Frost Punk Top 5 TIPS TO WIN - Any Difficulty

Frost Punk Top 5 TIPS TO WIN - Any Difficulty

Upper Echelon

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@rocket_hops - 22.03.2021 19:54

bro, you did this shit??? this is awesome im genuinely super happy to find out you made a vid on frostpunk

@RichardColwell1 - 27.03.2021 20:52

Tips for running faith instead of discipline?

@jakkrit6910 - 01.04.2021 23:32

after so many defeat i win but refugee is another level you start with 0 resource and resource pile is small you need all resource building up in less than 7-8 day meanwhile temp is drop constantly

@Alexl23l273 - 16.04.2021 19:57

Me: want some research and use 24h shift
My angry people on extreme: PEOPLE ARE FURIOUS

@amerzski2510 - 27.04.2021 05:38

Bought it last Friday.. finish campaign on 3rd "real"try.. I'd say it still the same as other management games. Once you manage to have a great early game.. the rest of the game is easy. I kinda wish there is more complexity in the law and skill tree.

@dec0de717 - 04.06.2021 14:14

I just got the game free from the epic games store and im currently at day 35 using a law and order approach on my city. This game is definitely fun and unique. Second best game that ive played this pandemic since witcher 3. Thank you for the tips!!

@love4remind - 05.06.2021 12:37

Thanks, free now on Epic Store, please pick this game up.

@stephenc.4319 - 27.06.2021 04:27

I love the idea of a red-faced foreman screaming at a giant robot and it somehow working 40% faster while he’s there.

@zeredcanon997 - 01.07.2021 02:51

this game made me realize how hard it is to be a politic lmao

@Maracifer - 07.07.2021 10:24

I was doing so well, resources managed, heating could be better but no gravely ill and no deaths so far so good, I found an automaton while scouting, high hope, very low discontent.... then the event at day 15 hit and my hope took a giant hit, I chose order, people started rebelling, I couldn't get that under control and I was banished . _ .

This game is brutal

@664chrisman - 07.08.2021 22:37

"I know my city is looking a little mis-managed right now"

Me: Looks just like my city.

@krystiangruszeczka8565 - 09.08.2021 14:51

I need this for the survival mode. This way the game is impossible to build it on the first day

@fedbia2003 - 29.08.2021 05:35

Great video. Thank you so much! Quick, to the point, incredibly informative.

@pizzanut180 - 09.09.2021 23:56

Well... i beat the game without Automatons... they're overrated.

@alistairbolden6340 - 01.12.2021 01:06

Imo you are better off using child labour because with that you have more than enough workers for every job you could ever need, you end up with roughly 800 people. That then allows you to ignore all atonaton tech and instead spend every steamcore on upgraded hot houses and resource buildings. Also faith is by far the better of the two factions as it A requires far less imput, less building of structures ect and B provides far more hope allowing you to use extended shifts on everything without issue.

@SavageMatty - 02.01.2022 00:33

Just bought this game. Died twice immediately. On the third run doing decently now

@FastDuDeJiunn - 30.01.2022 03:47

i have found, at least for me. this game is horrible to watch anyone play. but again personally i enjoy playing it. i dont like hard games usualy. but its rewarding and punishing. lots to learn, many different paths and choices. at least on normal mode. maybe as he said harder modes ur more limited.

@hamadhajri8582 - 15.02.2022 21:48

why i get this in the food place
: couldn't resume production

@vanillaicecream3530 - 18.06.2022 20:45

Personally, thing to do : -select 5 engineers, make them build the first research center. These same engineers will work on the balloon (i call it like that) right after.
-rest of the people directly go to get resources. Before the first night, i d build tend and medic tent around the generator (medic,tent,tent,tent,medic) *this is very important if u try to have a 0 death run on hard difficulty.
-build outpost next to the resources u want to gather but be methodical so that they don’t clutter ur district and leave some coal and iron scraps around (meaning try to get to mining them as fast as possible) the coal and iron scraps can be used in late game for emergency resources.

@lukeskymaster - 25.06.2022 06:24

Man i didnt know you used to actually do gaming, only know you for your news and crypto stuff

@abcd260 - 26.06.2022 16:59

How come my game start without resources? :D

@Vice_Admiral_Garp - 30.07.2022 12:18

I only picked this up today and i was miserably hooked thanks for the 1st tip made a huge difference and i cant stop playing

@webfactorysolutions - 13.09.2022 12:15

I legit didn't knew this channel did any actual gaming stuff

@NoOne-fo1di - 04.10.2022 06:50

I've watched ALOT of tip videos and I believe this is the first one to recommend the beacon so early. I think this go around I'm going to do as you suggest and build the beacon right off

@sparrowwilson4514 - 09.10.2022 20:32

Omg. The citizens of this game are so complainy. No matter how much you meet their needs irs never enough. 😭😭

@stapanepanepastapa2045 - 13.10.2022 04:22

I wish to see his tips on extreme difficulty xd

@duskstone109 - 25.02.2023 20:06

I kept on losing coal, rations, and people.

