Unity vs Blender | Comparison 2020

Unity vs Blender | Comparison 2020


4 года назад

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am - 10.05.2023 11:13

I am still confused bruh

Lawrence - 25.02.2023 12:41

any update for this?

lânchánđời nguyễn
lânchánđời nguyễn - 07.11.2022 18:47

Blender is bad but is usable for some task.Because it is lag and does crash usually,also hard to use and perform unpredictable,not a coherent,rigid software.Texture and lighting is the most important thing.If you are talking about making a movie,blender might be a good choice for free,but you can't rely on that when making a game.The quality of the 3d models depends on the game engine itself.Try to use what you have,be creative.Sometimes unpopular software from microsoft can beat blender for texture drawing for sure.

Michael Saz
Michael Saz - 27.10.2022 21:45

that was very helpful in making my decision. Coming from decades of C4d, and the sort of jobs it's suited for... It's clear (to me at least) that blender is the next move for me. Thanks!

ZENATRITE - 04.10.2022 13:13

how bout upbge its 2022 now

DrummerCAS - 24.05.2022 19:13

Thank you for you clear explanation!

Operator Camp
Operator Camp - 11.05.2022 08:03

unity is legit so much easier than blender, blender is over-complicated for beginners, if an easier, more user-friendly version of blender was developed with the same potential and uses but just presented in a more managable fashion then I would very much enjoy it.

PandaSay - 23.04.2022 12:40

You know there is UPBGE? (UP blender game engine)

Alex Stone
Alex Stone - 22.04.2022 09:14

Bro, that moment when I saw the film people made on Blender, is the moment I realized I had a long ways to go before I was good at using it

BlackFilms - 10.01.2022 15:13

Blender has a game engine it's called UPBGE

JR Master
JR Master - 04.01.2022 00:22

Now waiting for the 2022 edition of this video.

The Wavys
The Wavys - 06.12.2021 07:28

So if i was trying to make textured 3D worlds for VRCHAT are you saying it would be a good idea to use both blender and unity together? Or do you recommend another workflow

S. SAKTHIVEL S193 - 20.10.2021 14:45

What about rendering methods to take out!!! 😑😑😑

JiRO - 15.05.2021 14:06

Always unity

STAIL - 08.05.2021 21:12


Anderson Costa
Anderson Costa - 07.04.2021 20:20

Yeah, I'm learning Blender first then I'll be learning unity. Gonna make a really cool game =)

GTheWhiteLionSamurai7 - 02.04.2021 07:21

using both

Jarrod - 20.03.2021 02:48

Just curious, but why no more game engine with Blender? Will it return in the future?

PAULMACET - 16.03.2021 23:21

I think you don't know about blender game engine which is another app by the way but it is by blender so unity, unreal, and blender the three are tough comparator

Alaz - 02.03.2021 13:46

Blender is the most amazing 3D software ware and very easy to learn i already masterd it in 4 months.

Mohammed Shahed
Mohammed Shahed - 25.02.2021 17:53

blender have own game engine..stupied

Tony Tran
Tony Tran - 18.02.2021 23:21

How about this question, Sorcerer: Which one for film animation? Blender or Unity?

Seabass888 UnderWater
Seabass888 UnderWater - 22.01.2021 06:55

I was kinda lost so if I use blender for animating a character will it transfer to unity??

binbinzyy - 31.12.2020 02:19

Thanks for this video! I was in a 3D Animation class this past semester. And we would model in Blender then import in Unity and put animations. I'm just here trying to decide what to do next semester. My brain is so fried, thanks for this video! Blender it is.

Judas The Pious
Judas The Pious - 25.12.2020 13:34

You will have to make this comparison video each and every year..

yeah, the burden is yours now.. 🙏

Dinolabs - 23.12.2020 19:27

nice man nice job

Sk.Mahdee Mahbub Samy
Sk.Mahdee Mahbub Samy - 04.12.2020 16:38

make blender vs unreal engine comparison

Mr Rasooli
Mr Rasooli - 17.11.2020 10:15

thanks bro 😊

Suchan - 07.11.2020 16:44

There are many japanese Studios that use Unity to make Animes. Theres free plugins for that. You can Rigging with Bones in Unity, theres plugins to do that. Theres many Animation Movies out there, they are made in Unity.
The only one thing i can agree to is, that you can use Blender and Unity together.
You can use ProBuilder but, you know it, theres many plugins out there for precise modelling in Unity. Unity is more than only a Game Engine, its a Content Creation Tool.
In my Studio, i use Blender and Unity together. But you have to use some plugins in Blender as well, when you want specific things. We made some Characters in Blender and animate it there and use it later in Unity. There is no problem to do that. Or we make Prefabs in Unity and import it to Blender for the finalisation.
I use UE4 too for Virtual Production on big screens, but sometimes i use Unity for that as well.
A comparison between Blender and Unity is not wrong, but you have to do it right. All that what you can do in Blender, you can do in Unity too. A bit different but you can do it.
In my opinion, Animation is more better in Unity. But thats a personal preference. So theres no need to choose for one Software or Game Devs have to use this and Artists have to use that.
Just try it out, Google and learn and decide then or just use both. There both free.

