How Tesla made the WORST TRUCK EVER

How Tesla made the WORST TRUCK EVER

Bart's Car Stories

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@weelebaseknowles4410 - 15.05.2024 10:45

Toyota had the same problem with there cars at one point they still haven’t fully came back

@bigbangger998 - 15.05.2024 10:41

Musk has nothing on chitty chitty bang bang.

@transagenda - 15.05.2024 10:25

$100,000 Aztek....

@NBKautoTEST - 15.05.2024 10:23

Bro said lotus E SPIRIT

@TheProperMinter - 15.05.2024 10:15

From what I heard cybercrack is not subjected to all regulations because it is considered small production, not mass, so less regulations apply. I think tesla knows well it won't mass produce it. PR project nothing else. Pump the shares. Yet they fall

@usaccdecks8363 - 15.05.2024 10:14

Mark ass brownie

@1domesticbear - 15.05.2024 10:03

was really cool to see your review of the cyber truck from a car persons perspective after watching drew goodens review from someone uninterested in cars. really shows that the cyber truck doesn’t benefit or attract anyone other than the very niche tesla lovers

@enilenis - 15.05.2024 10:01

EV's are stupid in general. There is more dead mass per mile and more energy waste during charging. Power leakage, even when the car is not in use. It's literal arrogance, to be pissing away energy, when your supposed reason for switching to EV's is to address energy shortage. Cars, just in general use 5-10% of energy to move the payload and the rest is the vehicle itself. 90%+ is thrown away on nothing! With electrics it's close to 98% of energy being thrown away, moving the car and its extra heavy batteries.

On a small scale, lithium makes sense. When the weight of your payload is greater than the weight of your vehicle. Like in a scooter. Anything larger than that, and you're wasting power, propelling the device that doesn't need to be there. Cybertruck is a failed delivery of a failed concept. It can't be made better. The moment you scale up, all electric benefits go away, unless you're a train running off wires. Chemical batteries or hydrogen are what makes EV suck. Electric public transit is perfectly fine. That one is actually way more efficient than personal transportation, but it takes away autonomy and freedom.

There are no perfect solutions, but in general, if your cheap energy runs out, you just drive less. You waste less. You spend less. You tighten your belt and do what's necessary to survive. You certainly don't throw money on stupid EV's just to virtue signal.

@jazzlover10000 - 15.05.2024 09:43

Yeah I hear you it is somewhere between a 1970s Oldsmobile, a Delorean and a truck.
That being said all the modern trucks are so ugly I think Elon just tho't well I might as well make an ugly truck too!

Looks kinda "ok" to me but I will stick with my 1970s Volvo until something better comes out.
And decades later still I wait... the car industry does not engage me year after year... sigh.

I don't think Elon's truck product is "worse" than any other truck product available on the market today.

@valienterf - 15.05.2024 09:41

I love it the Truck, wdf are those people on that say is crap. The Rivia, the ford 150 and Cybertruck are great vehicle, the cybertruck is capable of running on the moon. You all are on crack.

@Irobert1115HD - 15.05.2024 09:35

i have the feeling that musk made the cyberstuck as a car that is a cheaply build as possible so that the brand bonus is a high as possible.

@gamble777888 - 15.05.2024 09:34

It's Elon's vanity project. Simple as that.

@NOSTALGICA_filme - 15.05.2024 09:29

Thank god that thing is banned in the EU, and will never get road worthy. Sometimes even the EU does something right.

@bsizzlehill2283 - 15.05.2024 09:23

with regenerative braking.. The car practically stops itself without touching the brake pedal. So brake pads lasting way longer makes complete sense.

@fr57ujf - 15.05.2024 09:20

An ugly, useless, wasteful, dangerous piece of crap. The Tesla Semi is a lot of hot air too. Dumping the supercharger team and canceling the Model 2 will only hurt them going forward. Sales expectations aren't being met, inventory is up, revenue is down, layoffs are continuing, and amid this chaos, Musk is asking the board to reinstate his ridiculous $56B bonus. Not good.

@sebastiangoseke6321 - 15.05.2024 09:19

DeLorean DMC12 all over again! In good and bad…

@shemways8466 - 15.05.2024 09:19

The Canoo would make a much better platform for the purpose, cyber truck is a over hyped disappointment, way overpriced and kind of a massive miss of the mark

@kclowney97 - 15.05.2024 09:19

It is your patriotic duty to either flip off or thumbs down at cybertrucks and their rich tasteless drivers

@djanitatiana - 15.05.2024 09:18

Now the kids can have their own Edsel experience

@kpal2946 - 15.05.2024 09:16

The original Tesla car seen in this video looks so good with the faux grill. It looks like an Aston Martin.

