Trying to do a legion playthrough

Trying to do a legion playthrough


2 года назад

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@georgejackson4426 - 26.11.2023 20:26

I always get hated by The Legion, not because I hate them as a faction but because their hit squads make the game feel less empty.

@LadyDiskette - 22.09.2023 02:19

What I love the best about playing a female courier, is putting all my skill points into guns and weapon skills, but run around wearing a dress, picking the "Black Widow" and "Bloody Mess" perks, then just going to town slaughtering Legions lol

So even if they survive the battle, their pride won't make it out alive.

@ClownScript - 21.09.2023 00:24

i mean the legion pays you every couple weeks in game and the ncr doesnt soooooo. one reason to join the baddies (money)

@AINGELPROJECT667 - 13.08.2023 20:33

I like how the game pretty much sums up the Legion like, "I mean you COULD work for them, but wouldn't you rather just kill them instead?"

@Icommitwarcrimes - 02.08.2023 00:02

I’d mostly just kill him for his cool ass hat (then side with the legion anyway)

@lukescrew1981 - 28.07.2023 15:08

As if the NCR was that much better

@Liam-iv7wk - 27.07.2023 06:18

I was just waiting for "quest failed: beware the wrath of Caesar" to pop up

@jetstreamshawn5222 - 14.07.2023 10:12

Most people when they see legion assassin's: Ughhh again
Me when i see legion assassin's: i smell profit

@canadianbacon5488 - 07.07.2023 05:25

I've heard that Obsidian didn't have enough time to develop the factions fully, or conversely that the team didn't really want the Legion to be a playable faction.

The way I like to see it? The Legion is another choice. It isn't a good choice, but it's yours to make. And that's wonderful. Maybe someday Vulpes will survive a playthrough I do of New Vegas. Maybe. But probably not.

@Franko_Fox_YouTube - 15.05.2023 15:35

I like the legion

@cr4yv3n - 29.04.2023 15:46

The irony of a social darwinist cult being culled by a fitter specimen.... For loot 😂🤣

@PELTIER5 - 28.04.2023 18:42

I just realized when he said broken mp3 he meant record but in his time

@phat_kid5934 - 19.04.2023 05:42

I like the legion and I joined them in my first play through I just like the armor mainly

@cumulonimbusapothecary1079 - 13.04.2023 03:38

"I feel like taking on the NCR - want to team up, Legion?"
"Degenerates like you belong on a cross."
"...Yes Man ending it is."

@calamaribowl8683 - 08.04.2023 01:27

That's when you kill him? I got him in Nipton

@Scizorissexy - 05.04.2023 01:51

I refuse to ever play anything except wild card every time. There’s no joy greater then just straight up murdering and eating every major member of every faction!

For mr anyway~

@OhNoTheFace - 30.03.2023 17:46

Basically no one can like the faction because they are so cringe when ever they talk about anything

@calebbolinger5995 - 27.03.2023 06:35

Bro literally how I feel on this play through

@shadowglitch2048 - 25.03.2023 07:18

Could have been better when the body explode

@shadowglitch2048 - 25.03.2023 07:18

Could have been better when the body explode

@kidfox3971 - 22.03.2023 23:47

Average NCR fan who wants gay democracy and equality
Average Legion enjoyer who believes degenerates like them belong on a cross

@anthonyiglesias1221 - 17.03.2023 17:05

I’m only being friendly with the legion until I can get the safe house, after thou

@chickenplucker5235 - 15.03.2023 10:49

People in the comment section sure do love huge taxes, conscription and bandits lurking around their homestead.

@defnothankjwimbleton3475 - 10.03.2023 04:38

Remember, slavery is worse than taxes.

@odinwhoknowstoomuch8589 - 02.03.2023 19:10

Love how you can just blast Vulpes into a bloody mess and everyone will just keep walking as if nothing happened

@jonathanwells223 - 28.02.2023 05:48

Reminder that if you side with the legion you can have Benny crucified. Just letting you know…

@curtishammer748 - 24.02.2023 03:56

The quickest way for game developers to get players to hate someone or the group they belong to is to have them talk shit apropos of nothing. This is a world where there is a speedrunning category to kill Nazeem.

@tompeters5903 - 24.02.2023 01:25

Courier? A traitor? I think not!


@tompeters5903 - 24.02.2023 01:23

The devs clearly don't even want you to choose legion. Its like a joke faction. They have no redeeming factors even though they should. At the very least a 'theyre the strongest therefore the Mojave will be stronger' type of justification.

@pins7541 - 18.02.2023 06:38

i have killed vulpes when you meet him in nipton literally every single playthrough

@jimmortalman7709 - 06.02.2023 02:51

I tried to do a legion run, but every time I see casaer I want to bring Boone in and smoke him

@shiteyanyo1111 - 03.02.2023 20:03

Who knew Futurama and Fallout work so well together?

