Helldivers 2 RTX 4060 FPS TEST | RTX 4060 & i5 12400F Benchmark 1080p/1440p/4K

Helldivers 2 RTX 4060 FPS TEST | RTX 4060 & i5 12400F Benchmark 1080p/1440p/4K

Panda Benchmarks

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@j7venom491 - 30.08.2023 09:13

Compare this gem with immortals of aveum😂 man that game performance like shit

@doornext8244 - 31.08.2023 08:53

Thank for testing! I think that would be nice to test RT with ultra preset, reflection setting medium or high. At ultra nightmare preset withiout RT game already filled all the vram at 1080p. So performance would be much better at ultra preset without any noticable downgrades to gfx.

@doornext8244 - 31.08.2023 08:59

And yeah. It would be awesome if you can find some time to test Quake 1 Remake. Just interesting could your setup exeeds 2000 fps mark. Mine i5-8400 3.8 Ghz with RX 6700 XT can manage 900-1700 fps scene depended at 1080p all time cpu limited. Also necropolis level with grenade launcher is actually good for benchmarking. Thoose grenade blasts has huge cpu performance impact)

@victoegeorgecespedes5720 - 21.09.2023 16:09

Yo tengo la rtx4060 rog y en pesadilla + RT en 1440 sin dlss a 60 fps estables es una delicia

@bhxlegend - 09.11.2023 19:24

Now thats a fuking very optimised game right there

@nippon_39 - 04.12.2023 04:02

and they said 8gb is enough for 1080p even my 2060 12gb got higher fps when rt is on

@YaBoiRenegade - 05.01.2024 10:59

My PC is bottlenecked to the moon then. Will a Ryzen 5 fix this? I currently run it with a Ryzen 3.

@metalmaniac8260 - 09.02.2024 02:57

They said..4060 Is sh1t...100fps in 4k res

@repentofyoursinsandbelieve629 - 22.02.2024 04:57


@DazePhase - 11.03.2024 01:58

This game is insanely optimised, holy smokes.

@neckminute3802 - 10.06.2024 16:53

How come Im getting like 80 - 100 fps on ultra nightmare? 1080p too with these exact specs??? Really confused here

@АртемБаранников-ж9з - 26.08.2024 03:11

You me 100-190fps in Max settings+RTX , monitor 2560x1080 , dlls quality. RTX 4060 (stok) , i5 12400f (tdp unblock) , memory 16gb 3600 cl 16-17-17-36. why is it so different, although my monitor has a higher resolution?

@somemore9784 - 22.11.2024 02:40

The reason your fps is tanking with RT enabled it the texture pool size. If you set it to high and not above that the fps would be more like 100 and not 50/60. The game also seems to work fine with it all on Ultra nightmare at first but after you die and it reloads the fps goes down again. I am playing on 4070 laptop (similar performance to this card) and it works for me 2560x1600 RT on, everything Ultra nightmare except for texture pool. Getting minimum 100-120fps. Must be a VRAM issue
