Natural vs induced labor: what they don’t tell you

Natural vs induced labor: what they don’t tell you

Care About Little Ones

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Care About Little Ones
Care About Little Ones - 24.05.2022 13:43

Thanks so much for watching this video! 😊 This video is supposed to help you understand what the differences are between a natural and an induced labor. Please keep in mind though: there are many more factors which determine how a woman experiences her delivery (apart from the question, if she was induced or not): the position and station of the baby, status of the cervix, health status of the mother etc.

Lovelyflower - 23.09.2023 23:01

Hello...i am 36 weeks 6 days my doctor did my cervical examination and said that i am 50% effaced and 1 finger dilated...since i am having labor pains from the 32 week of pregnancy my doctor said that we can induce the labor by my doubt is that can my labor be induced if I am 50% effaced and give birth vaginally if am induced...will my cervix dilate fully if i am induced

Rosanna Blake
Rosanna Blake - 21.09.2023 13:07

I started labour naturally at 41+1 however it was taking so long they decided to add in induction drugs.
The baby did not respond well to the drugs so they would stop it but then my contractions would slow right down.
By the end of day 2 I was exhausted and so was the baby they were worried about the baby having an infection because my waters had been gone for so long. It ended in an emergency c-section.

This time they are recommending an earlier induction at 39 weeks. I can only hope they know what they are doing. All I want is the safest deliver available given the circumstances.

Humera farooq
Humera farooq - 19.09.2023 19:20

Hi, I’m 36+3 days pregnant, throughout my whole pregnancy doctors said baby is on the smaller side so I might have to be induced, whoever I speak to In family they say don’t do it because it’s a painful procedure. A lot of women in family have been asked to get induced and they refused. And their babies were all fine. I am so confused, my husband wants to go with doctors advice but I want to have a natural birth please help me with making a decision thanks

Theyluv_Elijah - 31.08.2023 18:41

i will be 37 weeks on friday. I have had preeclampsia eith blth pregnancies prior but was allowed tk have natural labor at 41+3 and then 40 +3 .....i have protein in urine yet my bps were great entire pregnancy,but a few high readings....they are wanting to induce but i dont want to.

Zainab Saqib
Zainab Saqib - 27.08.2023 23:34

Hello dear.
Please help me out, my previous pregnancies I go in labor naturally.

But recently I m suffering from low liquor at 36 week........
Any thing u suggest me in this situation to induce

Coz may b due TU my health condition Dr was saying this to me

AellaWhirlWind - 09.08.2023 11:41

I had my induction at very early stage of labor at 40 weeks. I m pretty sure that my body would do everything on its own as I was 3 cm dilated and contractions on and off for a day. I did have tons of endorphins during induction and epidural, gave birth in 4 hours and it was the most amazing day in my life. I m still high from all the hormones it’s a week after birth. So I believe that correct timing is a key when opting for induction

anusha Sagar
anusha Sagar - 07.08.2023 12:02

Hi, i am 37 week pregnant, baby head is down ,dr said still cervix is not opened & not get any labor pain till now, they will induce labour oain tomorrow, i need normal delivery please help ke to get labour pain naturally

Jezibell De Hurt
Jezibell De Hurt - 28.05.2023 23:48

I was induced @ 40 weeks. And i stay 1 centimeters and was given pitosen right away.

ChamomileMineral - 02.05.2023 01:19

So bonding having sex with my husband can help boost natural oxytocin!!! And just want I need. Time to stop being shy and engage in being more comfortable with one another.

updates n news
updates n news - 11.04.2023 12:51

You are right
We noticed this with our sister
Induced is so much difficult and more importantly as you said it restricts body moments because of those continuous monitoring
I also have this doubt my sister during her delivery her baby’s heart beat slows down and so they made an emergency c section
My opinion is may as it look longer time so baby was in severe pressure and that is induced
I mean it took 10 hours around
She also said not clear with the instructions they gave how to push and when to push
Does this duration and induced pain impact the heart beat of baby

