Final Fantasy 10 HD - How OVERPOWERED! Can You Get BEFORE Shiva

Final Fantasy 10 HD - How OVERPOWERED! Can You Get BEFORE Shiva


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Xav Lee
Xav Lee - 14.09.2023 21:05

People that see Teedus instead of Tidus are dumb.

Blake Lang
Blake Lang - 11.09.2023 22:36

This is an insane tutorial i dont think I would gp through the trouble but if there was a save id definitely playnon it 🤣

The_Offender - 11.09.2023 16:34

Tidus may sound stupid, but stupid is as stupid does and Tidus is stupid. If it was Titus it would be spelt Titus. kingdom hearts is dumb and wrong

GR3TORP - 08.09.2023 09:05

Using this guide and oh boy its amazing! I seriously appreciate it

Bobby Oaks
Bobby Oaks - 06.09.2023 10:52

So I’m on console, im letting my turbo controller farm the sinscales for me and have been doing so for the last 2 days and 2 nights. I plan on going for a few days at least 5 days and 5 nights. Imagine how many levels and gil I’ll have at that time 😂😂😂

WizardoFtrol - 29.08.2023 22:18

Can you make a video of how to grind on final fantasy I? I buy the PC version I can’t grind the same way like I used to on the PSP and other FFI version.

DeltaRay - 28.08.2023 19:46

what booster is he talking about? is this a PC booster or something?

Bacon Shake
Bacon Shake - 26.08.2023 19:09

At the start of the game I go with expert grid and make everyone get Lancet which while leveling this gives some mp regen during fights and I send kimari down rikku’s path for stealing until I get her

Day Dreamers
Day Dreamers - 20.08.2023 05:30

test test, mic check 1 2
do you ever check/read/reply ya comments?
cuz i'd like to say and ask a couple things:
1) first and foremost, i want to thank you tremendously for these "shortcuts" in the spheregrid
and getting stronger far earlier than usual. just a question bout the first infinite spawn with Tidus,
NOT TEEDUS idc what anyone says, even the creators, its TIE DIS (such as TIE DIS AROUND YA
NECK SO I GOT A GOOD GRIP GIRL -- jokes jokes ;P), do you kill auron with Tidus or do you just
let him die? seems time efficient to kill him off like i do to focus solely on grinding up tidus kill
count and not getting confused.
2) At what level / how many + which specific sphere thingies do you need to unlock Haste
on Tidus before you get to the first Sin first where the second infinite spawning Sinscales?
it doesn't say this or #1 but this part is extremely important because i went into WITHOUT
having Haste, but I also learned you could stack Tidus' buff multiple times on the party,
i never knew you could cheer 5x. and when i googled further info, it also doesn't go away
when you swap out a party member in emergencies to heal Tidus, since I didn't have
"na na na na nana, you can't touch me" Haste lol..
So I'd sincerely appreciate it if you'd let me know or if anyone who sees this cuz I see it was
uploaded 3+ years ago and last comment was 2+ years ago so idk if you're still around, or
if anyone will ever see this or ever reply.
But if you could just put little pop up thingies (i forgot what they're called, its not CC) but
i guess notes? in the video - it doesn't require re-uploading i do not think and i'm like 90%
sure all you do is go to upload part of your profile and put in the notes at certain parts.
So posting how many Spheres + Which ones you need in order to unlock Haste would
help even more so someone doesn't goof like i did, big time. it would have saved me time
but i think i made good timing. Without Haste and playing on PC (the FFX HD Remaster)
idk if i have the 4x exp boost and idk how you find out/know unless its just impelemented
simply cuz you're on console.
You said it takes 80 to unlock the last overload but i was around the 50 area give or take.
Maybe it's an HD remaster thing? Also only spent maybe 2 hrs or 2.5hrs on it. which, if
i didn't have stomach issues and it was so late, i would have played longer.
so since i have multiple saves, I feel like starting at an area before or maybe altogether.
Sadly, i do NOT have one of those turbo controllers.
the ONLY reason i know of their existence is a total fluke along with another total fluke.
Back when we had blockbuster, there was a Japanese version of one of the FIRST DBZ
Fighter games that including Bebi. I believe the final boss was a 2 or 3 phase fight.
Don't quote me but I believe the hp bars were similar to KI, you'd go through one and
continue through the 2nd one, only there was no round 1 fight, round 2 fight etc.
OR it could have just been one phase of "this is your HP bar, once it hits 0 you lose"
i honestly can't remember because this was early-mid 90s. what i do remember was
the fighting was WAY AHEAD of its time, powering up was part of it, transforming too,
as i said even Bebi so there were DBGT vibes in it, meaning there was even SS4 allowed
but the last 3 fights were SO HARD. You had Bebi in his humanoid form. then the last
end fight was Golden Oozaru Bebi... and holy shit bro. that fight was worse than learning
DS3... real talk. another way it was ahead of the gaming curve, if you casted a kamehameha
at the same time the opponent did, they would clash mid-screen and could bounce back
and forth depending on how FAST and how MANY times you could press one of the buttons.
the ONLY time I could beat the AI in this situation was the turbo button.
>> With that said and going back to FFX
>> How do you farm these infinite spawning sinscales with a turbo controller? whenever
>> its my turn to attack, i have to choose multiple options. not just simple O>O>O>O>O
>> unless 5x cheer + Haste allows this, i'll open game momentarily and update or reply to this

