[PoE] All Expedition bosses (my first attempts) - Stream Highlights #521

[PoE] All Expedition bosses (my first attempts) - Stream Highlights #521


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@lunarwist5655 - 29.09.2021 22:03

Watching you fight Olroth was fun. I chose 3.15 for my first SSF league. I got Olroth down to like 10% with SST. Unfortunately, I couldn't get him down. Glad to know that it wasn't an easy fight haha

@hogmuncher - 16.09.2021 14:10

The bosses are rly cool and get really really hard with remnant mods but get insanely rewarding as well I've had one drop me 43 exotic coinage before which is crazy

@AnonW - 14.09.2021 09:28

WTF u can pop the balls???? Holy shit I tried killing her while kiting all the balls spamming 3 projectiles at me each and thought this was the mechanic u just have 2 deal with. GG ez mode now.

@Slagomancer - 11.09.2021 15:51

This is why I want more Logbooks, the content is cool and the bosses are great!

@madg1625 - 11.09.2021 12:49

The 3.15 nerfs are evident on medveds mellee build

@nicoaramihai - 11.09.2021 00:23

GGG done all this content and more then half of players quit after the first week not doing a single logbook.

@TheKsenpai - 10.09.2021 11:27

Imagine playing melee: so bad.
Imagine playing melee Chad CoC: so good.

@abrahamblackmore3115 - 10.09.2021 06:45

Orloth was and is my favourite expedition boss, he was a lot of fun and he was the only boss i sat up in my chair for and kinda said "okay i need to try or I'll die". I definitely want more mechanical fights like his in the game

@upviisiu - 10.09.2021 00:31

Medved died like a bitch LMFAOOOOOOO

@Dymaga369 - 10.09.2021 00:03

Imagine developing very cool bosses, animations and mechanics that 0.01% of player base will ever see. Feels bad man

@dspursuer - 09.09.2021 21:59

not sure if anyone mentioned but Medved is "bear" in russian

@Painbow - 09.09.2021 20:16

imagine playing melee pepehands

@asdfghjsdfgg1841 - 09.09.2021 20:13

Imagine using melee for more than smiting

@DailyTechShot - 09.09.2021 19:58

How do you keep motivated playing the league? I really lost motivation last week, achieved everything i wanted, tried a few builds i wanted to try, farmed a HH.. time for a small break until next league.

@leehilt2544 - 09.09.2021 19:39

Crazy? I was crazy once... Empyrian took me into a round room and told me to get into the corner. That drove me crazy...
Crazy?I was crazy once... Empyrian took me into a round room and told me to get into the corner. That drove me crazy...

@justinhowe3878 - 09.09.2021 19:22

i think that's called an anticlimax

@pjoergensen92 - 09.09.2021 19:13

Not to brag or anything, but I clean up the balls almost every day

@KirbzYyY - 09.09.2021 18:34

Another offering to the algorithm gods!

@Nargrame - 09.09.2021 18:32

Medved means Scuffed bear in russian... Ofc he plays melee lmao xD

@robzan6663 - 09.09.2021 18:30

Little did they know, Empyrian was the true boss all along :D

@petrsobotka5528 - 09.09.2021 18:30

That last boss is the perfect example of wtf is wrong with melee in general lol :D

@Brendanj101 - 09.09.2021 18:11

Is this Episode of "Emp bullies melee builds" today we have a special guest; Medved.

@georgemccalister3095 - 09.09.2021 16:38

The new flasks that drop from these bosses are pretty cool. They give you a temporary ward if you don't have ward equipment as well as giving you other buffs. The price of them has skyrocketed the past few weeks though.

@Jeskai - 09.09.2021 16:36

Medved gave up xD

@_D-9341 - 09.09.2021 16:32

Yes GGG more invulnerable bosses mechanics with 9MMMM HP, man i'm glad i'm not playing anymore!

@andrewravenholm3170 - 09.09.2021 16:25

How is ward helm not rewarding? SMH

@wouterdelforge8154 - 09.09.2021 16:13

Killed Vorana by running in and out of the circle, classic Empy

@002Nutzername - 09.09.2021 15:46

Sir, i'd like to talk to you about your extended car... wait, wrong script... about not using (afaikt) slower proj with bl. you are missing out on a 65ish more multiplier.

@lootmaster1337 - 09.09.2021 15:40

Mirror boy bulling meele :(

@johnmortar5612 - 09.09.2021 15:09

they should nerf the bosses since they give crap they nerfed skills and items but not the mobs

@kaiquebrasil1031 - 09.09.2021 15:02

Perfect ending to the video with that meta-message from Chris remembering you that you 'broke the Circle'. Take care man, Circles are precious to GGG.

@dranuel6584 - 09.09.2021 14:53

Could someone tell me what "rf" stands for?

@kolumdium - 09.09.2021 14:47

Seeing you struggle here makes me feel less bad about my build to be honest. :D
I deal very little damage to the bosses, but so far I have killed them all a few times.
Sometimes the mods make them so Incredibley strong that I have wondered if there is a build that could even kill them.
For example Vorana and Impale + Phys defence ignore. Get hit once, no damage. Get hit a second time dead.

@beric0bartman - 09.09.2021 14:46

i legit dont understand why they made vorana fight that way, it has a hard requirement on movementspeed on your character which is weird, al; the other bosses are really cool and have interesting design.

@osik9000 - 09.09.2021 14:40

melee KEKW

@Qintsal - 09.09.2021 14:34

poor medved. empy always bullying the melee

@williamboyes279 - 09.09.2021 14:15

Olroth is a perfect example of what league bosses SHOULD be, Use the league mechanic IN the boss fight, such a well designed boss fight, loot is another subject but purely tactic wise, its so good!

@soumeshkumar390 - 09.09.2021 14:10

Medved's build probably got nerfed too hard

@user-mf8ju1em2t - 09.09.2021 14:05

The astragaly guy is actually the worst, according to corresponding currency he presents =)

@Stabber85 - 09.09.2021 14:02

At least GGG didn't make an overly difficult challenge regarding all of these randomly spawned bosses to be able to get 36 challenges, oh wait...

@carlocb - 09.09.2021 13:57

Not rewarding? It was reWARDing…

@Zeroniumer - 09.09.2021 13:52

Thanks for showing these! I didn't even know there were bosses, I've heard rumors about some "logbook" things, but never seen one. It's good that I can at least view these with my eyeballs that they did, in fact, exist.

@SamolonXDYT - 09.09.2021 13:42

Last boss is melee experience in a nutshell, if you dont have freeze immunity in this league. Be melee, get frozen, die. YEP

@sebastjankosec - 09.09.2021 13:40

Ball lightning :O

@GRIMHOOD99 - 09.09.2021 13:39

Man I saw only Vorana and Medved and medved is easy but Vorana absolutely obliterate my ssf rf ass.

@serakayle7903 - 09.09.2021 13:38

GGG really does love balls and circles and spheres and yep. Many balls, much circles, omega spheres.
Edit: Oh sorry and lasers, from every possible direction.
Cool league ngl.
