How to use Github with Unreal Engine to share and collaborate on projects

How to use Github with Unreal Engine to share and collaborate on projects

Loose Connection

5 лет назад

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@andyk_1 - 03.03.2022 10:52

Hello "Loose Connection", my Content is over 17 GB: is this a problem for "Github free"?

@killerwolfZurian1171 - 30.08.2021 02:31

WHY DOS EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE DRAGGED OUT AND CONFUSING. ALL I FUCKING NEED IS TO SHARE MY PROJECT WITH MY TEAM MEMBERS FOR MULTI USER EDITING. why cant anything be fucking Simple dude... my porjects gonna be 10s of gigabytes and im trying to do this remotely

@3Dcowboyvideos - 26.03.2021 18:34

If you install github desktop why would you need git exe as well? I mean, doesn't github upload your project to the repository?

@extraspicy2602 - 16.10.2020 03:56

wheres all your links?

@chrisbeck7266 - 20.09.2020 21:08

If the path doesn't show up in Unreal you can close Unreal and open it again. It should then show up.

@erikkelley2201 - 08.09.2020 00:05

Hey i know the tutorial is older now so now sure if your still there to reply but. For some reason i followed all the steps and my collaborators still say they cant see the repo or changes. I have installed lfs for the larger assets etc. So im not sure why it doesnt get pushed to the site.

@nicoletilbe1611 - 30.04.2020 02:18

So I just did this and it pushed my unreal project to github but only the unreal files, how can I push the C++ files I created in VS that are attached to this project? Anyone able to help me?

@eclipse3d275 - 04.04.2020 12:59

It says this thing "The push operation includes a file which exceeds GitHub's file size restriction of 100MB. Please remove the file from history and try again." Am i doing something wrong, or am i trying to push waay to much information :)

@vrshoplt5225 - 03.10.2019 13:13

Hello, everything worked great. But can you explain how to download the project and sync everything for another person? Does he have to do all these steps also? Can he use the same git acc, or he has to make another?

@ghostprofswe - 07.05.2019 08:08

When I tried submitting to github it wouldnt store big files on git hub is there a way around this
