LEGO City Harbor with container ship fan review! Good builds & value, but incomplete | 60422

LEGO City Harbor with container ship fan review! Good builds & value, but incomplete | 60422

JANG's LEGO Reviews

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@mptrowdy - 20.08.2024 07:19

Got this day 1 and with my limited space, it fits well. Officially out of table space now

@JamesBrophy - 20.08.2024 07:32

I love how your full opinion critical points and all can end up winning me over. The way this is an intersection between multiple spaces, the sea, transport trucks or trains, the town and the beach make it feel like a great starting point for a city that you can rebuild and add to and spread out in multiple directions. Your right that it's a shame the crane is so manual and single use without an implied area to load to a truck that drives under but perhaps that jet sky o ly needed to be delivered as far as the rental place. :)

@johnlowther4068 - 20.08.2024 09:19

This set feels half finished. I love harbor and have harbor themed sets going back to the 80s. However it could be good bones for some mods

@MayoHosko - 20.08.2024 09:26

I wish the harbour was its own set and the boardwalk cafe was its own set

@strangehermitman7898 - 20.08.2024 09:49

Usually with playsets, the whole is greater than the some of its parts that may not be the best builds but are interconnected create a cohesive experience play and build wise. However, this set is the opposite. Having a large ship with a brick-built hull is refreshing and aids in producing a complete building experience. The shop is wonderfully detailed and could easily be mistaken for a creator 3in1 build. However, the link between these two main components is very weak. This $110 harbour set would been better served to have the civilian area be a separate set and have had the container ship upscaled with a more substantial bridge and the ability to transport a larger quantity of cargo. The harbour should have been increased drastically increased in size to be large enough for vehicles to drive on it. There should have been a truck and other builds relevant to the rest of the set like a checkpoint, forklift, and a small warehouse. Overall, this set has the build quality to be a great set but lacks a clear focus.

@guleri - 20.08.2024 10:10

I hope Lego will release more harbor sets that can fit with this. Would love to see a little transport hub with a forklift and a truck to carry the containers to the customers.

@zethrenbeltran4071 - 20.08.2024 11:07

Compared to more recent sets, this actually looks like its worth the 110 price tag both piece count wise and amount of stuff you get wise.

@mrgizmo182 - 20.08.2024 11:12

Normally I agree with you but I think kids like my 7 year old son wouldn’t care too much about the missing play features. He would use his imagination to fill in the blanks.
I love all of the little details in this set.

@ethanbird5399 - 20.08.2024 11:15

If they are doing more sea stuff I would love to see coast guard sets come back

@jkb2016 - 20.08.2024 15:00

How is there no captain?

@marcch72 - 20.08.2024 15:12

It feels like the plan was for a line of harbor sets, but that got canceled and just these sets were combined into one big set

@undead.rising - 20.08.2024 16:08

This reminds me a lot of set 7823 from 1986 that I have, however it takes containers from a train section instead of a ship, but actually goes over a road, so the derrick (although not on wheels) can offload the cargo straight onto a truck. It has A LOT OF CLEARANCE and even has a person operating it. Until I looked up this set that I own on Brickset just now - I had no idea that it was that old - I thought it was about 1992 or 1993. This is how this new crane should have been. It goes side-to-side on a guided rail.

I love everything else about this new set otherwise.

@okieg8960 - 20.08.2024 16:41

The original dock set is way better plus a floating boat

@duartevilelas9688 - 20.08.2024 19:15

Stealth Hunter is loading 👀
Exo-Force G2 confirmed😃

@DavidConant - 21.08.2024 06:54

This feels like a solid set waiting for an expansion.

@ZoomyZoom77 - 21.08.2024 09:09

So sad compared to the old
Harbor set

@luukvelthoven - 21.08.2024 14:47

I think they tried to fit to much into one set. If they split up the cargo area and marina/rental + beach, I think they would have been albe to create two sets with more playablity. The cargo area could have gotten a more playable crane with a truck or something else to complete the chain of play. And the marina could have gotten a bigger beach and maybe a larger docking area for a tiny boat (rental or fishing boat). That way both sets could function more on their own and you could ofcourse still connect them.

@reichtangleanschluss509 - 21.08.2024 17:02

The porpotions of both the crane and the ship feel bit off. If the crane was few bricks taller and the ship 6 studs longer then the set in my opinion would be much better.

