The Great Mystery of Deacon - Fallout 4 Lore

The Great Mystery of Deacon - Fallout 4 Lore


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Michael Brown
Michael Brown - 21.09.2023 05:58

big booty mod can i get it

Hitomi Salazar
Hitomi Salazar - 21.09.2023 01:59

Well, I think nixing him as the Lone Wanderer or Courier 6 or any previous companion is smart. Goes with Bethesda's MO. If they declared a canonical main character? Well they're terrified that fans might backlash over the idea that their particular run was "non-canon" in a bizarre bit of developer culture that had appeared there. So I doubt that they'll have him as any sort of canonical character, not even a Vault 76 dweller released on the wasteland.

The way he's modeled does fit with what Bethesda tends to do for "Grandfather" aged characters mostly so it's possible for me to believe he might just be something like 60-70 years old by intention.

But beyond that it's hard to really say anything about him. I'm inclined to believe the story he eventually gives. Of being a punk at UC Point. Because... well it kind of fits. Bethesda never really does "liar" characters so much. Either it's blatantly obvious they're lying from the start or they'll come clean in the end. And Maiq the Liar isn't really a "liar" of course in the Elder Scrolls, he's basically the developers taking the piss at fans upset with changes to the games.

Vaschy - 18.09.2023 05:59

When he mentions the caves and being good hiding spots I thought maybe he knows about Virgil before you knew about Virgil

Jonathan Burns 1985 Vintage
Jonathan Burns 1985 Vintage - 11.09.2023 05:15

I think the story is intetesting but i cant see Deacon being an actual ghoul. Ghouls are persecuted and because of that, Deacon would be more inclined to help ghouls. I believe Deacons truth is close to what he says at the end. It would be interesting to see more interaction between Danse and Deacon, considering Danse is both BoS and Synth

Christopher Jimenez
Christopher Jimenez - 03.09.2023 05:13

First ever long 1 hour video I’ve seen. Didn’t even to mean to it was just really good.

Allan Cornell
Allan Cornell - 31.08.2023 16:19

I kinda thought he was a ghoul slaver from the capital wasteland.

Jo Jo
Jo Jo - 30.08.2023 03:00

My brightness is all the way up and I can barely see her lol

Calvin Smick
Calvin Smick - 29.08.2023 04:43

Rex Goodman and Strong also know Shakespeare. Lol

Ricechrispy0527 - 28.08.2023 20:46

I'd like to point out that he says "you can't trust everyone" not "you can't trust anyone" which means you can trust someone, someone who's actions show that they are trustworthy. Deacon being a habitual liar is secretly why you can trust him, because he would lie about it. If you're in a pinch you just have to go along with his bs and you are more likely to get out of it.

Ricechrispy0527 - 28.08.2023 20:34

Speaking of the institute watching, have you seen the crows everywhere?.... 😂.

Mason Mcgrew
Mason Mcgrew - 26.08.2023 23:52

no him curie and that guy at the radio tower could of talked about shakspeare he was reading shakspeare to super mutants

EWS - 25.08.2023 20:10

He’s also hiding among the gunners in green tec in a locked room faking death

Stogdaddy527 - 20.08.2023 17:07

“Him and Curie are the only two we need who could have a conversation about Shakespeare.”

When there’s an entire side quest involving saving a man from Supermutants whom he attempts to educate with MacBeth…
When there’s an whole ass companion who’s entire existence is based on the phrase “Milk of Human kind” …

fireflower - 17.08.2023 19:09

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Deacon who?
Deac-on your face.

Devil's advocate
Devil's advocate - 10.08.2023 00:42

Nice video, but the narration is sometimes reaaally cringe...

Morgan Jr
Morgan Jr - 09.08.2023 12:17

Maybe synthetic synth skin could be used in deacon’s surgeries

Ray Akuma
Ray Akuma - 09.08.2023 00:46

Deacons only Quest objective the whole game:
Tell the Truth(optional)

Rollmilk - 07.08.2023 00:07

decon final relationship dialog didnt make sense, 3rd gen is after shaun kidnapped how hes married with a 3rd gen synth before then

SQL YouTuber
SQL YouTuber - 02.08.2023 19:37

If you kill him you find a synth component so he is not a goul

Sapatha - 29.07.2023 16:32

He is also at bunker Hill

Cedric Velarde
Cedric Velarde - 28.07.2023 14:29

Deacon and Curie not only one who knows Shakespeare. Also the one who tell Strong about milk of human kindness?

Help me
Help me - 28.07.2023 10:57

I can't believe deacon called super mutants "toddlers with steroids", the roast is wild and it's true😂

Terminator MKll
Terminator MKll - 23.07.2023 17:53


RainAngel111 - 23.07.2023 08:05

Deacon's clearly a vampire 😂

Legatus Tacitus
Legatus Tacitus - 18.07.2023 21:59

Deacon was one of the companions that I dont like. Even after I reached max affinity, became an enemy of the Railroad (by accident), he shot up my base. Luckily, Strong took him out...though Strong is another one I dont like.

