Goddess and Divine Feminine Worship: Exposing the Dangers (New Age to Jesus) | Ep 26

Goddess and Divine Feminine Worship: Exposing the Dangers (New Age to Jesus) | Ep 26

New Age to New Heart

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@elain-3034 - 05.08.2024 23:22

Thank you all, I very much appreciate what doreen was saying about renewing ourselves so that instead of going back we can keep moving forward in faith 🙏

@gregorykobb2420 - 05.08.2024 23:23

A Mother and a Wife I believe are the most powerful.

@marthaj67 - 05.08.2024 23:37

WHERE DID YOU GET THAT T-SHIRT, JEN?!?!?! I MUST have one! 😃😃😃 I love that quote by Dr. Baucham! Edit: Never mind. I found it on his website 😄

@carolberubee - 06.08.2024 00:16

Thank you, ladies! Can you do a video on the divine feminine that focuses on the charismatic/nar belief that the Holy Spirit is female?

@home_yes - 06.08.2024 00:44

Love this! As a repentant recovered stage 4 feminist, I LOVE my patriarchal body guards. My husband & son treat me as gold! Feminism & divine femi worship is cancer!

@indigenixtaina3518 - 06.08.2024 01:04

When Christ healed the man on the cot He told the man to pick up his cot and go share the gospel. We get to carry what we're saved from as our God-given testimony of personal salvation. Hallelujah!

@ladyesther - 06.08.2024 01:15

Oh my gosh! I wish I could email you guys. I have questions. I guess I will just watch this video first!. I have recently heard this.

@sometimesawful - 06.08.2024 01:19

I remember confronting a man in a witches group I was in on fb, as he was claiming to be doing divine feminine work and claiming to be a woman, and I thought that was dangerous! I accused him of messing with stuff he didn't know about and won't want to, and he responded with doubling down on his claim to womanhood with a video of birds in a tree with a woman speaking to them off camera as evidence of his womanhood. I said that wasn't him and that the goddesses will know he's a man too. Now I know some of that was true, that lying is wrong of course, and that he didn't know what he was messing with! But I had no idea that my own messing with it was dangerous. The other group members attacked me, some assuming he was "trans" and some assuming he was just an unfortunate looking woman with no other evidence to post of his womanhood than a video without him even shown, which could have been anyone. Those people are very lost, if still there, it's become very woke too, so what was held sacred of womanhood is now happily shared with men as if there's no difference between the two sexes. They stand for nothing. There's no agreement on doctrine in new age or witchcraft and that's such a blessing to leave behind now I'm with God. To know the boundaries is beautiful. Bless you all.

@bobpaul4572 - 06.08.2024 01:51

I Enjoy and Learn from this Channel! You sisters are a Blessing! Today I listened to Dawn Hill's newest, talked to a Wonderful sister from my Favorite Christian Ministry/Lighthouse Trails, and listened to this Good Podcast! Women Pastors are one thing, but you'll are Welcome to Teach Me Biblical Truth! My Italian Roman Catholic Family Needs to Hear Jen...maybe she can reach them! 🙏 🙏

@Butterflyalignment999 - 06.08.2024 02:00

Ohhh I loved this episode so so so much! And at 38 mins when Dee is talking about how it’s true all roads to lead to God and that all paths lead to judgement - 👏🏼 God bless you all!!!

@winterwoodcottage3657 - 06.08.2024 04:13

For some reason I am reminded of a neighbor who thought that the very vocal cats in the neighborhood must be making that noise because they are giving birth. (The word birth spit out like vomit.) I had to think about it for a minute but when a cat gives birth it is at its most vulnerable to predation. Therefore quietly. I think women experience a similar vulnerability when bringing children into the world. I’ve been a single mom and it’s been hideous but choosing the right man under God would benefit any woman. It matters who you know and Gods plan is always right.

