FFXIV - Island Sanctuary Overview & Thoughts

FFXIV - Island Sanctuary Overview & Thoughts


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@TheLi0nc0urt - 19.09.2022 06:26

You can already fish. I want my mammets to do that nonsense. This island is for me to set up and relax on.

@Hamandolzieres - 19.09.2022 06:34

Quick tip for the Granaries: It is possible to set them to 7 days and during that time you can switch what to collect at no additional cost. No need to always only send them out for a single day for maximum freedom :)

@abbottone - 19.09.2022 06:35

Can I have my Blitz-Ball arena yet? :P

@akaiYaMa9 - 19.09.2022 06:44

Personally, I don't understand the point of island sanctuary. I was hoping it was going to be something like instanced housing. When I found out it wasn't I was hoping we'd at least be able to customize the island and buildings in a way that was unique and that might be better than having a house! Then I find out the customization is almost non-existent and nothing you do is unique.
So now I'm wondering "why come back once I have the mount and glam?" Nothing I do on the island has any impact outside of the island.
Maybe in another year or 2 this content could be good but it just seems pointless atm.

@DiscardLogic - 19.09.2022 06:47

I kinda wish the sprint duty button was a toggle like the sprint in PvP.

@Kefkaownsall - 19.09.2022 07:13

Where are the shop seeds

@rhaganadoomslayer - 19.09.2022 07:28

I definitely agree with how this felt like a beta, however I started feeling that way almost from the word go once the content went live. I would not be surprised if the next island has a lot more to offer.

@thatonegeeksite5251 - 19.09.2022 08:21

It’s a great start with room for improvement. Really hope they give us more island content in the future.

@omegacloud222 - 19.09.2022 08:47

the biggest thing i was hoping for was having large open plots of lands and we could have the ability to freely move/place, rotate, and decorate any building in any way we wanted in that given building area. Right now every island feels very samey and not very customizable and i think being able to free move building and farm plots around the area and really make it more personalize would be fantastic. Anyone that has ever played Dark Cloud 1 or 2 knows exactly what i mean.

@Shiirow - 19.09.2022 09:29

Peoples expectations for this content is in orbit and hilarious. All content has an expiration date, and when they make things evergreen, they dont mean its going to current endgame relevant, just means you can do it at a later point in time with no real hoops to jump through. people wont stop complaining though, I mean they could make it like another game that shall not be named and just make it so all content that is not current expansion is never used again and utterly obsolete, even if you wanted to experience it like it was, youd have level up multiple alts at various levels to even do that, and hope/pray 9-24 other people decided to do the same. while we get that with a couple button presses and a PF.

@FF-tp7qs - 19.09.2022 09:52

The only unlocks I think they ever really lower the requirements for is glamour which was originally at level 50 and is now at 15

@nezunskyfire292 - 19.09.2022 10:15

IS was my least favorite part of the patch, just here to help the channel with engagement. :)

@shakeweller - 19.09.2022 11:17

I think this content is horribly designed. I got to rank 10 in 5 days whole I was like 3-4 Quests behind waiting for timegated systems to generate enough cowries. So it's 4 days of gameplay then it's literally just not playing and waiting not doing anything.

@Memilish - 19.09.2022 11:27

The menu nightmares just feel like "FFXIV as usual", much as I wish it were otherwise. So much of the UI, man...

@J_Mirae - 19.09.2022 11:35

I've already gotten the bike, a hairstyle and the mandragora and I'm tired. Might just casually earn cowries until they add new rewards.

@snaplash - 19.09.2022 12:05

Collecting from managed animals and gardens is extremely tedious, with multiple steps for each of 20 plots / animals. It needs to have a single click to gather everything.
Groove? This is the first I've heard about it.

@Faelyke - 19.09.2022 13:51

For the grainary, you can set it up for 7 days, and click the icon daily to change it. No cost required!

@Pocchari - 19.09.2022 15:52

People seem to be forgetting it’s going to be updated every other patch. That means expanded levels, new rewards, probably new items to gather and things to craft, and they WANT our feedback for how to improve it. I know for one they’re already aware of the idea to add visiting NPCs (only aware! Whether they do it or not, who knows). There’s already an island glamour system baked in, in the future they could easily add new looks for our hideaway, but at this point it all requires TELLING them. Honestly I think it would be best if they set up a specific feedback form instead of relying on the forum.

