SWTOR KOTET ► Emperor's Wrath Reference for the Sith Warrior (Ch. 9 Ending)

SWTOR KOTET ► Emperor's Wrath Reference for the Sith Warrior (Ch. 9 Ending)


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@georgemutz9952 - 19.05.2023 05:26

My bounty hunter:
"I'm not getting paid enough for this."

@BlackJack55_55 - 09.02.2022 01:01

Beta Emperor attempts to feign superiority
Sigma Wrath points out the facts of reality
Sigma Wrath kills Beta Emperor, refuses to elaborate any further
Beta Emperor's family mocks him for dying pathetically

@davidrosensin7985 - 18.11.2021 14:22

Behind Vette, Vaylin is probably best girl.

@bman296 - 19.08.2021 07:31

tbh I dont like the eternal throne story line just cause it doesnt feel...unique. Like with the illum campaign, rise of the hutt cartel, shadow of revan, those all make sense cause any class can fill those roles. However, the fact that non force users can be possessed by Valkorion and stuff just...Im not saying it cant happen but the jedi knight, consular, inquisitor, and warrior are more likely candidates to deal with the emperor of zakhuul.

@kingh204 - 25.07.2021 11:34

This is how Luke should've killed Palpatine

@darksaeed4136 - 17.04.2021 15:19

got a coca cola add at the beginning

@JXEditor - 26.12.2020 14:37

I was ready for this to be the end. It’s a great finale.

@Lelouchxzero1 - 20.01.2020 04:59

"Remember me when your alliance breaks" I think when he say this to the sith it has a special meaning. Despite all his power he still fell. So when it is the warrior's turn to fall as all sith do remember that if he couldn't do it then you don't have a chance to stop it.

@Nephalem2002 - 28.11.2019 23:06

And thus concludes the two best f*** DLC a star wars game has ever had.

@poatrykdas - 18.10.2019 13:40

is sith warrior the only class that gets a special reference?

@vastano1148 - 28.06.2019 14:23

I really felt sad when this happened i wish there was a choice serving the emperor as his wrath once more rather than a fixed story

@Orrator900 - 08.06.2019 14:51

Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight are the best because of their relations with the Emperor

@phantom1a2 - 20.04.2019 01:16

Yeah...no. This is not the end of Vitiate. Two of his bodies have been destroyed but there is still his original one that is well hidden. This bastard will come up eventually and when he does... death and darkness will spread with his every breath. He cannot be killed, he is the immortal God of the sith

@FreddyB41 - 01.01.2019 05:14

I still think that the Sith Inquisitor should have been able to Force-walk Valkorian and bind him into true servitude.

@tywinlannister8015 - 31.12.2018 14:02

That ladies and gentlemen is why it makes it so much more deep and interesting as a Warrior.
Or a Jedi Knight.
Warrior because it's the ultimate step to free your character from servitude (You just murdered the top dog).
Jedi Knight because you've been crossing blades with the Emperor since Act II of your class story. Feels fitting that you're the one to finish what you started.
Both are contenders for first place here.
Then it's Inquisitor, because of the force ghosts (makes sense that the Inquisitor resists Valkorion's control), Consular (because last force user, and mine is dark side but would still be cautious with such a power), Agent (Resisting mind conditioning training).
Then Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Trooper just don't make any sense. They have no reason not to be utterly destroyed by Valkorion's will. Agent is already tenuous at best (no force training) ...

@ThatManiacbucket - 20.12.2018 08:49

And that's why the sith warrior is the canon alliance commander.

@TechnoWaffol - 22.10.2018 19:40

For me, the Sith Warrior is canon. Valkorion forgets that he would be stuck on Voss if it weren't for Lord Wrath. The title of KotFE sounds more aligned with a Sith of the subjugated Empire than any other class. The last two expansions allude to stepping beyond dogma and I feel that such of path of development would be enriched by also being a path of redemption for the warrior most responsible for enforcing the Emperor's will.

@vsmithsmith7848 - 11.09.2018 07:54

What happens if you swear Allegiance? I saw that third choice

@redjohn2523 - 29.05.2018 11:57

Is he finally dead?

@syednaqvi571 - 27.03.2018 04:24

I honestly would've expected The Wrath to pull some Peter Cullen Optimus Prime line before stabbing Valkorion.

@aspookedcrawler8582 - 02.01.2018 11:56

Valkorian is honestly one of the greatest antagonists in Star Wars

@h3ll0gudbye - 01.01.2018 03:46

1 year later and I still feel that the main story of this game revolves around sw and jk. Their class stories flow the best into these expansions, and they make the most sense.

I'm never going to run non-force users through Zakuul; narrative-wise it feels out of place. Also, I wish Lana still called me "My Lord", instead of 'Commander' lol, I hate that title.

