D&D terrain...how do you ACTUALLY manage it during gametime?  Make a staging box!

D&D terrain...how do you ACTUALLY manage it during gametime? Make a staging box!

Wyloch's Armory

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Wyloch's Armory
Wyloch's Armory - 23.06.2023 17:01

Don't worry, next video is back to long-form Baldur's Gate inspired crafting.

Mister Melo
Mister Melo - 16.09.2023 10:08

The most relevant video ever for DMs and GMs!

TheRiddle87 - 10.08.2023 23:56

Thanks for this idea. I DM at one of the players homes, and bringing my stuff was always a hassle. Not in the least because i pride myself in displaying a decently immersive table (lots of garbage and models).
I took your advice to build a Staging box. I didn't take a cardboard box, but a wooden case. I attached a handle (for carrying) and a latch to keep it shut.
The interior was build similar to yours, with simple shelves (although made from thin MDF-board). And i chose to make some simple drawers, instead of cardboard slides. A few coats of paint to make it look nice.
I like the result. Its a bit heavy when stocked. But i guess the car won't mind carrying it for me. Next monday i'll be putting it to the test.

keep up the video's! I love the down-to-earth, content!

ratatatuff - 20.07.2023 21:12

I love this! I'm GMing with a grid map on which I simply draw the rooms as soon as I need them but this solution is very practical should I ever want to try tiles.

femoemrah - 14.07.2023 23:09

Oh I can not wait to see what you do with the box! I LOOOVE those "not important" stuff. Like make DM screen look cool not ONLY practical.

C. K.
C. K. - 13.07.2023 01:56

Thank you that was fantastic. I really enjoyed your incorporation of the important tips as you went through. I would have not thought of a few and then had to adjust. Great video; very inspiring.

korie sheffer
korie sheffer - 12.07.2023 06:20

Dude... storage and efficiency, it's the force that drives all Crafting. Dig into it!

jymacdougall74 - 09.07.2023 22:12

Thank you for making the video. This might be automatic for some it was not for me and i will do something similar for my game and campaigns.

Leif Lohne
Leif Lohne - 07.07.2023 21:20

Wow... Just wow.. ok. Guess ill be doing this this weekend

Jonah Underhill
Jonah Underhill - 05.07.2023 21:31

Been loving your recent videos. The Baldur's Gate series is what got me to subscribe. Your style and the materials you use are highly inspirational. Please look up the word "nacelle". I don't think it means what you think it means.

samprastherabbit - 04.07.2023 20:14

As a fellow Adherent of the Fog of War, this rules!

CrazyRoundMan - 03.07.2023 16:52

I use an Essex Rolling Cart that I bought on sale from Michaels (since I mostly play at home). The mixture of shelves and open space I filled with similar storage spaces means I can roll up to the table with my laptop on top to control Syrinscape/look stuff up, and stage everything underneath.

Chris C
Chris C - 02.07.2023 08:39

One of the top 5 cardboard box videos in history.

Eric C.
Eric C. - 30.06.2023 02:51

Desperate for content? Not with multiple Balder's Gate games out there!!!

Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams - 29.06.2023 16:32

If you are desperate for content, this was great. This gave me some great ideas for storing all my Joe McCullough games.

Brad Craig
Brad Craig - 28.06.2023 05:10

This is a great system for dungeon tiles. Most of our terrain is outdoor scatter, and we have a ton of it. When the DM calls for initiative, we all cooperate to lay out terrain for the encounter, and often we players just put stuff wherever we like, and the DM adjusts if needed. Letting everyone pitch in to set up the battlefield mitigates the problem of wasted time. Our combats are long and complicated, our battlefields are big and complicated, and we all like it that way.

Nick Powell
Nick Powell - 27.06.2023 21:05

1. Look who's got a fancy 4 slice toaster, what's it like to live in a house of gold????
2. Didn't know I was signing up for a free ticket to the gun show, can't say I'm mad about it!
3. This is a fantastic idea, extremely well executed, that I will be stealing - I usually lay my dungeon rooms out on a table in another room, and have to constantly chase my players away from accidentally seeing exactly what they're getting themselves into as they get up to use the bathroom or whatever lol THIS IS MUCH BETTER
4. I just wanted you to know, that you have Pavlov'd me. Every time I'm anywhere with my wife, and someone says anything about a good selection/great selection, I instinctively and without warning go "including all True Tiles lines"

Love the channel, keep it up Wyloch!

Jyry Tuominen
Jyry Tuominen - 27.06.2023 13:02

I loved the end. "he must really be desperate for content".... Regardless this cool concept and thanks for these desperate contents! Hope you make more :D

Aaron Bono
Aaron Bono - 27.06.2023 07:54

Anyone who said "he just created a whole video about a cardboard box" doesn't understand how valuable simple content is. Things like this seed ideas and help use find simple ways to make our lives better. I do something similar but still wanted to see your approach to get ideas of little ways I can improve.

Stephen Foster
Stephen Foster - 26.06.2023 21:57

this is a great idea to speed up the set up times! Don't know if its been been said before, but I might add a drawn diagram of the room/map on the card/tray and maybe even the "boxed description" to read off of as I'm setting it up.

