Beginner's Guide To The Linux Terminal

Beginner's Guide To The Linux Terminal


3 года назад

343,056 Просмотров

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DevotionToChaos - 19.09.2023 18:49

That's a cute little video, did your husband make it for you?

TestChannel-Ignore - 18.09.2023 22:05

What you said about moving, copying, creating deleting files via a terminal is so true. I liked the tip about asking beginners to re-watch, and try the commands. Of course I am an old hat at this, but was looking for a video for co-workers.

Giovanni Komis
Giovanni Komis - 17.09.2023 07:46

Excellent work, one of the best tutorials about beginning learn Linux.

Fstop Live
Fstop Live - 16.09.2023 00:58

Hey DT, How many times you think I've watched this video🤣 Got Proxmox installed & the Debians' Lite Chromium Xfce DM! Wahoooo everything works! Now how do I remove Debian's DM? 🤣 I just have to write whatever, distro I'm on. Will be using nano in that Debian XFCE DM . How do you print out a doc from nano or a terminal to printer?

Tommy Selbe
Tommy Selbe - 14.09.2023 02:41

Tandy trs80, I learned Basic in the 80s, DOS in the 90s, msDOS shell 6 was my favorite. I upgraded my green screen msDOS to an amber ibm dos in 96.. my bbs was the cyberdome, on my PS1 ibmdos 8color. Yeah new Orleans Superdome was a current thing. PC plus was my browser... via 2400bpm Dial up... Had all Three ISP CompuServe, prodigy and aol... NetZero was always a good back up...

By 98.. my skills got noticed. I passed the tests for telecommunication tech II... I'm now retired from at&t Long lines... theses distros, this Linux, it is all the same. Different names and faces but the game... ah the game stays the same... reel to reel, 45s, albums, 8 track or cassette tape. CDs, mp3...

Your videos are so helpful, thanks for the lessons 😺

Vijay Das
Vijay Das - 07.09.2023 09:31

i want to know about Helios I'm not able to access file manager in that

Sharky - 14.08.2023 19:19

Thank you! Very good tutorial! Learned some new commands like Bang Bang...😂😂

Ahmad Syahir Zuraidin
Ahmad Syahir Zuraidin - 08.08.2023 03:24

I just started using Linux and this is very helpful!

Average Michael Jordans
Average Michael Jordans - 24.07.2023 06:19

God man, this kinda sucks. Nearly every command, every directory and every parameter feels hand-picked to be as difficult to understand as possible. "ls", "pwd", "cat", all seemingly pivotal commands that are undecipherable at a glance. Even the better ones like "man" are hard to understand. Seems like most names prioritize briefness over readability, but the practicality of that is questionable with the existence of autocomplete. You've just gotta slowly and painfully bash these into your skull one by one, it sucks. Having case sensitivity also sucks.

I really want to move from windows because of all the less-than-good practices microsoft employs, but this is making it feel like jumping from one unhappy relationship straight into another. I'm gonna push on because I don't give up that easy, but damn it all if I'm not gonna express my frustration at this.

Kardelen Aydoğan
Kardelen Aydoğan - 20.07.2023 16:21

i cant thank you enough for this video. i just started the odin project, installed a dual boot but the linux terminal always confused me. i just watched your video and the way you teach is excellent!!! thank you so much.

Ipd Drenthe Borger
Ipd Drenthe Borger - 17.07.2023 01:32

how do i format rasberry pi?

Miguel RC
Miguel RC - 13.07.2023 09:22

you're an amazing teacher, in a first 4 minutes I learned more that other 20 minutes videos

Mountainman McBeachfront
Mountainman McBeachfront - 07.07.2023 03:51

B o S S

CG Cauldron
CG Cauldron - 26.06.2023 10:08

Epic! I've gone through many other tuts, and this one is way on top. Thx a lot!

