Top 10 Obscure Annoying Daily Quest Achievements

Top 10 Obscure Annoying Daily Quest Achievements


2 года назад

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@ccfreakMetal - 15.11.2023 21:26

Bombs Away , I hated it, so much!😂

@Mr.Mcjerkface63 - 05.06.2023 04:18

Would like to "shoutout" the Violet Hold one that requires you to kill all the bosses that are solely based on RNG if they spawn, and only 2 will be fightable before the final boss.

@michaelkennec596 - 19.11.2022 15:21

I think that the Glop name is also a reference to a Black Adder episode...where the Jailer and the Cook are named Ploppy (son of Ploppy the Slopper) but not related in anyways. The name of the episode is Head from series 2 of Black Adder

@zakuraayame5091 - 18.09.2022 14:54

I'll tell you something, if these bother you, don't ever bother switching from Exalted with Scryers/Aldor to the other. You'll farm so many spider parts you'll know every leaf around the edge of Auchidon's destroyed land. Back and forth between two strips of land to get your sacs I think it was ... thousands. Still wasn't hard, but farming an hour or two here and there for months and months; never many on the AH; figure most people vend the items lol

most of these that are 'annoying' were meant to be done during the 2 years of the xpac; so up to 700+ days to complete before the next xpac ... so things that need 60 days or lots of rng for resets weren't a real problem unless you had no patience at all and needed them done yesterday ... like pebble; you would be doing therazane rep anyway for the stuff like shoulder enchants the vendor had behind rep levels. So the 2 do 10x pebble escort and killing the trogg would happen easily in the first month or two of playing; it only feels tedious to you newer players because you want to get the stuff done afap instead of a slow burn to completion as part of your farming routes (I assume people worried about achievements like this most likely farm mounts, etc and maybe efficiency is getting ahead of fun if this negative attitude is starting to prevail in their mind).

I'd personally re-title this video to things that take time because of rotating quest availability.

@freeflowme - 12.08.2022 02:04

Ooofff. I did so many of these without knowing at the time that they were list-worthy

@acorr14 - 19.07.2022 08:01

Something missed with "Another Day in Tol Barad" is that its been bugged since around Legion. The Dailies in the northern area won't change unless someone is in the zone in time for daily resets.

@Silly_Illidan - 26.05.2022 13:53

The most useless things in wow

@schneeluchsalpha2966 - 24.04.2022 18:59

I was going to say you sound exactly like that one guy doing Yu-Gi-Oh videos, but then I saw the counter from the list and I knew this is not a coincidence.

@michaelfitzsimmons8393 - 17.04.2022 20:49

I feel Fishing Around The Isles was a pretty annoying achievement. Not a daily, per se. However, I thought it was annoying to keep having to check the world quests in Legion for one of the fishing quests needed to complete the achieve.

@LoveAnimeLikeCrazy - 13.04.2022 06:23

make a list of favourite daily hubs

@heathmcrigsby - 12.04.2022 16:06

Damn I actually have all of these. I've played a lot of WoW

@jelksautox - 29.03.2022 19:02

I finally, finally, FINALLY got Thassaraian for the last one. 10 years of searching. And only because a friend would get on her Alliance alt once a day to check for me. I shed a few tears.

@Whinzey - 19.03.2022 22:34

Am i wierd thinking the hyjal dailys were not at all annoying and having every single achi from there without a single complaint?

@snootycapybara3683 - 08.03.2022 05:04

The Nazjatar buddy quests did it for me. I didn't get the essence til they nerfed it in 8.3

@Wowmusicable - 07.03.2022 23:18

Watching these horrible and useless achievements makes you realize that Wow really isn't that bad today.

@Astronic - 06.03.2022 19:07

Is the sound rly bad in this video?

@gsh4373 - 01.03.2022 15:55

Mecha done meta is the worst 😫

@gsh4373 - 01.03.2022 15:52

Someone didn't play Cataclysm when it was relevant and current

@LinkenLorko - 28.02.2022 22:58

You should make a video ranking the strongest classes, lorewise, and maybe talk about the strongest people of that class.

