Destiny - Full Game PS5 Walkthrough (All DLCs Included) 4K

Destiny - Full Game PS5 Walkthrough (All DLCs Included) 4K


1 год назад

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ColdiPlier - 06.10.2023 08:38

Can I still buy this with all DLCs with it but for PS5 and XBOX? I think I found something on Amazon but I’m not sure if I can actually buy it.

denvercub1974 - 11.09.2023 17:18

So much potential and now, Destiny culminates in fighting a cheap Marvel like cartoon villain, The Witness. Sigh.

I wonder what the original vision of this game and story was to be.

caveman 0
caveman 0 - 30.08.2023 19:06

Question did you do the side missions and will you play destiny 2?

Joshua Bowden
Joshua Bowden - 27.08.2023 14:22


Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:41

Her how he thought it was really onerous having to go back to our ship at the end of every mission at select a new destination because general on the PS3 it was onerous crisis up for ever. I have a PS4 wasn’t a whole lot better if I remember right, I didn’t. I didn’t buy the game on the PS4, but I did download the trial and play that from watchmen Arena I could actually I think I could access my my characters on the PS4, but there are only certain things you could do. I am forget in any case it was on or if it was still on or as loading screen workflow getting from submission, junior, chef, voice, higher self, and repetitive getting from where you were floating in the atmosphere back down to the planet from where it was slow. It’s not a long time I’ll be at Pirates like almost instantaneous Fat onerous and it all looks great fit better. You know the missions over your end up back in airship you’re probably gonna wanna go there anyway to go back down to the planet somewhere else so you might as well be on the character on the planetary collection screen and it was all simpler do you just collected them? Did you turn it off for your shift for next mission will be highlighted somewhere on the map you just selected that planets are or whatever, or if you just acquired your three really exciting in grams your pop back from the tower to the crib them which OK I mean dingleberry like having to disrupt everything but why are you in Gerald faverum Senate distro State Title Gerald everythi Rick on Jeff weapo Cannon or inventory show us the gun on the screen why go through the inground decryption process airborne decrypting that Marcel man why I have him grab Jeff to go get the corrupted directly at the camera shop in Grand, Jeff State equipted by what does may send more in grams that you get more out of them if you go get on the curb that at all I’ve ever way and then Lauren Graham‘s that are for expanding you know on things at very friend or it’s all very gentle Currently, FaceTime in Jesus Christ why can’t we have a cash app currency call kind of dirty we can earn in game best friend in the cash app materials that we can sell more currency are used for crafting and then the currency you get when you sell material or you kill shit there doesn’t need to be 14,000 different currency a good sign RR if I say a good sign I made out off. I’ll bet sign Brandy day is when they start adding random currencies for this and that and then Cabazon how much of those currently if you can have that as an indicator that a game has gone entirely oh no monetize that their sole goal anymore is it provided you up on the Experian one instead of making ways to take more money out of your pocket in the shower indicator the difference between a game that sets out to make one gameplay and keep you coming back and spending money on that and a game that doesn’t leave Detroit out do you is when they start adding cut off currency for every fucking little thing you do I’m talking about your destiny two

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:35

Oh, and there’s a stranger which I think is true that one of the brave I am forgetting the two we find out who she is in need to write eventually but remember when you get Oregon in the one cent bowl fried home it’s really nice by Romero ever really liking that yellow pulse

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:32

Do you do you get just Pitman old when you get the same shit you get from anything you dismantle

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:32

By the way that starter gone what do finally this panel that you get what looks like a rap for me a blueprint if you’re well whatever they called it I forget Jamaica oh exotic version of it. How do you get the glass that may be exotic virgin it goes into your inventory with the kind of confusing description, but it looks to me like it’s a component ever use later to make an exotic version of that gun.

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:30

No player of the June when you come through the wall when you get out to that area it’s almost a certain day that you sit there with a five or six other people and grind out tanks for a while because you know you’re entirely completely safe. Call me when you can die if you suck really bad, but as a new player and the one you are systematically, killing shit to make your way across that big open area hoping you don’t get sniped or gang up on so you can get down that hallway and go get in your shampoo and flyway. It’s a different game it’s the same place, but it’s way more difficult on me one it takes more actual Gateway skill and less casual smash and grab still

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:28

Several people doing what you’re doing right now I’m just sitting on for the corner somewhere with a sniper taking off for Crowder that occasionally picking up ammo and loot

