Your right clear cards are an underused concept in card games, would like to see more. I've not played it yet but Mystic Vale uses clear cards, its branded as a card building game. And if you like fairy tale based card games check out Dark Tales, this one I've played loads, got all the expansions and I have to say its great. Dark Tales doesn't seem to get a lot of buzz, not sure why as its always gone down well to everyone I've introduced to it.
ОтветитьYes, fairy tales are fun. I like the concept of happy/unhappy ending. Wonder when the card game came out, if it could inspire the TV show Once Upon a Time that is dedicated to fairy tales and their modern retelling. Definitely an originally concept for a board game. Thanks for your thorough explanation of the mechanics of it.
I swear I saw a Gloom in Space advertised recently. Closest mechanism of overlaying semi transparent cards is perhaps only Mystic Vale.
ОтветитьI have a really cool recommendation for you to review; boardgame related. Wizard's Brew. You play as wizards trying to cull ingredients to brew the elixir of life. Its a competitive game. Wizards, spells, alchemy. It looks bad ass
ОтветитьI have a couple of versions of the game and my favorite part is building stories out of the cards we play, so that the characters interact and have a continuous story that everyone has to try and keep track of.