The Challenge with Gen Z | Simon Sinek

The Challenge with Gen Z | Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek

1 год назад

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Beatnutz - 04.11.2023 19:21

Blame is on the education, families and the moral decay that is everywhere in this day and age.

Lazar - 02.11.2023 01:25

I don't think this is quite true. The reason most of my generation doesn't do this is because we know we won't get the the pay we want from you. When i ask for a payrise, i don't ask for it to be increased in 8 months, i ask for it to be increased now because i consider my previous work as enough for it. I don't even know where i will be in 8 months lol. Also, most of the times we have better options ready. I my self switched jobs so much times that i cant even count it, majority of the times i asked for a big payrise i was ready to quit because i already had a position in other place that would give me what i want. Its very simple, if i dont get what i want from you, i will get it from someone else, and that strategy has worked perfectly well for me. Job hopping simply works much better than fighting with boss and making a "path" of almost a whole year to get where i want to be now. In one year that wont be enough for me and then we will have to start new "path" and the boss will be like "oh but you just got the raise". No, i just got the raise that i wanted a year ago, now its different.

Yahhfbdjcjifjv Freethespirits1
Yahhfbdjcjifjv Freethespirits1 - 29.10.2023 15:45

The problem that gen z has to deal with is that there is more earlier gen dependents or who recieve assistance from there youngers so called compatriots than ever

Youmna Diri Rieder
Youmna Diri Rieder - 18.10.2023 01:24

This helps me understand my students better! It’s so true they come of as aggressive but I haven’t thought about how it’s hard to ask for help:

Roland Jr Tating
Roland Jr Tating - 16.10.2023 22:19

Simon Sinek highlights the struggles of today's young generation, which I personally relate to in dealing with stress and confrontation. It's apparent that there's a gap in teaching essential human skills. This also reminds me of how Lisa Haisha's mission to provide the training helps me have difficult conversations and cope with stress effectively, ultimately creating a better, more confident version of myself.

Yvette Lopez
Yvette Lopez - 12.10.2023 04:56

Yeah I am noticing this. I'm a millennial supervisor, and I feel like I don't understand this younger generation at all. I feel like the value mastery is not appreciated. If you're always switching job so quickly in different fields you master nothing.

Marco Johnson
Marco Johnson - 09.10.2023 02:47

The migrants will take they jobs lol so keep being proud of they laziness

arbitrary_library - 08.10.2023 20:37

Why ask for a raise when you can get it somewhere else?

retrogamerdave - 08.10.2023 18:58

I've definitely seen these issue with Gen Z hires that have not stuck with employment where I work currently

Juci Shockwave
Juci Shockwave - 01.10.2023 10:41

I quit before they even consider firing me. I am a millennial and I am not going to ask for a raise that should've been given to me in the first f^<king d@mnm place to begin with!!!! WHY IS THAT SO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND ESPECIALLY OLDER FOlks THAT SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously if you value your workers PAY THEM LIVABLE WAGES!!!! NOT THAT HARD!!! Everyone loves to talk about common sense, but those who say it never do use it... the f^<king irony of some wh&res. I personally hope one day to wake up we we are a resource-based economy where we don't need to be wage slaves to anyone. That accessibility is available when we need it.

We right now don't live that world... we live in reality duffus. You ask for help are seen weak and pathetic at work. Go ask your boss for a raise, he just laughs or sheet talks behind your back because people are psychotic demented POSs!!! That is why we have shootings going about. Not because stress... because people playing emotional games with peoples' lives and livelihoods. We need and deserve a massive few NUKES towards major cities. That is the only way to make massive huge changes. Worked wonders for the Japanese. Look how advance they became in just 40 years after just two a-bombs.

