Absolutely Every God of War Boss Ranked

Absolutely Every God of War Boss Ranked

Kaptain Kuba

1 год назад

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@prodby.blackwhite - 26.04.2024 19:41

Sisters of fate was legendary, in every possible way

@TrollfaceDarkBruhLmao - 12.05.2024 06:49

Bruh 😂

@edgywedgie811 - 17.05.2024 16:52


@sowquns - 18.05.2024 01:44

When Kratos will fight against Jesus?????

@darkssz - 23.05.2024 03:32

cool list. zeus gow 2 and the minotaur would be higher for me

@HelvetesSkitApa - 04.06.2024 17:08

Her name is not "Sigrum".

@JovanyRodriguez-e3g - 13.06.2024 18:15

Am I missing something or is he calling king hrolf rodolpho

@JovanyRodriguez-e3g - 13.06.2024 18:33

You just be asking for more shit after you already ask for hella shit for ragnorok

@Darkslayer1993 - 14.06.2024 15:37

Hades the best

@mayank7469 - 15.06.2024 11:41

the sisters of fate fight was truly amazing , challenging and difficult for the ps2

@Majorian476 - 18.06.2024 00:24

Finally someone said that The Sisters of Fate are Goated. Liked.

@Lord_Kratos69 - 27.06.2024 10:43

Hades was horrible expecialy on titan difficulty

@Dookieman1975 - 03.07.2024 02:31

For gryla it feels less like ur fighting a Jotunn and more like ur fighting a giant from jack and the beanstalk. Would be cool if u get a game over if u hurt her too much cuz they aren’t actually trying to hurt her

Also funny how we’re ready for Thor in the intro boss but he’s just like “nah” but then later hits us with a “aight put them paws up rn”, but I’m not ready”, “good”, outta nowhere

@wile123456 - 08.07.2024 04:55

You know some biased are bad when I've completely forgotten all about them lol

@MegaAdams00 - 09.07.2024 19:42

Modi should have died first and we could've fought Magni again later on. Or fought him and Thor at the same time in ragnarok. I liked magni way more

@Rdc_Dom - 10.07.2024 18:36

I'm a newer god of war fan (I've only played 3, 4, and Ragnarok) and for me, The second Thor boss fight is one of my favorite boss fights I've ever done. Sure the spectacle isn't crazy but the narrative, the emotion, THE MUSIC are all just on a different level. For the first time we see Kratos trying to reason with his enemy because he sees so much of himself in Thor. It's just genius from a writing perspective.

@VexDude - 16.07.2024 02:55

Next is the hechatO..NCHaries😂😂😂

@Lord_Kratos69 - 18.07.2024 13:20

Absolutly every😂🤦‍♂️ and you missing like 30
Where are 8 valkyres,12 berserkers,medusa,cerberus,icarus,helios,hepheastus,blazing cerberus and many more…

@alexhollon7526 - 19.07.2024 01:31

I'll stick up for Deimos and Calypso as far as story is concerned, as I do think they have some weight in that regard, but yeah, they're not exactly mechanically interesting.

@kevindeleon8782 - 22.07.2024 03:35


@D_Wiseguy - 23.07.2024 17:08

NGL I really hate those sirens summoned by Zeus in GOW2 it feels out of place. I'm glad you too noticed it

@criistiaann_sw - 26.07.2024 00:04

1st thor fight is da best oat

@DarkSlayer9296 - 03.08.2024 18:14

Many of your "why is boss is bad" are plain boring
maybe make an effort explaining things

@jacksonwillis8597 - 12.09.2024 21:16

fuck zeus in gow2

@makoshark7122 - 19.09.2024 10:19

The heimdall fight is way up there in like my top 5 favorite bosses, but i do agree that it couldve been made harder considering Heimdall's abilities. Imagine if (after you hit him the first time) you had to bring up his stun bar all the way in order to damage to him through the entire fight, i imagine it being like you overloading his senses manually with the spear (rather than it being implied thats what ur doing while just being able to hit him freely) and then dealing more and more damage to him as he gets frustrated and as kratos holds back less. Basically just making it more gradual yet intense.