@NormAppleton - 15.05.2024 09:14

Hotel ice machine on wheels


@Chompchompyerded - 15.05.2024 09:14

There's no secret, Musk is going to be bankrupt in four years or less. It won't be Cybertruck that does it though. It will be Musk's over-promising and under delivering on every project he's been a part of that will do it. In that Cybertruck over promised and under delivered, yes, it will be a part of it, but he's done that with everything he's touched. I've never quite understood what so many people saw in the man, or his projects, because to me he seemed like a huckster who was trying to pull one over on everyone, and then was blown away at how successfully he was able to do just that. Look at everything else that is going on at every one of his companies, and you'll see the same thing, over and over. He gets people in the top ranks of government to bankroll him, then further fleeces people by selling stock and pre-selling items to suckers who he knows he can rise the prices on. As his stock plummets, there are always more suckers willing to pick up the slack. So now even the CEO has sold all her shares, but there were suckers willing to gobble up all that stock on the theory that you always buy stocks on the down side. That works until there is no up side, and there really is no up side to Tesla stock anymore. Their only game was to have a jump on the big automakers, but their advances have been so slow, that the big automakers have not only caught up, but have surpassed them in many ways, so now the only reason you might be interested in a Tesla is if you are a fanboy, and you're holding a lot of stock which soon will be worth about as much as DJT stock, both of which will probably reach junk status within the next four years, if not sooner.
Will Cybertruck be one of the worst and most laughable vehicles in history? It's hard to say. It doesn't have the limited numbers to fall in with the Edsel. It could rate along side the Ford Pinto, which was a firebomb on wheels. It could probably show favourably against the tippy Ford Explorer. The design isn't quite a silly as a Robin, and the Austin Mini is just as recognizable without being so...??? Maybe the Tesla Cybertruck will that the prize for the biggest WTF? vehicle in history. Or it might just fade into obscurity like a lot of other bad cars of the past. I see it as falling into the same pit of doom as the Yugo. What the heck ever happened to Malcom Bricklin's Yugos, imported direct to you from Yugoslavia, which, once Marshall Tito died, crumbled into its constituent parts in a bitter and brutal war. Yugo fell into a sinkhole, which might now swallow up Tesla too, and when it goes, it will take the money of a lot of people down with it. But that will only be the beginning of Musk's problems. Twit-X is struggling too, and SpaceX is also having difficulties. Starship is not going to be ready for what NASA contracted for it to do, and if he loses that contract, the deck of cards for that will come tumbling down. In the meantime, Musk didn't make his StarLink satellites manoeuvrable, and the recent solar flairs have pushed many of them out of position, and since they are just sitting in low Earth orbit, cluttering up the parking spaces, the FAA might not grant him licenses to replace them, fearing that we will start running out of launch windows and places to put them all. The will probably continue to have the licenses to deliver astronauts to the space station until it de-orbits, and as long as there are no incidents with it, though NASA is has expressed some concern about a few of the systems on Dragon and the Falcon Booster. Must has not prioritized fixing those problems, preferring to pour all the money he gets from NASA into Starship. If Dragon or Falcon fails and we lose a crew, the effect will be the same as when we lost the Columbia crew., and they will be even less likely to continue the programme, since Musk was less responsive to problems than any of NASA's subs were. Let's hope nothing bad happens to our manned crew, but we also need to be looking ahead to contingencies as Musk's empire continues to implode due to his mismanagement.

@Philfluffer - 15.05.2024 08:59

Why does the Cybertruck logo during Musk’s premiere of the vehicle look soooo much like Cyberpunks’? Oh that’s right, Elon isn’t original in any way and full of 💩.

@marcusaurelius49 - 15.05.2024 08:57

Elon has achieved the impossible with the Cyber truck… he has made the Pontiac Aztec look decent 😂😂😂

@JAKEeSHOW - 15.05.2024 08:51

I love how open-minded and seemingly clarvoyant you are, and how you state your definitive personal opinions as if they are fact!?!! One man's meat is another man's poison...

@koyubi_ohb3212 - 15.05.2024 08:49

I'm not all that big of an EV fan, especially Tesla, but the moment I saw the wide body kit. I instantly fell in love. Now give me that car. I will straight up rip out its battery place in a V12 Bi Turbo hybrid and make that thing a fucking track Beast.

@williamshetler4954 - 15.05.2024 08:46

... Cybertruck is what happens when a DeLorean and a Pontiac Aztek love each other very much ...

@soco13466 - 15.05.2024 08:41

The TeslEdsel.

@dimebagg1 - 15.05.2024 08:41

Great video

@mdemian1968 - 15.05.2024 08:35

I would not drive this thing if it was given to me. I would be embarrassed to roll around in this thing.

@fourdoor4554 - 15.05.2024 08:26

Nothing more than just a reason to gain attention with more money than you know what to do with...

@brianmcisaac - 15.05.2024 08:22

"I don't care about drag racing." Thank-you!

@MatJan86 - 15.05.2024 08:21

If I wanted a pickup I would buy a pickup from 90s and earlier.

