Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Cabal Quotes

Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun - Cabal Quotes


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Thomas Dean Gibson(Hans(Tobias Hoffmann))
Thomas Dean Gibson(Hans(Tobias Hoffmann)) - 08.10.2023 09:29

Schulz Buch New Kid In Oberer Sägerweg 44/1 In 75305 Neuenbürg Is Cabal The Stalking Is Horrobile I Am All The Time Drunken

Raquesis?! It's Lachesis!
Raquesis?! It's Lachesis! - 26.09.2023 01:48

"Control the media; Control the mind."

Navarro - 19.06.2023 02:33


Ryan Susman
Ryan Susman - 04.06.2023 05:30

Establishing battlefield control, standby. GDI structure destroyed. Battle control offline. Building infiltrated. Cannot deploy here. Construction complete. Incoming transmission. Insufficient funds. Low power. Mission accomplished. Mission failed. New construction options. Primary building set. Reinforcements have arrived. Repairing. Select target. Silos needed. Building captured. Timer started. Timer stopped. Training. Unable to comply, building in progress. Unit armor upgraded. Unit firepower upgraded. Unit lost. Unit ready. Unit repaired. Unit speed upgraded. Base under attack. Harvest there under attack. Primary objective achieved. Speed Upgraded Base Under Attack Harvester Under Attack Primary Objective Achieved Secondary Objective Achieved Tertiary Objective Achieved Quaternary Objective Achieved Bridge Repaired 20 Minutes Remaining 10 Minutes Remaining 5 Minutes Remaining 4 Minutes Remaining 3 Minutes Remaining 2 Minutes Remaining 1 Minutes Remaining 10 minutes remaining. 5 minutes remaining. 4 minutes remaining. 3 minutes remaining. 2 minutes remaining. 1 minute remaining. Missile launch detected. Chemical missile ready. Cluster missile ready. Iron cannon ready. EMPulse cannon ready. Firestorm defense ready. Firestorm defense offline.! Cloaked Unit Detected! Subterranean Unit Detected! Iron Storm Approaching! Meteor Storm Approaching! Base Defenses Offline! Critical Unit Lost! Critical Structure Lost! New Terrain Discovered! Cancelled! Mutant Supplies Found! Commandos En route! You have lost. You has resigned. Player 1 was defeated. You are victorious. You have lost. You have resigned. Mutant commandos available. Alliance formed. Alliance broken. Our ally is under attack. Build more power plants to restore full power. Build barracks to train additional troops. Build hand of Nod to train additional troops. Build a Tiberium refinery to harvest Tiberium. Build Tiberium silos to store excess Tiberium. Infuriate tactics detected. Observe superior tactics while you still have human eyes. Your defeat is at hand. You have been marked for termination. Time to erase the human factor from this equation. Prepare for decimation, for you are not worthy of assimilation. You make this easy, flesh bag. We tire of your insignificant defiance. The sacrifice of the menace but pleasure for the few. Terminator Protocols initiated. Proceeding with final sweep. Harvest the Tiberian to the north. Destroy all of Hasan's elite guard. To get production online, build a Tiberium refinery. Base perimeter has been breached. Establishing battle controls. Please stand by. Battle controls established. Tiberium is hazardous to unprotected infantry. Caution is advised. Power levels are low, construct more power plants. Capture the TV station to the east. Destroy the remainder of Hassan's Guard. Move to an open area and build your base. After you locate Hassan's pyramid, use your tick tanks to destroy it. When Hassan flees like a dog, capture him. Capturing the local radar towers will allow me to extend our propaganda and expand our divination efforts. MCV has arrived to the southeast. It seems that certain structures in this region attract lightning, creating a kind of safety zone. Use them to your advantage. GDI Base Operational. Tacitus has been acquired. Tiberium Lifeform detected. Mutant Vroom and detected. GDI Dropship detected. Bullet-trained Departing. Prevent that train from leaving and retrieve the task. Protect your engineers. They are your only hope of capturing the GDI base. Congratulations on your success. I will send an APC now to rendezvous with you at the GDI base. Your forces have been detected. Prevent GDI's evacuation in all corps. Incoming transport detected. Mutant lifeform detected on board. Mutants located. Tunnel secure. MCB en route. Research facility located. Research facility destroyed. Objective complete. Biotoxin convoy approaching. Biotoxin tankers located. GDI bullet train arriving at outpost. GDI bullet train arriving at GDI main prison facility. Transport has arrived. Transport lost. Transport has been detected. The creature is the Tiberium substance we seek. Use it. Tiberium is so ready. Do not allow the construction yard to be destroyed. You must build the Tiberium waste facility to destroy the substance. Combo and truck lost. Tiberium missile ready. Combo inbound. Stealth is king. Spy lost. Mission failed. Comcenter infiltrated. Location detected. If he detects the trap, capture him before he complete the sector. Convoy sighted. Transport ETA 30 minutes. Do not let McNeil escape. McNeil killed. Mission failed. All topson soldiers killed. Mission failed. McNeil captured. Mission failed. ICBM launcher under attack. Iron cannon firing. Resending control codes. The iron cannon is ours. Spy kill. Mission failed. Proceed to evac location. Transport en route.

Junkman - 06.04.2023 23:21

Things got real dark around the 3 minute mark

Roy Asturias
Roy Asturias - 02.04.2023 17:31

ChatGPT, same first letter as CABAL...

