Did FINAL FANTASY III REVIVE the Franchise? | A Retrospective

Did FINAL FANTASY III REVIVE the Franchise? | A Retrospective


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@mouthsores - 02.06.2023 23:48

Here we go!

@murkywaters5502 - 03.06.2023 20:16

Great video! While Final Fantasy 3 is not my favorite entry in the franchise, it must be given credit for being the "soft" template of what successors would go on to be. Although, some would argue that it was Final Fantasy 4 that better set the identity of later entries.

@AlohaGamester - 04.06.2023 17:19

I origionally picked this game up on the DS but wasn't a huge fan of the chibi look of the characters. I'm looking fwd to playing the Pixil Remastered version soon.

Great job on the video!

@dragtogo2735 - 10.06.2023 16:31

Final Fantasy III was the first jrpg to have a final gauntlet fight before the Final Boss that Pokemon was inspired to do a Elite Four.

However enjoying Final Fantasy III is ummm grindy and a bit unbalanced since the Wonderswan never gotten a chance to redeem the look and gameplay style.

For Pixel Remaster I think some what of enemy sprites look fine while others look too goofy. Which I believe Namco ditch the Goofy Sprites to make them more serious from Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II.
Also I realized the Wonderswan Colour Battle Sprites are way different then anyone expects since they really don't care around the topic.
For one, the FFIII Wonderswan version Battle Sprites feet are a completely different position then any other Wonderswan Colour - GBA versions Battle Sprites ever released.
I tried restoring the White Mage and though it is a prototype Battle Sprite do to the hair being red. It does show the Battle Sprite more kid like then the modder trying to show in a FFVI style Battle Sprites(Which looks less kid like).

I do wish there's more Topics to revision the Wonderswan Colour Final Fantasy III look though no internet or topic occur. If I ever go further on would build my anxiety and I am taking my time to work on the Warrior next, then Black Mage, and the Onion Knight.

Hope one day someone leaks the true sprites though I believe the data is lost through time. Since I did see topics of the NES IP of Final Fantasy III was lost.

@Ribyum - 11.06.2023 18:50

It is worth doing a playthrough, though the final boss is complete bullshit.

@brandonwilliams6119 - 12.06.2023 06:58

I actually got to play the original FF3 on NES before the Pixel Remaster, It has a charm to it, it pushes the NES to its limit, there are hard moments but overall it’s a great FF, I completed the Pixel Remaster version of FF3 last month, this game deserves love for introducing certain series staples like summons such as Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Odin, Leviathan and Bahamut, the Moogles,

And Big Chocobo.

@harrisonho8934 - 13.06.2023 19:15

I have beaten both the 3D remake and the translated Famicom ROM. Overall, a decent game for its time, gotta respect this game for inventing the job system. But nowadays I couldn't imagine any modern gamer wanting to play this, it requires hours of dedication with grinding, especially with the last 2 dungeons. The job system is pretty restrictive as well, you will find areas in which you have to use a specific job just to have an easier time with a dungeon/boss. Story-wise, it's pretty simplistic, with the story more or less rehashing the first game's story with 4 light warriors trying to save the crystals from some dark evil force. Overall, a very good RPG for the Famicom, but not exactly a game I would recommend to a modern gamer, though I have heard that the pixel remaster addresses several issues with the game, but I have yet to play that version.

@Bazzlieo - 14.06.2023 05:38

Can’t wait for 4 and especially 5!

@williamfrederickiii1683 - 15.06.2023 17:28

playing ff3 while listening to this video

@jasonwintermyer8566 - 17.06.2023 15:20

I really enjoyed playing this game.

@OnlyCrowTV-CRTV - 18.06.2023 07:00

Of course it is!

@ShockStormRPG - 21.06.2023 08:32

The pixel remaster of FF3 was really good. It had some great features like the quicker battles and the auto battle feature. I played FF3 NES and the DS remake, but for me I'd say the pixel remaster was my favorite. I gotta give credit to FF3 allowing for the job class change which is a awesome feature and it was awesome having job classes return in FF5!

@veghesther3204 - 21.06.2023 16:18

It is but the NES/DS/PSP versions are BRUTAL so is the Pixel version but at least that one has Auto/Quick Saves FOR the final dungeon.

@Chelaxim - 22.06.2023 02:12

When playing the DS/PSP remake i thought Japanese players were blinded by nostalgia with their love of FFIII. Of the 6 games in the Pixel remaster set it was in 3rd place after V and VI. I was dreading playing FF3 more than 2 when i bought the set. I think the 3D remake ruined the reputation of FF3 in the west.

@SilortheBlade - 23.06.2023 20:13

My least favorite in the series. I respect how the origins for a lot fo good things started here, but like a lot of firsts, they hadn't worked everything out yet. I didn't play this until much later, and I played the 3D version (which I am told is not as good). So no Nostalgia for me on this one. Although I played FFII around the same time for the first time and enjoyed it.

@aroccoification - 27.06.2023 19:06

Fat cock hobos are my favorite

@santiagosalas7088 - 29.06.2023 02:05

Beta ff5

@Sanity843 - 01.07.2023 15:12

Final Fantasy III has released at least 5 times in the US since 2000. Differentiating between III and VI is silly at this point. It's been properly labeled for over 2 decades now.

@tespenkr9924 - 06.07.2023 12:02

This game got me to try FFV. I liked the job system here, and FFV made me fall in love with the job system.