Linc S
Linc S - 01.10.2023 06:04

He is in the right direction but completely wrong I’m a gen Z graduating from high school we don’t EVER struggle to ask for help you people work fundamentally different from us out thought process is it dose not matter what we do as long as we get the work done its why we are on our phones so much bc we can do anything with that mentality personally as a high schooler we excel at finding and utilizing tools to reduce our workload literally a CEOs dream mentality unfortunately not for their workers there is a reason college students and high schoolers and some cases middle schoolers hoped on AI immediately to write their essay and do math because it gets the work done right and has minimal effort there is a reason in the classroom half the kids are asleep and the others are always talking with the work structure we have no one has to work alone we all share answers those not good at what your currently doing get their answers in exchange for whatever they are good at helping the other in the future those who are tired and wanna sleep instead of take notes bc they are bad at them and just lazy that take take a picture of the notes of the one who is good at taking them and they give them the answers on the next test in other words corporate America pays workers to do one job every day by themselves and always be working and never take shortcuts even if they are more efficient when gen Z work in a communal almost goods and services socialism setting where everyone dose the work for everyone no one is usually too stressed we all have tons of time on our hands and we barely have to do much because we find loopholes that cut out the small work we have to do which upsets businesses because they feel cheated we seem like we are never working when I’m reality we are just very good at not having to put pressure on ourselves and minimize effort and maximize output depending on the pay

Zardoz - 25.09.2023 13:04

The weirdest thing to me is finding Z'rs and millennials together as a different specie relative to X'rs. The chasm is so great that its comparable to the silent generation relative to X'rs. Its that bad. The cluelessness and issues we had relative to the much older silent gen, is similar in scale. Because all I see in millenials and younger gens is petty envy, petty insecurities, narcissism, cluelessness, entitlement, I mean granted idi...ts come in all shapes and sizes and they cross all generations but there is a specific way they themselves are in their respective negative attributes. Im sure my generation appears the same way to the silent generation who are almost all dead by now granted they lived through the great depression and ww2. I think social media plays a huge role in their lives while to us, its just a thing a novelty of sorts, but to them, its as real as air or water. Same with smart phones. But it is important to note that social media and yt and the internet in general are in fact society 2.0 granted the sumerian were 1.0. Rousseau said that a neolithic caveman was always in the moment and never cared what others thought of him and that with the advent of agriculture societies were built, followed by trade and hence people had to suppress their instincts in order to survive and that's when people first developed neurosis and anxiety. So take that to another level as in social media and you have a new breed of people who for the most part value how many followers they have, how they appear on a superficial level rather than what they are actually like and there you have it, a new breed of people. Society 2.0. Because in fact it did become a matter of survival. Now youre much more likely to get media coverage, land a movie role as an actor, have people show up to your gigs as a musician and so forth all of that, if you have social media presence, followers, etc... So just like society itself is sick, collectively mentally ill, social media mirrors that in a fractal sort of way and yes it's that much worse in magnitude. As Jidu Krishnamurti said, its no measure of mental health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society.

Ekii - 24.09.2023 01:28

I am gen z + I have debts but i still quit my job. Because my manager was an a** so were the higher ups and Hr.. I don’t think I am required to educate other generations about respect, their job, etc. and they really need to get a life outside of work.

pontiacGXPfan - 23.09.2023 12:04

One Challenge is teaching this generation that they aren't the center of the universe

Marilyn Tarot
Marilyn Tarot - 22.09.2023 14:51

buuuuuuuuuuuut i also have to pay rent and bills and food so why my boss said no after 3 years of working for him when i ask for higher salary WHY .... why should i need to ask they need to motivate me to work there with all those tiktok influancers they need to find a way to keep me in the desk !!!! Thats why we dont ask and we quit because i ask for higher salary he said yes i and 1 mont later i saw my salary the same and then he said i can not make your salary bigger because ypu are the exploatators and lie to me that i will have a bigger salary next month and i dont. Because you tell me that if it is not me it is going to be another one ... this dont make me feel like i am valued!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TheLernaean - 19.09.2023 21:35

This is some boomerish bullshit, we arent less equipped to deal with stress we just won’t take abuses in any facet of our professional lives.

PATHO LIAR - 16.09.2023 17:32

Poor kids. Traumatized to high heavens. Cant have a conversation. Cant take a tinker of stress. Cant form a sentence without saying ‘me and ‘I’ 20 times. And whats mind blowing they are proud of this. Smh.

greenpath - 05.09.2023 09:12

It should probably defined as technical skills and human skills. Rather than hard or soft skills . Just a thought.

crazitaco - 24.08.2023 19:48

Why would we ask for help or ask for raises when a company already shows signs of trying to squeeze the life and money out of their workers? We already know they're not gonna help, they're going to continue the corporate trend of asking for more and giving less back.
