Is Bootstrap Still Worth It? -- 1 Design, 2 Code Bases.

Is Bootstrap Still Worth It? -- 1 Design, 2 Code Bases.


4 года назад

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@DesignCourse - 07.08.2019 16:35

Thoughts? Agree, disagree?! Let me know!

@HeitorYT - 28.11.2022 22:18

I would use with postcss and purgecss plugin :)

@redheadrusskie - 20.05.2022 13:46

For me bootstrap is yet another example of over engineering in this industry which introduces more unnecessarily complex ways of basically achieving the exact same end result, except with bootstrap your project weighs more and requires of you to learn additional syntax. It basically solves problems that didn't exist and proposes a solution nobody asked for. No wonder why newcomers find entering the front-end world so difficult. It is with thanks to irrelevant technologies like this 'evolving' every 6 months and to companies foaming at the mouth running after them making development or even entering development a living nightmare.

@thekeytoanything - 28.10.2021 21:42

Yes but Bootstrap has built in Accessibility

@keshavanand7 - 30.07.2021 09:31

Bro you are talking shit just go talk to codingphase and hell tell you

@HimanshuChanda - 24.07.2021 22:06

Isnt Bootstrap min css loaded from a CDN and almost in all cases already that URL is cached at users macihne? In that case the comparison shud not include BS files and it margins are grossly wrong!

@antoniocristian4969 - 03.02.2021 23:37

Bootstrap is a great time-saving framework imho. I make an income from it plus helps me better to focus on the back end.

@katemc516 - 30.12.2020 15:48

by the time you familiarize yourself with all the classNames in your bootstrap components, you'd be loooong done writing your own CSS from scratch
personally can't stand bootstrap

@nikhilmwarrier7948 - 11.11.2020 13:44

I use my custom stuff for production and materializecss for prototyping. But bootstrap 5 does look good.

@Omar-xo7pm - 23.09.2020 01:51

Dont forget that with bootstrap, your css file from the cdn will be cached and your small changes every day wont bust your cache. Also, if 2 websites use the same version and cdn, that bootstrap.css file will be only downloaded once between the two of them and then cached.

@ashkansaberi2010 - 29.08.2020 11:55

with all the respect that I have for you and your amazing skills and contents, this video wasn't fair.
it's like the construction of a building.

of course, you won't need a huge foundation for a 1 story building. but there is a reason that for huge towers they dig a massive hole and building a massive foundation under the whole structure and during building it every single detail has to be precise and accurate or else it will collapse somewhere in the future. that's why they hire engineers and project managers and professional construction workers to make sure every detail will be planned pre-project and will be followed during the construction.

2-bootstrap is not only made of design elements. it has js libraries and other interface components to make sure maximum cross-platform and device compatibility. achieving the same result with custom code is possible but considering time and production cost bootstrap is one of the best options to go.

3-bootstrap doesn't stop creativity and custom designing practices you can use bootstrap and also building your custom design component side to side or even on the top of bootstrap components to achieve amazing designs which also work perfectly.

4-site load time is a part of UX but not all. you can optimize your project and merge and minifying files and using code efficiency practices to achieve a quick load time too,

in the end, it all comes to the scale of the project and the budget considered for it. yes if you have a massive project with a huge budget back it up you can hire a team to build a design framework with the components specified to the need or a client with a really specific idea about the website design and the budget to back it up yap why not the custom design. other than that in my opinion you don't have to reinvent the wheel (it's one of the basic principles of programming).

@Xmetalfanx - 02.08.2020 23:40

also like others are saying in the comments ... I know i could code custom things for different features BS has (or any framework .... isn't "Awesome" a big (or was one anyway) a Bootstrap framework alternative..... I have no problem with knowing that with some learning I could it it by hand ... but Bootstrap has it built in .... I guess if you only use the minimum amount of features BS has ... then yeah I say "code it by hand" and not to use BS. Heck like i said in my other comment I may try to "un-Bootstrap" my site .. and use the CSS grid (the bs grid is a big reason i use it too) ... if nothing else ... for the LEARNING involved

@Xmetalfanx - 02.08.2020 23:36

I do admit I want to get into "CSS Grids" ... I like Bootstrap and how i can just include it on a blank project and I can have grids and stuff for mobile layouts ... to be honest on my personal project I have been trying to balance custom CSS and bootstrap ... I'd like to have it where it uses both but uses as little code from bootstrap as possible in case I wanted to switch frameworks or just not use a framework at all.

