Top 10 Stellaris Noob Mistakes

Top 10 Stellaris Noob Mistakes

Colonel Damneders

10 месяцев назад

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@ZainAhmad-jl4vt - 27.12.2023 03:39

I remember in one of my early games, the first alien empire I encountered was a fallen empire and I instantly declared war on them.

@forsakenquery - 18.12.2023 15:06

Dabbling in tradition trees is bad as each tree opened increases the cost of ALL traditions by a huge amount. It's almost always correct to finish a tradition. Also Prosperity is the best tree and usually taken first or second.

@fabuloussloth8670 - 12.12.2023 12:48

I need some advice when it comes to trading/selling resources, please.
How much should I sell each time?

@getem3345 - 11.12.2023 19:57

Why am I watching this when I have 900+ hours

@LanceBryantGrigg - 09.12.2023 10:06

Guy talks about noob mistakes then leads with expansion or discovery.... riiiight. rofl.

@EXMUTRKS - 28.11.2023 14:43

I keep getting screwed on civilian level difficulty. It pisses me off, because I really don't what I'm doing wrong.

I keep thinking I'm expanding too much and too fast, but when I don't I can't build a strong enough fleet

@keulron2290 - 28.11.2023 02:08

I did not know about planet automation or self-designation until recently. I don’t recommend it in the early game if you don’t have the resources, but it is an insane game changer.

@Jon-ne9on - 21.11.2023 19:08

Few tips from long time player

1. Expansion tradition isn’t that great for a tradition.
2. Easy way for fast technology is to only research stuff you can’t get from other empires. Then fight a neighbor and get fast research for stuff like weapons ships etc. Another option if your by a maurader fleet build up a fleet capable of beating the weakest of their 3 systems. They won’t attack with the others and you’ll get access to good research.
3. Sell rare resources to AI friendlies. You don’t need mass stockpiles of them and the AI will happily give you lots of stuff for them such as alloys or energy.
4. Weapons on starbases are pretty pointless. Better to build ship yards or anchorage.

@ferhadsemseddinli3293 - 17.11.2023 18:02

I am sorry but this video is not actually helpful because you are not showing anything in the gameplay. You just click them for 0.1ms because the gameplay in the background is not a tutorial. Why not just show the buttons and shit?

@joshuacarpenter1075 - 15.11.2023 22:35

a good tip, managing specialist pops to balance resource output. I didn't even realize that was a thing in the beginning and couldn't figure out why my planets weren't making enough resources. then i saw i could dramatically increase production of energy and minerals and the like just by switching around some specialist pops here and there. wish someone had showed me that earlier.

@dominicsouthern7672 - 15.11.2023 05:18

My strategy is making as many science ships as possible and then releasing them into the galaxy to explore and once when I unlock cloaking I'll put them on cloak

@meusana3681 - 08.11.2023 23:42

Not surrendering to the Great Kahn.

@zc6891 - 08.11.2023 03:21

Why is the video just stream gameplay instead of showing what you're talking about in real time?

@theemperor1379 - 04.11.2023 00:43

Why does your UI look like this lmao, do you have a mod?

@nikos3706 - 29.10.2023 11:19

One more tip: If for some reason you specialized your planets and they are still underperforming, try prioritizing the jobs they specialize in. Suddenly your income will skyrocket.

@felixprime8291 - 29.10.2023 08:33

Don't overbuild: Buildings and districts cost you monthly upkeep (usually energy) and are a drain on your economy if you have way more than you need. Also filling up district slots will reduce pop growth.

You can invade planets (and can be invaded) and will need to do so to capture enemy systems. (There's really no mention of this in the tutorial or anything and it took me 2/3rds of the way through my first playthrough to find out)

When expanding focus on chokepoints and worry about building starbases in systems that are inaccessible to other empires later on (be wary of wormholes though). This means both for construction and exploration. Concentrate your science ships on exploration, leave anomalies, and move forwards. Don't overcommit, as soon as you find another Empire expand torwards them so that you can claim as much of the systems between you and them, when it comes to prioritising go for systems with megastructures, habitable planets, archeology sites, big resource deposits, strategic resources etc.

When you are constructing starbases you can build far ahead of your Empire, however in terms of influence cost if you own starbase A which is next to B, which is next to C etc. it costs the same to build a starbase on D as it does to build on on B, then C, then D, you are postponing paying the 100 (-modifier cost) alloys for starbases on B and C, so it's saving alloys temporarily and is quicker, however once you build starbases on B and C that means that you are paying 3x the influence for a starbase on D (or n times the cost for a starbase that is n steps away from your closest starbase) that you would have otherwise, so it can be worth doing but it's best to go for adjacent construction.