@salt_and_light03 - 06.08.2024 04:26

Thank you for all you 3 do- I love listening to and learning from your videos. I was saved after I was married and am now in an unequally yolked marriage. My husband doesn’t want to know the Lord. Please pray for him. I cling to
1 Corinthians 7:12-14 and
1 Peter 3:1
God bless you all 🙏🏽🤍

@megalopolis2015 - 06.08.2024 06:29

Please pray for my family, that they receive a hedge of protection, and awaken to the Truth of God's Love through Jesus. May they all be healed by the Great Physician, in Jesus' Name. Praying for all on this thread, and for many blessings to the ladies in this podcast. 💜

@CarmelColuccio - 06.08.2024 08:49

Amen 🙏

@beverlyclark8324 - 06.08.2024 08:57

Thank you so much again ladies… I’ve now had to walk away from my new age friends and even my own sister as they think I’m judgemental and narrow minded now…I’m so glad to be on the narrow path. Thank Jesus for saving us all. ❤🙏

@beth6073 - 06.08.2024 11:03

Always enjoy your weekly content! Thank you 🙏

@bonsaimaster205 - 06.08.2024 12:58

I always look forward to new videos on your channel and your individual channels. Your testimony and ministries are such a blessing! Love in Christ to each of you. ♥✝

@amoji13 - 06.08.2024 15:44

Thanks for this! Can you guys do one on Kabbala please? There are NO "Coming out of Kabbala to Christ" testimonies that I've seen - and I find that IMpossible to believe ;)

@greg5807 - 06.08.2024 18:19

THANK YOU VERY MUCH LADIES! I’ve watched all of your videos at least once and you’ve educated me on the new age beliefs. My wife and her sister are caught up in this deception that you talk about. I know I wouldn’t be able to get them to watch all of these videos. Is there a method or way that you know of, that I can present to them that would help them understand they’re being deceived? You and your followers are welcome to answer this very important question. Ladies, maybe you can do a video on this subject.

@FireflowerDancer - 06.08.2024 20:38

✝️ Hi ladies! I love your content, looking forward to watching. Before I do, though, I'd like to know, did any of you personally encounter the worship of the male consort? I ask this because in our mainstrean culture we focus primarily on the 'female element.'
However in Satanism, and ancient earth-based religions, masculine energy naturalized in the essence of the universe or personified by the goat headed creature is the highest symbol of authority and power, as Lucifer was known as a light bearer.
I don't know that I've ever seen a good in-depth biblical discussion of worshiping gods as well as goddesses, actually. Would you be open to such discussion in the future? Again thank you for your content, God bless your ministry 💟

@FireflowerDancer - 06.08.2024 20:45

Another question I have is about patriarchy. In my studies of the Word what I see is male leadership is very different than the wordly patriarchy, which is actually an idol. Wordly patriarchy teaches that women are subordinate to men in every way. Godly patriarchy says women submit to men because there is strength in being willing to become weak. But you can't have that kind of vulnerable submission without renouncing wordly patriarchy as an idol. Would you agree?

@SamMorasse-t3p - 06.08.2024 23:42

When i have nicely tried to direct people to the truth, the response i get from new agers is im a small thinker because thats what religion teaches. There are many paths to God and there is more to the universe.

@nanothegiantcat - 07.08.2024 09:55

Thank you ❤❤

@teganflyman5352 - 07.08.2024 13:53

I live near Glastonbury. I visited last week and I still had a lovely day there. This time the people looked like lost souls. I also heard someone loudly saying that a pagan community can be harmful which I’ve never heard there before. I pray for them.

I wonder what you think about the long-standing neglect of women’s health? And women who have been unable to get married and/or conceive? And the relatively new laws against rape within a marriage?

@TruthSeekers711 - 07.08.2024 19:10

It was also the twin flame toxicity of divine femininity and divine masculinity that really got me stuck.😢

@foragedbyfairies - 08.08.2024 06:47

Lovely video as always ladies💓 I’m having a hard time finding the Facebook group!! Is it possible for you guys to post a link? I would absolutely love to join!

@k.s.obrien9459 - 08.08.2024 12:14

All glory to God for your wonderful outreach ladies!
If you're looking for a great book, I highly recommend 'Lies Women Believe' by Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth. There's also an excellent workbook available to go with it.
Also, Dr. Joel Beeke is one of my favorite to learn from, he's an expert on the Puritans.
Thanks so much, Lord bless you, my sisters in Christ.

@Sirach144 - 08.08.2024 22:50

I was a Wiccan for 13 years and then I became a Jehovah’s Witness and then a Christian. Been a journey

@dissolvethevoid - 09.08.2024 10:32

Matthew 19:4-12 (complete text).... V 8b.... I'm currently researching God's plan for marriage in direct union with His will. The new age teaching of feminine masculine has many holes in it.... Jesus covered the subject and made mention of from the beginning it was not so in reference to common marriages. Uncommon suggests to me a marriage that God specifically designs and puts His seal on. I noticed in the Mt 19 teaching Jesus couldn't fully relate what He was saying and left off concerning eunichs.... We can see false teachings in the New age movement but it might not be something fully understood.

