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ToryJJ - 21.11.2023 22:52

Shouldve came to the west before the p2w updates. So we could riot and prevent it. Now its done. So sad. Combat was good

Dr. Panda
Dr. Panda - 19.11.2023 21:54

A tire game gets ruined by greedy money grubin asshats, seriously rotting away..shame

Gabreeze - 19.11.2023 06:43

I remember when this game was teased to the west market and how it took literally almost a DECADE to come to us.
When the game was ready to play it was already dead. The animations were dull, the storyline was shitty (to say the very least) the classes were not good, Blade Master and Kung Fu Master were the only good ones, the concept of the game progression were salty and hard.
The game itself is a very bad concept 'til you reach the fun content, which is VERY FAR from the beginners.

Rataldo - 13.11.2023 01:59

this is the end of every single KOREAN mmo. its like they make them to last just a couple of years and then just make them go into an extreme p2w system till it dies. happened the same with TERA and most likely the same fate will happen with this game.

Dustin Pope
Dustin Pope - 11.11.2023 21:34

Love the combat in this game, spent a ton of time on it. the big issue for anyone new is probably going to be finding groups for dungeons. Everyone that is already playing are not running early dungeons.

вггг - 10.11.2023 20:42


Hatsune Elissu
Hatsune Elissu - 08.11.2023 03:20

my biggest complaint is that they keep buffing dungeons and make them annoying to progress!
Remember that one dungeon that was fun and u can do solo? FORGET IT NOW! now u wil need a team of 6 and still have a hard time!

iknothatukno - 06.11.2023 13:20

Fact is. This game lost it roots.

It was supposed to be about cool martial arts animations. The only gear was supposed to be your one weapon and your soul pizza. And when I say one weapon, I mean the hongmoon weapon you originally get.

Now this game is absolute hot garbage.

I regret tracking this game for a decade prior to release

Megaphy - 31.10.2023 16:17

NCsoft have some of the most talented artists out there and they just love to take a giant dump on top of their work, every time. What a wasted potential.

Rain Blue
Rain Blue - 31.10.2023 11:00

This was for me first mmo back in 2016 (not counting runescape or osrs which was my childhood), the raids, the dungeons, they were unmatched in my eyes, not that i knew because it was my first mmo. I remember when i accidentally entered the poharan instance and there was so many people killing bosses, i was like wtf is this, bosses have so much hp! the excitement was through the roof playing this game. I made friends with which we were clearing dungeons 4man everyday or sometimes pugging 6man. Dungeons were so damn good. Ransacked treasury i actually had to try and learn or sandstorm temple hardmode farming. With guild we did the first and second raid. The bee raid took us like 1 month to actually clear, after we killed her we took a nice photo of all characters and it gave the feeling of great achievement. This was epic. The faction farming and the amount of people participating was huge. Damn good memories. I thought connecting to the game just for the sake of nostalgia.

Salvador Scar
Salvador Scar - 22.10.2023 12:58

they better start BnS classic. Holy sht bro, i'd play this game once more. That was probably the best MMO experience i ever had, even better than WoW or Lineage 2

Randyyy - 17.10.2023 23:45

the worst thing about this game is, ALL the main quests are still there, they havent shortened it at all, its only been shortened very minimal, so making a new character is really painful and its disgusting to do because most of the quests are escorting NPCs and waiting on the long conversations, no way to skip unless you pay

SYTRIY - 10.10.2023 17:58

I quit playing the game roughly 2 years ago, and I still don't regret it.
Between how much worse an already p2w game got, the toxic community, the piss poor optimization, fuck that shit.
I was playing the game since almost the beginning (while my account was made on launch, I was unable to play until summer that year), and then I quit 2ish years ago. In terms of gear back then, I'd be considered a whale.
It was a mix of various things that made me quit. The piss poor optimization made the server move to the east coast absolute hell for west coast players, especially if you were something like a warlock. The already p2w game (with shit like trove, which got worse each trove) somehow became even more p2w. The dwindling community got progressively more and more toxic.
This was right before 3rd spec for warlock drop, a bit before ue4. So idk personally how much worse the game got after that.

Funktastico - 09.10.2023 07:59

Honestly thinking of BnS makes me sad, I loved this game and to this day I'm stil searching for the next big mmo to play that makes me feel what Bns once made me felt u.u

AzuraQuin Lilax
AzuraQuin Lilax - 08.10.2023 16:01

Loved the game when it first started . Especially the original kung fu master . I remember modeling my charecter after Akuma . And loved it , Felt like him too honestly . How kung fu master feels very different. It could just be me but Idk

Imman Paul Alog
Imman Paul Alog - 03.10.2023 23:57

I remember playing this game a few years back and was one of the frontrunners of raids. Network latency caught up to our DPS due to being located in SEA. We tried reaching out to NCSoft given that there were a lot of players in the continent, but they just brushed us off. I eventually quitted, a lot of my friends did as well. I guess it's good while it lasted.

