Pull a Beat Map Out of Thin Air with Smart Tempo

Pull a Beat Map Out of Thin Air with Smart Tempo

Why Logic Pro Rules

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@johnhamers4571 - 18.11.2023 12:25

Yes, so much thanks, 'cause I needed this to analyze complex music 💯🙏🏼✌🏼

@milesfrost4916 - 17.11.2023 00:13

Hi Chris,
Great video explanation. Quick question: if myself (drummer) and guitarist wanted to record live together but not to a click, myself using Superior Drummer and them using an amp sim, how would I prevent my midi drum file from being altered so as to maintain the purity of both performance but being able to use the click to overdub things like Drummer’s percussion? Many thanks

@psydiddley - 15.11.2023 01:49

I recorded a bluegrass session once where the keyboard player went off in a huff cos the singer/banjo player didn't want to play to a click. He just couldn't understand why. The problem was the moment tbe singer/Strummer had to focus on the click his performance lacked sparkle... I ended up playing percussion in the side room and sending it to them on the cans, (no percussion was actually wanted on the track) however the whole problem caused a rift whoch ruined the session! If only we had had this knowledge (and a newer version of logic!)

@geoffhalden6327 - 31.10.2023 16:20

Hi Chris I’m having a tough time importing an mp3 audio file into Logic Pro X without it skipping in playback.
I’ve tried converting the mp3 file to wav and that doesn’t help.
I’m using Logic Pro X 10.3.2 atm so I don’t know how to fix this problem.
Can you help???🙄

@tilleyroadaffairproduction6752 - 30.10.2023 00:10

Thank you!😊

@Slamminbassplayer - 18.10.2023 20:46

Dude you are a wiz and a great teacher. Thank you so much. QQ: I am trying to find an option to automagically add silence to many tracks to force stem regions to be the same length for ease of fades, other automation. Is there an option or shortcut for this?

@TBX819 - 14.10.2023 16:45

I would like to control the addition of bars in the middle of the project, after a revision of a first run. Imagine, the project is beat mapped and you recognize that you missed a bar in the timeline in the middle section (OR BETTER a time signature change) Does Logic mess up things from there on?

@HitCentralMusic - 28.09.2023 21:10

Just what I needed, when I needed it! Clear and to the point Chris! Thanks.

@xetamurai - 09.09.2023 22:04

Thanks… you opened a new horizon for my music, since I play with hardware instruments and always struggled to follow tempo playing live while recording

@Rasenschneider - 28.08.2023 09:26

Tempo recognition works really bad for live recordings and multibeat music or music with retardandi or accelerandi. Although it is extremely helpful. The "new" tempo recording is a hoax: it analyzes tempo after the recording process and not in realtime. So you are not able to send tempo information via MIDI while recording.

@chrikibandmusik - 19.08.2023 15:47

I have been doing some editing today (drum loops) I have noticed that if the region is moved one beat or one bar after you have done the editing the new tempo information is lost, it's kind of like you have added a new loop to your project; unfortunately you have to go through the whole process I mean what Chris has showed us. DO not use bounce in place you need to export the audio file then drag it back to your project- Hope this helps. or Chris might add this information to his awesome Video,

@iphoneit - 18.08.2023 03:48

thank you so much!!!

@Firetuna1 - 15.08.2023 13:45

Finally, a great smart tempo instructive video! Thanks!

@PreacherofArrakeen - 15.08.2023 00:30

Cool. Thanks.

@chrikibandmusik - 14.08.2023 01:29

This is the best tutorial I've seen up to now.. and I've seen many :) Thank you very much Chris!

@hannahshipman - 13.08.2023 17:37

Once again, thank you!

@fg87fgd - 13.08.2023 11:52

Actually, it's you who rules Logic Pro. Thank you.

@alexanderweingard1390 - 12.08.2023 22:05

Thank You, Chris!

@NasserSharaf - 12.08.2023 11:08

I've been using Logic daily since 2000 from the Emagic days when it was Logic Platinum , and I'm amazed at how many new things I learn from your channel. Not only newly added features, butt stuff that's been in Logic for some time that I've either not gotten around to or could never figure out. Really so helpful - Thanks!

@asirus - 12.08.2023 07:47

Awesome tutorial! Does this work with piano pieces with lots of rubato parts and sections that have significant differences in tempo? I've an arrangement of a song that I'd like to add beats to some sections, which of course requires the tempo to be locked in, but the sections in between are free and varied and I'm having a hard time sorting out the tempo. Thanks.

@Dr.P.I. - 12.08.2023 03:26

Awesome channel. Crazy this can be done and good to know you record songs with changing tempos. No doubt.

But on this example…bro should learn to play in time. 😂

@romo182 - 12.08.2023 02:40

Its great when it works... When 1 section of the song shifts and is wrong it is absolutely painful to fix.

Hoping in missing something but i often manually align every bar from the point it loses the down beat

@kyleraftery3268 - 12.08.2023 01:19

Awesome video. I've been painfully mapping the tempo beat by beat after recording a rubato piano part, this is a game changer! Any idea if there's a way to smooth out the tempo variations? Keep the natural feeling of the live performance but make the tempo a little more rigid?

@redguitar6062 - 11.08.2023 22:43

Is it possible to combine both techniques in the same project (this one and your previous one)? I notice that with all the best will in the world this technique alone will not compensate for large deviations that will cause a tapping foot to start stumbling to keep up. Could an audio region be split and then made to conform to a few bars where you need to speed up or slow down?

@AngelTierno - 11.08.2023 22:40

Thanks so much for all your videos, Chris, but specially for this one!! Awesome job!!

@michaelvarney. - 11.08.2023 22:38

This is why practicing with a metronome is key to any musician’s development.

@magnetoclash - 11.08.2023 22:09

Are these features (to adjust timing of audio to match beat, or to adjust beat to match audio) available in iPad version? Maybe you could include a word or two about iPad variant in your videos (or maybe you’re just gonna focus on Mac OS version of logic)? Thanks for your terrific videos.

@dan44762000 - 11.08.2023 21:12

Knowledge is power and Chris provides it like nobody else, this video will help so many people make music so much easier, best in the business, so grateful ❤

@settyr - 11.08.2023 21:02

Interesting. I was actually looking to add some drums to a fairly relaxed tempo Piano piece. I wonder if logic will be as successful mapping a tempo from a piano track, versus a more rhythmic guitar line, with its obvious downbeat. Guess I'll find out!

@TheMixClub - 11.08.2023 21:00

This is great! I always forget about this. This is clear and to the point. I always forget how to do this as i don't do it often. I can spend half a day getting it to work. I booked marked this video i will be back many times. LOL thanks man...

@kaspartambur - 11.08.2023 19:41

This is actually big... - so many times when certain genres don't need rigid tempos, but need to be in atleast some performance tempo of some instrument ;)

@vishesh4525 - 11.08.2023 19:36

Hey Chris... Wonderful you are ❤ Can we please have chord track option alike cubase in logic Pro x.Also magnetic playhead... ❤