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:27

Well, I’m ground out Mani Mani Mani tanks for that dog cast of glitter that you get, which really doesn’t amount to lunch and take forever to throw your quarterback up that way, but it’s a good way to pass Nobels things like that you know if your bills can come out in one shot for tanker, doing good But it’s way more satisfying when a tank drops out there and you can’t win and you get that big burst of blue at the end or when the pagans fun and you killed a big taken giant thing when you get the loot from that off the ground I mean it doesn’t drop one incessantly like it doesn’t need to go it’s not something you can sit and grind what you can grind area and wait for one drop

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:26

Birthday at all I might be wrong by the who, indeed you have ever seen a day night cycle in the cosmodrome. I mean I’ve spent hours grinding out that tank over there for glimmer and I don’t recall it ever being night it’s always funny. Backpack, same goes for all of the cosmic girl who’s ever seen a day night cycle in D2

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:20

Nother thing OK they basically jazz off plagiarized all of us may want but the artwork looks different it’s like a Y different texture and I realize it’s probably higher resolution but it doesn’t look as good that’s the one they Art is better when you look off and threw a no on auto pilot area at that detail as it is better it looks better. It looks like you could just walk all Kringle visit from a golf location. Best picture when you look into and out of voluntary you know it’s in Audubon barrio, going obvious looking at it because it doesn’t look that good, edit also Sam Blake many of the sound effects are different and asked me to contact anyone and better all the questions and re-print things. Your ear sparrow sounds a lot different when you’re riding your sparrow everything about it sounds different.

Billy_Cross - 26.08.2023 06:04

Call Ed and then the Bears tower I read that across one said come on guys. How long is it till we’re gonna have the tower repaired who’s working on that shit that is right the tower and they do you want is beautiful and it’s better shower indeed do that It’s a plant that Heather industrial size that that kind of sucks Chidester spread out. Do you have to run to park are you at that they get to run to Byron de want it but you don’t compare did he do it there’s no competition and then you know there’s Kayde everybody’s together in one place in there easier But here in case talk to you that is nostalgic

Lexman Octun
Lexman Octun - 24.08.2023 05:14

is it worth buy the collection today ?

Felipe Soria
Felipe Soria - 21.08.2023 18:00

I was thinking on buying a ps5 to play destiny

Felipe Soria
Felipe Soria - 21.08.2023 18:00

The servers still active?

WitherMilk - 20.08.2023 00:16

The first scene of this game is really beautiful, i like how they designed the pod there.

I remember playing this game as a small child in my ps3, forcing my older brother to let me play cuz he put a damn security code on it. I only played it in demo, so i never finished the game... I hope i can play it again in the future.

PheonixEternal - 18.08.2023 04:19

That music at the beginning……… is absolutely everything.

Plxgue313 - 07.08.2023 23:36

Man I miss playing this thank you for this

Saeed66966 - 22.07.2023 00:58

use your special weapon

NoNameSoloist - 18.07.2023 18:10

Is this game worth re-picking up (PS5)? I’m a D1 beta baby, but haven’t played it in forever. I’m playing the free version of D2 now (quit D2 shortly after launch and vowed never to return when I heard about vaulting) and I absolutely hate what it’s turned into. It’s making me want to jump back to D1, but $60 and a potentially empty world has me on the fence.

Kameron - 18.07.2023 13:03

It doesn’t let me buy first two campaigns expansions in store what do I do

Life and times of a VT Colombain
Life and times of a VT Colombain - 29.06.2023 03:18

I myself have been going through the entire campaign again in 2023. Doing a warlock run through.

TheCarloalberto95 - 29.05.2023 19:31

Is so good in 4K thank you for this video!!

Giuseppe or
Giuseppe or - 29.05.2023 05:47

Que buenos recuerdos 😢

Evileyewas Hulst
Evileyewas Hulst - 03.04.2023 03:42

What class are you?

KasuaaliJoni - 09.03.2023 13:46

lets go!

F8 - 09.03.2023 11:51

ah its that 30fps input lag curse

Poseidon's Kiss
Poseidon's Kiss - 09.03.2023 10:55

this is pure nostalgia. so many wonderful times on D1

Trenchman Gaming
Trenchman Gaming - 09.03.2023 10:17

I never thought I'd see a NEW Destiny 1 playthrough in 2023 on a PS5 but here we are, and I'm loving it

Ryan Roth
Ryan Roth - 09.03.2023 09:20