Even tho thatd be cool, im happy with what i got. I absolutely love fights thaat are 1 on 1 duels and a battle to the death, so any fight like that immediately is gonna be way up in my list like Zeus, sigrun, and thor etc. Honestly, the only thing keeping me from rating it #1 is that it's not AS hard as other bosses and that really plays a role because I really like the struggle and challenge

@giedriusoleskevic9808 - 27.09.2024 14:47


@creeperYT9824 - 02.10.2024 16:31

this ranking is kinda weird ngl

@Vid_t - 07.10.2024 00:42

while battling perseus you red orb number is 1312-acab, funny easter egg btw

@Vid_t - 07.10.2024 01:26

in my opinion, hrist and mist are one of the hardest fights, i will put it on 4 place, baldur was good but not as good as thor so i will put baldur 5 and thor in 2 place(thor from beggining of game) 3 place is hercules, and the first place is zeus, it is the best fight in gaming history, it would be so much better if zeus was the one that made kratos kill his wife and daughter but for now its the best

@AeonAxisProductions - 08.10.2024 19:23

I was actually gonna guess the sisters as the best boss fight but i thought "nah its probably not"

@magicmamba915 - 20.10.2024 23:43

You put hydra over Odin and nidheg?? Lmao.

@slagarcrue85 - 26.10.2024 17:07

FYI the basilisk is not from Greek religion it’s from the Christian bible but it’s only super briefly mentioned in the box of exodus it’s the eternal rival of the Levithan and there constantly fighting and can’t stand each other. Think of then like Mr green Christmas and Mr white Christmas aka the mizer brothers snow mizer and heat mizer but actually our not a threat to all existence an also unlike the mizer brothers have a super natural being of a way higher power as a parent. aks Mother Nature who can keep them in line as well as other members of the family like there older brother the North Wind who neither brother can stand even more then they can’t stand each other until they wise up in a mizer brothers Christmas.

@cruzcamel - 27.10.2024 17:26

Man, the Greek era games were so fun. I love the new games too, and the new bosses are “mechanically” better. But I really miss the scale and spectacle and brutal carnage of the Greek era.

@zaratustrascarlett - 30.10.2024 19:41

Poseidon on 22, I don't wait for the rest ;)

@kionyt8992 - 14.11.2024 00:29

heimdall insanely low

@jotheunissen9274 - 21.11.2024 00:13

Heracles also had the fact going for it that Kratos was willing to talk and trying to make Heracles see reason and step aside

@The0Mann - 24.11.2024 04:58

The first fight with baldur is one of my all time favorites. That was a one of kind experience. The brief build up to the fight and the fact the fight actually felt like two gods fighting.

@joeyabbott3201 - 21.01.2025 11:26

Crucify me, but i thought ragnarok was very meh, 2018 left massive shoes to fill

@ogeraldo1388 - 01.02.2025 10:34

I like Gryla honestly. Mostly cause of the platforming involved. And it's interesting how it's the only boss we fight as Atreus

@Austin888-r2c - 06.02.2025 04:02

My top 5:
1.sisters of fate
2.zeus 2
5.baldur 1

@TankCracko - 07.02.2025 03:08

Anyone else really enjoy the time where kratos kills his own mother?

@randycruzsalas3601 - 19.02.2025 21:20

I love the newer Gow but the berserker in Vanaheim has to be one of the worst optional bosses in gaming! I hate the fact that on give me god of war this boss feels like a shooter boss fight! I hate these exploding things and when you have to fight like 4 enemies and the berserker🚽

@magicsboi9951 - 22.02.2025 06:09

I don't think that's you fighting Sigrund unless you got a tan

@annoyingashelll - 04.03.2025 12:22

King rodolfo 😂😂 holy hell that cracked me up. I was so confused about who the hell you were talking about 🤣

@Kaz_kt - 10.03.2025 03:14

Persues boi u are not the sharpest tool in the shed huh