As a solo player who likes to do monotonous brain-dead stuff to relax, my suggestions are: improve ALL menus, increase the number of gatherable items at nodes as you level up, make the rare creatures a little more desirable (give me a pink goobbue that drops rare mats, for instance), make rare creatures easier to catch based on level (we’ve got enough RNG to deal with everywhere else), and a slightly more customizable hideaway. Oh, and actual fishing! I don’t mind if it’s a mini game or not, just let a fishercat fish!

@jakobknudsen3296 - 19.09.2022 15:52

I think it is awesome that you can min-max and play around with the workshop for those who find that interesting. Personally I find it slightly less entertaining than watching paint dry and I wish to god they'd include and super low yield automated setting that just runs off random basic stuff. I mean supposedly this is relaxing side activity for the WoL, yet everything run on cowries.
I don't mind checking in on my sanctuary and I do not expect to have everything handed to me, but the current version is just far too much like work for my taste.

@morteaux3662 - 19.09.2022 16:04

Well, the good thing is ... that they basically could add anything for Island Sanctuaries in next patches.
Weekly quests, decorations, cooking mini-game with some bonuses for gathering more than 1 item, fishing, more rare animals with different conditions, throwing parties for celebrations etc... for now I am content. Was expecting bit more, but I am okay with it

@wintorz01 - 19.09.2022 16:11

I think everything you said is fair and constructive. But god have I found Island Sanctuary to be a huge disappointment. Cos more than anything, once that 'new feature sheen' wears off, its honestly reeeeally dull. It has the base of something interesting but needs A LOT of work to be future proofed and evergreen.

@solidshadow01 - 19.09.2022 16:37

I would like them to add more models for buildings. Particularly seasonal buildings and such. So during Starlight Celebration, we could rebuild all the buildings in a Starlight theme etc.

@BlackDahlya - 19.09.2022 16:52

I was hoping for some sort of instanced housing. Therefore, I was disappointed to see it was nothing like that.

- I was looking forward to the minions' interaction between themselves and us, but I am not impressed: just the same phrases being said and they don't acknowledge your presence.

At least the dogs and cats I was hoping would behave like normal domestic dogs, but nope. They don't do anything impressive.

- The first time I sent my mammets on an expedition, I went to look for them on the island, but was disappointed to find out they are nowhere to be seen.

- I was hoping I could at least use the outdoor furnishings, since I have a lot of those from events but live in an apartment. But nope. No furniture allowed.

- And last, but not least, I was hoping to plant seeds in the same way as the housing ones and that I could use them, like flowers to put in pots, vegetables and fruits to use and plant/give thavnairian onion to my chocobo. Even the ones to change colors.

Tl:dr, It may not seem like it because of my comments, but I actually liked the island. I just feel very disappointed.

@inannaaeval9571 - 19.09.2022 16:56

For anyone having trouble catching the rare animals (twinklefleece) :P Try using ninja invisability skill from behind at max catch distance.

@JesseAnderson - 19.09.2022 17:03

I enjoy it mostly, but I think they should have gone quite out of their way to specify the purpose of building more than one workshop when you start. I didn't even know there was a benefit to building a 2nd or third until a week had gone by. Other than that, it feels like a bit too much of a grind early on until you start earning passive exp from everything

@RustyTheGamer - 19.09.2022 17:16

We lost a eureka/Bozja for this nonsense.

@matrielle - 19.09.2022 17:35

I was curious if there was any benefit to have a pasture filled with "rare" animals. If it's only for the sake of collection, I'm not really interested and keep my regular fluffy herd of sheeps.

@lordkyruma - 19.09.2022 18:15

another thing they need to change is the crop system, every crop takes 2 days to grow, we need different ones that take less, or more, AND at the same time, give us fertilizer, so we can either INCREASE the number of crops we gather, or make the crop grow faster, i think this is a MUST to have at some point

@djman256 - 19.09.2022 18:48

Another note @MrHappy1227, I'm visually impaired and am constantly infuriated that they added a "dark/light" theme option in the game settings but then have these menus that are mandatory light mode only. Such as Island Sanctuary, Squadrons, Acheivements in the more recent update to that menus, etc. It would be nice if that "Dark/Light" theme option was actually global and actually made all the menus the same mode instead of having some menus that think their special enoug hto ignore my choice as a customer.

@keiyangoshin3650 - 19.09.2022 19:48

It’s quite a, large but rather empty area, overall. 😅 The final design of the constructed building is a tad poor, but serviceable. It lack in diversity however. But it’s a great basis for something fantastic! Give it 4 years and it might be much much nicer. 😁 Thank you MrHappy! 👍

@Asari547 - 19.09.2022 21:25

raise animals? we dont really rais them, do we? or is there a meaning to the word im not aware?