Birdlad1.0 - 14.07.2023 09:52

kinda sad considering I just wiped out the railroad with 34 frag grenades from the top of the staircase because I got "bored"

nikola milinovic
nikola milinovic - 11.07.2023 10:13

Though Deacon is very interesting character Railroad is a bunch of hipster loonies. Synths are robots and nothing else. No matter how they behave. Their resources could help living humans. Instead, they waste them on Institute broken tools.

- 11.07.2023 02:39

Deacon with his haircut always makes me think of Johnny Knoxville

Thomas Grazier
Thomas Grazier - 10.07.2023 22:42

Not very secret code its the same as their username

The Self Proclaimed King of the Nerds
The Self Proclaimed King of the Nerds - 09.07.2023 18:44

Deacon is the Lone Wanderer.

It would explain why he gets so upset talking about the BoS. Imagine, you're this 19 year old kid, who went through hell and back, and then twice more for good measure, with this organization that seemed to be the best out of a bad bunch. Together you turn on Project Purity, and defeat the Enclave on what should have been THEIR victory march.

Then in the space of a few years, the man who mentored you, and your best friend die, only for you to watch the organization you've come to love return to what, you thought, were the old, outdated ways of the Brotherhood of Steel. You leave the Capital Wasteland, and head north to the Commonwealth, only for them to end up following your footsteps like a bad broken record.

Of course Deacon lies all the time. Could you IMAGINE the uproar it would cause to know that THE Lone Wanderer was trapsing about the Commonwealth? The only thing we can know for certain is he was married to a Synth named Barbara, and she was killed by a gang, which Deacon then destroyed wholesale. Very, VERY few people in the Wasteland would be capable of killing an entire gang single handedly, even bloodlusted.

The Reflection of Perfection
The Reflection of Perfection - 09.07.2023 04:44

Watching this is somewhat painful if you sided with the Institute or Brotherhood of Steel. Imagine Deacon basically allowing you free roam of the Railroad and you lead the Institute/BoS right to them.

Umbreon - 09.07.2023 02:23

Ok ok hear me out if the minutemen and the railroad teamed up or combined then they would probably be able to free all of America

Ultraaaviolet - 06.07.2023 09:15

John D is a reference to John Doe, maybe he thought of himself as a dead man.

Javier Ramire
Javier Ramire - 06.07.2023 00:08

Got it deacon take the cabot juice to stay young an alive

Xjuukez - 05.07.2023 21:17

What if after Deacon left Vault 11, some time later he found an experimental drug, like what Hancock did, but instead of becoming ghoul, it caused him to live forever, or at least a lot longer than the average human lifespan, maybe got it from a vault on his travels throughout the wasteland. Or, the experimental drug allowed him to shapeshift. Or, it could be both.

The American Austrian
The American Austrian - 05.07.2023 00:59

Does deacon have a reaction if you take him to the shelter by vault 111

Midnight Wildspirit
Midnight Wildspirit - 04.07.2023 14:56

Deacon = Doctor Who?

Jennifer Choate
Jennifer Choate - 03.07.2023 21:25

It's funny. I first encountered Deacon when he was disguised as a DRIFTER the first time I visited Goodneighbor 😂😂😂. The sunglasses, bald head, and his general appearance was a complete dead giveaway.

itsmebitchusyy - 01.07.2023 19:29

Same voice holly shit

glob2454 - 01.07.2023 12:19

i think deacon saying hes a synth is a lesson that synths are people and it makes no difference if hes a synth or not

Anti-tankbrown - 29.06.2023 03:10

It’s a dead giveaway the most the fact that he says the same lines when you talk to him not really under cover if you ask me

Robert Nett
Robert Nett - 26.06.2023 20:03

I mean yeah. Realisticly speaking one act of lynching IS a big deal and the story IS dramatic. But in the light of the game you played.... Well... after becoming the most prevalent reason of death in the Commonwealth one lynching surely doesn't look that bad...

But I understand, that's always a flaw in action oriented rpgs. The player - even when staying relatively peaceful - is probably the most prolific serial killer in that whole game universe. And compared to our world an utter monster... I mean, we have snipers with 500+ confirmed kills. But the Sole Survivor might have filled that bar before reaching the Institute....

Robert Nett
Robert Nett - 26.06.2023 19:34

Hm I finde the Little Lamplight hypothesis not half bad.

If you listen to the exchange between McCready and Deacon, McCready says something along the lines 'Ah Deacon - still pretending to be anything but yourself?'
Which could point to the idea of him pretending to be younger so he could stay in LL.

Edit: But my favorite theory ever is: Deacon is Maik the Liar.

King Of Doom
King Of Doom - 25.06.2023 05:46

Jonn. D, Johnn Doe. Decon is constantly changing, but he has the same name

Gabriel España
Gabriel España - 23.06.2023 00:05

deacon could've served at Camp searchlight, there were ghoul NCR troopers at the ranger station nearby, just a thought

Gr8Vidz - 20.06.2023 17:58

This might just be me, but Deacon's personality does not fit with the fallout universe at all. He would be ok if he wasn't constantly spitting off reddit one liners, or marvel movie quips. It's usually because of him I end up taking down the railroad lol.

N L - 17.06.2023 22:07

Your voice with storytelling reminds me of Harlan Ellison in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. It’s amazing and makes the stories more immersive.