@nhoyo4979 - 28.02.2022 21:51

You know I think it would be fun to have a top 10 last words in world of Warcraft. To bad it probably would be way to much work to do.

@mitchpolley3887 - 28.02.2022 13:42

"Don't Call Me Junior"

@ezekielragegaming - 28.02.2022 07:04

love the long and consistent content man thanks

@ZesuRodriguez - 26.02.2022 15:43

The Voltron reference achievement in BFA... Granted, I stopped going back but I could never get the bronze cat to spawn. It's a world quest but those are basically dailies. Damn wq is up only like once a week and there are 5 cats, only one of which animates and fights. Also, I swear some have lower spawn rates cause I've liked so many red ones, but only one yellow one. Oh and course I've still not killed the bronze one...

@Funkyent - 25.02.2022 06:18

Holy shit i have the #1 achievement done. The other 9 uh no.

@JinKazama1993 - 24.02.2022 14:31

ahem... done all of those -.-'

@AISPs - 24.02.2022 05:41

The 9.1 ooze quest achievement is hard before the 9.2 fix, but I don't think the quest itself is difficult though

@ConnorNotyerbidness - 24.02.2022 01:51

Currently still working on have we met?
Need 3 npcs still
The worst part isnt mankrik as alliance
No no no
The worst part is that more often than not i dont get a named npc at all that day

@railguy2518 - 23.02.2022 21:46

It took me years to get Have... have we met? It was the only achievement missing from the meta achievement, and I was only missing Mankrik. At the time I didnt know who Mankrik was, and didn't realize he was horde only, so I was getting really frustrated that he wasn't showing up for me.

@robertlupa8273 - 23.02.2022 20:08

Basically, RNG sucks.

@Manceroy - 23.02.2022 18:05

I clicked on this video specifically thinking about the "Have we met" PoS achievement, not surprised it's at the very top of the list, as a hardcore achievement collector I've farmed the one npc Im STILL missing (the one that can only spawn on the opposite faction) for YEARS, on and off, but for months at a time, having to log with a secondary account to get the daily with an opposite faction character, until I finally realized wasting my life on that bs wasn't worth it, things like these make me super glad I ditched the game a year ago. RNG in WoW is absurd.

@gustavolrcoelho - 23.02.2022 17:26

I still remember flying over and over just to wave at them. Got mine back in 2011.

Also, you missed the "The 'Unbeatable?' Pterodactyl: BEATEN." : Complete the Vigilance on Wings daily quest in Mount Hyjal 10 times.

This quest is from Hyjal and is a pain in the ass because not only is tedious, but the movement is clunkly AF.

@lemonaj4408 - 23.02.2022 15:35

As someone who played during cata the most and then stoped playing wow since launch of pandas, i remembered all of the cata daily quests many memories. I remember i did all the tol barad ones and probably all the firelands ones.

Rly like those kind of vids from you

@RelMayer91 - 23.02.2022 15:21

I am not sure that Mechagon npc are RNG, they probably have a rotation. Because you can meet all npcs in few weeks (maybe month) IF you will check the island every day (and you will anyway if you doing meta-achievement). Same with the weapon-daily quest.
Btw, if some dailies have a chance of not appearing "today", then world quests might also be in this category. Then the achievement "Free For All, More For Me" will be the most terrible of all. It requires you to complete 4 different world quests 20 times each - 80 in total. 80, Carl!

@Calmerism - 23.02.2022 15:01

So you basically want a button that just grants the achievement?

@Hurtydwarf - 23.02.2022 10:09

Every single daily quest achievement is annoying. Every single one. No anything involving daily quests is good.