3) Regarding certain spheres that give bonus points, during certain parts of the video,
you discuss them, i wish I had timestamps, but if you DO SEE this and want me to
time stamp them and would be down to put in the editor notes in the video (ONLY IF
YOU DO NOT HAVE TO RE-UPLOAD) - i can make a comment and maybe you could pin it
with all the time stamps of super important things. you said something about certain
spheres giving more than other spheres in the grid.
however idk when i'm using them vs not using them it doesn't say anything in the grid.
especially when i'm unlocking an ability. does that mean I have to go into options, click
on these certain spheres and then that prompts me to the grid and I use it on ability?
or how does it work? instructions somewhat unclear/confusing for me T_T

i apologize for my stupidity since i know this game has been out forever but i absolutely
love it and i will never remember the first time beating it.
but yeah... if you somehow see this and reply, it would make my year.
or anyone honestly....
if anyone or the creator of video could answer any of these questions i'd appreciate it
i had to cut this comment cuz i kept going far off tangent but if you wanna read it its in the reply(maybe more?

Samuel Owens
Samuel Owens - 15.08.2023 05:35

Enjoy the video, but You could technically get near enough the whole sphere grid finished, before Sheva. If you have the time and patience that is.

The Red Comet
The Red Comet - 10.08.2023 08:17

He said Tidus correctly 😎

Lother Avanti
Lother Avanti - 10.08.2023 02:14

The boat farm only got me like 22 extra levels after like 8 whole hours. On PS4 this is just not worth it.

mikejones - 05.08.2023 05:38

Yes hello how are you? totally didn't do this, I totally didn't use a turbo controller on an Oled Nintendo Switch. Farming sinscales on the switch, using a turbo controller takes more than 96 hours. After 96 hours I have reached slvl 67 with Yuna and slvl 59 on Tidus. Those are the highest and lowest.

Gil is fine, and I'm definitely OP for a run through of the game, but omg it's a grind if you want to max the slvl

SalvagedCreativity - 03.08.2023 00:18

Thank you, I’ve always said Tide-Us, when I heard Teet-Us, I was like gross.

Serana Storey
Serana Storey - 31.07.2023 05:20

I actually learnt all the overdrives while with rikku by buidling the overdrive gauge with just the loner mode. Actually silly I did that but it made later boss fights (before ifrit atm) a little easier.

Joker - 31.07.2023 03:00

I really hope this game will get a remake at some point.

Shirako - 28.07.2023 21:19

It takes about 48 hours of farming on console[xbox1] to get about 50 or so sphere levels for each character at the sinscale farm spot. Killed 26,886. So 560 an hour or about 1.1k ap an hour.

StrayDogFreedom - 28.07.2023 08:04

Ever since this game came out, I've literally only played it so I could play Blitzball.
The game might as well be over for me once you get to that road and are allowed to keep playing Blitzball continually.

Insufferable Smartypants
Insufferable Smartypants - 27.07.2023 17:44

Auto-battle against sinspawn and fin has been patched out. You have to do it manually now.

Captain Dorgengoa
Captain Dorgengoa - 24.07.2023 00:30

So uh.. If anyone else wants to get somewhat overpowered before Shiva but values their sanity and time (This only requires about 2-3 hours Grinding in the thunder plains).. If you use the Expert grid you can move Tidus Wakka and Auron to the same Area right After Luca, to let them all get the Str +4. Then in the thunderplains, Dodge 50 Bolts to get 3 str +4 Spheres. Tidus and Auron once again have a point where they almost overlap where there are 3 empty nodes, so Put them there and let both of them get +12 Str.

Then a little further on in their paths, Tidus gets Str +3 and Auron gets Str +4, but you can give the 3 to Auron as well, and 4 to Tidus by using a lvl1 key sphere. You will go from around 800-1200 Damage to 3000-4500 Damage. You will need to grind some Sphere levels though.. I Recommend using Lulu as your Third, and getting her to her Aga level spells at the same time, and going from roughly 1.5k Damage to 4k. After that point you never have to grind again, if you're just going to beat the game. You'll get enough Stats by naturally playing the game, for the rest of the main story.

comparethemiaKAT - 18.07.2023 14:39

Great video, I admire and respect the patience you have to do this! I've seen this video about 6 times now and I plan to try it out when I replay FFX soon. I do have a request though - could you do the same video but without all the blitzball? 😅 I seriously suck at that minigame

Percival - 18.07.2023 08:24

what do you mean by riku's path in sphere grid for kimahri? haha apologies

cengiz boyundurukcu
cengiz boyundurukcu - 17.07.2023 11:31

I recently completed the whole FFX and fully max stats of 255 of everything, including Lucks. Yes, Lucks. Need Fortune Sphere which is painful to get from Eath Eater.

