Realistic Pencil Sketch Effect - Affinity Photo

Realistic Pencil Sketch Effect - Affinity Photo


2 года назад

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@MissIdolize - 11.03.2023 14:36

What a wonderful discovery you are! Pleasantly well-spoken and clear, with instructions at a pace even I can keep up with. Have had Affinity Photo for a while but have to admit I haven't even scratched the surface. You made this look easy and have inspired me to do more! Thank you very much. Sub'd

@coscotchirish - 19.02.2023 21:42

What Affinity Photo program are you using? It appears to be Affinity Photo 2?

@chilichickSantaFe - 08.02.2023 00:02

I love that you explain the color settings and where to find the stock photos. It didn't use up a lot of video time to watch, but it saved me a great deal of research (and frustration) time.

@donaldgendron1658 - 12.04.2022 18:32

P.S. Your tutorials are really good and I enjoy them very much.

@donaldgendron1658 - 12.04.2022 18:31

I am working with version 1.10.5; Nothing seems to work the same as your version, including "Stock".

@rokagraphicdesign5607 - 18.02.2022 04:57

Thank You Sir!

@billfried626 - 14.02.2022 23:22

Excellent presentation and information masterfully done. Thanks so much!

@tompatton2086 - 15.08.2021 18:41

The texture helped. Thanks for the tutorial. 🙂
