Using Plenti to make a simple Svelte static site

Using Plenti to make a simple Svelte static site


3 года назад

1,823 Просмотров

Presentation from the Svelte Society Bay Area meetup on 1/13/21:

Svelte makes frontend development easier and more powerful than ever, but setting up even a simple app that's ready for production requires knowing about SSR / HTML fallbacks, client-side routing, connecting to a data source, compiling components / bundling code, setting an entry point, and rigging up a local environment / deployment process. Plenti is a simple static site generator that handles these configuration headaches so you can focus on building your app right out-of-the-box. It doesn't have any dependencies so you can get started without even installing NodeJS or NPM (or Yarn, Rollup, Webpack, etc). Jim is Plenti's maintainer and he'll be demoing some basic CLI commands as well as a few new features so you can get started using it on your next project.

Thumbnail graphic: Golden Gate Vectors by Vecteezy (


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