Pay Off Debt   Your Birth Certificate is Worth Millions FACT OR FICTION

Pay Off Debt Your Birth Certificate is Worth Millions FACT OR FICTION

The Credit Repair Shop

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Louise - 02.11.2023 18:35

HM treasury literally says you cannot use your birth certificate to pay your debt and there is no bond attached to it. If there was they wouldn’t be allowed to say that. I am still open to learning but they have clearly said it on their HM treasury website.

Butcher Bird
Butcher Bird - 31.10.2023 16:20

Hysterical. I trust no on is gullible enough to believe this BS.

Jack Kimberly
Jack Kimberly - 24.10.2023 14:19

You use capital LETTERS because it's less chance of making a mistake... 🤣🤣🤣 who is this clown.

Jack Kimberly
Jack Kimberly - 24.10.2023 14:13

This is all fact. Stop downplaying this as theory. Learn the language of law before you make such trolling accusations. You are all considered dead and are cargo owned by the government. Why do you think the word sovereign exists.

stunner1 stunner1
stunner1 stunner1 - 05.10.2023 23:31

Lol you sound like Bill Cosby 😅

Uncensored Reasoning
Uncensored Reasoning - 05.10.2023 08:39

Lol the ppl who don't know anything I've gotten a million dollars from my bond after giving my citizenship up and becoming a national with the Moorish science temple y'all lost and want to lead the ppl astray and I personally know other ppl apart from myself who have got money but you have to separate yourself from the corporation of America this man isn't being truthful but that's life

Reed Evert
Reed Evert - 19.09.2023 00:16

Most on here don't speak in plain English sentences. (Do research, do research). Sounds like BULLSHIT!!

Butch Friend
Butch Friend - 04.09.2023 02:28

And this guy's getting paid by those people that are debt collectors in all the other fraudulent systems that's going to be crushed in the future with all this truth comes out I just can't understand why people be gets paid to tell people lies that just don't understand the truth! I know this worse because I've seen a man do it right in front of me

David - 24.08.2023 13:01

You are worth your weight in gold people. Documentary title. The birth document with gold medallion on front and footprints on back. It's how our government is financed.

H - 13.08.2023 02:03

This guy doesn't know shit. He's a corpse because he's never understood how they corporate you. It's called a lien. Don't use legalese and know the law.

Nick D
Nick D - 03.08.2023 01:37

Well this is all bullshit.

Phyllis Garnett
Phyllis Garnett - 27.07.2023 06:29

What should I do now that my husband has filed for this scam?

Phyllis Garnett
Phyllis Garnett - 27.07.2023 06:27

My husband is doing this and I am very afraid. Only GOD knows what he has done. Filed Release Deed on homestead property with a balance owed to the bank. I am very afraid

Jeremy Phillips
Jeremy Phillips - 22.07.2023 03:41

You're wrong brother

G5 Tradez
G5 Tradez - 21.07.2023 20:10

of course there were "technicalities" you think they would admit this on the public record. Of course this works, ppl dont know how to read which is why they get jammed up. they dont understand how not to mix public and private venues.

Leroy Eldrege
Leroy Eldrege - 13.07.2023 01:26

First of all what are body is talking about is a statue it's not a theory a statue that is written and put out by the United States of America it's not a theory correct.

Clack On Wall Street
Clack On Wall Street - 12.07.2023 01:12

What you're missing is that the Federal Reserve is like Federal Express, it has no ties to the government and is privately owned. Only the US Treasury is tied to the government. Notice that you read that the Federal Reserve banks are cooperating with law enforcement meaning they are NOT a government agency.

Jon Schnell
Jon Schnell - 11.07.2023 18:55

I wonder if he believes the Federal Reserve is actually Federally owned entity?

Cathie Brookins
Cathie Brookins - 11.07.2023 01:03

ok, first of all you really need to research a lot more than you have, fact of the matter is, the federal reserve act states that any bank(individual), may present remedies for payment, read, instead of just trying to be seen, also, you might want to check out the takens act, the indentured trustees act,the emergency banking act-- united postal treaty,****in short, if your not part of the solution, you are the problem--

Desmond Reynolds
Desmond Reynolds - 09.07.2023 11:10

Well I have to say that you have no clue and that is ok.. Until you talk about this stuff and have so much information.. So I will give you some Homework..
1.“Equality is Paramount and Mandatory by Law”
2. The Stamp Act, 1765
It was written by the
3. Banking Act of 1932
1933 Emergency Banking Act of 1933 Social Security
The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 was a bill passed in the midst of the Great Depression that took steps to stabilize and restore confidence in the U.S. banking system. It came in the wake of a series of bank runs following the stock market crash of 1929.
and 1935
To speed the recovery, the Banking Act of 1935 eliminated double liability. Together, the creation of the FDIC and the elimination of double liability changed the relationship between the federal government, Federal Reserve, and financial industry.
What Is the FDIC?
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an independent agency that provides deposit insurance for bank accounts and other assets in the U.S. if a bank fails. The FDIC was created to help boost confidence among consumers about the health and well-being of the nation's financial system.

