These Are the World's Strangest Time Zones

These Are the World's Strangest Time Zones


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Jan CW
Jan CW - 20.08.2023 20:41

Can't blame this one on us.

Mathew Mcgee
Mathew Mcgee - 14.08.2023 21:55

Alaska actually generally observes 2 time zones. Alaskan Standard & Hawaii-Aleutian/Bering Standard. Down south east some also observe Yukon Standard and Pacific Standard due to their proximity to Canada, making it a minimum of four. At least they all observe daylight savings for now. It's a really big state. If AK went by the 24-hour global divide like you suggested at the beginning, it would be 4.

TRUTH Drops - Keeping It REAL
TRUTH Drops - Keeping It REAL - 12.08.2023 05:03

Once you figure out the earth is not a globe like you have been indoctrinated to believe, this will all make sense to you.

Ras W
Ras W - 05.08.2023 16:40

I remember back in 2014 watching the worldcup held in brazil during the early morning hours. 4 am and so. I had never seen time zones until then.

jordan gagat
jordan gagat - 31.07.2023 09:12

Now 08:11 am

Sakkra93 - 31.07.2023 04:33

Despite Spain being 1 hour ahead, the Canary Islands (which are part of Spain, but also kind of separate in terms of time and duties) are on GMT, like Portugal. Which is handy for those of us from the British Isles who go there since we don't have to worry about forgetting to move our watches and phones forwards.

♡︎Hannah Choo Syn En♡︎
♡︎Hannah Choo Syn En♡︎ - 19.07.2023 14:49

What if you were celebrating your birthday on a boat that would cross through the international date line? Wouldn’t you’re birthday be skipped?

Bill Joyce
Bill Joyce - 12.07.2023 07:05

Nice plagiarism of Wonder Why

eilrobichaud - 08.07.2023 18:38

Don’t forget Newfoundland which is 1/2 hr later than Atlantic Time (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island…

Elise Berl
Elise Berl - 02.07.2023 02:46

Whatever your country is, MUST have a birthday. Otherwise, it's a ghost country to me (but if it's a ghost country, would it have to die)??


Elise Berl
Elise Berl - 02.07.2023 02:45

18 minutes/year in California. Time for time travel is up the next time the rodeo stops in Texas where the horses are gone.somehow. wtf

P.S. q. anyone can escape from time if they are not in what?? a. debt

Pustaka Rileks
Pustaka Rileks - 24.06.2023 04:30

That commies 😂

hadi akbari
hadi akbari - 13.06.2023 02:01

Why do you have to talk like this??!! This is really annoying!! 🤯🤯🤯

DLabrie - 25.05.2023 15:28


Wodinn - 25.05.2023 06:29

i know this video is old. but fuck daylight savings

Ario Handoyo
Ario Handoyo - 24.05.2023 06:09

I'm a newbie on this lesson, wish the time zone are the same so that people won't tired traveling, for example:
When people has a job in the USA at 10 am morning it means people should fly there in the evening where people has already sleep in asian countries.

X/A - 17.05.2023 00:11

Almost like if time zones didn't make sense on the spinning water ball spining in space

Allen Sanders
Allen Sanders - 06.05.2023 20:07

are you telling me i cant buy ocean front property in Arizona.

colin mccarthy
colin mccarthy - 02.05.2023 21:37

If you think about it,if a person stood
at the North Pole,or the South Pole,
they could walk around all the
time zones just like that.If they
were 20 yards from each Pole,
they would just have to walk
around each Pole in a circle.

Hirohitdeeznuts - 01.05.2023 15:20

Throwback to the time the 1800s when the Philippines and Mexico had the same timezone despite being an antire Ocean apart.

kat - 30.04.2023 00:50

im from the us and my town sits right on the line for central vs eastern time. i forget having fast and slow time isnt normal

Syl75 - 29.04.2023 23:31

Spain is not the only country which changed time zone in 1940. France (and maybe Belgium and the Netherlands) did too.

Oregon - 29.04.2023 05:22

I’ve lived in four time zones

Alge Borusas
Alge Borusas - 29.04.2023 04:30

You should have mentioned Newfoundland time which is a half hour earlier than Atlantic time.

Katy Newt
Katy Newt - 29.04.2023 01:11

In France, not only do we have to put up with an awkward time (which is an hour too early, like Spain), we have to keep changing it twice a year.

Meaning it's still dark when we get up at 7h in the morning in winter, and doesn't get dark until about 9 at "night" in summer.

