Star Wars - A Critique Of The Sequels

Star Wars - A Critique Of The Sequels


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@McWaffles86 - 05.12.2023 16:43

The biggest disaster in cinema history that is the Star Wars sequels.

@Jedi-xm7rw - 03.12.2023 20:43

Everyone always hates The Last Jedi because of how it made Luke Skywalker but, I rarely hear anyone give a better alternative for his disappearance. It's a flawed setup from the start. Like what else are you supposed to do when a character has gone into hiding for decades? At best, he was off secretly rebuilding the Jedi Order, but even then he still went off and let the First Order cause chaos in the galaxy.

I'm not defending how they made him, horrible characterization, I just think the odds were already against this ever turning out well.

@johnboats9075 - 03.12.2023 18:47

F disney star wars cannon! Legends is cannon always has been always will be. We the fans decide whats cannon not a faceless mega corp who tried and failed to capture the magic of star wars.

@ivrishcon-abarth38 - 02.12.2023 05:28

Just another identity politics raped science fiction, fantasy or any other kind of epic story. But if they come for Babylon 5, I will avenge it!!

@RunOfTheHind - 01.12.2023 20:23

This is the Plinkett of the sequels. Sums up everything I had felt but hadn't bothered to put into words. Less serial killer stuff tho, obviously.

@00WhiteBlade - 01.12.2023 19:21

I would've liked to see the Empire's governing body on Coruscant become the new villainous force. No planet killers or MacGuffins, just the story of the Empire's remaining resources regrowing and then being beaten by the next generation of heroes mentored by our classic heroes.

I don't understand this bigger = better mentality that Disney has. I have never once felt that bigger = better in any franchise. Mandalorian S1 and S2 was good even with <100 people on each side of the conflict. Andor too.

They could've given us a trilogy that takes place entirely on one planet, fighting for the future of that planet, and if the arcs and characters are compelling it would not have detracted one tiny bit.

@Kendal318 - 30.11.2023 10:24

Excellent video, man. 🤘

@dudenugget2000 - 28.11.2023 20:29

This video is a masterpiece, so glad I get to be in the credits :)

@morthim - 20.11.2023 07:15

impecable criticism. i couldnt see that they were not doing a progressive skinsuit, but trying to skinsuit previous movies. it is so beyond absurd and incompetent that i couldnt even imagine it.
brilliant to say that luke is written to be yoda. yoda in a luke shaped skinsuit.

@PrincessYuki77 - 12.11.2023 04:16

My vision of the sequels would have been The Phantom Menace without Palpaltine, because Palpatine is dead. Basically The Phantom Menace without the phantom menace.

@paulkinville3173 - 07.11.2023 15:28

Rian Johnson is trash.

@gustavocabrera1960 - 06.11.2023 05:05

What an in-depth analysis. Thank you. In addition to the disaster Disney and its corporate structure made with the STAR WARS sequels given they all were intellectually lazy, mythologically & philosophically ignorant, formulaic, sloppy, arrogant and over commercially ambitious, it would be very interesting for serious academic institutions to dive deep into why and how these sequel disasters reflect “post-modernism” attitudes and the passing of the torch to the next generation.

These film disasters could be a huge warning ⚠️ to the next generation of what may lay ahead in more important life & death matters if certain un breakable universal rules are ignored and or broken.

Joseph Campbell must be rolling, screaming, cursing and pulling his hair in his grave-

@kubrickenigma7977 - 26.10.2023 10:43

In the end, a Palpatine was the last one standing. The Sith won.

@fortcastellan1730 - 26.10.2023 03:45

It's amazing how bad these movies are: I've watched dozens of reviews from all sorts of different creators, and you still found a new way to articulate how the movies failed. Specifically, how the story structure failed to let the replacement-characters properly fill the roles of the characters they were copying...

@NoNo-or2wj - 24.10.2023 17:12

WILD to call Finn selfish for bailing on a Resistance he was barely a part of. They didn't "save his life;" he nearly died FOR them, helping them blow up Starkiller base. They weren't even a legal military force anymore! With the New Republic gone, he was literally just trying to run away from a rogue militia and trying not to die for the crime of helping them do what was right.

@AT-AT-AT-AT - 19.10.2023 03:46

what Ruin Johnson did under KK’s thumb is just unforgivable.

@yanyanzhang5813 - 16.10.2023 12:03

Rian Johnson saying Luke is his childhood hero and couldn’t be hiding out of cowardice is simply immaculate hypocrisy since his decisions on Luke’s exile made Luke exactly that.

@cobrakilla8 - 15.10.2023 16:29

Compared to this trash, the Star Wars prequels are a masterpiece.

@thetruthisoutthere792 - 14.10.2023 03:15

I’ve just finished the original trilogy and the prequels, loved them, haven’t started on the sequels cause I’m like what is the point of them like Vader killing palpatine and getting his redemption, and all for that for the emperor to come back like what

@Oioisavaloy - 07.10.2023 14:15

i hurt my back laughing when you called TLJ version of Luke a bum! 'cos he kinda looks like one, too!

@andydufresnefromshawshank5866 - 06.10.2023 20:40

I will undoubtably say this is the best review of the sequels without a doubt

@peaceunion5316 - 05.10.2023 14:13

Can someone please tell me how they are able to clone force users and also give the clones force abilities?

