Automated AA turrets that need to be taken down before landing, or just land stealthily
Some if not all players would appreciate walking in their ship as well

@ImTrans-Former - 24.04.2021 09:02

Nice script.

@jeanbryot6765 - 24.04.2021 03:37

thats not how gamer play, where the profanity?

@h.b.1247 - 23.04.2021 21:37

Well....I'm still buying it. Because I'm a sucker

@pancakewizard1533 - 23.04.2021 18:15

Looks fun! I would suggest it would be great if you have to occasionally deal with more covert approaches eg. no weapons allowed in the settlement, but as part of the contract there's a hidden cache of weapons on the way to the main objective. Think like a inconspicuous barrel or something that the players have to open and pull the weapons out - they don't know what weapons are going to be provided, they just have to make the best of it...or maybe they've been double-crossed and finding the weapons immediately alerts local law enforcement.

@Thekikoblazko - 23.04.2021 16:07

Guys I like your work but you really need to improve that AI

@Aysen166 - 23.04.2021 12:28

its a free mod right? surely you dont charge money for that weak ass content

@bonaldbonaldson5628 - 23.04.2021 02:07

The A.I don't look very smart :(

@RogueBeatsARG - 23.04.2021 01:33

Oh look, its Star Citizen but real

@jesusantoniochavezrebolled2586 - 23.04.2021 00:16

i love!!!!!

@chaoticsoap - 22.04.2021 18:24

them screaming "KEEP FIRING" though that little city gave me goosebumps, epic audio design

@beermarket9971 - 21.04.2021 22:22

This is so scripted it's hilarious x)

I hope everyone had fun doing it :D

@tirechasershouston5537 - 21.04.2021 12:11

I'm impressed with this game play. I only wish I didn't have to kill all the scientists. Some of them should be surrendering. There should not only be bounty awards for killing the hard core believers. There should also be negative credit penalties for shooting anyone who has their priorities in place. I know for a fact that not all scientists would choose the zero sum game if given the option to surrender. Most would prefer a rifle butt to the face and handcuffs.
I've seen the holding cells in the game. Put them to use. Give us credits for proper prisoner handling. Add that kink to the gameplay.
Who knows, sprinkle an opportunistic hero among the surrendered.

@moses4747 - 19.04.2021 17:27

We need the feature to walk around in our ships