Aruaji Helen
Aruaji Helen - 30.03.2023 00:41

Am 40 weeks this Monday and I didn't want induction please help me out 😢😢😭😭😭

Hoorain Fatima
Hoorain Fatima - 07.03.2023 11:52

I am 37 weeks 3 days . And 2 cm dialted. My dctr asked me to admit and go for induced labour but i am confused bcz its my first delivery while my baby is also in cephalic postion with upper segment placenta . So should i w8 r go for induction bcz every thing is norml yet. But i dont have too much vaginal discharge even discharge is about no... kindly suggest me what to do

Amy - 26.02.2023 11:45

40 weeks pregnant this Thursday, and was told if I don't go into labor by Thursday I'm getting an induction and it's my first pregnancy 😭 I drank castor oil with some orange juice an hour ago so I'm hoping something happens. I don't want to get induced 😩

based zoomer
based zoomer - 25.02.2023 06:25

I notice sometimes, but Nathalie, you have such a beautiful figure even after having your son! Wow!
From woman to woman, I admire you 😊❤

Chelsea Trembley
Chelsea Trembley - 21.02.2023 01:57

Question- would you consider AROM to be a medical induction? Does your body have time to develop oxytocin for itself it seems it does if your able to birth child without oxytocin after artificial rupture of membranes. I would love to hear your thoughts!

BIDÓ - 02.02.2023 05:32

I really needed this , you've answered all my questions thank you so much!. 💕

Sabi_Writer - 11.01.2023 00:22

I'm v.exited for my this baby but I'm also v.worried because last time 2 years ago in my 1st pregnancy my 1st baby was die in womb in 8th month & Dr gave me artificial pain
But now this time I also want to normal delivery but not any pain now I'm in 37+3 weeks when naturaly pain start I'm waiting but little bit confused also ...

Kendra Stark
Kendra Stark - 09.01.2023 03:27

I had a spontaneous labor, but my contractions didn’t start low, they were sudden and unbearable and they didn’t get closer together. Warm baths didn’t help and I couldn’t even lie down.

Story time
Story time - 03.01.2023 17:51

My doctor suggested me to induce labour. Now should I go for it.kindly tell me I'm soo nervous. It's my first pregnancy.

K R - 01.01.2023 06:55

Interesting that you say castor oil does not produce the same contractions as pitocin. I did castor oil after my water broke and had no contractions. It worked better than pitocin (first birth) and the contractions were fast and painful. I went from 0-8 in 5-6hours. How you describe pitocin is exactly how the castor oil felt. There was no reprieve and the contractions felt very different than my first birth with no pitocin. (Once I had pitocin I had the eoidrural so I can’t compare).

Ari Speaks
Ari Speaks - 30.12.2022 03:53

Hi ! Your video was very helpful . I am currently 37 weeks pregnant and they want to induce me next week. However , the doctor told me my baby has jumped up a category in weight (5 pounds and 5 ounces) & that both me and her are healthy. My fluid level is also normal. She told me all babies are not born big and that I shouldn’t worry. I want to decline the induction. Any suggestions ?

L.i.l.i.R.e.a.d.s. - 27.12.2022 22:03

I’ve been induced both of my pregnancies due to low amniotic fluids and I really hope I get to go into labor naturally this 3rd time around

Mom2blessings_Sadie - 27.12.2022 18:08

So I have had 7 babies, 6 induced all natural labour, 3 were induced because water broke for several hours no contractions and from being over due what are we suppose to do wait longer for natural labor with inductions in these cases???

TeaCup1940 - 23.12.2022 11:54

Not entirely true, because in a precipitous labour and birth that last less than 3h, contractions do start from 0 to 100! Some women also have very strong and very painful and intense contractions from the beginning of labour and there is not much pain relieve until baby is born. Not all natural labour follow the same pattern.

Tiwah Thorpe
Tiwah Thorpe - 10.11.2022 11:44

Thank you for these but I will like you to advise me regarding induction as my pregnancy will be due in in two days, makes it 40weeks and I am planning on going for induction or should I wait a week baby is fine and I have been having on/off contractions...I really can’t wait to see my baby

Syeda Noor
Syeda Noor - 18.10.2022 06:19

I had normal delivery with my first baby and now doctors are going to induce me second time. Will it be faster or different?

Nurul Afiqah Isnin
Nurul Afiqah Isnin - 05.10.2022 12:43

Hi there. Just dropping by yo say thank you for all videos that you guys have done. Very clear explaination and visual really helps. Glad to find your channel during presentation of my last labour (3 months ago). Will continue to follow for more updates on child development. Thanks again!