I have to preferences that I use to use tons of CSS and switching to BS allowed me to slim down what I was using ... I knew CSS long before (not saying I knew 100% about say animations and stuff like that in CSS) I ever considered Bootstrap ... part of the reason I switched to it on my personal page is why i may try custom CSS + the CSS grid ... just LEARNING how to use it... I do use different things BS has like accordians and cards and whatever else ... so it's easier for me to just copy and paste some stuff but "could" i drop any framework and learn how to do it all from the ground up? .... sure ... I may even make a different git branch of my site or another repo for it all together and use a different local folder and "covert" my bootstrapped site over and I may like that better in the end

@sapindersingh1165 - 02.08.2020 09:36

It's now been 3 months since I started out web development and I've tried Bootstrap a few times. Using it led me to the conclusion that I spend more time trying to convert bootstrap into my custom way, than simply writing css in my custom way. I personally don't feel any desire to use bootstrap. But I love your channel bro! Keep it up!

@nishantkumar6960 - 17.07.2020 01:48

Thank You so much. I have nothing to offer much but I'm really grateful to you. Thank so much again.

@rawhasan1180 - 03.07.2020 08:18

Loved this comparison! I am new in serious front-end development but I know CSS for a long time and have an intermediate level skill. Looking at all the classes Bootstrap inserts in the HTML code, it looks like a pollution on the code and overkill. Never loved it. I am just seriously trying to understand, what is the main benefit of using bootstrap and when should I use it. This helped me a lot understanding this. I am now sure it probably will help a lot with big projects for solo developers to finish quickly (never worked on any big project yet), but unnecessary for small projects as that will not take much time to custom code the CSS. Anyone having a clear idea about speed optimization will not approve these extra file sizes where every bit can affect the load time. Thanks a lot for making this video!

@deecee2204 - 23.06.2020 16:25

goodluck with the development time

@mohinishsharma2403 - 21.06.2020 09:57

I don't think why we talking about file sizes? We've 4G now or better 5G. My only reason is to use framework is that they have their naming convention established and very well documented. Imagine you're employed in a company and you're assigned on a project with the team. And now you've to do hell lot of brainstorming and research if its all custom code. Its always a better choice to use a framework rather than writing custom code fully. Even in large project we still use frameworks like bootstrap.. And matter of file size is concerned.. Angular project yield out MBs of js just for a single page website or simple website..

@michaelnimley8676 - 21.06.2020 02:42

Bootstrap is awesome and very much worth it.

@kapilchauhan7954 - 05.06.2020 16:32

Decision made: no to bootstrap

@maxfate9006 - 24.05.2020 19:51

I use bootstrap still, easy to build websites in no time ,adding little css or saas. Writing own css is pain sometimes and test with different browsers

@lateefahsmellie5046 - 22.05.2020 08:22

I hate bootstrap, but I can see where it can come in handy for reusable components or getting a simple project up without having to worry about the style.

@james_01 - 18.05.2020 09:51

Its only useful to write custom code if you are just starting to learn web design. Its a waste of time otherwise.

@mappalguys679 - 11.05.2020 11:08

I wasted 2 weeks of my life
Just use CSS grid dude it's much better

@tedfitzpatrickyt - 07.05.2020 02:01

i learned css first then bootstrap much later to use a skin that uses it. i used it to see if it was cool, but i found myself just coding css. in ways bootstrap’s presentational classes feel too close to using html for styling, plus “2 ways” of css styling in the same project feels too bifurcated. but, bootstrap’s breakpoints are very valuable since the optimum breakpoints research was already done. what might be interesting is if bootstrap had sass vars and mixins to enable cross-browser shorthand rules

@flexairz - 06.05.2020 16:55

I prefer the building blocks of bootstrap ie building my own house with brick and mortar.

@flexairz - 06.05.2020 16:53

kb = kilobit, kB = kilobyte

@designsavedme - 03.05.2020 00:21

We don't work hard these days. We work smart. Why re-invent the wheel when I can use what's there and tweak it to my liking. I know CSS and a little bit of javascript but bootstrap nails the basics then I only pull out the sword when bootstrap can't help.

