This is Not the Flag of Ukraine.*

This is Not the Flag of Ukraine.*


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Гончаров Димитрій
Гончаров Димитрій - 21.10.2023 13:48

Ill wait till you know about flags with Greater CoA

pljjy222 - 05.10.2023 02:58

Ukrainian here, the trident is loved as much as the flag so people tend to combine them, I don't think there is any other complicated reason for that

Aq - 27.09.2023 18:40

i want to say 1 thing, kievian rus is ancestor state of not only Ukraine but also Belarus and Russia bcs the language was speaked by his rule r after slavised was rus an ancestor language of the Ukrainian Belarusian and russian

Caracalla - 24.09.2023 14:54

Ukrainian here. I guess another origin for the trident on a flag combo might be the flag of OUN(nationalist guerrillas). It sported a big stylized trident on a black and red backdrop(two horizontal stripes, just like the official flag)

fiks - 22.09.2023 22:00

Also Ukranian Coat of arms "Tryzub" Can Be Read as 'Воля' in English "Freedom"

Maximilien Robespierre
Maximilien Robespierre - 22.09.2023 00:12

Not sure about Belarus, but Russia more or less coopted the connection to "Rus" in order to claim that they're the descendants of the Kyivan Rus, thus being able to advocate that they should own our lands. Don't forget that the name "Russia" came into use only in 1721 - before that the country was called Moscovia.

mmmellowbite - 21.09.2023 23:12

You also could say that Ukrainian trident contains in itself word „Воля” - freedom

Jason Myneni
Jason Myneni - 20.09.2023 02:57

I always assumed the one with the trident was the military ensign. Who would have thought this was such a rabbit hole

Tipori - 18.09.2023 20:34

So, I'm Ukrainian and we have a few symbols of our country that we're taught in school. The first one is flag, second is "Herb" and hymn. While the situation with the flag and hymn are pretty intuitive, you could say that herb's story is a bit more complicated, but that would be wrong. Just as polish silver eagle and many other examples, that's just a country's emblem and it's attachment to a flag isn't really some political things, just Ukraine's flag and emblem together. Thanks for the interest in our country.

Porsche Williams official f1 YouTube Channel
Porsche Williams official f1 YouTube Channel - 12.09.2023 21:24

Shoutout to Iván peklin the first ever ukrainian f1 driver For now because of nothing lol!!!

DesFo 513
DesFo 513 - 07.09.2023 17:50

Russia didn't have much with Rus before 1721. The name of Russia was "Moscovia". And then Petro First renamed the country to steal the history of other land.

beans - 06.09.2023 23:54

It just looks cooler

Philobiblion - 05.09.2023 02:50

Probably would be like using the USA colonial flag with the thirteen stars in the field as a color. Note that ANY flag that was recognized as the official banner, standard or ensign of the Republic may be flown at any time, for any event, as it is by definition legal.

AuthorOfOne - 04.09.2023 17:28

I mean, it’s fairly simple.

It’s a national symbol which can easily be agreed upon and so whacking it on the flag is good for morale. Zelenskyy probably isn’t thinking “I should remind everyone about Kievan Rus”, but instead “this flag is nice, but I think the one with the national symbol on it will do better.”

Kenster - 03.09.2023 18:58

I think this is comparable to the national emblem being superimposed on the national flags of Poland, Germany, Austria and other countries as well as on the flags of some German states. I think this simply indicates that this is the government flag flown by governing institutions. I could be wrong though 🤷

Матвій Павлік
Матвій Павлік - 02.09.2023 21:30

God bless 🇷🇺

Vielenberg - 02.09.2023 14:57

You could make an identical clip about the Polish flag with identical conclusions. The CoA version of the Polish flag should only be used on Embassies, airports and sea ports and on ships. But nevertheless it is often used by politicians - even for official purposes.