ResidentPolarBear - 01.10.2023 17:09

oh my god titties. I gotta play this.

Tokiomy - 01.10.2023 09:16

How is this game not dead yet?

Zeaig - 30.09.2023 00:52

I desperately miss the days of monthly sub games without microtransactions. It's reached a stage where despite my deep love for video games, I find myself lacking the enthusiasm to even care about new games in the genre. I'd happily give a studio $200-300 box price along with a subscription fee if it meant I could enjoy peace of mind, assured that I wouldn't be constantly baited with microtransactions, and that the game's core design wasn't centered around pushing in-game purchases.

I just want fun MMORPGS again that make me feel good about playing them.

nnickerson100 - 27.09.2023 09:39

while its not stated in the patch notes i think they did listen to one bit of community feedback. that being the rng in upgrading gear. the odds of upgrading a accesory from skysong is way better than upgradeing any of the occulus accesories. outside of that though.... yeah

Marcelo Coutinho
Marcelo Coutinho - 26.09.2023 21:26

this last comment fits so many mmos that are nowadays. most of them are hollow shells in which you have to actively seek something fun even though there kind of isnt.

Genryuu - 25.09.2023 00:50

A great game with infinite potential killed by its publishers and developers with horribly actions. So much effort wasted in there and they keeps game intact barely. İ hope to see it gone for good soon

Gastón Margenat
Gastón Margenat - 24.09.2023 06:39

I hope in 2023 you finish the story... and share your honest thoughts on the new content you talk about, not just sales, we are all f2p. If you don't finish the story and see the end of the game, you can't talk about the game, how do you talk about PvP? do you experience? How do you know its unbalance? I dont defend the game, the pve is very good, the pvp is bad because game's dependence on pin. but you can't make a video talking about a game just for saw their profits went down.

shinichi kudo
shinichi kudo - 21.09.2023 02:43

Ngl this game design,story etc2...i can say they still good but gosh their community is become more toxic than before...especially those so called veterans players...they treat new player and comeback players like unwanted ppl in there...not to mention how toxic most vets player treat new player and comeback gosh so many veterans players just cheaters and hackers in this game now and they freaking bragging to new player and comeback player about their damage 😂😂😂 shame at all and disgusting tho

Jun Lockhart
Jun Lockhart - 20.09.2023 05:13

Only if this game ever get a team like FFXIV, it woulda lead a different path.. It have so much to work with, this game have a chance to become great but was just died because of greedy company...

Karim Mardini
Karim Mardini - 17.09.2023 06:54

Blade$Soul really good game then he starting man. the best game on pve and pvp world and 1v1 3v3 love this game.! im so sad he this time he dont its good more :(

cico folle
cico folle - 12.09.2023 22:30

pvp p2w??????? wait what?

denis viher
denis viher - 10.09.2023 16:41

Don't play NCSOFT games if you cant afford it simple 💀💀💀

mothman84 - 06.09.2023 04:16

Well, if there is no monthly fee, then inevitably they need to get money from somewhere. There's no such thing as a free lunch. By the way, the games that DO have a monthly fee ALSO fill their shops with optional items, cosmetics & crap you want to buy, so they can milk you some more every month...

Oda - 01.09.2023 19:11

NCsoft killed a legend of a game. I still to this day cannot find an mmo to match BNS. The weight of your attacks, rotations changing as you upgrade your gear from lvl 1, and imo the best dungeon/raid experiences I have ever had. RIP

GliTcH !!!YOU BETTER RUN!!! - 31.08.2023 15:51

Played this abit in my past and forgot the name but never gave up trying to search for it. Unfortunately I find it unfortunate state. Gonna miss the old B&S

Acumen - 29.08.2023 14:39

2013~14 Played on the russian server , the game was a blast and a half , then it got shut down , bns come to na/eu and it just slowly declines into boring p2w garbage, it crushes my heart every single time i remember this game.

Emy Mh
Emy Mh - 27.08.2023 20:54

This amazing game is going exactly the same way as it was tera online... It's really a shame.