Building too many ships can tank your economy (you can check how much you're spending by hovering over the energy in the top of the screen). However having a big fleet also now increases your influence (which is vital for expansion) and going over the fleet cap isn't necessarily that bad, just make sure you can afford it. Also you can use your military fleets for exploration provided they have an admiral, just be careful not to stray too far, and if your Empire gets big make sure that you have multiple fleets to defend your various frontiers because it really sucks getting invaded when your only fleet is years away from the enemy. Also worth upgrading starbases for defenses on your borders with other Empires and having another starbase nearby with shipyards so that you can upgrade/build fleets near the front line in the case of a war.

You generally don't need to worry about war or competition for territory against fallen Empires because unless you annoy them they are not going to do anything.

Also don't fight marauders in the early game. They usually have loads of ~20k fleets which will paste anything you have. They can be useful as buffers against other Empires so you don't need to worry about competing for territory with them because they are static. You can get rid of them later at your own leisure.

In terms of combat, where you position your fleets and when they arrive can be really crucial. If your enemy is attacking a system and you have loads of close range ships (e.g. corvettes, frigates) and they have long range ships (cruisers, battleships) then positioning your ships next to the hyperlane exit/entrance means that they lose all the advantage of their range and your ships can immediately engage without getting destroyed by large and X slot weaponry on the way. Conversely if you have battleships and your enemy is moving towards your system park them at most halfway between the centre of the system and the hyperlane so that you get the advantage of your range. Also try and make sure that all your fleets are engaging at the same time. If you have a small fleet e.g. of corvettes which are much faster, moving in and engaging ahead of your big battleships then you are losing out because the enemy has a chance to destroy your corvettes then fight your battleships instead of having to fight both, so to concentrate your forces effectively you need to pay attention to how long it will take for them to engage the enemy. Also general Sun Tzu/Clausewitz etc. stuff applies, so avoid fights you can't win, take fights you can win and destroy enemy fleets when they are weak/diffuse so that they can't coalesce into a big fleet that could defeat you, also concentrate on taking out logistics/economy to reduce their ability to maintain/increase their forces. Also take advantage of the claims system to grab systems you want and remember that you can add claims during the war (although it costs more) so you can grab a bunch of systems by making claims just before they surrender/agree to a status quo peace or before you're forced to accept a status quo peace through exhaustion. And remember if you occupy all your enemies planets/habitats etc. and have claimed them then their Empire disappears completely.

You should generally specialise planets for efficient production. Planetary specification gives you a bonus to specific jobs/buildings/districts.

Check out the jobs tab to work out economic balancing in planets. There's a lot of useful info and it will give you an idea of how jobs will effect your economy (what they produce, what they use etc.)

Some of these are maybe not beginner tips but worth being aware of.

@goeijmejisju1510 - 27.10.2023 17:24

noooo not expansion 😭

@FidelBlastro528 - 24.10.2023 00:04

It would be super helpful if you were actually doing what you're talking about in the background....

@lamichka - 23.10.2023 14:44

Using automation IS a noob mistake :D

@almatt21 - 17.10.2023 13:48

Didn't see how switch on edicts. I'm playing ps4

@aiocein4794 - 12.10.2023 02:05

"Mad and balding"

@orums2606 - 05.10.2023 03:27

You’ve come so far 😂 I love that you’re making content about stellaris now

@Shryce - 04.10.2023 18:33

I've tried this game for a few weeks, but I just can't get a grip on this game, its simply too hard.
It's the first game ever I have given up on...

@samusofsparta - 29.09.2023 21:38

About half of these "PROTIPS" definitely are wrong..... Crunch the numbers please like all the other people running Stellaris walkthroughs and tips please.... Automation is generally pretty crap so don't use it if possible is one prime example.... Another is the traditions.... He mentioned you would be getting them well into the late game.... If you are getting traditions/non-repeat techs any later than midgame you are screwed in the higher difficulties in just single player. Discovery and Expansion were mentioned as basically must haves early game and that is totally wrong.... These tips may get you off the ground but when you try and get really serious about the game they will only hurt you.... If you are looking for real tips that won't encourage you to develop bad habits (like this video is) check out Montu Plays

@thechloromancer3310 - 29.09.2023 18:01

Researching anomalies often gets you research projects that result in a significant science or resource reward. You will want to research these anomalies and projects BEFORE another empire expands into the system and denies you the ability to do so. For this reason, I often go a bit over the leader cap to get more science ships up and exploring early game.

