Why Hurtworld Failed

Why Hurtworld Failed


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@timkim0121 - 05.12.2023 15:28

The game right now it's so cool but the players ar low i wish u guys to come bach to hurtworld

@Luca-yq5ux - 14.10.2023 04:43

very simple - the game is or was very similar to rust but facepunch actually improved the game

@yearofthegarden - 09.10.2023 07:26

I really liked this game, I remember it was very unforgiving though. I essentially had a route I would run where I would be safe or have escape plans along the way, and I would do it just to survive food wise and get enough loot to keep hunting. Eventually after meeting some people and figuring out the game a little, those yeti's really made life difficult unless you had teams, and even then as soon as you had a team of people, some koreans would show up in a vehicle and mow you down. Then the hackers started and I couldn't even enter into specific valley's without getting shotdown from someone peaking through a crack I had no chance of getting a shotgun blast into.

From what I remember, I really enjoyed the bow/spear stage of the game, but the static map and the monsters, along with the weapon progression was really not fun, and very clunky in a way that made me frustrated at my keyboard everytime I died because some action didn't register, or was a inch off/.

@65lol56weird65lol56 - 29.09.2023 06:54

I hate people who repeat themselves 20 times to drag out a video.

@xiiitalons - 12.09.2023 02:13

I remember playing this game back then at like 3~5fps. The group I managed to piece together somehow still managed to practically rule over the server we played on.

@zerogrey3798 - 16.05.2023 17:02

I was sitting at work when my daughter sent me a link to a video preview for the game. This was before it was out. I think it was an official video, I can't remember. I just remember laughing my ass off, getting in trouble for it, letting the guys I worked with watch it, they then laugh their asses off and we all got in trouble. I don't really do these types of games so I quickly forgot about it. Sad to see it go none the less. I used to be in game development and I actually get kinda bummed out when a game dies. Well I didnt' care when Spore died, or if Conan Exiles would die, I hate those fucking developers with a passion.

@jebudu2977 - 18.03.2023 21:46

It got an update!

@local_psycho4662 - 26.02.2023 17:31

i have over 1k hours in this game and it is sad that it faild :( i really miss this game and what it used to be in the beginning

@Zzims13 - 17.11.2022 12:47

The initial version of the game was to me by far the best version even with all the bugs. Had tons of fun until the changes.

@DanielLaixer - 15.11.2022 01:06

10 minute videos are OK

@nexbae1092 - 25.09.2022 17:48

reign of kings and hurtworld were my childhood, damn i checked on them not long ago and zero people still play

@stephenvp - 17.09.2022 09:32

I got banned on the forums for saying this kinda stuff on why they were failing at the time. Once they made v2 is was the downhill and yall remember rock bases and being able to glitch inside garage doors

@locksness862 - 08.05.2022 08:40

miss the bow gameplay so much :( had so much fun with this game when it first came out and they were rolling updates out. the sky was the limit with this game it had such a bright future ahead of it. what happened :(

@mohammedalmusmari9767 - 16.03.2022 03:14

I liked the game a lot, but when they added v2, I did not like it to the extent that I played it only twice. Even my friends left it and we created a server V1 for me to play with each other only the short.

@semtimmer2155 - 27.01.2022 20:24

Hoe is it now

@Y0Leeroy2 - 23.01.2022 10:50

Rip baby miss u everyday

@pilloeglade5463 - 01.01.2022 07:17

a real shame. i saw this game on sale and was just about to buy it. but i went to the steam discussion page and saw that it is in fact a dead game. And this vid was back in 2018!

@acdc777 - 24.11.2021 00:51

the devs had absolutely NO VISION. I stuck around on the subreddit just to see if the game would ever come back but they were constantly working on random things that none of the players asked for.

@lethalcgreen8048 - 11.09.2021 14:59

Did it ever get better? It looks cool

@VitorAdonaicps - 15.08.2021 01:42

v1 > V2

@RandomGaming117 - 18.07.2021 20:42

Update three years later and still nothing

@FayeShark - 24.06.2021 12:54

Laughs in tf2*

@umbra7163 - 20.06.2021 23:34


@floatsurboat - 14.06.2021 21:15

3 years later. the game is still in a bad spot. with lack of updates. its a shame because the game was fun

@Willientus - 10.06.2021 04:00

Sounds like Valhiem sadly.

@LeiNyan - 09.06.2021 00:28

i heard from an insider that most of the dev team quit/got fired before/during the 'full release' and its only one person working on it now (if he hasnt given up that is)

@lori7383 - 03.06.2021 17:44

UPDATE:2021 full of cheaters no updates angry russians

@lindski_8608 - 06.05.2021 19:21

It looks sooo good wft

@Tommyio - 30.04.2021 18:42

the music sounds like a remixed ph intro theme

@rura99 - 18.04.2021 23:57

2020/2021 The game is completely abandoned. Devs took money from the sale of the game and ran away. They don't respond to any questions on the steam community or emails, they just disappeared. Last update was in January 2020. - Nowadays the game is completely unplayable. There is a lot of cheaters on both versions of the game. Players build houses in the rocks, under a map and they hide their items 100k meters above the ground. I tried many times to quit the game but I keep coming back.
Fun fact: Polish community decided to take matters into their own hands and created their own Hurtworld launcher with their own anticheat.

I hope they can save this game. I fell in love with it.
Hurtworld <3

@MCSemirotta - 18.04.2021 14:33

Hurtworld was nothing more than a Rust early days was. :D

@brovusmarillian3303 - 06.04.2021 04:13

Played it and hated it. People were super toxic...Like? really toxic.

@slatts - 04.03.2021 13:39

@robokast come back and play some hurtworld

@pabllitto9362 - 24.02.2021 01:59

Fuck, I loved this game 800h :'(

@pungsmisk8814 - 09.02.2021 06:19

the game is good now

@Asaad727 - 27.01.2021 22:20

I really want a game like this or like rust
On ps4 for free
I really need a pc just to play rust but I can't buy it

@GieEs - 20.01.2021 04:42

HW was good game, cheats destroy all games...

@mist77 - 15.10.2020 04:06

anyone still play the game because every other game is boring

@samueldavid8034 - 11.10.2020 21:44

Volví a hurtworld, la V2 es buena, lo malo es que no puedes jugar solo se necesita siempre un equipo para dominar

@skulidropek1993 - 29.07.2020 09:18


@gamingdad2549 - 04.07.2020 01:07

Not really a fail since still going and being updated.

@SteamDeckGameplay - 19.05.2020 15:49

That's what you get for buying Early access games :')

@HEEEPSSS - 17.05.2020 10:44

2020 rip hurtworld 500+800players steam game😐😐😐😐😐😐

@LT-B - 23.03.2020 16:12

well hurtworld has 1.4k players now and its better now for me then

@Mikeox-ty3gb - 05.03.2020 03:47

Honestly, I feel like this game was better than rust because if you didn’t have a great pc, rust lagged so much during gunfights

@OneTwoMark - 27.02.2020 03:35

I haven't played Hurtworld but by the sounds of it Rust isn't much better. I got bored of Rust after 1 month. My team built a big base, went to most monuments, raided a bunch of nearby bases and felt that's all there was to it. Needs more content.

@pride2184 - 13.02.2020 09:05

imagine trying to use dayz as a comparasion to other survival games. say rust. the biggest survival game dayz is a failure.

@guydoodson1579 - 10.02.2020 07:36

You guys k kw that kne add where this dude talks about how he got hired to test games. And he says hes beta testing for Activision. The problem I have with that is that in the background he was playing cod bo1.