Rinkuri Ichi
Rinkuri Ichi - 26.08.2023 20:02

i loved this cause of fighting style and you can get item from in the game and now it just bullshit.

x VaLLaNaR x
x VaLLaNaR x - 25.08.2023 02:53

I tried playing this game very long ago when it first came out in the West. I have always jumped in and out of it. I loved the visuals and the play style was alright. But I never had the feeling that this is an MMO it always felt more like a instanced based co-op sandbox type of game. And with no Holy trinity tank/heal/dps type of Dungeons it just could never really keep me playing. BUT again the visuals were good so that made me come back from time to time since it did feel at least as an easy to play just sit back and relax game. Was planning to try and come back to it again but after seeing your video I see that nothing has really changed and would probably just try and find a new MMO, thank you for keeping us Updated!!

Shinobu - 24.08.2023 13:33

I've always wanted to try this game since I found out about it since its everything I wanted (fast combat. Good graphics with anime aesthetic, good outfits/character customization/ the scenery and locations are gorgeous) But the stories I hear of the miserable grind f2p is and missing out on end game dungeons because it takes too long to get the gear to do them really put me off.

Gorbo Grandman
Gorbo Grandman - 22.08.2023 17:32

i cant even download this game

Yuusha - 20.08.2023 16:48

its why i got burnout of bns :/

andrew paul
andrew paul - 15.08.2023 10:14

Blade and soul is such a beautiful game. Its fun for me to just admire the scenerey and the combat system is great. But there is no one in the game. I'm only level 21, and i need someone to help me do Blackram Narrows. No one will. NO matter how long i sit there asking for help no one ever comes form my own klan or elsewise. So i'm stuck at blackram narrows unable to progress the story . Why did they abandon this game? it could have been so much more.

HairlessVulture - 15.08.2023 00:18

There is no way in hell you can live for a month with 100$ of grocery. Unless you eat instant ramen noodles like a looser all the time no way in hell.

Damon F
Damon F - 13.08.2023 12:14

I tried to go back and play it and for some reason even with a good pc its super laggy and broken in 2023

codediax - 13.08.2023 02:48

I played BnS from launch for about 4 years or so. Combat was great, different, interesting. Inspite of the content rush for the first year, it was solid. After that first year and a half, that's when they started incorperating the gacha elements until it turned into a full blown seasonal gacha. The Sacred Oil drama went on for years. I also remember when they nerfed classes to be easier to play and adding some easy-mode function later on. The weird spec designs that didn't get fixed until way down in the life cycle. Eventually left at some point with my guild. If NCSoft had just chilled with the gamba, it'd probably play out alot different. Pretty unique combat, class control, dungeons were great, Raids were great, I personally only cared for the story up to heavens mandate. Stop caring after that lol, but yea it really could've stood out and kept a bigger audience if it had made some better decisions.

Soren Mattson
Soren Mattson - 10.08.2023 22:32

I used to play Blade and Soul. It has beautiful, fantastic music, the best I've heard from any MMO. Its demon designs are so creative (except for the dark lord, that malburo packaging colored hair-gel drenched Raiden ripoff basic bitch.) and they have incredible graphics that in some places look like inkbrush paintings. I played for as long as I could, but when I was simply given some of the best equipment in the game simply by logging in, and when my dps was increased to a number I had never seen until that point, I tried to feel excited, but I could not. It felt empty. That was when I uninstalled the game. It wasn't worth it. The grind was endless and gave no worthwhile rewards, and for someone who is largely a solo player, I was entirely unable to do anything without help from randoms. To hear it has gotten worse breaks my heart.

SparkySPIKE - 08.08.2023 09:21

Dead game.. God forbid I start playing it again. A money-hungry company, the developments are nowhere to be found. I'm not even talking about the end game.

Lights Of Cassatt
Lights Of Cassatt - 08.08.2023 05:28

The only thing people wanted out of this game or any other game was for it to have more solo ability! They killed this game with all the boss mechanics and Clan/Group dependent dungeons, and also EVERYTHING is stupidly repetitive it takes 1000’s of runs of the same dungeons to acquire anything worth while! AaI would say just let this one die along with everything else NC Soft has anything to do with! These scam a bank games have come and are now on the way out!

wow708 - 06.08.2023 09:24

i was hoping this game see good future tho, i was 3 times its close beta and i did love this game very long time tho i stopped playing it long time ago when i started to see some daily gold nerf and coming cash shops and my pc space started being full so its started affect performance x) at time i did not have sdd storage only hdd sadly

Tom Tom
Tom Tom - 05.08.2023 21:38

man i been carryin so much hate and rage against the devs of this game, these mther fkers are just on another level of lying and milkin money. if any of u mther fkers (devs) see this comment "fk u and have a horrible day"