Consciousness journeys
Consciousness journeys - 02.10.2022 22:02

I am an advocate for natural labour but I also think it is dangerous to use certain natural induction methods such as castor oil or other strong supplements.

In my case, I had a medical induction at 41 weeks because my contractions weren't constant enough and my water was broken for already several hours. I had tried several home remedies and excercises for 3 weeks (because I wanted a natural unmedicated birth) but my contractions stopped every night after few hours.

Little would I've known, my baby was suffering with every strong contraction, because she was wrapped with the umbilical cord.

My body was very wise and stopped the contractions. I was told that if I would have used something stronger, like for example, castor oil, my baby could have risked brain damage due to oxygen depravation or might not have survived.

Not long after being medically induced, the monitors detected severe baby stress and I had an emergency c-section.

I think everyone should try soft methods like walking or love making, for example, but I ask you to be cautious and consider that if your body doesn't go into labour by itself, it might be for a reason.

Sadia Mahmood
Sadia Mahmood - 28.09.2022 15:39

I have gestational diabetes and I am currently on my 35th week of pregnancy. My Dr told me that she will not wait for my natural labour to start but instead she will artificially induced me labour 2 weeks before my actual due date and she recommended epidural as a pain relief method. Now I am actually very confused about all this artificially induced labour. Should I opt for planned C-section?

Mikelyn Green
Mikelyn Green - 21.09.2022 22:53

I appreciate this information, I have experienced both and natural birth was wayyyyy better . I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and my drs may won’t to induce me due to baby’s weight being on the smaller side even though the estimate they are getting have a 50% chance of being right. I will be declining being induced

DanceAddikt - 08.09.2022 01:21

I'm a FTM and 40+4 weeks pregnant! My hospital will book me for induction at 41+3 or 41+6 if I haven't gone into labour yet. I've been eating 6 dates a day since 36 weeks, drinking raspberry leaf tea since 33 weeks, going for frequent walks, tried evening primrose oil since 37 weeks, doing exercises on the birth ball, tried the miles circuit, acupuncture by a TCM specialist, acupressure (from myself/husband), sex, etc! I'm 1cm dilated and the midwife did a bit of a membrane sweep yesterday to try and get things moving more. Are there any other things I can do to help effacement and dilation and hopefully avoid the induction? Baby is at 3/5 engaged. Thank you!

Alexius Lovett
Alexius Lovett - 17.08.2022 20:13

I'm currently 40 weeks and 5 days and my doctor doesn't want me to go into 41 weeks. I'm currently 1cm dilated and the baby is between 7-8.5 lbs.

Amy Cox
Amy Cox - 16.08.2022 07:25

I have Ehlers Danlos-- I'm pregnant with my 4th and due Thursday.

with my first three, I had my water break and never started having contractions. With my first, my doctor let me wait for 14 hours before starting pitocin.

Twinkal Patel
Twinkal Patel - 11.08.2022 22:48

Hey dear i am late person who found your video. Regrating for that. I am 41 weeks gonna induce in 5 days today my mw said cervix is soft and i am 1cm dilated but cervix is in posterior i had tried everything nothing is working. Tips for me please 🙏

Brooke Gianos
Brooke Gianos - 25.07.2022 10:01

Have you guys had personal experience with castor oil for induction? I really want to try it but will talk to my ob first of course

madhavi kavuri
madhavi kavuri - 08.06.2022 13:37

Hi am 38 week pregnant my baby's growth scan at 32 weeks are good..but in 38 weeks head circumference is at 31.3 cm little less ..and measurements are Little less gynaecologist said it is ok some babies have bigger heads problem...but am worrying alot pls answer to qn...