@joannatsitaki7040 - 10.08.2024 11:58

Hi, I agree with you on what you say about divine femininity . But, Mary the Mother of God is not a dead human. She is alive in Heaven and she can hear our prayers. What you are teaching is false about her. In a few days in orthodox christian church we celebrate her passing over to eternity. There was no body left in earth . Jesus took His mother to Heaven body and soul. God said for His people that if we believe in Him we shall never truly die. Don't you think this is true for His own Mother?

@dgregory4178 - 12.08.2024 05:39

Second time in a week Jen brought me to tears. Not something I do very frequently.

I appreciate you and the other sisters for touching my heart!

@EricDimanlig - 13.08.2024 01:33

Is Pranic Healing the same as Reiki? I see Catholic Priests and nuns practicing Pranic Healing! Also mentioned is Twin Hearts Meditation!

@laurens8623 - 14.08.2024 23:43

Don't you think many women want to be like men equal position and lost feminine. Please see Lisa beveres video fighting for women and femininity

@laurens8623 - 14.08.2024 23:49

Sins to trespasses to iniquity

@AshtasticAcrobat - 16.08.2024 06:47

Also important to talk about the hyper sexuality happening with the “feminist” movement. Woman thinking they are fighting the good fight by starting an only fans and becoming “gender fluid”.

@Kathiebaxter - 19.08.2024 17:16

I love you all, you’ve been so helpful to me.❤

@Marlaina - 20.08.2024 16:03

I hang out on the crime channels too much to be deceived into thinking that women are powerful or have some kind of divine benefits.
Women are one of the most vulnerable people in society for violence done against them and I think that vulnerability feeds into the desire and ultimate delusion that they can overcome the reality that against a man they are far weaker.

@Marlaina - 20.08.2024 16:30

Also. Biblical illiteracy is widespread. Knowing God's boundaries and what He expects of us would be brought to mind in situations that sin against Him. Scripture is clearly against these pagan rituals, but who wants to open it up and read it to gain knowledge and a safeguard against these things?

@debralee1401 - 24.08.2024 21:07

Ive also been into and familiar with all this "stuff"and relate to all your stories. I've run the gammut-- new thought, new age, occult, shamanism, progrssve church, buddhist practice, ad nauseum... while thinking I was an actual christian (false Jesus), and only by God's grace was convicted and able to repent! I was ignorant, and arrogant thinking I was more spiritually evolved than others 😢

It is SO distressing to see the influence of "new age" in church, and how it has taken hold of the mainstream culture!!!
I feel isolated where I live, and alone in this walk--your videos connect me to a greater community--praying to find a local group of likeminded sisters (and brothers).

@sarah-kk4om - 30.08.2024 13:32

I was really pulled in by feminism for a few years but I came back

@louised9396 - 30.08.2024 14:40

I know a female christian organisation that calls itself 'We are Lume'. They wear T-shirts saying 'I am Lume'. Sounds very disturbing to me, though many of my sisters in Christ don't agree. Do you recognize this as being new age?

@Sunshinelotus22 - 30.08.2024 15:42

I am curious how do we know the bible is the word of God? I have read the bible has been changed a few times by men... I have been in the spiritual scene for mane ywars, moving from Christianity to New Age and now I am finding myself questionning again. I am looking for truth and tbh, Christianity has its flaws and it doesn't feel true to me atm. I don't want to jump into smth different, as I have been doing in New Age, looking for smth that ultimately would leave me empty.

@Sunshinelotus22 - 30.08.2024 16:04

I have been writing a few messages and I feel they are deleted...

@chrispeterson9424 - 30.08.2024 16:12

Love you ladies. Praise the living God. He redeems!

@Sunshinelotus22 - 30.08.2024 16:37

I think being a good person is much more important than who we worship. If people are born into hinduism and never heard of Jesus but they live a life of integrity and service, would they go to hell just because they worshipped Kali?

@kcollinsgallhollcom - 31.08.2024 00:11

The control issue is eroding society and is leading to such unhappiness not just in men overtime but to women themselves.

@photonjohnny - 02.09.2024 18:23

How do fallen angels and demons have power and what is their source? Is it all illusion?

@kawaiimombear - 10.09.2024 22:12

My menstrual cycle is so powerful it just manifested a headache 😫😅
