Love, Sex and Porn in VR - BBC

Love, Sex and Porn in VR - BBC


8 месяцев назад

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Mr Mindset
Mr Mindset - 03.11.2023 01:08

This girl is beautiful, I might meet her

Sujit Pachode
Sujit Pachode - 30.10.2023 16:29

What the heck ?

Markov Mily
Markov Mily - 30.10.2023 10:50

Everyone in the comments terrified of what's new, and different

Native Strong
Native Strong - 30.10.2023 08:06


Alan Prime
Alan Prime - 30.10.2023 02:48

I could def do 300 strokes per minute 😂

Andre C
Andre C - 30.10.2023 02:38

Slow news week eh?😂

John Fury
John Fury - 30.10.2023 01:57

Soon we won’t have to leave the house for anything.

Vinnie S
Vinnie S - 30.10.2023 01:37

feel sad for you

SUNNY - 30.10.2023 00:44

is she irish? i love her accent

MoVed33 - 30.10.2023 00:04


Luis Mendoza
Luis Mendoza - 29.10.2023 23:33

I thought this was Lana Rhoades for a second 😂

Michi Rocket
Michi Rocket - 29.10.2023 23:30


DeusShaggy - 29.10.2023 23:28

Your reactions as an "ideal" female companion to 90%+ of males in most Western societies is just what I'd expect.

charles townsend
charles townsend - 29.10.2023 22:08

Reading these comments you'd think it was the victorian era or something.

Snowdog's Shorts
Snowdog's Shorts - 29.10.2023 22:06

I watched the full program on iPlayer, and it was very interesting.

A few observations in regard to the full version.

The woman who does pole dancing, who had been at the Manchester concert that was bombed, said that VR has helped her a lot. This is unsurprising, as research has shown that VR is helpful for people with PTSD. I have complex PTSD, and VR helps me a lot. In fact, helping me with my PTSD was one of the main reasons that I got it.

As for relationships online being real. In 1999, I met a woman online, which back then it was through chatrooms, and was by text only. She was in the USA, I was in the UK. About 3 weeks after meeting online, I travelled to the USA to meet her in person.

We fell in love, and she came back with me. To cut a very long story short, we got married, and had 18 wonderful years together, until she sadly passed away in 2017.

I now have a girlfriend, who is also in the USA. We have yet to meet in person, but for us, the relationship is very real, and we are very close. We have physically touched each other in VR. Holding hands, we felt a very strong connection. There is also a thing called phantom touch, in which your brain tricks you into feeling that you have physically touched something that you see in VR. This is all down to how immersed you are in the experience. I get very immersed in things, so for me this can be very strong.

I have met over 100 people in person, that I first met online. I have found that most people are pretty much the same in real life, except that some who are shyer, and one who was much louder. But generally, if you know someone online, you also know a lot about who they are in real life. The difference is nowhere near as big as you might imagine. The thing that holds many people back, is they struggle to see people online, as real people. But they are just as real as ourselves. Of course people can put up a front, and hide behind it, but more often, people are their authentic selves. I mean, it is not like they are actually going to meet other people in real life. ;) The advantage of connecting online, is that you often get to meet more of the person, than you might have done in if you had met them in real life first. I personally have found that online connections, can be even stronger than meeting people in real life. Then, when you transfer to a real life relationship, it takes it to a whole other level. Or at least that has been the case in my experience.

I am a gamer, and met a lot of people online that way too, and yes, I have gone on to meet some of them in real life too.

I know that I am an early adopter of online relationships and friendships, and of VR. But I believe that in the future that such things will seem as normal as texting, phoning, or facetiming someone. I know that it is that way for me.

A special thanks to Olivia for sharing her journey! Also, her best friend Lewis, they were totally awesome!

If anyone has seen the full episode, it is definitely worth a watch.

Kalita - 29.10.2023 22:02

And that's the end

Yuichi Tsuruta
Yuichi Tsuruta - 29.10.2023 21:58

Physical touch is really important. But Sometimes VR is good for relax.

charles townsend
charles townsend - 29.10.2023 21:53

One thing about humans, they invent something and the first, or sometimes second question we ask is how can I have sex with it or use it for sex. I'd have been more surprised if we didn't.