Cristian Hugo Muñoz Campos
Cristian Hugo Muñoz Campos - 01.09.2023 19:58

Russia is Muscovy. Period.

camilqaq - 01.09.2023 17:02

lol after kievan rus there were no "ukraine " but only "russkie" principalities and after that russia and after that Lenin has given lands of donetsk-krivorozhskaya republic to ukraine and than there was Ukraine SSR within Soviet Union

OneFor2 - 01.09.2023 14:55

Here before RuZZian bots show up

Анатолий Карабасов
Анатолий Карабасов - 31.08.2023 15:00

Trident is Khazar's "tamga". Symbol that region dominating Khazar Khanate used on money. When Svyatoslav conquered Itil he claimed himself as new kagan and continued to use that symbol on money. It has nothing with Rus or Rurik family.

Silly Sad
Silly Sad - 31.08.2023 12:14

so what? Russia stole the name. do we owe then anything? shall we surrender because of that?

Kevin Warburton
Kevin Warburton - 31.08.2023 03:24

Kind of bollocks at the end as those other countries haven't used the Trident as a Marker since the end of the Rurikid Dynasty.

Ruiner1 - 31.08.2023 02:15

As a Ukrainian, here's my little note on the other two countries you mentioned in the video. Russia just took the name (Russia was literally Greek for Rus) and proclaimed itself as "the only true descendant of Rus". Thus, all their myths, historical and general propaganda and the desire to conquer other nations (and Ukraine specifically).
As for Belarus, I'm not so sure of their country's name's origin. But what I am sure about is that they also were a part of Rus, just like Ukraine. However, neither them, nor other nations who were once part of Rus call themselves "descendants" of it.
Other than that, great video, thanks a lot

Volo - 31.08.2023 01:27

Well, you did not dig deep enough. The flag with the Coat of Arms on it, is the NAVY flag of the Chief of Armed forces (aka the president), adopted on April 07, 1997. So it exists and is quite official.

unstoppable tiger talukan
unstoppable tiger talukan - 30.08.2023 01:22

A brother war through and through

Bisquick - 30.08.2023 01:20

Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under
self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from
the past. The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living.

"Fun" fact: the red and black flag also frequently displayed represents the classic "blood and soil" ultranationalism (re: nazis) movement and in particular the OUN-B paramilitary wing of the UAP which "assisted" the nazis, to put it discomfortingly lightly.

"In October 1942, the OUN-B established the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA). The OUN-B formed Ukrainian militias that carried out pogroms and massacres, both independently and with support from the Germans. To ensure the maximum impact of the systematic ethnic cleansing campaign in the contested territory, the OUN-B faction spread antisemitic, racist, and fascist propaganda among the ordinary peasants and other Ukrainians.  Aided by Stetsko, Shukhevych, and Lenkavskyi (OUN-B propaganda chief), Bandera wrote a manifesto entitled "Ukrainian National Revolution" that called for the annihilation of so-called ethnic enemies. The manifesto informed the locals how to behave and included specific instructions about the killing of Jews, Poles, and Ukrainian opponents of fascism.

The vast majority of pogroms carried out by the Banderites occurred in Eastern Galicia and Volhynia, but also in Bukovina.  The most deadly of them was perpetrated in the city of Lviv by the people's militia formed by OUN at the moment of the German arrival in the Soviet-occupied eastern Poland. There were two Lviv pogroms, carried out in a one-month span, both lasting for several days; the first one from 30 June to 2 July 1941, and the second one from 25 to 29 July 1941. The first pogrom took the lives of at least 4,000 Jews.

In late 1944, Bandera was released by the German authorities and allowed to return to Ukraine in the hope that his partisans would unite with OUN-M and harass the Soviet troops, which by that time had handed the Germans major defeats. Germany sought to cooperate with the OUN and other Ukrainian leaders." - wikipedia on the Flag of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. He has forgotten to add: the first time as tragedy, the second as farce." - some guy

DB 123
DB 123 - 30.08.2023 00:56

The real Ukrainian flag has a black sun and a swastika on it.

istryj - 29.08.2023 22:34

You don't know about the color sequence controversy =)

Michael Zhur
Michael Zhur - 29.08.2023 18:14

You also forgot about the Kingdom of Rus (Ruthenia)

abstrekt - 29.08.2023 17:55

I'm sorry, but you're reading too much into it. Zelensky might've used it because... Well.. it looks good? And it's our official coat of arms. Why don't combine them cause it looks good? It doesn't have to be always super official. And there doesn't have to be some hidden ideological motive to push some kind of narrative.