@NooceneSounds - 22.08.2024 08:07

for some reason, this orange and green are clashing real bad for me. maybe if I saw in person I would like more

@GetCooped - 22.08.2024 09:06

A port with a bigger crane, Truck, and small coast guard boat and a seperate big $160 cargo ship would be much better imo. This set just seems way too busy/cramed. Still glad we got a port set after a long time tho

@despawn7663 - 22.08.2024 14:36

Looking to deep into the play patterns, for a 5-9 year old the imagination takes over.

@flamingbunnyrabbits - 23.08.2024 22:26

ONLY $110??? Thats WILD

@bertbergers9171 - 24.08.2024 00:41

I love your reviews for things like you pointing out the hint at an expanded harbor on the mapsticker. Thanks for sharing!

@zarda1484 - 27.08.2024 18:13

I'm so glad LEGO are going back to making good city stuff. This set has its clear shortcomings but those sacrifices make sense to bring so much for the price (for lego anyway). The set begs to be finished off but doesn't force you to pay a huge price to play and encourages your creativity.

@user-hn1md7xq6r - 29.08.2024 15:37

this set reminds me of a level from super mario sunshine!

makes me wish that the super mario line got minifigs instead of those oversized checkout scanners

@bluesquadron8667 - 30.08.2024 05:48

I wouldn't get your hopes up for more sets for this

@GJBricks - 31.08.2024 03:47

It’s an odd set. That face you pulled at the end was enough for me to be put off. It does feel so good but incomplete in important ways. Maybe they’re going to release some sets to add to it?

@Axochata - 04.09.2024 03:28

Does anyone kne if you can put the crates into the Lego delivery truck?

@Complexbuilds - 15.09.2024 22:37

The cargo truck included in the cargo terminal set has areas to hold Lego crates

@butwhydoe4020 - 18.09.2024 00:10

Would this look good with the Jaws set?

@helikopteri - 22.09.2024 03:50

I think that the containers are thought to picked up with a forklift

@robboots3440 - 26.09.2024 00:06

Not sure but the the area for crane to offload looks wide enough (6 studs) to lay some RR track. A train car could back in there and (if there's height clearance) unload on to a RR car.

@Youandfourothers - 13.10.2024 06:37

They should have a little street that goes along and a flatbed truck to haul the containers and a forklift which would be sick

@masonnash9396 - 16.10.2024 07:26

I would have preferred no pedestrian space. Instead, a small dockyard office and a semi truck would have been perfect to complete the play pattern.

@Timmeh-s4n - 23.10.2024 01:01

You can also use the containers from the ship on the Lego city green cargo train

@loganjorgensen - 23.10.2024 22:42

I think the gap in the play pattern is just a sign of the times, elementary concepts lost in the next generations for multiple reasons.

@karelmarkvart1517 - 24.10.2024 16:38

It isnt BAD set, not at all, but that crane part is kinda rushed to me. Ship is nice, but freight part of this set cant compare with 7994 with its big blue cargo freighter and HUGE crane (not to mention it had cargo truck too). I would gladly sacrifice that walk and beach area for better cargo area (basically split this into two sets, each one done properly).

@zamieon - 20.11.2024 19:59

I hope Lego decides to make mini fig scale Mario sets in the future. This set reminds me of Ricco Harbor from Super Mario Sunshine!

@protoharry552 - 29.11.2024 05:38

One thing I really love about modern Lego city is that any and all shipping containers are interchangeable between trains, this boat, trucks, ETC. just like real life!

@DerekOchoa-118 - 26.12.2024 02:43

I’ve got this set on Christmas of this year

@A-GEORGE-2001 - 26.12.2024 21:44

I have the two previous city harbor sets, the one from 2011 and the one from 2007. When I learnt that 13 years later they're gonna make another one I got so excited but now that I saw it I have to admit I'm quite disappointed so I won't get this one. This could definitely have been designed better

@JohnSmith-lw2bm - 29.12.2024 00:51

Lego set 4030 was the best lego cargo ship ever. Really floated. Prove me wrong.

@frostedbutts4340 - 30.12.2024 11:05

Couldn't resist this at less than half price ( $70 Aus) .. pretty neat. Boat is fantastic, lots of figs, the restaraunt is a bit puny.

@ralgore - 27.01.2025 13:30

Feel like they tried to cram too many things into this set and thus fell short on all aspects.
I remember I got stoked when I read the rumors about the set, but got rather disappointed when I saw the pictures.