Oberdan Santos
Oberdan Santos - 03.06.2023 18:00

Very good

Milton Cosmo
Milton Cosmo - 30.05.2023 01:00

Been Interested in learning Linux and your video is Excellent. TYVM 🤠

Ibrar Khalil
Ibrar Khalil - 29.05.2023 19:39

Thats Great

Mohamed Elkastawy
Mohamed Elkastawy - 14.05.2023 21:58

this is just beautiful, thanks man, I was able to smoothly follow along, network chuck had me stressed the fuck out

Sam bath Le luyer
Sam bath Le luyer - 10.05.2023 05:54

Thanks a lot. This is valuable for me, a new beginner into Linux Realm.

Leopoldo Olmos
Leopoldo Olmos - 07.05.2023 01:57

A must see!

Scott Kent
Scott Kent - 05.04.2023 15:06

This was awesome. Thank you for the video. Made so much more sense than trying to figure it out on my own.

Sinclairxs - 03.04.2023 22:12

This video was so helpful to me, thank you! I would love to share this knowledge with my fellow brazillians. Is there a way for me to send a portuguese translation for it?

Sebastian Ucero
Sebastian Ucero - 03.04.2023 00:41

A very packed but most useful video on the Terminal so far. Thank You so so much.

ZeldaACFan17 - 29.03.2023 15:23

The cd command is also in Windows, so that command is quite familiar to me 🙂

Trailblazer - 04.03.2023 05:38

I literally changed this comment 3 times. This is exactly the video i was looking for. U answered a lot of questions i had about commands in the terminal i built up the last weeks. Great stuff man love it.

Paweł H.
Paweł H. - 16.02.2023 14:01

man you rocks!

Akshat Kumar
Akshat Kumar - 30.01.2023 14:40

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge on Linux terminal for beginners! Your explanations and jokes made the learning process so much more enjoyable and approachable. Your guide was instrumental in helping me get a better understanding of the Linux terminal and I appreciate all the time and effort you put into creating it. Your passion for teaching and commitment to helping others truly shines through. Keep up the great work and I look forward to learning more from you in the future! 💌💌

Fat Flamingo
Fat Flamingo - 17.01.2023 01:22

thank you for making this free

abdourahman - 05.01.2023 04:11

I absolutely recommend anyone new top linux to watch this video.Its covers most of if not all the basic commands of the terminal Thanks DT☺

Blonde_Finn - 21.12.2022 17:40

totally lost 20 min in

busyrand - 17.12.2022 08:36

Thank you abundantly for this thorough, grounded instruction... This program was a joy to work through. Lots of my fears were relieved and I'm no longer walking on eggshells as a new Linux Mint user... I have previous experience with Windows Subsystem for Linux for a couple years, bu this is still a different animal with a new file system. Well done.

Corey Smith
Corey Smith - 17.12.2022 02:58

I’ve been learning Linux for the last couple weeks and this is by far the best video I’ve found so far

MrMiroto - 11.12.2022 20:24

Wow. On point, very dense information. Great work!

Stephan C
Stephan C - 04.12.2022 11:32

Great video

Magic Roadrunner
Magic Roadrunner - 28.11.2022 14:51

This is very helpful, thank you!

Searching For Cosmadots
Searching For Cosmadots - 27.11.2022 06:12

thanks for the awesome video really sweeet~~~!@!!@

H2O - 23.11.2022 05:26

Great stuff DT

Chandrakant Kapadia
Chandrakant Kapadia - 21.11.2022 20:51

Excellent video. I have problem with accessing dpkg file. Which is read only file.
dpkg: error: unable to access the dpkg database directory /var/lib/dpkg: Read-only file system
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend
W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)
If some one can help me with that I will really appreciated.

Pagan Dance
Pagan Dance - 16.11.2022 21:38

This was actually the very first video on Linux that felt like fun and not like preparation for the exam for Mandarin HSK8 with engineer tech terminology. Felt like the goodall days of DOS. So let's finish this command with format c: 😊

MnM - 14.11.2022 17:52

a very in-depth explanation.

John Bond
John Bond - 04.11.2022 08:24

~$ man woman
no manual entry for woman

Cire - 23.10.2022 02:04

Great explanation! This really helps!