You may know that the funds in your checking and savings accounts are insured by the FDIC, but you may not know about the agency's history and purpose.

The FDIC was founded in 1933 after the stock market crash of 1929 and it continues to evolve with alternative ways to protect deposit holders against potential bank insolvency. Learn more about the history of the FDIC and about its changes over the years.
4. The National Banking Act June 3, 1864

Well we are all (SOE) State Owned Enterprises
You Should Find a good Financial Literacy Resource Center.
Cornell Law its a legal website...
Your Company may be committing fraud.. js
With all due respect this your saying is straight misinformation
This is not for those that Dishonor Agreements

Hope that helps your Unbelief...

Keikilani Garnett
Keikilani Garnett - 08.07.2023 03:32

How do we cash out now today this minute

Kyle Young
Kyle Young - 02.07.2023 07:27

This guy is a joke

Sedonia Dragotta
Sedonia Dragotta - 20.06.2023 01:23

It's not a theory it's fact you just have to look at money . All paper money has birth certificate numbers on it .

Commies are evil
Commies are evil - 18.06.2023 17:56

The birth certificate is a stock that gets traded on the stock market. They are using our future labor and they get the credit nobody should ever be denied credit

Patrick Davis
Patrick Davis - 16.06.2023 00:51

Everybody talks about this living trust persona that our birth certificate is a bond put into a trust and we are the beneficiary but none of them can actually show us how to collect it, they say we can show you how for a price, that means it is a lie because if it is true they have one and dont need to collect from ours... They are all click bate...

David - 10.06.2023 05:45

I suggest you read 31 CFR part 202,225,380. I also suggest you google Treasury collateral management and monitoring. This is where the "accounts" to set off the debts for proper discharge. This guy doesnt know anything. Bureau of Fiscal service/ public debt I suggest you read. We all have three(3) birth documents. The first is documentary title with gold medallion and footprints on back. The second (2) is created by the registrar (definition is a bank), third(3) is created by the vital statistics it's the all CAPITAL name or the debtor. It's a dead name with no rights. This is why they summon the all CAPITAL name into court. The only thing that gets summoned is the dead. Also, look at almost all tombstones around the world ok. They are almost all in all CAPITAL letters. If you have ears let them hear. Dont listen to this guy. Google the Treasury collateral management and monitoring. Google Bureau of Fiscal service public debt, research people, dont listen to this guy, he doesnt know anything

midwestcharm - 04.06.2023 06:42

Federal Reserve doesn't hold my trust? What about the Treasury?

Minister Devin Moss
Minister Devin Moss - 02.06.2023 21:58

Respectfully I hear this all the time, yet no guru/ teacher have shown any results…. Ball this laws? Where is the money?

Fury Voxx
Fury Voxx - 02.06.2023 02:18

No disrespect and I do appreciate your opinionAnd don't blame you for trying to debunk these intense claims... Cognitive dissidents abound in our society when we start to realize the truth of it all. The world IS a business. If you do your due diligence and homework to research the history of when the social security number came about it was clearly and directly created to pay back the rich bankers who bailed the USA out of the orchestrated financial collapse that we refer to as the Great Depression. This is not opinion or conjecture it's very documented. The president at the time even said that he was fooled when he signed this slavery tax into being, basically making all US citizens indentured servants from that point on. It is a blood debt number.

Little trap
Little trap - 28.05.2023 18:57

When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR 192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. In 1933, the UNITED STATES Government declared that they would pay all of YOUR debts with the money they receive from your labor, birth certificate, and Social Security registered number by what is known as your Reserve Account worth Billions!

JAHLIGHT - 15.05.2023 17:39

We don’t have a contract with them because it was not us that was tricked to sign that contract under duress of them confiscating their offspring. Our parents are tricked into that and we in turn do it to our offsprings.

B - 15.05.2023 03:19

Ok, check out citi bank, my credit score via experian just plummeted 761 points. Citi bank decided to close my account and the reason why? Well citi bank stated i am deceased. Thats right, dead. Then after they did this, they sent me a new credit card. Dead people do not go shopping. So maybe i should.

B - 15.05.2023 03:16

Yes you must use the united postal union, read the bylaws of the united postal union, it explains in plain english how to utilize postage stamps toappreciate upur documents values per the schedule supplied by the u.p.u. What did they publish all these laws for, the entire process is a lie, a trap, they wanna jail lots of people for misunderstanding. Its ENGLISH.

B - 15.05.2023 03:13

No, your all screwed up, you gotta maintain your credit, you must utilize common public means to initiate the process. Once approved, the internal revenue provides the forms to discharge the debt. Anytime you aquire property of any kind, you are assumed by the irs to come up, to have made that property value income. Income must be claimed.

