8-bit vs. 10-bit Video | What's the Difference?

8-bit vs. 10-bit Video | What's the Difference?

B&H Photo Video Pro Audio

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@user--crazyhandle - 23.08.2021 15:04

Great explanation, thanks!
I'm planning to shoot a budget iphone feature at 8bit sdr. It'll be exposed correctly and plan on applying some grading in Resolve.
I'm going to use filmic pro LOGv2.
I'm aware of banding, I was wondering if you would expect major issues when using a mist filter (hazier picture).

Also to add dithering, would it be better to have a static noise or animated? I would've guessed animated? Can you kindly point to a decent plugin/tutorial?

Many thanks!

@RayMak - 15.10.2021 11:46

Hey guys (I know there are many expert viewers here and B&H), some computer related technical question that I'm curious about. Let's say a monitor uses DP 1.2 Input (21.6 Gbps bandwidth) connected to a computer that has DP 1.4 Output (32.4 Gbps bandwidth) with a DP 1.4 Cable.

Output DP 1.4
Cable DP 1.4
Input DP 1.2 (That's what written on the monitor)

Computer is showing that screen is running 2560 x 1440 Native Resolution at 165 Hz YCbCr422 10 Bit Color Depth. Which I think is higher than DP 1.2 bandwidth on the receiving side. By right, Windows would not even show it if it's not capable of such specs. Unless, the display is secretly DP 1.4 hahaha.... My curiosity is killing me.


@agenericaccount3935 - 20.10.2021 05:15


@LukeAyers - 31.10.2021 13:22

Great explanation. Thank you

@Tomoldchannel - 11.12.2021 14:07

When choosing a new gear, what would be the prioroties?

1st 8 bits vs 1p bits ? or 4.2.2 vs 4.20 or 4.0.0?
Or the bitrate?

@brucestirling8215 - 21.12.2021 09:34

Excellent thanks!

@wyndhamkeith7048 - 01.01.2022 15:40

For monitor, I can't decide
Hp X27Q
8 bits but with HDR400

Lenovo G27Q-20
10bits(8bits +FRC)
No hdr

@Jgheiler - 17.01.2022 07:30

was this video filmed in 8 bit or 10 bit?

@boot665 - 24.01.2022 09:54

Theory of relativity 🤨🤔🧐

@SingerAuto1967 - 31.01.2022 04:16

If you’re a newbie and only using iMovie how do you get 10bit to show? I’m not able to open a 10bit 4K file in iMovie 🤦🏻‍♂️

@scality4309 - 12.02.2022 20:33

Watching this on a 10bit EIZO. (bought at the trift store for 20 euro) My EIZO is so professional that it has a counter for hours of usage in the menu. Hold tight.. nearly 30000 hours of operation. 30K. The number was not a mistype.. ❤️✌️🥳

@israrhussainaquarius - 23.02.2022 01:36

Hi, can you tell me if atomos shinobi 5" works fine with canon eos m5 and m6. Thanks alot 🙂

@Sam-tl4sm - 25.04.2022 23:38

Very well explained. Good work.

@TheBoricuaGamer - 15.07.2022 19:56

the higher the better right?😄

@Damian83z - 08.08.2022 03:37

hi, landed on your video because i've encountered an odd thing i can't explain. I downloaded some mkvs that's YUV 8bit and BT2020. They are definitely HDR as ive compared them to original HDR10 movie and every "light in the dark" scenes are the same, in fact TV switches to HDR mode. How it is possible?

@godboy.123 - 15.08.2022 09:39

tuf gaming vg27aq or vg27aql1a?

@alexangeleu - 23.08.2022 03:30

Incrível! Muito obrigado! Este vídeo é uma pérola!

@JohnJohn-pm9wq - 28.08.2022 04:32

I just went from an 8 bit monitor to a 10 bit one and I I'm seeing shades of purple and blue that I have never seen on the 8 bit one. I tested this by comparing the exact scene and it does really make a difference

@ChibiTheEdgehog - 29.08.2022 21:38

Aaah that's all those tiny "black ash" distortions that made me hate Blu-ray movies with lots of dark scenes ... got it. I really hope we can ditch that "noise" method it's almost as annoying to my eyes as visible deinterlacing

@giaptheson - 30.08.2022 14:07

The higher the dynamic range, the more vibrant the image colours it will be.