The Goblin's Corner
The Goblin's Corner - 26.06.2023 18:03

A simple and elegant solution to all the crafty stuff we have. Love it!

JHENZ33 - 26.06.2023 17:47

Good Video. I am also having the issue of setting up terrain and I travel to play so I have to take my stuff with me. I'm always interested in ways to transport and set things up easily and quickly

BBB Fizzy
BBB Fizzy - 26.06.2023 08:09

That storage box built up to look like a mimic would be awesome

Marcus - 26.06.2023 04:24

Suggestion: add a small tab at the front edge of your pull out. Easier to get out that way. Otherwise, spot on!

Jos Ray
Jos Ray - 25.06.2023 17:44

Haha I think this was actually more of a promo for your DM skills not desperation :)

Miguel - 25.06.2023 15:19

Honestly, for me it's not (always) about the content itself, but more about the care and joy that goes into what you're doing. If videos like this keep you going and inspire you to make great content, then have at it!
Looking forward to the next one! 😉

R M - 25.06.2023 12:42

Great idea thanks for sharing! Logistics of using terrain can be a challenge when you’re at the table, always nice to see what other DMs are doing.

LW Riker
LW Riker - 25.06.2023 07:22

Decorating the exterior:
Not sure if this would be a problem when Youtubing sessions; but I like to use photocopied maps as wallpapering cover on my storage boxes and pen holders from cans.

Ivan Pirsic
Ivan Pirsic - 25.06.2023 05:25

Awesome vid, love the box, only question I have is NOT related to that tho,..its what is your gaming table cover/cloth and where can it be had...?

Sucio53 - 25.06.2023 04:06

Would love to see an upload of even a single d&d dungeon playthrough with your group!

Tommy Cowan
Tommy Cowan - 25.06.2023 01:12

Hmm, that box needs covered in individual foam bricks, and shingles.

TrueKoalaKnight - 25.06.2023 01:10

If a cardboard box is good enough for Solid Snake... Just sayin'.

camerakid76 - 24.06.2023 22:09

Cardboard box or not, great set up and way to organize at the table! Great to see you in my suggested again!

Jayson Stewart
Jayson Stewart - 24.06.2023 19:45

Great video, very practical

Nachbo1234 - 24.06.2023 16:35

Creating your own custom storage has always been a part of the hobby. This was a great video.

Alejandro Javier Furfaro
Alejandro Javier Furfaro - 24.06.2023 16:00

Hugh thumbs-ups for the honesty by the end of the video. 😂

b0untykill3r - 24.06.2023 15:35

What kind of battle map is this on the table? Looks great!

Ellynrie Archimarre
Ellynrie Archimarre - 24.06.2023 14:42


Raycheetah - 24.06.2023 10:53

Nut 'n' bolts videos like this are crucial. Craft a whole bunch of shiny scenery? Then you're gonna need to know how to store it effectively. =^[.]^=

Demetri Night
Demetri Night - 24.06.2023 10:38

Storage and secrecy are key things to keep in mind as a crafting GM. It's fun to surprise the players with a miniature or piece of terrain. If you need to hide everything in a toaster box, then definitely hide everything in a toaster box. Now I wonder if I have an appliance box to do this with. 😁

General Jack
General Jack - 24.06.2023 09:32

Exactly the problem I have been struggling with!

Benjamin Locks
Benjamin Locks - 24.06.2023 08:42

Brad Pitt: What's in the boooooooox!?

Wyloch: No meta gaming.

AzraelThanatos - 24.06.2023 08:17

Unfortunately, the cardboard box approach doesn't work as well if you need to transport things to where you're playing.

Works great if you're running the game at home though

Ben Shirtliff
Ben Shirtliff - 24.06.2023 08:01

I don't care that it was about a box haha, I just enjoy your videos they always make for good viewing!
Love your work!

Kiri Celebkiriedhel
Kiri Celebkiriedhel - 24.06.2023 07:24

I love boxes!!! There is nothing wrong with a good box storage solution. I DM away from home, and everything needs to be portable for me, so I'm not entirely sure that this would work for me... that said, it has given me some ideas!!

James Miller
James Miller - 24.06.2023 07:18

I love it when someone shows something this simple. I'm going to complicate it a bit more, but not much. A carry handle on the top and maybe full drawers for each section. Seriously, this is the best way to transport terrain I've seen yet. Thanks!!!

Matthew Kemp
Matthew Kemp - 24.06.2023 07:09

Storage solutions are always a legitimate topic for discussion.

Samantha LaCroix
Samantha LaCroix - 24.06.2023 06:17

That is BRILLIANT! I have SO many ideas rolling around.

Having seen your new style tiles in action so to speak I don't feel so bad giving up the walls. I loved the old style but these are so much more portable, storable and above all playable.

Daniel Shaffer
Daniel Shaffer - 24.06.2023 05:56

Okay, that ending though. "He must really be desperate for content..." "I'm Wyloch."