@Ghost200x - 19.09.2022 22:17

Soo we can capture monsters... When we get our monster fighting pit

@HarleyGuioGuitar - 20.09.2022 05:16

God, super agree about the point about it being locked to level 90 - I think it makes very little sense for what it is. I have so many friends who I think would enjoy it, and could even help them get more invested in the game, who aren't level 90 yet.

@AnnoyingSquib - 20.09.2022 07:32

I would like to see a crossbreeding between crops similar to gardens in housing settlements. Like certain crops that can be used to make rare and extremely valuable products can only be grown this way. Gives me a chance to experiment with my plots. Especially since I only have to wait 48 hours for results.

@antarath517 - 20.09.2022 21:57

Tataru: "We want to show those filthy poors (probably her thought process) that they can make their own island with nothing, so no taking your super advanced gathering tools"
Also Tataru: "Here are some slaves, go to town"

@cg_sidd1745 - 20.09.2022 22:42

I think it's fine content for what it is. I'm at the point of automating everything and doing my daily workshops. I feel like people had too high expectation from it and complain too much. I also know people who took it way too seriously at the start. Do it, don't do it. It's whatever. Sometimes I just go to my island to sit and queue for conflict or join PFs.

@mokla12 - 23.09.2022 17:39

I just rotated between potion and firesand for everyday. I can't be bothered to figure out what's optimal to sell. But I also have the motor bike now so I never have to do it again lol

@DonaldTurner - 23.09.2022 22:18

I honestly can't be bothered atm, anyway, to min/max the agendas. so, the "lazy man's presets" are fine. sure, adds time to getting to goals, but it's simple. beyond that, I've enjoyed the island. some great ideas in these comments.. bonus gathering if you are a doh, a new tool that allows multiples when gathering at 9-10, etc. thx Mr happy xD

@viper5955 - 26.09.2022 16:33


@dojelnotmyrealname4018 - 27.09.2022 14:03

Honestly the entire thing feels half baked. The UI and UX is kinda bad, the progression is 100% grind, the customization is next to non-existent, and once you're finished it's just a spreadsheet simulator where you occasionally pick up things. It's a very, very, VERY basic Harvest Moon clone. Score one for the "every feature comes out poor" list I guess.

@przemyslawadamcewicz7648 - 28.09.2022 23:08

All animals buggy f ff14

@justin_hyde - 01.10.2022 00:50

Boring garbage

@Varizen87 - 06.10.2022 10:42

@MrHappy1227 My dude... I just discovered something relating to one of the QoL adjustments you want.... on PC... if you Right Click the + icon on the work shop.... It brings up the option to set by demand... and lets you pick your item off the demand menu.... Was this covered and I just missed it???????????

@AngryDigitalNerd - 30.10.2022 02:37

I for one wouldn't mind seeing extra weather effects added in the sanctuary isle like heatwaves and snowing as examples.

@pumpkingamebox - 23.11.2022 14:21

FF14 cares a lot about lore. I don’t think they’ll make sanctuaries available prior to WoL deserving it. It is essentially a gift for saving the world.

@SuperFluidFerroFluid - 24.01.2023 12:19

The island is everything i wasnt hoping it to be... premade buildings ontop of it with Zero possibilites for customization, a very poor selection of stuff to buy for all those tokens, stupidly boring mounts, and like 5 different animals to catch apart from rares that never spawn?.. The only usefull thing out of it all is the cheap hi-cordial... highly dissapointing.

@fredrikjohansson7854 - 25.02.2023 19:44

Lol i got my friend all exited to come back to the game and , then i realized you have to finish endwalker.. thus died that idea.
Locking content behind msq might make sense when you talk about raids and dungeuns, but to lock something like island sanctuary makes no sense, just make it a sub only feature and leave it at that.

@jegudielyusha2866 - 26.02.2023 22:41

Honestly, if we could get crafting and gathering exp from this, it would be so damn good

@liquidcyanide8208 - 05.07.2023 07:35

You know I just came back to ff14. Haven’t played since ultimate bahamut came out back in stormblood. This seems nice but I was wondering if there’s any actual benefit to it.

@lewys9204 - 06.10.2023 15:24

What is the point of island sanctuary - well, it's basically whatever animal crossing is but for ffxiv. Yeh grown ass men play it 🙄