@prateekbhardwaj9943 - 17.04.2020 20:57

you get time to learn tech and make videos and play electric guitarS ?

@aramyako8289 - 16.04.2020 14:44

What? You forgot that a website is larger than one single page with some cards?

@schooooooorsch - 06.04.2020 00:23

interesting comparison. but, if you're targeting smaller files, you could also use the bootstrap mixins instead of the html classes. this would make the html smaller.

for such a website, maybe custom css is a good solution, but in case of more pages and a more complex layouts (responsive nav bar, dropdows, various form elements, easy to use grids, etc.) you save a lot of time with bootstrap and most cms offer extentions to use it, also if you have to work in a bigger team. but anyway, nice showcase. thanks

@jaimerojas6578 - 31.03.2020 01:18

Thanks, I'll be learning css now

@moshemo613 - 26.03.2020 14:09

I think there are two problems with this analysis. One is that one can use bootstrap and NOT use their grid-system - but rather use css grid and/or flexbox. That would decrease the file size while giving other advantages of bootstrap. Secondly, when a project get's larger other issues crop up and one's custom html/css may not be as lean and well-organized as bootstrap is.

Note -- I am writing this as someone who uses tailwindcss (with reference to how bulma does things from time to time). And while I personally also like bulma more than bootstrap -- bootstrap does have some advantages (like coming with javascript).

@zafarhussain8273 - 02.03.2020 22:56

why not use if there is

@dontcomply3976 - 28.02.2020 14:37

Good to have such a definitive answer. Most coding vids give a list of pros and cons but now I am sure that I wont use Bootstrsp anymore, not that I have thought it is a good idea for the last few years.

@ShahinShateri - 28.02.2020 02:11

This is just a lame comparison. Nobody used bootstrap for 10 lines of code. In real world web development and real applications the difference between vanilla css and bootstrap in terms of file size will be so small that considering the cost saving and average internet speed it is no brainier that bootstrap is the to go framework.
This kind of videos are boring and misleading for the newbies. Like the over rating videos about the advantages of Django over laravel for development.
If we want to listen to these kinds of videos then we should ditch Vue.js and write or frontend using plain Java script as well.

@BS-pi4sf - 26.02.2020 18:14

Yeah, don't use it if you are
a) living under the rock, and
b) connecting to the internet via dolphin modem.

@jantube358 - 21.02.2020 17:25

Good one. So I do nothing wrong by rejecting Bootstrap at the moment. :D

@wesleyjanse6600 - 04.02.2020 01:41

I learned css first, but I really enjoy the grid system of bootstrap and that's also the only thing I use from them in my projects

@mariosanseverino5595 - 22.01.2020 17:34

is there anyway I can access the css code of this page?

@TheBorninmotion - 20.01.2020 14:00

custom rules !

@coolboy9979 - 17.01.2020 19:48

I got a uncle that works at IBM and they are using that

@m4cdemos - 26.11.2019 18:24

How many of your visitors will already have cached the Bootstrap css from other sites that they've visited?

@happytrigger4233 - 16.11.2019 21:43

Bootstrap Extra Small is all devices less then 768px???? So Phone in Portrait und Landscape are both less then 768px and should have in the vision of bootstrap the same layout? is this really so abismally stupid or do I miss something?

@mahendrasahu9280 - 16.11.2019 21:36

Is there any framework for broken grid layout?

@YordanYanakiev - 11.10.2019 10:23

What's the outro music ?!

@GDonuts_Crafts - 05.10.2019 19:28

I get your basic point of ‘Bootstrap is a large file and slows web loading’; But I would like to see you prove that it does slow it down. It’s still an extremely small amount of data, and should load extremely fast- specially if the browser has the library already cached into it and is grabbed locally instead of over the internet.

@rogeroliveira4973 - 27.09.2019 04:25

I think bootstrap is a good choice when we need to use multiple of its resources such as buttons, panels, carrousel, loadings, and so on... Build all that using pure CSS may be tricky, specially when there is time restrictions.

@jsonkody - 26.09.2019 02:02

No, you should use Bulma.