William Szy
William Szy - 29.08.2023 13:01

Belarus etymologically is just bialy Rus - literally white Rus.

William Szy
William Szy - 29.08.2023 12:58

Completely skipped the deluge ;v;

Not_A_Commie_Dog - 29.08.2023 04:24

So its just and East Slavic symbol

Константин Константинович Рокоссовский
Константин Константинович Рокоссовский - 29.08.2023 02:08

yeah because it doesnt exist

0AmonRa0 - 29.08.2023 01:12

Where is Russia Empire in XVI / XVII ??? 🤔

Rotneybot - 29.08.2023 00:55

What is a Ukraine?

Lars Ronæs
Lars Ronæs - 28.08.2023 21:52

Interesting video, and interesting channel you have. I like the content. I bookmarked it for later review, and possibly subscribtion when I get more free time.

Grigory Bezyuk
Grigory Bezyuk - 28.08.2023 21:05

Fun fact: while names RUSsia and BelaRUS are both obviously descendant from the name Rus' (not only Kievan, though — it's more of a Pskov and Novgorod thing), the name Ukraine simply means "a periphery".

Grigory Bezyuk
Grigory Bezyuk - 28.08.2023 20:59

"Specifically its connection with the Empire one thousand years in the past"
There were no Empire one thousand years in the past, though. The only Empire that Kiev ever had relation to is the Russian Empire, proclaimed 1721. Kievan Rus' wasn't an empire (nor was it an origin of Russia nor the first nor most important center of power of Rus' state(s)).

Филиппок - 28.08.2023 19:26

Ethnonyms of Russian people:
Great Rus - Великороссы - Russia nowadays;
White Rus - Белоруссы - Belarus;
Small Rus - Малороссы - Ukraine.
All these so call countries were one for centuries. We're brothers, one nation, always has been.

Achilleas Giosis
Achilleas Giosis - 28.08.2023 16:05

The thing is that the trident is the symbol of Vladimir the Great, who was the ruler of Kyivan Rus', who was from the Rurikid dynasty. Kyivan dynasty has been disolved completely by the Mongols, and made puppet states the Principalities of Novgorod, Muscovy, Tver, Kazan, etc. During this time as Kyivan Rus is no more. The succession was in a Rota system in which the senior successor was moved into Kiev (for example the Prince of Novgorod who was the most old one, moved to Kiev and became Grand Prince of Kyiv and the Prince of Muscovy became Prince of Novgorod and so on). So as there was no more Kiev the Rota system remained, but the Grand Principality is now Novgorod. All of those Princes were back then of Rurikid dynasty, up until the death of Ivan the Terrible. This system survived up until 1453. Then a civil war of succession started and an assimilation of a unified Russian kingdom has been created. The thing is that this trident was based upon the Rurikid dynasty and it is legitimately a crest of the Russian people. So basically they were just trying to steal history and making it on their own. Just like North Macedonia does with Greece all those years. Each country has its own unique history, but I can't understand why they are copying it by someone else.

qweebey - 28.08.2023 13:19

Kievan Rus' is not a predecessor of Ukraine, its the predecessor of every eastern Slavic nation today which includes Ukraine

Géza Leskó
Géza Leskó - 28.08.2023 11:42

fighting russians under a russian sign.... thats weird...

BlackEpyon - 27.08.2023 23:50

Reason: "Because it looks cool shut up."

Brutpenta - 27.08.2023 18:29

After some wikipedia searching the Ukraine flag with the trident in the center is the naval flag for the president, which makes sense because the trident was the symbol for the leader of the Kyivan Rus

mafija begis
mafija begis - 27.08.2023 13:50


Duolingo - 27.08.2023 11:35

The trident consists of 4 letters: В, О, Л, and Я. Which represent the word "Воля" (freedom). Ukrainians put it on the flag to show their difference between Russia and Belarus