Shawn Desper (Castlevania Guy 86)
Shawn Desper (Castlevania Guy 86) - 16.07.2023 18:55

I remember back in high school using a Gameshark I make myself OP just for kicks and it was really funny fighting Anima with Anima.

John JLy
John JLy - 14.07.2023 05:04

I'm not wasting time on blitz

Witcher john
Witcher john - 11.07.2023 10:13

The people who hate the laughing scene are inbred

Gabriel Paredes
Gabriel Paredes - 05.07.2023 21:23

It has been 4 months that I watch this video to sleep

Alex Manuel Sommer
Alex Manuel Sommer - 29.06.2023 05:23

He complaining about how stupid "Tidus" sounds with a german "i" and that he will call "Tidus" "Taidus" - also he: calling "Tidus" "Tidus" just the first time after complaining about it.

draegr. - 26.06.2023 04:44

For anyone trying the sin scale farming, this video is most likely using a speed hack on top of the 4x booster. You need at best 540,000 AP for your first 100 sphere levels (the actual amount is likely higher due to pre levelling in the story). With a 4x booster you can kill the sin scale on a 4.8 second cycle. Assuming 2 overkills per cycle (8 ap per cycle), you would get 100 AP per minute, 6000 AP per hour, which needs 90 hours of farming for 540,000 AP.

billybifocals - 24.06.2023 15:15


Crooky - 18.06.2023 16:45

okay can someone explain for a rookie like me whats this steal and use shit is all about? why do i grind these spheres to get chars to get to steal and use and then this doesnt even get mentioned ever again in the entire video?

j1spen - 17.06.2023 15:21

Why would you say tydus instead of tidus when you know the character's name is tidus? Are you actually arrogant enough to believe you should get to change how the character's name is pronounced, because "i think it's stupid". 🤦🏻‍♂️

Cursed Beats
Cursed Beats - 17.06.2023 14:51

I did something like this once in FF8.. max level and almost all high class magic before fighting Ifrit on CD1


Squall : 9999.

Jaime Reupert
Jaime Reupert - 13.06.2023 12:10

Blitzball is the only reason I'm replaying this game on my Playstation emulator on my android phone.

Xenix - 11.06.2023 23:50

Bro I was literally thinking about this vid earlier at the beginning of my new playthrough

All3nPlayzGames - 08.06.2023 21:44

Ain't NO WAY it's supposed to be pronounced "Tee-Dus". I refuse fo accept that

Also, I thought learning Jecht Shot was mandatory to progress through the game.

Mark Nutt
Mark Nutt - 08.06.2023 00:40

Never knew that you could get Holy that easily lol

Lawson Crouch
Lawson Crouch - 06.06.2023 19:20

yuna gang

Ha - 05.06.2023 17:48

Tip for anyone else on Steam: you don't need to buy a turbo controller. You just need to edit Steam's controller settings for the game, toggle on turbo for A/X.

X - 02.06.2023 08:40

muito bom fazer isso no inicio do jogo o problema maior mesmo é q os pontos da yuna vão estar altos e isso vai aumentar tambem os pontos das invocaçoes por que quanto mais altos eles forem mais caro é pra aumentar eles com a belgemine la em calm lands

Howard Lern
Howard Lern - 30.05.2023 22:25

Oh I’ll do it to level up my waka team muahahbahahahaha

Second Challenge
Second Challenge - 29.05.2023 17:02

Irmãos de guerra

Marcos Danilo
Marcos Danilo - 29.05.2023 03:49

for the fun of it, i decided to try doing this, around 12 hours, and only got 500k gil and they are around lvl 45-50. no idea why they are at half level for an "over night" training. so my question is, do i need to leave it on for an entire day? you said it should take around 45 hours, but i seriously do no know why its so "slower".

Douglas Freer
Douglas Freer - 28.05.2023 18:00

I’m currently using this method on an Expert Grid playthrough and I had to put a pause for a couple weeks while waiting for a turbo controller from Amazon. At first I didn’t realize you had to hold the button down for turbo to work so I had to get a pack of rubber bands from the store but still needed something for the rubber band to keep the button pressed so I got a couple coins to keep X down.
Because I’m doing the expert grid I have to modify your strategy for this since the high level stuff like Flare and Holy are in different areas and require keys to access them.
Currently I’m halfway through the Sin fin fight so I’m ready for level 99 everyone tomorrow

AAA - 28.05.2023 16:58

I want it to try this game for second time since 4 years ago, and this its wonderful!!! There are some questions that I have but it's beacuse english it's not my first lenguage so understand 100% might be a problem, so if there any way I can see this in a scrip would be nice because reading its a bit easier than hearing! Nice video!! I hope i can do everything

THEFRISKIESTDINGO - 28.05.2023 02:28

“I love playing Blitzball!” - no one