Daresh - 25.04.2023 19:47

as a person who always lived in a 1-time-zone country, it was so weird to find out that other countries have multiple time-zones

Domicon2k6 - 24.04.2023 07:49

As someone who lives in Arizona the no daylight savings time is actually a pretty big inconvenience. I say, something starts at 2pm est, I can just subtract a certain amount of hours, because it’s always changing. And, as someone who has lived here my entire life I have never had to do daylight savings so I can never keep track and always have to look it up

Alex Lagoa
Alex Lagoa - 21.04.2023 20:59

Spain never switched back their time zone because they like eating dinner late anyway 😂

Nic Kefgen
Nic Kefgen - 18.04.2023 23:37

The whole world to needs to do away with this time change switching back and forth, not the time zones though

Russ Christensen
Russ Christensen - 18.04.2023 09:06

Daylight Saving, not Daylight Savings.

Chris Williams
Chris Williams - 05.04.2023 21:25

Daylight SAVING Time. Not Savings.

diegoCXIII - 03.04.2023 22:54

Russia has several time zones but all trains schedules and the clocks at train stations follow the time in Moscow

Al of Norway
Al of Norway - 03.04.2023 01:23

It’s weird because the whole thing is made by us. Time is invented, but movement of matter is not. Time is our tool to measure movement of matter, that’s all.

4eyesinthecorner - 01.04.2023 21:25

Gotta love how this affects IB exams. Because the IB is taken in different countries (and therefore time zones) across the world, and the IB authority doesn’t want students to share answers with students in other countries who haven’t taken that exam yet, this leads to some interesting timings. For one, there are two separate exam seasons every year to account for different hemispheres and countries, and the exams are split up into three time zones in which students from each zone take the exam at the same time. Therefore, for a student in the UK, they will have to take an exam at 8am because students in France and Germany will start at 9am and in Finland and Romania start at 10am - so good luck to the British and Portuguese who have to wake up unreasonably early while Romanians get more time to sleep and get prepared. I’m sure it gets more complicated in areas of the world where the time zones are themselves more complicated it’s just I wanted to express my annoyance at this system.

Hanno franz
Hanno franz - 31.03.2023 23:56

When you travel from Stockholm in Sweden through Finland or the Baltic countries to St. Petersburg in Russia, you cross a fairly narrow strip but rwo tine zones. In Sweden you have central European time ( Greenwich + 1), in Finland and the Baltic Greenwich + 2 and in St. Petersburg standard Western Russian time which is Greenwich + 3. From Sweden until the Spanish/Portuguese border you stay for thousands of km in the same being much further west.

- 31.03.2023 21:01

Completely missed the fact the Newfoundland is off by a half an hour.

Fredrik Wikström
Fredrik Wikström - 31.03.2023 14:25

Annother slightly odd one is right here where I live in the Åland islands in southwestern Finland, geographically speaking, we are in the same time zone as Sweden, but because we are an autonomous region of FInland we go by the Helsinki time zone to make communications with mainland Finland esier, I think even a small part of mainland Finland in Ostrobothnia is also geographically speaking in the same time zone as Sweden but obviously use finnish time instead, don't quote me on that one though

Patrick Watkiss
Patrick Watkiss - 31.03.2023 12:38

The most crackers facts;
1) The time in Eastern Poland, level E-W with Kaliningrad is in the time zone as NW Spain, on the Atlantic despite the sun going down 2 hours later.
2) Belarus time is an hour ahead of that in Ukraine, despite Ukraine being on average further west. This is so Belarus can stay Russia's lickspittle more easily.

Sam B
Sam B - 31.03.2023 06:02

Canada has 6 time zones which includes Newfoundland Time which a half hour ahead of Atlantic Time.

Vasilis Damianou
Vasilis Damianou - 31.03.2023 03:20

Annoying, factually incorrect, Americo–centric bollocks…

Undercover Reseller
Undercover Reseller - 29.03.2023 22:53

Forgot Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. Also weird, not Arizona weird, but weird nonetheless.

David Pollack
David Pollack - 25.03.2023 23:40

It's not just time zones that is weird in AZ their conservative values are too.

Forty Three North
Forty Three North - 23.03.2023 12:10

In Canada our eastern most province is 30 minutes behind the next timezone over. So it's always 30 minutes past the hour when the other five timezones are at the top of the hour.

S B - 20.03.2023 11:49

The yanks always have to make a big drama about their insignificant country. Who cares?