@illiji915 - 23.02.2022 07:53

Weren't the cata dailies on this list available every day during the cats expansion? I only ask because I completed both during cata and I don't remember either not being up

@GraveBeetle - 23.02.2022 06:35

One achievement also worth mentioning is "Over their Heads" from MoP, which for me was worse even than Champion of Chi-Ji (while tedious, I could at least make some progress each day it was available). The achievement involves finding 15 named enemies while on a quest that has a 50% chance to be available each day, and only 3 of those enemies can appear on any given day. You can keep the quest unfinished to check more often, but there's no way around the RNG of what enemies are up each day. It is so much worse than the numbers make it sound. I checked for months, and the majority of that time I only needed one last NPC. This was not an uncommon situation.
The worst part is that because it's a slow-moving vehicle quest, it takes like 5 minutes to check each spawn location, every day.

@winklethrall2636 - 23.02.2022 03:49

Have you never heard of the words pyrite and fuselage before WoW?

@knivesron - 23.02.2022 03:49

on the achievment have... have we met. i saw a random alliance standing there apparcntly afk and i had the horde only npc. so i wave, hugged, yell, jumped around and a pointed over and over again. then they move slightly, target the npc and got the achievment.
i bet i just made their day

@knivesron - 23.02.2022 03:45

so as of 2021, you cannot do the tol borad achievment. everyday has the same dailies. so that ach is a no go

@knivesron - 23.02.2022 03:40

i have peebles. "this achivement came out 10years ago" ive been playing wow for over 10 years now. damn

@lastsinnersa8002 - 23.02.2022 03:16

Deepholm was just an utter pain full stop.

@patrickwagner6247 - 23.02.2022 03:09

Moral of this video... RNG sucks.

@Nasilje.u.Daskvudu - 23.02.2022 03:05

i've done a lot of stupid, similar things but, happy to say, none of these, except for that small rock bore part when getting lucid nightmare

@hang-the-93 - 23.02.2022 01:47

I loved the bears quest to get them down off the trees, was very cute and a different from most ones you get. That little area was fun to get through.

@yvesssssss - 23.02.2022 01:18

They've probably already been mentioned, but there are a couple world quests associated with achievements in BFA that are highly RNG-dependant and very frustrating, taking months - Sabertron Assemble in Stormsong Valley (you have to kill all 5 colour variants of the Sabertron mechanocat, each colour variant has its own unique quest ID, so you have to get lucky and have both the world quest spawn and it be a colour you need for the achievement), and Upright Citizens in Tiragarde Sound (you need to recruit each of 3 famous NPCs during the quest Not Too Sober Citizens Brigade, which has a chance to spawn during an assault on Tiragarde Sound, and it's random which of the 3 NPCs is available to be recruited).

@istvanmeszaros6176 - 23.02.2022 00:44

3 words. Argent Tournament Grounds

@XochiCh - 23.02.2022 00:28

Holy shit... The memories... the memories... I did many of these achievements in Late Cataclysm and some of them I didn’t complete till early WoD. I did “Veteran of the Molten Front” because I wanted the Mount and Title, I also did “Have... Have we met?” And it was a pain, and I’m not sure I even completed the Tol Barad one, I think I did, as I bought the Spirit Horse and intended to buy the Drake but got tired halfway and left, forever.

@edgeknight1786 - 22.02.2022 21:18

i have an idea for a top 10 list for you hiru "top 10 most overpowered non-trinket gear pices" and you can even include certain legendaries on this list (but try to not overdo it) and i even have a perfect item for you... "the instructor's fourth lesson" and it was a bracer legendary item from legion. for unholy dks.. now what it did originally was basically give you chance to have a free unnerfed apocalypse in pvp damagewise as it would burst 1-5 festering wounds AT ONCE... with another talent castigator where if you managed to get a crit you would burst an additional festering wound on top of the 1-5 extra and bursting sores was also ridiculously overpowered in buffing festering wound damage and would basically randomly send a guy to the death realm instantly... it was then nerfed to only burst 1-3 festering wounds would be bursted AND THEN THAT was reduced to 1-2 additional festering wounds... they REALLY nerfed this legendary into the ground throughout the entire expansion and it was by far the best in slot legendary you could get in legion for a while, which is why they nerfed it repeatedly... if you had sufficient crit chance to take adavantage of castigator and also had bursting sores +this legendary at the start of legion you would have a WAAAAY bigger chance of basically DELETING somebody... it was THAT OP on launch