Shyamal Datta
Shyamal Datta - 17.10.2020 12:14

You are wrong blender has it,s game engine that is upbge game engine.Which is free but need coding,you are old like a second hand tv

Patrick Levy
Patrick Levy - 05.10.2020 20:57

Okay, that video exlains pretty well my questions. I have one more tho.
You've mention that there is a problem with complex animations. What do you mean?
Is it possible to make advanced sword combat animation in blender and then import it to Unity and make use of it when your character fights on mouse key press?

Blackwood - 01.10.2020 22:04

im here just to try too make a vrchat model

RAMArama - 20.09.2020 10:14

what about upbge????

Raj Jaiswal
Raj Jaiswal - 18.09.2020 19:01

I can't get the reason to compare a 3d modelling software to a game engine... They both are totally different

Tonypec1974 - 01.09.2020 10:22

But if you aren't a game developer ora a 3d artist there is no reason to use computer...

DoomNexus - 30.08.2020 02:12

The video isn't bad but I'm honestly confused about the format of this video.
I don't think a comparison is fitting since - as you pointed out yourself - they have vastly different use cases and Unity even kind of relies on some modelling or sculpting software like Blender.
I'd even argue that game engines (Unity, Unreal, Cry,..) are almost completely irrelevant to pure digital artists since they never really need what the game engines have to offer and are way better off using Blender or Maya or whatever on its own.

In my opinion in addition to explaining what each program excels at, it would've been more useful to get a little more insight into how a workflow between the two could look like.
For example as a game dev I'll do the standard stuff like box modelling/sculpting, detailing, uv mapping, etc in Blender and then import it to Unity where I proceed to add physics (like Cloth), lighting, materials/shader, etc.

I remember when I started with game development in my spare time along uni and watched a lot of Blender tutorials (I'm a programmer) it was really frustrating to follow the entire tutorial series just to find out that the results weren't game ready and I had to basically redo several hours within Unity again because all the post processing glow and stuff from Blender wasn't compatible with Unity's systems.

Gergely Óvári Tímár
Gergely Óvári Tímár - 29.08.2020 23:58

What is the point of this comparison?
They are 2 completly different software. Its just like compering a table with a chair.

They are different and the best to use them together.

There is no point to compare them.

If you want to create a comparison video about 2 things (Software) than take them from the same category like
game engine vs game engine,
modelling and animating software vs modelling and animating sofware

You compared the 2 sofware in 3 points where one (Blender) is made for, and the other (Unity) has very limited capabilities.
So the vinner of your comparison is definitive Blender, but What if I repace your categories with Creating a game? Than Unity wins.

And the 4th point: with an amimation software people are creating animations, and with a game engine games...
However there are some animations created(rendered) in Unity.

Utkarsh Saini
Utkarsh Saini - 25.08.2020 18:03

How Critical ops & dead trigger 2 made if Unity does not support 3D animation

Matheus Tavares
Matheus Tavares - 15.08.2020 03:56

hi there, math here again, soooo

could make a video putting the use of both blender and unity together for a game designer

because i'm having some thought

"i create a avatar in blender, but where i put the cloth psychics

where do the rigging "

and all this short of things

Frewty Pebbles
Frewty Pebbles - 13.08.2020 21:32

Why are you comparing a modeling software and a game engine

Kilravok - 06.08.2020 16:22

Blender may officially no longer have a game engine, but there are Armory and UPBGE, the later being the continuation of Blender's game engine as a standalone app, and both are able to load blender objects and scenes natively without needing any export/import conversion.

Nurhasanah Umar
Nurhasanah Umar - 03.08.2020 19:20

my god thank you so much, you literally just solved all my questions with this video

Ez Blends
Ez Blends - 23.07.2020 18:10

Great compression earned a sub

Aquarii - 13.07.2020 04:38

So since you cant export animations to unity from blender, you need to make the 3d character in blender and animate it in unity?

Matheus Tavares
Matheus Tavares - 10.07.2020 20:27

i'm starting in programming for making a living (in JS and react) but at the same time i'm planing in start game develop for hobby and have fun
i was searching a video like this for week, thanks man

Marv - 05.07.2020 00:34

"Use Blender and Unity together."
What exactly am I doing in Unity? Landscape? Even buildings(?) or is that already something for blender? And, should I do scenes in blender or only single models and do the scenery in Unity?
