Operation Market Garden

Operation Market Garden

Maps of History

7 лет назад

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@nickdanger3802 - 01.12.2023 21:47

"In the event, the state of the flanks did become important when, on Friday 22nd September, a German counterattack near Veghel, in the 101st Airborne Division's sector, successfully cut the single road for forty-eight hours, forcing Lieutenant-General Horrocks, already struggling with enemy counterattacks and the wide diffusion of his strength, to send armour back down the line to help re-open the road. Montgomery largely blamed the failure of the Operation on the lack of progress made by XII and, in particular, VIII Corps, who were ordered to protect the flanks of XXX Corps as they advanced. The progress of both of these was very slow and so the single road became extremely exposed to such attacks. It must be stressed, however, that the supplies Montgomery had asked for to fuel the advance of the 2nd British Army had only partially arrived, and both VIII and XII Corps experienced great difficulties in this regard. In addition it is important to note that German resistance on the flanks was equal to that encountered by XXX Corps, and both VIII and XII Corps sustained marginally higher losses."
Pegasus Archive Market Garden 30. Reasons for the Failure

@wtgardner6914 - 16.10.2023 06:39

This is a well thought out and well executed video. I genuinely loved watching it. However, Corps is pronounced as Core. I know that is a minor and insignificant item, but it was something that each time you said it just threw me off. It was as you were calling them Corpse. Other than that, I look forward to more videos from this channel. Very nicely done!

@ellisjames7192 - 04.10.2023 06:14

What is Corps?

@Halcon_Sierreno - 19.09.2023 13:08

So across to Arnhem in 48 hours. 😒

@canuck_gamer3359 - 19.09.2023 03:08

I've been an amateur historian for 30 years and I have studied this operation as much as any other. At the end of the day, the responsibility has to fall upon Eisenhower because he was the one who allowed it to take place when he really should have known better. Eisenhower should have trusted Bradley by that point and he (Bradley) bitterly objected to this farce. I don't know how history ended up letting Eisenhower off the hook and dumping all the blame on Montgomery but in any case, the commanding officer is always where the buck stops. This never should have been allowed to take place- period.

@justinquinn509 - 10.07.2023 15:44

No wonder it failed, what good is a corpse gonna do?

@sldessel - 19.06.2023 19:42

Why was there not a plan to include close air support in this operation?

@barrysimmons8629 - 02.06.2023 23:52

You would think that anyone wanting to create a multi-media historical presentation like this would have the good sense to have at least ONE military veteran review the finished product so something as idiotic as pronouncing “corps” like the word “corpse” could be avoided. Unbelievable!

@larry1824 - 14.03.2023 23:15

Seemed no one worried if traffic hit jammed or a bridge blown up before they got to it. Everything had to work or nothing worked

@willemvanbeek5210 - 21.01.2023 04:43

My grandfather was 17 years old and living in Nijmegen during market garden, sadly he passed away before i was born. I would have loved to hear his story’s

@spudwish - 31.12.2022 04:18

Great video! Sad to see it's your only one 😔

@JJ_LL - 10.12.2022 21:26

You don't pronounce the "p" in Corp, dumbass.

@rickjohnson9558 - 29.06.2022 17:00

I'm sorry...."Thirty CORPSE?" Its Corps ("KOR", or "CORE"). You lost me there, pal.

@davidcaceres9184 - 08.06.2022 02:40

Came for tf2, got war info

@nickdanger3802 - 28.04.2022 20:10

Planning "The essential plan (Comet) was not dead, however, and on the 10th September 1944, Montgomery personally briefed Browning for Operation Market Garden." "Browning, having asked Montgomery how long the 1st Airborne would have to hold Arnhem and being told two days, replied that they could hold it for four."  
Pegasus Archive Browning, on line

 Of the over 2,000 men tasked with taking all three bridges only 740 men captured one end of a lightly defended bridge in Arnhem and held it for 3 days and 12 hours. As I understand it.

@nickdanger3802 - 26.04.2022 07:48

"The 82nd Airborne Division, however, certainly does not deserve any particular criticism for this as their priorities appear to be a further product of the blind optimism that dogged Operation Market Garden, of which everyone involved was guilty. At Nijmegen, as with everywhere else, the assumption was that resistance would be light and so the main concern of the airborne units was to make the advance of the ground forces as rapid and as uncomplicated as possible, instead of devoting all their attention to primary objectives. Furthermore, it should be understood that the 82nd Airborne Division had by far the most complicated plan of any of the Airborne units involved with Market Garden, their troops being required to capture numerous objectives over a considerable expanse of terrain." 

 Pegasus Archive In Depth 30. Reasons for the Failure page

@msm8098 - 05.04.2022 07:56

British 30th “corpse”?
How do u make history vids and not know the right pronunciation?

@orsboo4447 - 24.02.2022 04:05

we’re the germans heer or ss?

@tannerrugg3480 - 26.01.2022 00:45

This fool keeps saying corp like corpse

@alkraus8818 - 08.01.2022 23:33

PLEASE - you DO NOT pronounce the "S" in Corps!!!

@majorchungus - 21.12.2021 20:04

No real historian would replace the swastika with an iron cross.

@cocacrocs2356 - 19.12.2021 22:37

My great great uncle, Winston Glover, who I was never able to meet, fought in Operation Market Garden. He was a paratrooper, and was captured by the Germans. Those are the facts as I know them, but there is much more to his story. He put his life in danger for the well being of his country, and I thank him, where ever his body may lie.

@philipjbentley1979 - 30.11.2021 02:51

It seems to be the generals in charge of this operation were too far up their own asses and would not listen to their intelligence staff but though like always they know best and still went along with the operation market garden. And was after they were told that there were ss panzer divisions waiting for them. And also the radio sets were not working properly and that did not make a difference to the brown nose General browning he just put down to the major in charger and sent him to the Syco hospital.