@utopua4all - 06.07.2023 16:18

I was really looking forward to playing III on the Pixel Remasters but I was honestly disappointed with it. I'm not sure why. I thought Final Fantasy II was better than I remembered, but I feel III limboed under the bar and that the 3D remake may be better IMO, which is weird because I was never blown away with that version when I played it in the past. Still, I like how the Thief is still overpowered and also, did they tweak the last boss in III since the PC release? I can't help but think I saw a video where the CoD behaved as she did in the past on a PC playthrough but when I got to her on the Switch she was really watered down - which I can't say upset me that much as she was kind of annoying but man, I spent all this time building up because I was expecting the brawl as was originally intended it was and then realized I overdid it. Also, I think they did a good job retweeking the final boss of FFII as well. He's still pretty easy but at least he's a little more threatening now.

@DarthAlphaTheGreat - 08.07.2023 11:05

Silly question. All Final Fantasy are still worth playing. Even FF2.

Some are just worth more than others…

@davemardrov777 - 15.07.2023 22:17

I beat the entire latter half of the game with dragoon in my party. You shoulda seen how much fucking damage I was doing jumping every goddamn turn. Im talking 9999 damage every other jump.

@alecedgeworth2814 - 18.07.2023 10:12

I would love to know one thing that FF3 truly shaped the genre. The DQ series came out a year before the equivalent FF game

@jba2048 - 18.07.2023 15:40

I’ve tried to play this game a number of times and I haven’t been able to complete it. I played the NES translated version, the DS version for about 30 minutes, and I’ve done quite a bit on the pixel, remaster, but I just don’t want to keep playing. The wife was making me do it because she wanted to see all the retro ones but didn’t wanna play it. I was smart and I distracted her by buying her final fantasy 16 and I think she’s forgotten about it now, so I don’t have to play it anymore. I can’t put my finger on why I dislike this game so much; it’s just not fun. It feels like work, and the story it’s just not pulling me in. I am well-known in my retro community for providing strong criticism for why I think Final Fantasy 8 is the worst in the series, but this one in my opinion is a runner up.

I just had to make an edit because I realized that Final Fantasy 3 was a Nintendo DS title and not a 3DS title. I played it on 3DS so that’s where my brain went.

@olympusgolemoflight7198 - 02.08.2023 23:24

As someone who has beaten both, go for the PR first, and if you like it, go for the 3D version. The PR is more beginner friendly thanks to the various enhancements.

@kentwosord6859 - 03.08.2023 12:58

Ive finished ff3 i dont even know how many times its a very enjoyable and simple game you can always just come back to when you want some simplicity very grindy however enjoyable

@The_Bi-polar_Express - 10.08.2023 21:41

So much better than 2, didn't get that one, just the other 5, lol

@mr.horse1801 - 22.08.2023 04:53

Played through ff3 pixel 4 times already. Actually my favorite of all the pixel remasters despite 5 being my all time favorite

@The.Retro.Corner - 24.08.2023 21:29

Another great video presentation, my friend! Again, as with FF2, I have not played FF3 and am starting on this baby this weekend. I am super excited and cannot wait! Releasing my FF2 video this Friday, and will be releasing the FF3 one here in a couple weeks after playing through it. Stay tuned 🙂

@KC-dg9pu - 12.12.2023 18:48

I think FF1 and FF2 was just the team even figuring out what to even do at first. FF3 I could tell was a transition to greatness where there started appearing little hints of emotional depth, more story, iconic music scores (eternal wind, Eureka and boundless ocean), and more advanced game mechanics. But at the same time, it was still kind of basic like the first 2 game. And then by FF4 all hell broke loose and it FF entered into the golden era.

@deedoubs - 07.01.2024 14:45

Talking about people's memories of FF3 being 'groundbreaking' to me seems weird. The US experienced FF5 late, but it still experienced it nearly 8 years before the first English version that most people played came out. Even if you were on the front line of things and played translated roms before they came out, you still would have played FF5 first.

And the issue with that is that if you played FF5, FF3 is downright regressive. Most of the stuff that FF3 does that was novel when it actually released is just done better in FF5. FF3 was groundbreaking, but none of us can really remember that way because it's deprecated... though Xande is at least a villain with a somewhat interesting premise that never really gets explored on account of him having zero dialog and being a passive actor all game.

@jakal911 - 06.03.2024 16:29

I played FF3 sometime in '97, via a ROM and fan translation. For its time, it was just great. The different classes gave it so much replayability. There was a section of the game where the translation didn't work, but I ended up guessing what to do. Great experience. This game holds a place in my heart.

@gamedeuschronus8796 - 18.03.2024 03:15

I loved FF3 and its job system. Even though I've only played the pixel remaster I enjoyed it a lot. However, I agree with you on one thing, the game doesn't describe how to properly use each class, therefore you have to do your own research. And at times you're forced to use specific job classes to overcome certain boss fights, like the garuda fight. Or using the ninja just to beat the Cloud of Darkness, because their throw ability is almost broken in terms of damage, to her massive health bar. And once again, like in FF1 and FF2, the music is beautiful and captures the game, and its world perfectly.

@markellzey1531 - 03.04.2024 17:49

FF3 is the trial run for FF5 which does the job system far better.

@ViktorDN - 10.04.2024 20:09

For me FF3 is the Game that lead me to give the franchise a second try. My first game was ff7 and I hated everything about it! (Fairly spoken haven't progressed any far) but the characters and the aesthetic of the world, the color schemes overall didnt seem to match and I struggle to play games that arent visually appealing. One day I got bored and got to play ff3 and DAMN I was in!

@B33FY2011 - 09.05.2024 19:24

I have platinumed Final Fantasy I, II , and III. I am currently in the process of doing Final Fantasy IV, which has been on the backburner for around 6 month as I was burned out on Final Fantasy games due to doing them one after the other. Think I am going to pick it back up and finally finish Final Fantasy IV for the first time and get that platinum.

@andrewchristianson2086 - 02.06.2024 06:58

I played the original on an emulator plus 3D version on Steam and lastly the Pixel Remaster. I liked it better than I, II & V.