@ukmark9211 - 09.09.2022 03:15

You look like Mr Blippi. Not the original one but the one that stands in for the original one. My kids say hes the fake Mr Blippi

@insid3493 - 27.09.2022 16:24

My phone can 10 bit color

It's oneplus 8 pro

@Kevlexicon - 27.10.2022 21:06

very helpful resource. thanks!

@ShadowRap-y5l - 04.11.2022 08:27

10 bit is already here!! GoPro 11

@zer0b0t - 29.11.2022 06:34

Photoshop allows up to 32 bits (I know it's for photos) but I think other video editing software also allows 32 bits how is it better?

@seek3n - 10.03.2023 20:46

What is 16 bit hdmi output?

@OthCrypto - 28.03.2023 01:38

wow you know your subject, ill have to listen to it many times to catch all infos in the vid

@styprivate - 03.04.2023 07:42

Thank you so much, this info is so good.

@TVPALOTINA - 18.04.2023 17:01

my computer does not render fast with video card, when i record in 4.2.2 10 bit. only recognizes 4.2.0.

@mariankowalski9797 - 08.05.2023 02:03

But does it matter for gaming?

@nobeerlion3991 - 29.05.2023 19:27

Temporal dithering is destroying my eyes.

@kennguyen222 - 18.08.2023 00:58

good job

@harryvlogs7833 - 23.08.2023 22:34

Nah most movies are 10 bit as they are in hdr

@petrosianus - 13.09.2023 00:13

Excellent explanation

@FAMEAcademyNY - 28.09.2023 01:20

Great Explanation!

@Silent_Productions - 09.10.2023 00:17

I shoot in 8bit because I use the free version of Resolve.

@brad474 - 11.11.2023 14:44

For me i don't care

I depends on your preference
and the look you want to achieve

@VenkyOG - 27.11.2023 09:48

thanks for information, i understood

@ssorecords996 - 09.01.2024 13:54

I hate my 8 bit camera

@MrImp0rtant - 13.01.2024 16:04

Bla bla bla marketing

@sekersizcay7932 - 26.01.2024 14:26

Fps düşürürmü 10 bit ?

@DanielSymphonies - 22.03.2024 18:21

i dont understand. filming in log is just a logarithm transform of the data coming from the sensor, so all it does is expand darker areas and compress brighter areas. this is supposedly because this is more in line with how our eye works, where we are better at detecting details in dark areas than in bright areas, so it's fine to compress the bright areas because we won't see much difference there anyway. so the result is that we get darker areas spread out more over the quantization levels, meaning we capture more detail there, and less detail in bright areas. filming in log does not "increase the dynamic range of the sensor" in the sense that it can suddenly detect weaker lights, or won't clip for brighter lights. hence, it seems to me that when you film in 8-bit, it is MORE important to film in log. because without log, we get the dark areas spread out over fewer quantization levels, which is not really a problem in 10-bit because we have so many quantization levels there, but in 8-bit it's a big problem, so we would really want to expand the darker areas when we film in 8-bit.
i am so confused about this, it seems most videos just regurgitate stuff they heard in other videos, but so far i haven't found a single video that manages to explain this.

@kellcoleStyleEnt - 02.05.2024 11:23

Good understanding here

@Bryn-w5z - 17.07.2024 05:46

Thanks for the video my dude. Really helpful explanation.
I would have liked banding explained a bit more - but then again I'm a bit slow at the best of times

@juanlash - 25.07.2024 23:20

is processing 10 bit 4 2 2 files more CPU heavy when editing?

@elmono3939 - 20.08.2024 00:30

Ok, got it. Now, can you tell me how much larger will be a 1 minute file shot in 10 bit versus 8 bit ? Thank you

@MikeleKonstantyFiedorowiczIV - 26.11.2024 19:41

i was user of 8bit, now i got 8bit+frc and native 10bit phone screen and i see difference, dont go never in 6 or 8bit anymore. I wish i can afford real 10bit tv, cause 8bit+frc is just ok but not enough.

@TheMetalButcher - 04.12.2024 08:29

Ironically the background of this video is a great example. Banding is very clearly visible.

@stabuto10 - 18.12.2024 22:40

thanku man really useful info

@spd-v9o - 26.02.2025 08:03

get this, I have a display that can do 10 bit, but I have to lower the refresh rate; no thank you