@georgequalls5043 - 18.10.2021 04:59

The “corpses”. sure were active for a bunch of dead people.

@hat9180 - 15.10.2021 17:01

It’s soldier from tf2!

@kennethmartin1300 - 07.10.2021 00:35

I'm going to join in UNapologetically with my fellows in this comment section and punch out of this vid early - i'm sorry, but I cannot believe an adult narrating a vid has never heard "CORPS" before in his life. REAL military expert there - Oh Yeah, you can really count on all of THIS info being accurate. 4+ years and 'Maps of Hist' STILL not bothered to fix it - Thanks for keeping in touch.

@ColeDedhand - 15.09.2021 06:06

Corps is pronounced "core", not "corpse".

@casualobserver485 - 15.06.2021 02:37

Montgomery's stupid gamble to avoid Patton getting to Germany ahead of him. Disgusting !

@agas5705 - 07.06.2021 00:16


@alexandanu - 02.06.2021 08:22

How did a corpse do so much damage?

@johnburns4017 - 21.05.2021 00:08

The British 1st Airborne made it to Arnhem bridge, taking the north end of the bridge, denying its use to the Germans.

The other two airborne units, both US, failed to seize their assigned bridges immediately. If they had XXX Corps would have been in Arnhem on d-day+1, before any armour came in from Germany. Game set and match.

The Germans would not have known what had hit them.

The 12 hour delay caused by the 101st not seizing the Zon bridge, meant the Germans for 12 hours had a critical time window to pour in troops and get armour moving towards Arnhem.

The 36 hour delay, on top of the 12 hour delay, caused by the 82nd not seizing their bridge at Nijmegen (XXX Corps had to take it for them), meant another longer time window for the Germans to keep up the reinforcing. The 36 hour delay created by the 82nd, meant a bridgehead over the Rhine was precluded, as the two day time window given to the Germans was far too long.

The British paras did their part in securing a crossing over its assigned waterway, the Rhine. The two US para units failed in theirs. XXX Corps never put a foot wrong.

@mickeydoolittle2057 - 19.05.2021 06:39

Monty’s over complicated flop....brave Heroes wasted!

@macvena - 14.05.2021 18:35

Hey folks, "Corps" is always KÔR as in Marine Corps. The p and s are always silent.

@kasiairys - 06.05.2021 21:23

polecam na yt Pierwsza Samodzielna Brygada Spadochronowa. Market Garden. Generał Stanisław Sosabowski 1 SBS. IIws

@KameTurtle_ - 05.04.2021 06:00

Seeing the pictures of the old bridge makes me appreciate Post Scriptums accuracy.

@euwardandretalanay2430 - 04.04.2021 12:07

The most failure operations of WWII.

@paulbrown8478 - 02.03.2021 04:28

Corps is a dead body— this is a well intentioned piece disastrously narrated

@JDnBeastlet - 03.02.2021 19:21

A good summary mauled by bad pronunciation. Corpse? Arn-Hem? Oysterbeak? Sheesh!

@Fordnan - 02.02.2021 01:29

This whole operation was a severe misuse of some exceptional personnel and materiel. The Glider Pilot Regiment provided the means to assault and take the bridges over the Caen canal. A more clinical precision strike should have preceded the body of the assault on each of the bridges at night. Yes, it was a long shot to start with, but stupid planning negated the power of the forces used, and doomed some of the best forces of the allies.

@harrytpk - 23.01.2021 18:59

Corps is pronounced core

@samhalemba - 24.11.2020 05:07

Is Obama the narrator? Anyone remember when he called it a corpse?

@blacpower4554 - 30.10.2020 04:58

This is like when some people speak on a number of Jedi, they'll say Jedis, fukn idiots..

@alexg3348 - 25.10.2020 11:59

You don't pronounce the 'ps' in Corps, just say "Cor". It is a military unit, not a dead body. But otherwise good video champ.

@gualbertoalarcon8729 - 21.10.2020 01:48

The operation market garden keept the Germán troops away from France.

@donalhartman6235 - 12.09.2020 06:33

Too many hurdles and false expectations. One, airborne infantry are too light to hold or secure positions for any lengthy period against a force with access to rail and road and capable of bringing in armor and artillery at will. Two, Montgomery knew but didn't reveal he was aware of an intelligence report that German units had at the last minute moved into the area of Arnheim; so he decided to plow ahead without changing his plan to rely on airborne forces to fight off much stronger infantry and armor in Arnheim. Three, too many bridges and canals to secure and cross. The loss of any single one for any extended time meant delay and delay meant the Germans would be able to reinforce and block the advance, which did occur. The general area was not suited for use of armor for attacking but ideal for armor used in a defensive role. The Germans knew they only had to defend narrow corridors of access with their anti-tank guns. The whole plan in essence was doomed to fail, and this was such a tragedy given the courage and sacrifices of the paratroopers engaged in the operation.

@andym9571 - 30.08.2020 22:46

This completely misses the point that the 82nd were supposed to take the bridge at Nijmagen as quickly as possible before 30 Corps arrived. They didnt because General Gavin of the 82nd prioritised the taking of the Heights outside Nijmagen. As a result the bridge wasn't taken until 30 Corps turned up and as a result became 36 hours late.

@seandobson499 - 14.08.2020 01:23

It's pronounced core, no wonder this was your one and only video

@patrickvalentino600 - 30.07.2020 06:06

30th Corpse? Didn't know this was narrated by Obama...

@spencerboone10 - 25.07.2020 21:43

Not sure what corpses the narrator is referring to. A “corps” is pronounced “core”. Also the H in Arnhem is silent.