B - 15.05.2023 03:10

Interestingly enough, in very fine print, on my birth certificate in the left lower corner, it says federal bank bond in the scroll work. Hut its not a bond. Ok.

B - 15.05.2023 03:09

Please explain oh wise one, please explain the use of the uniform commercial code, the federal code of regulations and the united states code. Further, explain the literal verbage of house joint resolution 192 and public law 73-10. Per the constitution," all trade shall be made with pieces of gold and silver". All debts shall be discharged dollar for dollar, per hjr192. Explain 1099 a, b, and c. Now being ypu sir have been indoctrinated via the the british attorneys registrar, swearing an allegience to the jolly roger...... and beings you set precidence in the past by being a smart ass when i asked you a general question. You are clearly fed by the almighty federal reserve note. What is a note? A promisary note, a federal reserve note. A note is a promise to pay in the future. Thanks for the help. Youre awesome, not.

corvette Zr1
corvette Zr1 - 13.05.2023 23:40

Public law 73-10 and the indentured trustee act of 1939 proves this man is a liar you can build credit with a certain type of trust ein its public knowledge anyone who disagrees is a sellout i remember as a kid taking a pledge to the republic of America not the US citizen corporation

Noble, B Z Bey House of Bey M.A.N.
Noble, B Z Bey House of Bey M.A.N. - 10.05.2023 00:40

private vs public . TRUST .. first

TheChristonline - 02.05.2023 10:34

Trump went bankrupt , had no cash , walked into a bank and walked out with Millions !!!

Syreetta M
Syreetta M - 21.03.2023 00:46

The all caps reason you give is false! It is for the straw man! I found out in the first grade from 2 Caucasian boys arguing over having a straw man! The teacher told them that yes everyone has a straw man! So these people are being taught at home from their parents that this exists! We as minority are not being taught this in the home! All caps references straw man! What you are missing is in America words have more than one meaning and most education teaches the meaning in which the want to steer you, or control what they want you to believe to actually control you and your thoughts! The word “understand” not only means that you comprehend, it also means that “U stand beneath me and I stand above you!” I don’t believe nothing these people say! We have been lied to, and indoctrinated! Please do more research because people have gotten away with this not due to technicalities! They will not publish this stuff in the public, everyone will do it! That’s the big secret for the elite!

Golden Goose
Golden Goose - 18.03.2023 09:11

You are right about 1 thing… There is no money so people trying to use U.S. copyright money whether from bills, notes, bonds etc. will ultimately be thrown in jail but everything else you’re talking about is coming from ignorance. Respectfully. You are reading bullet points from a piece of paper when you have government entities and case law that backup these truths.. You cant sit there and spill nonsense when you haven’t picked up a Law dictionary. Because if you did, for one you would know that in LAW a all cap name means a deceased person or a corporate entity. Don’t believe me go to your nearest cemetery and look at the grave sites then afterward go home and pick up a bill from one of your creditors and then come back and give me your results

mono - 12.03.2023 19:02

exactly. brilliant breakdown, so sad to see the desperate individuals rejecting this. with conspiracy theories, some are swayed by logic and facts, and others just cling because of their emotional investment or needs. to someone drowning in debt or generally suffering under the economy, wouldn't it be just a miracle for there to be a secret infinite money stash you could access if you just followed some steps on a blog post? almost too good to be true. logic just can't help them. excellent video regardless, so glad to see some truth about this out there, peace and prosperity to yall

JoAnn Thomases
JoAnn Thomases - 07.03.2023 18:09

Explain all debts are the obligation if the united states.

JoAnn Thomases
JoAnn Thomases - 07.03.2023 18:05

Read title 15 1692

karen darnell
karen darnell - 01.03.2023 23:42

Makes me wonder who you are working for?

Angelo Caruso
Angelo Caruso - 01.03.2023 00:02

If you take a social security number you are a slave period you entered into a contract they own your child they use your child as a slave no one makes you enter the hell it's free will your not a hostage you can retract the social security number and sign off at any time

Angelo Caruso
Angelo Caruso - 28.02.2023 23:59

It's true

John Patrick Rakoto
John Patrick Rakoto - 23.02.2023 08:36

I read over 1000 books. If you have the time read The Creature from Jekyll Island spoiler alert Money is not real. The Fed is not a government agency. So in essences everyone is working for free. Real money is commodities and intellectual property. I know Money is fake. Years ago I asked the back loan and they said no. Despite having an account with many zeros. Why? Because fiat money has no real value backed by nothing.

2 greedy
2 greedy - 20.02.2023 21:25

The reason people are so SCARED to at least look behind "THE CURTAIN"(on the private side) is bc the gov is deleting the bravest ones asking any questions(on the public side)... If you know too much then better simply stop believing that we are all heirs in Christ who gave us our inheritance (NOT the government).. The government is the very one who wishes to steal our natural god given rights from us.... That's what he doesn't understand, but everything else I agreed with (on the public side)....
