#45 Work day with the Kubota B2601 and the L3301 using the Woodland Mills WC68 wood chipper.

#45 Work day with the Kubota B2601 and the L3301 using the Woodland Mills WC68 wood chipper.

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@HuserHelpers - 19.03.2021 02:19

Hey Ed, nice to see you outside. Enjoy the seat time!! Jason

@kevinbrewer2141 - 19.03.2021 02:21

I've thought about a pickup bed unloaders like Harbor freight has. It would get most of the chips at least.

@jimpetersen8900 - 19.03.2021 02:43

I think you need to run that chipper a little bit faster you will get nicer size chips

@jimhance6648 - 19.03.2021 02:58

I’m glad you are doing something other than livestreams. Yea!

@RCAFpolarexpress - 19.03.2021 03:13

Good evening Sir, It is always nice to have a ride on the tractor ( tractor therapy quality time 👍😉) Very nice country Side road and very nice music too 😉👍 That is been a long time since I saw this ( pulling a large lumber log behind !!! ) Rabbit was punching out fast 😮🤣 You can drive forward Sir with your trailer 😉👍 That was a Big Log Sir and it pass 💪😉 Great wood chipper action Sir 😉💪 Great video Sir Cheers 🍻

@MJADoingStuff - 19.03.2021 03:50

Wow Ed that WC68 can take some big stuff. I can’t wait to start chipping.👍😁

@seanwahl1000 - 19.03.2021 03:50

I hate to say it Ed, but I think I made a mistake buying the b2601. When I was looking for a tractor, I wanted something small with a loader backhoe. Looking through all the companies like LS, Mahindra, Deere etc. I figured a compact tractor is what I needed. The b2601 seemed to be a perfect fit. The problem is I'm not a farmer and the backhoe is not very good. Then recently I saw a video on the B26 so I looked it up on Kubotas site (which was not easy to find because it was in the construction section instead of compact tractors.) The B26 is an actual loader backhoe that's small but is a lot more robust. You can still remove the backhoe and put on other implements if you choose. Don't get me wrong, the b2601 is a good machine, it just is what it is, a farm tractor that you can add implements. I really wish I would have known about the B26 :(

@leokelly359 - 19.03.2021 03:50

adapt and overcome, adjust plan if needed

@deanbarr5740 - 19.03.2021 04:01

Hey Ed you should never have to work that hard, when you got equipment. Made bog dent in the brush pile. That's a very nice chipper you have.

@Shookmeister - 19.03.2021 04:11

Love what you are doing for us dummies! But PLEASE Brother do away with the youthy hooded jackets and Taylor Swift music. Please.....

@k6outdoors - 19.03.2021 04:39

Great video Ed! The chipper sure is a chewing machine!

@larrycainjr - 19.03.2021 04:48

Great video, Ed! Really enjoyed it. Particularly the ride over to Phil’s and seeing the beautiful countryside you live in. That chipper surprised me with what it was able to swallow. Impressive!

@ritterjon - 19.03.2021 04:59

💥 What a fun video to watch. That chipper really does a great job. Nice to meet Phil! Hope to see some more collaborative work with him.
Keep on tractoring! 😁👍

@thomassellers7613 - 19.03.2021 05:11

Traveling that far on pavement takes a toll on tractor tires.. at least on the R1 ag tires, perhaps not so much on the R4’s like yours... as expensive as they are, in my opinion I’d elect to haul it . Enjoy your videos, thanks for sharing

@TheMindfulHomestead - 19.03.2021 06:31

Looks like a great day of hard work! The tractors certainly make it easier!

@wolf0994 - 19.03.2021 07:29

Great video, That chipper worked great.

@ODLife - 19.03.2021 14:49

Man, those chips really stayed put in that trailer. Great video!

@khtractors - 19.03.2021 15:30

Very professionally done video! You are quite the producer. That chipper is definitely impressive. I built a 4x8 dump trailer with an automatic tailgate to use with my tractor. It’s very useful.

@PurpleCollarLife - 19.03.2021 21:58

Great video. Great tractor content, and teamwork. PLUS - I actually like the hoodie and the Taylor Swift style music. :)

@curty85 - 20.03.2021 19:15

Curious, I'm in the market for a chipper and the woodland mills would be the unit. Why would you not burn that pile? a six pack and many stories later you and phil would be done. I ask myself that question and cant come up with a good answer

@raybloom5727 - 21.03.2021 02:18

Woodland Mills Makes a WC88 wood chipper. It has a 8 X 8 inch throat. Works very well on my Kubota L5740.Have had it for 2years now. One of the best implements i have purchased!!!!!!

@bhall7997 - 21.03.2021 02:47

Man that is some beautiful country showed on the drive over there. No chainsaws was harmed by the chipper a good day :)

@benjybaldwin773 - 26.03.2021 05:11

The l3301 is a great tractor I get a load of work done with mine

@benjybaldwin773 - 26.03.2021 05:14

Not a bad idea but the b2601 don't lift high enough to dump the trailer

@benjybaldwin773 - 26.03.2021 05:16

Dump the trailer on its side lol

@zoidsfan77 - 30.03.2021 21:22

WC88 is the biggest by WoodLand Mills.

@kdegraa - 11.04.2021 10:52

Looks like a fun day for all three of you. Nothing much better than chipping useless scrub.

@gerryplante2651 - 16.04.2021 04:19

Nice song at the beginning. I like the chipper.

@dwayneloftice2326 - 16.07.2021 06:14

Great plans are ripened with revision! I always say, "Nothing is ever constant but change!"

@mechanicmike2858 - 26.07.2021 22:38

Like my dad always said... Be careful son this saw will eat all the meat you feed it .. I think I was around 9 I'm 53 now .. so far I still have all my fingers and toes

@Outdoor_Hobby_Guy - 13.11.2021 16:45

That must of smelt so nice.

@pattersonlandscaping5621 - 30.12.2021 01:19

I'm all for using attachments...but I would have burned that pile...

@thegreatnorthwoodswithbb6513 - 02.02.2022 13:29

15 mph that's fast for any tractor. Except for maybe 8N with a step up transmission

@thegreatnorthwoodswithbb6513 - 02.02.2022 13:31

Beautiful country land

@thegreatnorthwoodswithbb6513 - 02.02.2022 13:38

Plan A to Z.🤣 normal around here

@thegreatnorthwoodswithbb6513 - 02.02.2022 13:45

Absolutely loved my l3301 the backhoe grapple what a Workhorse but I really needed a cab so I down size a little

@johnclark4955 - 10.02.2022 07:08

Question: Show #45-What make and model is the black quick hitch on your B2601 to attach the woodland mills WC68 chipper? Thanks for the information.

@mr.redneck2715 - 04.04.2022 15:35

When I was in the army we would dump our 5 ton trucks by picking up the entire front end with a loader. Having said that we would play chicken with loaders and try to flip the other guy over. Nothing really mattered!

@carlhausler9666 - 20.12.2022 01:18

Great equipment for sure. Would a small diesel supply and a road flare have accomplished the same outcome? Im thinking yes. Thanks again

@JeffGeorgalas - 31.03.2023 07:50

BUY A SPUD WRENCH, and keep it on the tractor. ESPECIALLY if you don't have/use a quick hitch. Even if you do use a quick hitch, because not all implements are quick hitch compatible. You use the handle of the spud wrench to line up the holes when attaching implements to the 3pt lift arms. Thank me later.

@robg.7938 - 04.10.2023 03:19

I just really like your channel. I eneded up buying a B2601 because of you. (Damnit 🙂)
