Double King: EXPLAINED

Double King: EXPLAINED

Deep Seat

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Pixie Frames
Pixie Frames - 02.09.2023 15:41

Crown clown king 😂😂 I am also making cartoons ❤❤❤

Lizard - 05.08.2023 13:56

Felix never said the it was a pumpking, so the origin of that pun is you, so groan at yourself 😂
Thanks for this analysis it did need it 👍

Sam Nelson
Sam Nelson - 18.06.2023 09:21

Art is up to interpretation after all.

Ladder Man
Ladder Man - 24.02.2023 11:46

i find it funny af tbh

C Fyffe
C Fyffe - 19.02.2023 09:02

I like to think about message as greed. he was the king of his people but was so greedy for power his people lived in poverty/dark. His new subjects waited outside of his palace for help etc. something his original people know he wont do.

He killed those who welcomed him
those who were rotten and claimed power from the heavens

he killed the serpent not for good but out of greed

he even tried to kill those who were in the water with him after he fell


Gamer Halim
Gamer Halim - 18.02.2023 15:01

For me the story of greed

Ahmed - 15.12.2022 06:27


CheesyNoodles - 13.11.2022 06:58

What I love about the film is the fact it can be interpreted in so many different ways

Xeno Herder
Xeno Herder - 03.11.2022 07:08

This is literal ego death

Jacob Cox
Jacob Cox - 19.10.2022 10:46

Hyper-fixations and obsessions over unobtainable goals inevitably leads to oblivion of the mind and self.

the lumberjack King
the lumberjack King - 08.09.2022 00:16

I mean this animation must have sone deeper meaning than weird monster king likes crowns

Freyafanboy90 - 31.07.2022 14:07

It's odd but I think it could apply to today. Here's what I interpret. Double King is the ideologue and it's ideas. The crown shows a "crowing achievement" for society as a whole. Like culture, history, the sciences. So Double King (Ideologue) goes after an aging rat king (one of the crowning moments of society, the sciences, entertainment) and so kills it for the crown (the ideas to add to its own). The crown falling from the goat to a cloud and then passing it to the pumpkin shows ideas/achievements (the crown) is passed onto others who help build and add. Yet Double king only seeks to destroy to add that power to it's own. The robed figures outside are the fans/followers/ workers etc of these ideas yet Double King doesn't care about the people or the responsibility that comes with it. He only want the power and prestige that comes with it. So thy eventually come across the biggest crown of all. That being of the mountain king (society, the silent majority) and so climbs into their heads as free thought is a crowning moment of society. Inside he finds an alien landscape, that being of a persons own mind. The reason the mushroom crown is unlike anything Double King has seen as that is a personal crowning moment for the individual. The crown on the parrot shows the idea that Double King (the ideologue) wants. A way to control the idea and thus the mind of the masses. However, such things CAN'T be grabbed and so Double King loses sight of it and thus wonders what else to take. Then he sees he crown on his finger and so cuts it off harming himself (Ideologues will turn on themselves and try to take what they already have, harming themselves. The whole trip sequence will be as the whole idea/movement whatever collapses and dies) The as it is pushed to the past it is lined up with the other dead achievements (because it was the ideologues that killed these achievements.) But even when relegated to the past the still want to be seen as THE defining moment. The moment that spawned all these other ideas and been seen as superior. So death (historians, nostalgia or whatever) to shut them up give them a worthless crown because what is a crown in death, it's only a symbol. A title which in the end means nothing. All the other kings (achievements sit patiently at the table as they had substance and gave to society, the ideologue was only take.) And so the Ideologues and their followers happily toddle off into oblivion because they see that they were the be all and end all of everything and don't need to be with these other kings as they were pure and perfect and happy in there own delusion that they follow it all the way to nothingness.

Well that's my take on the whole thing.

ANIMAL LOVERS DONT KILL&EAT ANIMALS🤍ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 31.07.2022 11:30

Often the most sociopathic power hungry people are the people who either are or have been the most afraid. Or at least, people who have the biggest victim complex (not invalidating that either, as the world in general is very victimizing and doesnt care much about you, i just still think its wrong to hurt others to find a sense of security even still).
As I said, they are sociopathic, power hungry, and victimizing because they are or have been terrified, or have been brought up to believe that power releases you from oppression, subjugation and fear, and opens the door to freedom and happiness. They also then believe that due to the worlds victimizing nature, and perhaps because they have been victimized by others personally or by the government or other force, that it is not immoral for them to hurt others to obtain this power.

The way you can help is to validate them and help them realize that a sense of accomplishment and protection and security and thriving in life doesnt have to come from things that hurt other people, (like stealing, killing, lying, manipulation etc) and that there is a benefit to gaining those things through just means instead of unjust means. I highly recommend listening to the debate between socrates and his disciples about whether it is more beneficial to be just, unjust, or a mix of both. I personally very much believe in ROE. (That being that the "dove" method of survival, always choosing the most just/ethical option, will always bring you the most returns in both business and personal life. sounds bs i know, but its a fascinating thing to study.)

jUppers - 06.05.2022 01:20

talk any slower, would you?