@DippyDolittle - 28.03.2023 00:31

I really wanted to enjoy this game and then realised that's not what you're supposed to be doing.

It's basically an abusive relationship and everytime I think I can go back to it, I watch videos like this to remind me that it's not something I need to return to 👍

@willowthewindbelow - 01.07.2023 10:43

Thank you!! I see my mistakes... Time to go back in!

@zeening - 22.07.2023 01:21

wow im so not used to you doing gameplay videos lol i love this

@armymancommander1 - 29.09.2023 02:51

1st tip doesnt apply to harder difficultys though because you dont start with resources on hard plus in most scenarios

@dustynias - 09.10.2023 01:28

Was watching another tips and tricks for 10 minutes and they still hadnt started playing the game.
2 mins in an already youve given me 2 pro tips. 10/10. LIKED.

@blisk_spoon13 - 26.10.2023 02:08

Biggest tip i have here is fuck every outpost for its cores except MAYBE food

You want robots basically doing all the hard work as far as coal etc is concerned

Hothouses are debatable as flying hunters are op as hell

Your goin have a large workforce anyways, the fact that SOMEONE dies is already a failure in my opinion

@TheKrucifix12 - 04.12.2023 17:23

I wish during emergency shifts you could have two crews if you have extra people

@johnpalcon7570 - 20.01.2024 00:32

Interesting how deep youre in the book of laws with a tiny city..

@mudalad1215 - 16.03.2024 09:47

only city building game i can rage quit on

@g3ar75 - 13.04.2024 01:21

Bro I never knew you playef this game let alone made a guide on it xD can't wait for frostpunk 2

@KingAlex9two - 07.05.2024 01:52

I couldn’t get past the Londoners and uninstalled it. Legit spent a week and could get past the first level 😂😂

@Jstielo - 16.05.2024 19:52

Something it took me forever to figure out…. RHE RESEARCH BECON FOR THR SCIENTISTS IS HIDDEN ON THE ROGHT SIDE OF THE UPGRADE TREE!!! Idk why they put it so far over in the tree but man that changed everything

@Jstielo - 16.05.2024 19:54

I finally got 100% hope and zero frustration last night. Got the achievement medal on Xbox

@Sasha.Romanov - 13.07.2024 11:03

I just love this game, amazing one!

@mojopin2000 - 22.07.2024 02:16

Those effing Londoners really know how to ruin a good time.

@mojopin2000 - 22.07.2024 02:20

I’ve never played a game like this before. It deserves its own genre. Let’s call it a “Failure Sim” because you’ll become very familiar with failing repeatedly. If “Learning from Your Mistakes” was a college course, this would be it.

Thank you for the tips, I’m about to start a fresh run with your pointers.

@prworswick - 04.08.2024 14:27

98 Londoners 💀 Your people really don't like you

@ceaserspalace7224 - 16.09.2024 22:32

I never thought id be a person who likes management type games but it turns out i really enjoy trying to figure how to get everything working, but im horrible at real world management lol

@durbanpoison031 - 22.09.2024 15:56

This is a great breakdown

@Stranzua - 25.09.2024 21:40

The issue I'm running into is the workers needing rest or needing treatment. If I have them gathering resources during the day and hunting at night, the next day they don't start gathering resources again until they rest. Is there a way to assign people different shifts for different jobs? For example, if I can only hunt at night, can I make the hunters sleep during the day?

Plus, if I assign 5 workers to make rations but they're all 'in treatment' or 'resting from the hunt', can I assign other workers to make the rations instead? Is there a way to manage individual workers more efficiently? Why is the game even allowing me to add 5 workers to make rations when they are actually unavailable?

@EdvinLu - 27.10.2024 04:46

Good video, respect. Quick and to the point

@shinzoux5912 - 30.10.2024 15:49

Did not expect this game to be so good, despite all the recommendations.

What really impressed me - apart form the art direction and polish - was the storytelling. Both by one's own actions and through narrative.

Thought I'd play this for a coiple of hours. But ended up really enjoying each scenario, despite how challenging it can be.