@jorgerobles628 - 15.05.2024 08:21

I don't get the facts about the point presented by the author. My daughter got the Dual Motor Cybertruck Foundation edition, and yes she got the accelerator problem and the frunk problem, but I fixed the accelerator with a simple screw and glue, and the frunk was fixed by Tesla with OTA update. My daughter have not gotten any of those problems other people say they have like rusting, towing problems, capacity, range, etc. Yes, it doesn't have a proper rear view mirror but the camera works as intended, even for me, so please, go to the point instead of giving a long history full of bluff. And no, I am not a fan of Elon, he for me is a Fascist and Authoritarian Demagogue who is also using his influence to prostitute in other fields. But the EVs Tesla is producing, including the Cybertruck are excellent vehicles for people who wants practicality, simplicity, hate maintenance, and loves comfort, and not for Whiners. That is MHO.

@anonymousfu - 15.05.2024 08:19

That's funny that ppl keep saying ppl are buying the Cybertruck to look cool to others. Ppl know it's a polarizing design, so if they buy it it's because they themselves like it, and don't really care what other ppl think. If you want to find ppl that are trying to look cool, that'd be most of the ppl driving those massive pickup trucks.

@guenthermeyer9603 - 15.05.2024 08:19

A real ugly car

@caintz7792 - 15.05.2024 08:18

Musk will be the downfall of Tesla and with the amount of stuff that has already transpired the die is cast.

@allenmontrasio8962 - 15.05.2024 08:14

Oh, you sweet summer children. Literally no online review of a product is unbiased. Also, you're totally missing the point of the cybertruck: it's a 3D videogame, not a utility vehicle.

@jayfrei - 15.05.2024 08:09

Everyone who has one loves it. This video is the one that won’t age well.

@Chompchompyerded - 15.05.2024 08:06

Let's be real. It isn't a truck.

@johngaltline9933 - 15.05.2024 08:05

If I had cybertruck money, I'd buy an OBS ford and put an Edison Motors conversion on it and the interior out of a 2010's king ranch or some other similar high dollar model. Likely still have some money left over when all is said and done. Until then I'll keep driving my 96 XLT when I need a truck, and my car when I don't.

@Sean_C6.2 - 15.05.2024 08:02

As a car enthusiast I despise Tesla with a passion, so making this comment is going to hurt my soul as I feel I’m making a defense for Tesla. However, as an Engineer, I can’t help but have a lot of respect for the cyber truck, I actually enjoy seeing them around town. The fact is, from an engineering and business standpoint, the Cyber Truck makes absolutely no sense, it goes against all logic when it comes to building a automobile, yet Tesla said “SCREW IT! we’re building it anyway.” I still can’t get over that they actually where able to make it happen, I was pretty confident they would have to just scrap the whole concept and just come out with a more traditional truck. Like it or not, you have to give them credit where credit is due. I personally feel we can’t be too critical when a company takes a risk to make something crazy like this. Risks like this is where all those iconic cars that we all know and love come from, sure this truck may not be one of those icons, but it will likely inspire others to take on a bigger risk and make something that is a icon.

@mikldude9376 - 15.05.2024 08:01

Regarding air suspension, that is in no way a new feature , even my 1990 lexus came equipped with full air suspension on all 4 corners , it also had electronically adjustable dampers. And other vehicles over yhe years ( usually high end models ) , and as far as real heavy duty trucks go , air bag suspension has been around for decades.
As always , smoke and mirrors by Electric Jeezus .
You couldn't pay me to own a tesla.

@jerry24675 - 15.05.2024 07:58

I don't want any EV for free.

@fizzys26 - 15.05.2024 07:53

Thank you. I do not understand how this … thing is being made.

@nicksundby - 15.05.2024 07:52


@jeffrey2s - 15.05.2024 07:49

Clearly you don’t understand how many people use trucks. Ive had a 1/2 dozen pick ups, I’ve had 4 teslas model 3, Y performance, YLR and X plaid. I end up packing all my stuff into a car and half to take 2 cars. Having a bed to throw in all our family stuff, a deer carcass, or a 4 wheeler, that doesn’t use gas and can get down the trails at deer camp, is perfect for us, especially if we can watch hunting videos on our way to camp. And beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I think it looks awesome.

@raymondabella4684 - 15.05.2024 07:47

The immediate future of p/u trucks will be the return of the compact truck in gas, hybrid and electrical power. This was proven by Fords release of the Maverick. Unfortunately Ford is too greedy and stupid to meet the demand so companies like Toyota will build one and they will sell like hot cakes. Most of the people who buy trucks want the utility of a truck bed but have no choice but to buy a mid to fill size truck that is too much truck for their needs. When more compact trucks come out, you will see a drop in sales of mid to full size trucks and hopefully the price gouging these companies are doing in the truck market. From these smaller trucks is where viable electric trucks will first come from. Bigger conventional gas and diesel trucks will continue to be the work hoarse trucks for a long time before they slowly become electric. Try towing a camper trailer on a trip across America and tell everyone with a straight face that it will be just as convenient doing it with a gas powered F150. Now, if you want to pick up a nice antique cabinate at the local trendy boutique, the cyber truck would be great to use on your way to pick some kale at the local whole foods. But then again, you'll be able to do the same thing with an affordable compact truck when they start coming out.