Laksh mi
Laksh mi - 06.06.2022 16:14

Hi mam.. I am 40 weeks 1 day pregnant today my baby was not engaged till now.. I had strong & long contractions from last 2 days but no strong pains.. I have a doubt.. doctor induced the labour only for engaged baby ? pls reply me

Ipsa Narang
Ipsa Narang - 06.06.2022 01:08

Hie, thanks a lot for uploading such informative videos. I'm 39 weeks + 4 days and 1 cm dilated. I lost my mucus plug a day back as well. However, my AFI is 4 and my doctor has given me 2 days before she medically induces me. I have tried all your labour induction methods (excluding sex because I'm 1 cm dilated) but none of them seem to work. I had 3 false contractions, that's it. Also, baby's head is not engaged yet because baby is at a slightly different angle than the pelvis. Could you please help me out? I just have a day left to naturally induce.

b. tazeem
b. tazeem - 04.06.2022 14:49

I am 36+4 weeks pregnant and my doctor has prescribed me Dydrogesterone tablets from the start of my pregnancy does this medication has any affect on natural labor.

Shravya M G
Shravya M G - 03.06.2022 22:12

Hi,i m 37 weeks pregnant, and got to kno my AFI level is 8.1, baby weight is 2.23kg, doctor suggested to induce labour with in a week, is it really necessary to deliver so early, or can I wait till the baby weight increases, is it possible to increase my fluid level and postpone my delivery? Coz evrythg else is fine other than fluid level.

rivaam halma
rivaam halma - 03.06.2022 21:38

i was induced... and that pain was ....i cant was continuous...there was no relief interval

Hasbul Farheen
Hasbul Farheen - 03.06.2022 21:24

Hi.. m here to thank u guys. My first delivery was c sec n after 7 years I was able to deliver normally by following ur videos.. All ua pregnancy exercises videos and information u provide for natural labour it worked for me.. Thanks a ton.. U guys are doing awesome job..

Mohana Kumari
Mohana Kumari - 02.06.2022 08:09

Hello mam and sir, I have had an induced vaginal delivery a month back( may 5). I was induced because I was 40 weeks past and no signs of labour. My concern is that I have very less breastmilk, I hardly get 10-20 ml at one feed. I tried all possible ways, lactation supplements, breast pumps, hand expressing etc, but of no use, even after 1 month of delivery milk quantity has not increases. Could you please tell me if this is the side effect of induced labour and also could you please suggest any effective ways to increase my supply.

marcel deac
marcel deac - 01.06.2022 04:46

I was scheduled for induction on May 5 at 10 PM at Jamaica hospital , NY at 39 weeks, I was recommended it as I had an IVF- baby girl by the hospital staff. I wasn’t sure I have made the right decision but I ended up with a C section since I didn’t dilate at all and my baby girl was stressed out from the meds they gave me. If I knew this could happen I would have gone straight for C section but... who knew?!
So yes.. the medicated induction is stressing out the baby, her little heard slowed down few times during the process, and it was scary, trying to induce me for about 24 h, even with the water balloon but it didn’t work out. Anyway..... she was born on May 6 at 1.17 AM via C section perfectly healthy with an Apgar score of 10 🙏🥰
Thank you guys for your wonderful channel and your professionalism
Hugs from NYC, USA-Daniela 🤗🙏

ashwini P
ashwini P - 31.05.2022 20:37

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and do not have swelling legs or hands but instead I have fat belly which is hung as weeks pass by will it affect my natural delivery

Vian ki duniya 3M Views
Vian ki duniya 3M Views - 30.05.2022 16:38

I am 37+ week pregnant and my baby weight is 3.4 kg . Now what should I do I want a normal delivery and doesn’t have any pain . Should I wait but then weight of baby will inc which make normal delivery complicate . Doc said to start induce a pain but family wants to wait . So which is good decision pls suggest

X T.
X T. - 30.05.2022 08:04

My baby is 7month old today. I wish this video was posted 8months ago because my ob suggested induction to me and I did make the appointment on due date to get induced. Luckily, my baby knew better - he got out 2 days before the due date. I still used the epidural but from what you said, it's still better than induction.

Masood Shaik
Masood Shaik - 29.05.2022 21:50

Hi thanks for sharing your knowledge
Mam and sir I’m in trauma pls help me to overcome with this I delivered a baby boy but through c section
I tried for natural delivery even though I dilated naturally 8 cm without epidural etc but the doctors done c section 😭
I need a reason is it possible even after dilation of 8 cm one has to go for C sec
But what are the reasons for c sec pls pls make a video on that
Reply me soon mam and sir
Thank you

mouneshwari doddamani
mouneshwari doddamani - 29.05.2022 12:55

My Afi level is 6cm