Se Palmq
Se Palmq - 04.02.2023 12:43

hehe, if you look at the auto generated subtitles instead of saying "ion storm approaching" it says "i am storm approaching" which due to being a fan of dmc5 i find funny.

Archzenom - 02.02.2023 19:12

What is Zordon doing in CNC?

Prince Cobra!
Prince Cobra! - 24.11.2022 04:14

Base under attack 😬😭

wallabing - 18.11.2022 01:21

Cabal is actually Kane himself.

Xell Dincht
Xell Dincht - 05.10.2022 00:15

the new Windows has Cortana (Halo) as a virtual assistant but i would prefer Cabal over her because i just like his evil laugh

Fellipe Navarro
Fellipe Navarro - 06.08.2022 04:29

Just imagine Amazon Echo with Cabal's voice

ALEXZANDER YT - 26.07.2022 23:01

Beside the NOD eva its perfect too!!

Максим Шило
Максим Шило - 21.01.2022 12:03

legendary rts all of time

Shendo3000 - 10.12.2021 07:39

Someone should make this as an available voice for Siri or Alexa or something. Same goes for all the C&C interface voices.

Tfom - 10.12.2021 04:40

A division of Hassan's Elite Guard is closing in on our position. The probability of a favourable outcome can be increased, if we can return to your main base and engage the enemy as we move.

☭ No Heroes Publishing 🚫
☭ No Heroes Publishing 🚫 - 06.12.2021 12:41

Someone should really attempt to take all of the CABAL duologue and put it into that voice program and see if they could create a viable text to speech with his voice.

Ajo Posty
Ajo Posty - 26.11.2021 17:17

best asmr in these years

Drackeon - 12.11.2021 14:24

I set my 144p quality on the video and Cabal still in 720p HD

Brian Allen
Brian Allen - 27.09.2021 12:27

Time to take the human factor out of the equation.

Crylab - 23.09.2021 21:51


thousandyoung - 30.04.2021 10:51

Why is NOD always cooler in all games?

Lenny Ramon
Lenny Ramon - 01.04.2021 23:09

Cabal instead of OK Google, Siri or Alexa...

Rikimaru - 31.03.2021 01:53

R.I.P. command conquer you wars the best game in my life! (stratagie)

Asgardsjaeger - 26.03.2021 20:07

how can i add this effect to my own voice?

TheKnightOfSmite - 23.01.2021 17:29

RIP Milton James voice of CABAL you will never be forgotten man, you were a legend of our childhoods

SezarOroo - 12.01.2021 13:46

I use this when I do my daily workout.

Peter Turbo
Peter Turbo - 08.12.2020 05:44

The amount of nostalgia from this voice

Shaliko - 04.10.2020 03:04

so many C&C fans here, while everyone goes to the lame new games of battle royal and all the other shitty trends the c&c fans remain true to their childhood games, love you all friends

Lenin Luna
Lenin Luna - 03.08.2020 04:46

QAnon mental patients: copying the name and concept to build their delusional conspiracy which sadly many follow

arrowghost - 22.06.2020 22:39

C&C Remastered time, it'll be cool (though not canon, but for the fun of it) if CABAL is the voice of TD's Nod faction.

TheDirtydeeds54 - 09.06.2020 23:29

"You a ho, you a stupid ho!"

CyberCheese - 11.05.2020 08:41

I need a video of Cabal talking. Anyone know?!

Spankrocket Gaming
Spankrocket Gaming - 11.03.2020 01:23

sounds similar to Samual Hayden from Doom, anyone agree?

JoabeLP - 21.02.2020 05:13

Establishing battlefield control... Standby!

Tiberium Resurrection
Tiberium Resurrection - 19.01.2020 17:25

Ah, this brings back memories...

fargeeks - 09.01.2020 23:24

tiberium missle ready? i have never ever heard that before

Fe Sc
Fe Sc - 02.01.2020 22:25

I want my car/satnav to have CABAL's voice...

starts engine - "Battle control online"
"Turn left here, flesh-bag, or be re-processed"
"Listen to the sound of your acceleration"
"Incoming transmission" (when being called)
mother in law gets in the car - "building captured"
puts in premium gas instead of usual 98 - "unit speed upgraded"
waifu makes compliment about the car - "primary objective achieved"
angry left-laner in his Porsche approaches - "missile launch detected"
car without lights pulls infront of you - "cloaked unit detected"
hail storm starts - "meteor storm approaching"
turns on radar cruise control - "observe superior tactics while you still have human eyes"
gets angry text from waifu - "you have been marked for termination"
looks for petrol station in satnav - "harvest Tiberium to the north"

Mythdon - 18.12.2019 16:54

The legendary voice of Milton James 1939-2018 (RIP)

Master of Faith
Master of Faith - 28.08.2019 08:26

Skynet - despite awesome Terminators, too many flaws and failures. Just like Voldemort, a walking cringe.
Ultron - does awesome stuff, but acts like deviant teenage idiot. still too inferior.
AM - unique, pioneering and creative, but extremely chaotic and vulnerable. requires multiple updates and improvements.
Hal 9000 - superior design, extremely effective and resourceful. requires minor improvements.
Soundwave-Shockwave symbiosis - nearly endless adaptability potential, highly skilled destructive capabilities.
Cabal - pure perfection.
Dark Mechanisuc of Iron Warriors - absurd, impossible, too op to exist.

Avenger85438 - 13.07.2019 23:43

Same voice actor as Baal in Diablo 2.

Kamikaze - 27.04.2019 04:28

Some of these sound like he's mocking you