@Zetheseus - 28.11.2017 00:45

now, please, tell me if you remember this: as a knight, not only do you get the former wrath as a companion, but on belsavis you kill the emperor's executioner. or what ever the light and dark options are

@inate2552 - 10.08.2017 16:32

"I'm not here as your prisoner, Davros. But your executioner"

@sithwarrior2565 - 13.07.2017 11:24

Blood of betrayer must be spilled. Always.

@ierondarklord6024 - 16.05.2017 20:43

So that Red Faced Guy Is Valkorion's Father and he just killed his son?

@Simgr101 - 28.03.2017 13:55

For those of you who seem to believe the inquisitor is the cannon ending. Throughout this entire storyline the outlander is proficient with the light saber. This should already rule out the inquisitor as that individual is shit in light saber combat. Not to mention there are several choke scenes and honestly, it is only the sith warrior who focuses on that tactic. The outlander is the sith warrior. Valkorian himself tells him he is the conqueror of his every challenge and the champion of fear. Fear is a sith concept so that certainly leads to the outlander being lord wrath. Even in the second chapter Acina comments on your character having sith qualities. So yes, without a doubt the cannon outlander is Lord Wrath. He is the Emperor now. He has crushed all of his attachments and the real question is how he will be stopped. For the sith warrior, the dark side ending is where he is at so Arcann is dead, Vaylin is dead and now Valkorian is dead. Those souls, including Senya's are now trapped within his mind for his own use.

@gluebubble - 23.03.2017 02:59

How'd you get Arcaan to say the line about pain? Mine always says something about going to be with his brother?

@sethmiles9436 - 28.02.2017 19:59

Everytime there's a big speech or emotional moment in this I feel like the voice actors just don't even try.

@aarontorres8101 - 22.01.2017 09:58

I looked at all the other references and this is by far the best one, even better than the Jedi Knight. I guess, ultimately, the Warrior had the most personal connection to him.

@darthveatay - 14.01.2017 23:05

I will return

@jakobrenner2230 - 09.01.2017 18:41

Which of the classes make more sense to be The Outlander?

@austinblades8903 - 27.12.2016 08:21

should have been "I am not your wrath I, I am your ruin"

@loganthekrogan2182 - 26.12.2016 22:48

A God has no family? I don't know about Star Wars, but God, Odin, Zeus, and I assume others have family. Big ones too.

@CrossoverGeekDA - 22.12.2016 00:45

It would have Been cool if Vitiate were supreme leader Snoke

@j.ackermann9110 - 18.12.2016 01:56

Oh yeah we got one fucking sentence, thats great... (this comment may content sarcasm)

@KeybladeWielderXV - 17.12.2016 01:42

"I am not your Wrath, Valkorion. I am your executioner..." So poetic :D

@lanesmith8438 - 15.12.2016 05:45

I will miss Valkorian.

@SpaceMonke99 - 15.12.2016 04:40

KOTET and KOTFE are best played as Warrior or Knight. Previous ties to the Emperor make your relationship with him all the more personal, because he is not wrong; we wouldn't be where we are without the Emperor's intervention.

@morganfreeway9342 - 14.12.2016 13:27

The force can be such a cruel thing. The brothers, they wanted to feel the warmth of their fathers approval. their attempt to get his good grace cost one The arm he held everything dear to him in, as well his only brother. The other had his entire live taken from him and could feel nothing.the The Mother whom sought to protect her family were forced to standby and watch as they tore themself apart. and then, The man who wanted to rule his Empire for eternity had is plans thrown into chaos by the very person whoms body he would use to compleate his plans...

@FatrickAteman - 14.12.2016 00:45

so does he say different things for different class's, calls the agent a snake or the inquisitor a slave?

@blinky3552 - 11.12.2016 21:15

I think my favorite line is probably when you tell Vaylin that Senya suffered.
"She died knowing that she failed her Empire. Her family."
"Did she scream?"
"You're fun."
Vaylin has been my favorite character from the very beginning and that tiny moment of approval from her made my day.

@RexVenge95 - 11.12.2016 18:42

Said this in another KotET video, and I'm gonna say it here again lol it would've been cool if in Valkorion's last moments, they mixed his voice with Vitiate's original voice, the one with Doug Bradley, just to really give the feel this was the Sith Emperor's final moments. Or I dunno lol just thought that would've been cool

@darthtalon9703 - 09.12.2016 18:43

Sith Warrior has honestly best lines in game :)

@alyaly6494 - 09.12.2016 18:32

Arcann's nu avea masca

@Antar-Draconis - 09.12.2016 14:15


@dusty8592 - 09.12.2016 14:09

"I am not your wrath, I am your executioner"
Oh snap

@WoodstockProd - 09.12.2016 01:29

Dude, why do you have 34 messages? Check your damn email Cormalius!

@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 - 09.12.2016 01:23

I do not think its over, the Force was ways for those that have the power to use it, if "she" can survive, I think he can too!

@ObligedUniform - 09.12.2016 00:27

"A god has no family". one of my favorite Valkorion/Vitiate lines