Divine - 20.04.2022 02:13

The skeleton is a queen,queen agatha.

virpi Luukka
virpi Luukka - 16.02.2022 01:46

God, i tought i was the only one who tought the mountain king looked like felix.

Peace1 - 01.12.2021 11:53

Wow! Way off! You called the vain desire to be King, Divine. It's not Divine, its vanity. The same type of vanity that is found in Racism. But, Racism wins! ALL of the Countries in the World who are currently ruling the World are the most Racist Countries in the history of the World. The Founding Fathers of the United States made Adolph Hitler look like a pre pubescent school girl.

So, to me, the cartoon is about putting a premium on something that is worthless (Racism, Sexism, Ideologies, Religion, Nationalism) and making it highly valuable and sought after with reckless abandon. Everything and everyone else, be damned! Hey, it's the history of ALL World leaders.

So, what's your Crown?

Clobster - 21.11.2021 07:12

I saw another person comment this but the cloud seemed to mumble “death” then he made the pumpking which then led to the fly king and the the crown from the fly king led to the original king getting killed by himself because ethe crown was on his finger

ZORAemon - 19.11.2021 17:37

King man shows humanities endless greediness abusing its own sorrounding for their own good.

Buendia Films
Buendia Films - 16.11.2021 14:57

Pls review end of planet blue

Sam Roper
Sam Roper - 12.11.2021 08:17

turn the music I can't hear it

Creativeprocess - 10.11.2021 20:39

This was a really trash break down bro u sound high

Boomer Moreno
Boomer Moreno - 09.11.2021 03:14

An insatiable pursuit...I get it.

AndyHappyGuy - 08.11.2021 16:52

King man’s official name is just “The (Double) King”

Sahil Satish Pandit
Sahil Satish Pandit - 20.09.2021 14:41

Who were annoyed by his hat for the whole video😑

CheshireShroud - 05.08.2021 21:54

I read it less that it was specifically metaphors for art, and more for passion and obsession.

Foxx.On.Saturn - 03.08.2021 10:42

The king death is actually the queen. After the animation they tell all their titles, so death is a woman .___.

krabskådare - 23.06.2021 20:51


Shrub - 23.05.2021 21:25

It's about some people's hunger for power, status, etc. Reminds me of dictators or other narcissists

Smelling The Color 7
Smelling The Color 7 - 12.05.2021 07:31

To me, Double King is a video about megalomania, and obsession. It’s clear he has no ego, as he cares not for dying, taking, and overall indifference. The only reason he chases the butterfly is because it was royalty. I think, in terms of deeper meanings, you hit a lot of the right notes and themes, good work.

Chrizon Lozano TVENTURE
Chrizon Lozano TVENTURE - 03.05.2021 06:38

why does it feel like double king is sooo long

Euwyn Darwyn De Leon
Euwyn Darwyn De Leon - 12.03.2021 19:11

Not all kings in the film are kings. Some of them are queens.

nischay Verma
nischay Verma - 14.02.2021 21:44

Change my mind but
Felix is just Shakespeare but BETTER

DonPeyote - 14.02.2021 04:34

crown can also symbolize the acknowledgement of one's artistic success. it's like chasing a dragon, like the double king does, trying to recreate his very first success which was his takeover of the mouse kingdom - he never actually collects any more than his original two crowns and a small one. others are either too big or fade away quickly, and finally in death he is finally canonized with this beautiful elaborate crown - as artists often are recognized after their death

Lolstuff enjoy
Lolstuff enjoy - 31.01.2021 11:48

You explained nothing

Nothing explained

Creepykretins - 22.01.2021 14:40

That my good sir is a cockatoo bird, an Aussie creature and loving pets

bucket_of_bread - 22.01.2021 06:34

King man is just a ruler of a dead kingdom

Max Dančo Michelský
Max Dančo Michelský - 07.01.2021 23:24

the king man is somewhat inspiring, cause he never gives up, even death can't stop him, and in the end he gets what he wanted.

Zstories - 30.12.2020 15:25

This isn't really a explanation this is more of a
"i think this is what it's about"
Since Felix colgrave didn't state these, only you did.

ThisGuysGaming - 29.12.2020 06:41

Why do you sound so uninterested in this video. I was like about to fall asleep

Gh0st_str3am - 27.12.2020 01:28


HunterTheHologram - 24.12.2020 02:51

Who cares about the king? The true protagonist is the li'l mushroom guard.

Aether - 23.12.2020 07:59

No dialogue?


Swap Sans
Swap Sans - 22.12.2020 00:34

Crown lands on c round
C round turns into K.round
King man gimme
K.round stomps him

Jaykeb Jacobson
Jaykeb Jacobson - 07.12.2020 05:55

love the hat

john doe
john doe - 25.11.2020 10:48

The three hiding king dudes were the dead ones, foreshadowing his death. After he kills everything he kills, 3 of them come out of the earth and go to the kings house.

Cheese quicksand
Cheese quicksand - 19.11.2020 06:59


Braedan, the god of ignorance
Braedan, the god of ignorance - 15.11.2020 07:21

as far as I'm concerned, double king is a story about a conqueror who bites off more than he can chew