@yeti4269 - 25.01.2023 20:06

Lol I started a playthrough last night and hit the most beautiful grenade shot from the other side of Nipton to kill him and his crew

@fallouttoonlink - 15.01.2023 15:08

True to Caesar

@Maverickgrindstar - 10.01.2023 05:42

Why does the professor have a plain old shotgun in the year 3000 when laser weapons exist? I mean mind you I always spec in guns instead of lasers in FONV, but still

@lorddeathofmurdermountain76 - 04.01.2023 19:22

What people don't get about the legion is they were a form of order in a lawless wasteland rafiel states that before the legion came to Colorado you couldn't trade with the town down the road without getting into the middle of a tribal war they're not benevolent but there is a reason why they exist in lore.

@Treegonaut - 02.01.2023 08:08

Legion larpers be like: BUT MUH SAFE ROADS!!!!

So that justifies enslaving, raping, pillaging and mass genociding anyone who comes in contact with them??????

@comrade7376 - 22.12.2022 05:56

I've never completed a NCR campaign - and that's owning the game since it came out. TRUE TO CAESAR

@G112z - 21.12.2022 01:29

Say all Ya want about them but they are an excellent source of caps and Experience points

@Vakaria-plays - 01.12.2022 18:30

Well the Legion is suppose to be the vile and evil clan that literally wants to turn the nuclear wasteland world into a new roman empire, and they do a lot of stuff that most people wont agree with, i know you couldn't but in F3 i have never heard of many wanting to join the washington enclave because of well everything they stood for and did.

@cosmogcrusader5546 - 19.11.2022 10:54

Me when I side with the Legion in Elder Scrolls: REMEMBER THE EMPEROR!
Me when I side with the Legion in Fallout: *Courier sides with Mr. House and commits Capitalism*

@BirchMonkey857 - 25.10.2022 17:49

Still better than the Institute, but it's not like that's a high bar. At least Caesar is a believable character who has reasons outside of indoctrination for thinking the way he does.
Father: "You stupid protagonist, I'm not trying to destroy the world, I'm trying to save it!"
Sole Survivor: "Not if I can stop you- wait, what?"
"Humanity's ignorance has caused the world to become wavaged and wifeless!"
"Wavaged and wifeless? How? Was it neo-imperialist states with weapons of mass destruction? Vault-Tec?"
"No, none of those things. What destroyed the world was... eeethiiics."
"That is why. Eeethiiics."
"You're serious."
"Yeees, very."
"How did ethics destroy the world?"
"Well, I was not actually there, but I heard that somebody had ethics... and then BOOM! End of the world. It totally happened! Just like I said. Just ethics, BOOM! Everyone dead."
"Okay, but how does creating androids, enslaving them, and killing people make everything better?"
"Look, I planned this!"
"So explain it!"
"All I had to do... was invent synths... then use them... to replace random people. And then the future would be better. That's it."
"The Institute killed your other parent."
"Yeah, and my other parent. We totally meant to do that too. My plan is great!"
"Also, a lot of innocent people died."
"Yes, there was a little collateral damage, probably not important... my plan is great!"

@eazy8579 - 05.10.2022 18:48

I don’t think it’s that the legion are poorly written, so much as it is a well written example of what Fascists are like; ineffective, smug, and reliant on one person with a cult of personality to keep the thing going, and once that is gone, destined to utterly collapse; they have all of two talking points outside of hatred, and they repeat them ad nausium, and both of them can be disproven and don’t make up for their shortfalls everywhere else, and those “positives” are accurately seen as examples of their failures rebranded; meanwhile, they create a world view that glorifies their successes and blames their failures on others, all while being actively self defeating and becoming outraged when people use their own worldview as reason to fight them, since they believe in nothing more than strength.

@kingkraft6156 - 28.08.2022 09:27

My first run was legion based I’m thinking of getting the game again to make Andrew Tate a legionary

@MrLFJ7 - 15.08.2022 15:08

Shotgun Surgeon perk working as intended

@thegirlwhoanimates9814 - 07.07.2022 03:09

He was spouting boring legion stuff. He had to die. I always do this when Im playing an evil legion character.

@BigPuddin - 01.07.2022 10:33

If the game didn't want me to blast these wack ass, Roman posers, then why do I get good karma for doin' it, huh? HUH?!

@Tuntor689 - 27.06.2022 08:12

Anyone who calls him “The Kaesar” instead of just “Caesar” is working for the Legion and needs to be shot on sight.

@DinsRune - 17.06.2022 06:15

The Legion: "you'll pay for attacking us, Courier! The Legion's elite will be coming for you!"

Me, who really enjoys killing Legionnaires, and now securing an endless supply of them: - dancing skeleton meme -

@vulpesinculta888 - 03.06.2022 05:12