@cjones3710 - 03.10.2023 21:36

Not a fan of.these new films. The old ones are not bad at all. Good for children. Maybe.

@todd-2362 - 29.09.2023 09:04

Not Star Wars. Disney Star Wars. There's a diffence. One is not Star Wars. One is.

@Welshbot - 29.09.2023 00:26

I liked and subbed at the line "Exegol, AKA Greenscreenland"

@chenrayen - 28.09.2023 10:20

Bruh we thought we were mad about the Prequals back in the day XD

@KILROY94 - 21.09.2023 12:42

to this day it still baffles me how the last jedi just went completely over everybodys head😂 it‘s just far too intelligent of a movie for star wars fans i think

@richardqustmrk - 21.09.2023 08:04

What they SHOULD have done with Luke's disappearance should've been explained with Luke being too TRUSTING of Kylo rather than seeing the evil in him. That way his heroic trait would turn against him, with Kylo destroying the jedi temple and slaughtering the other jedi using his strength in the dark side of the force, then Luke could go into exile, maybe he waits for a new jedi to track him down. Rey finds him and he tells her what happens, what comes after this should be pretty easy to write from there honestly.

@NewOrderOfAlexandria - 19.09.2023 15:21

The sequels are like skipping a whole other trilogy set after Return Of The Jedi. How did the First Order raise to power? who is snoke? why does Kylo think Anakin was always a Sith? It's a giant 30 year plot hole without explanation. It makes you do another take, thinking there should be at least one film set before FA that explains this nonsense. Mark Hamil said it best, it only matters if the film makes money. Disney didn't care to tell anything new, they soft rebooted a new hope and filled the trilogy with member berries. It might have been competent if they just let JJ Abrams write the whole story, but randomly hiring Rian to write the middle (arguably most important chapter) has to be the most idiotic decision I've ever heard. It would be like having a completely different author write a book chapters 5-10 before getting the original author (with completely different ideas) to finish the story. Last Jedi retcons Force Awakens and Rise of Skywalker retcons Last Jedi = the entire sequel trilogy is an incoherent mess with a protagonist who isn't even a Skywalker and is actually the villain's grand daughter 🤯 it's just rubbish!

@ThePeacemakerDude - 17.09.2023 19:40

Johnson: “he couldn’t be there as an act of cowardice”

*proceeds to make that the very reason.

@justjackorwhatever - 14.09.2023 19:43

You sound like that one guy from emkay

@zarnofuk - 12.09.2023 14:43

We seen First Order but what about Secon Order heheh

@BansheeNT-D - 06.09.2023 18:49

I wish Finn was the protagonist and with a better Story.
Because Finn and Poe had this Luke and Han feeling but it was not forced.

@2002films - 12.08.2023 05:26

Kathleen Kennedy and the all involved sheit the bed

@WwZa7 - 11.08.2023 15:05

Force Healing is a power that existed before episode 9 in many media, including games comics, etc. From what I know however, it could either heal flesh wounds rather easily, but for more deadly wounds it required heavy focus of both healer and healed.
A dark side variant of it was simply transfering vitality. Meaning that healing someone from a fatal wound, would kill you. Or dark side users could transfer that to themselves, healing them and draining vitality from their target.

@WwZa7 - 10.08.2023 17:03

Space isn't actually that deadly, you can and you will remain conscious for almost a minute before passing out, and you can still be revived if you get quick medical atention. Yes, NASA did such practical tests, fortunately not on humans. But you certainly won't explode.

@shariqhasan6220 - 09.08.2023 11:05

One explanation they could have used as to why the first order is so powerful is this:

After the fall of the Empire not all planets joined the New Republic, instead some systems remained fanatically loyal to the Empire and that is how the First Order grew in size and power. The New Republic was actually smaller in size and its influence in the galaxy was not that huge.

@noxanneballadynasowacka6125 - 02.08.2023 10:48

"What TFA didn't understand is these traits made him [Kylo] a fundamentally different character than Vader, when we were introduced to him, yet Kylo still occupies the same role."
What a criminally good observation. Well done.

@alfredmasullo - 01.08.2023 22:36

I agree. The Disney Star Wars Trilogy will go down in Hollywood history as the biggest destruction of a goldmine franchise ever. You needed to add something about Kathleen Kennedy's part in this debacle.

@Magikarp-yk7io - 29.07.2023 04:56

Poe didn't finally "get it" because he always had it, every problem they hit he said would happen lol it's just everyone else caught up with HIM

@nimallanjayabalan - 28.07.2023 22:09

Rey is a piece of sh*t. The only way we could revive and make better movies of Star Wars is to eliminate her entirely for good.

@metal-tigerstudios3185 - 19.07.2023 06:10

i blame the last jedy fail to the director

@BByrdtm - 18.07.2023 20:57

Very concise, while still being informative, & entertaining. Well done. Every topic doesn't need a 3 hour video as some channels appear to believe. Algorithms I suppose. lol...

@nick_pappagiorgio - 14.07.2023 06:59

"Poe is the only character to make a major mistake." He is the white male after all.

@BLACKVVAR - 11.07.2023 09:27

The OT IS Star Wars. The true heart of the entire franchise.
The prequels were just world building and background/origin stories.
The sequels were just milking. DOA husks that were only meant to squeeze every dollar possibly left with the absolute least amount of input/work/resources/imagination/innovation.