That said, anomalies close to my core that take 250 days or longer to research get shelved for later. Further away from the core, I'll research 250-day anomalies, but save the 450-day (or longer ones for later). Of course, If I run into xenos near even 1800-day anomalies, I'll research them so that I don't lose the opportunity. Those longer anomalies usually come with greater rewards.

@saamohod - 25.09.2023 04:57

What are those ships models at 4.50? They look great and I don't have them.

@adamkstevens - 24.09.2023 20:10

Montu Plays' Stellaris Creator Ranking vid introduced me to your channel. Good video. Look forward to watching more of your work, Col!

@papajavaleri - 22.09.2023 15:38

an advice from noobs for noobs. what a circle.

@horrorchara7397 - 20.09.2023 04:50

Person1: hey i just cracked a holy world

Every other player in the lobby:YOU WHAT?!

Game:[incoming transmision]

@Tekozmek - 09.09.2023 03:50

Edicts are what?

@chrismartindale7840 - 07.09.2023 23:22

I never have the spare alloys to build up my fleet early. Fortunately, I have never boarded someone who I need to fear early. Hope I can keep it that way.

@glennsmith3303 - 07.09.2023 17:42

I am not able to follow this. Is this the correct video for the narrative?

@superdoran6396 - 06.09.2023 10:21

1-Yeah, I'd say not understanding your empire. I'm not saying you have to watch a tutorial for everyone or anything, but if might help if you understand their strength and why others like or hate them. Especially if you're trying something like hive. 2-not understanding or using claims. It's 10 times worse not checking it. You don't want to go through half a game, and then war comes out of nowhere, and now half your systems are gone. This gets especially bad because an empire can use it to literally cut you in half. 3-F is for friends, no, it's not here anyway. This shouldn't be a bad one, but it is. I've seen new players get wrecked with this concept. You are in diplomacy with other empires they are not your friends. They are competing even if you aren't being military aggressive. They are still in competition. Ultimately, you want supreme rule in whatever you're doing. And if you can't expand, then you will shrivel up and die. The same will happen to them, so what do you think will happen the second you two realize you're in eachothers way? If there are near you, your spies and your defenses as well as fleets need to be ready because it will eventually turn to conflict. Trust me, you don't want to be so friendly that you're "gridlocking" yourself, all while being taken advantage of by other empires. Since this is the last one I'll give a last warning for it. "Nice absorbing" it's a name I coined for something that certain empires have a nack for attempting. Basically let me give you a example "hey in our friendliness, we want to house some of your people. Go ahead, let them come on over so we can all play, buddy, buddy. " Another being "hey you know we would love to send our people over just so we can "communicate" better." Then lastly, you have the final "being blunt" method where they just straight say "hey why don't we just assimilate some of you if not all of you? That way we can be friends forever". These questions is why I have zero trust in this game. I've had planets taken over without a shot fired because of a question along those lines. So read what there actually wanting and don't just go oh it looks friendly so sure whatever no need to read this. Crinimal's will also try sneaky means to get to you, including acting friendly, while increasing your own crime rate yeah on one playthrough I was in martial law before I realized that it was actually the syndicate next to me doing it. The empire that was acting all sweat and innocent was literally causing riots in my streets. So trust me, on this one, in this diplomacy, it does not make friends it simply makes sneaky enemies. I liked and prefer the empires who have a relationship in the red with me, at least there being honest about wanting to off me.

@JesterofRichiousness - 04.09.2023 17:13

Bro your videos hit the exact points i want to hear about, to have the most fun in games. Whatever your doing, your doing it right👍 Keep it up and being yourself

@ardentplugilist3499 - 02.09.2023 21:01

Whats the mod for the UI its so much more organised

@ecogreen123_4 - 30.08.2023 17:07

as a somewhat skilled Stellaris player i agree with this advice.

@johndaybreak1317 - 29.08.2023 18:59

3. i cant really agree with this since, if you have a bunch of ships will just eat you energy which could be used for buying minerals and upgrading your planets. So basicly having max fleet can deny you the ability to scale fast.

Also overall, Always upgrading ships will consume more alloys than just simply building them once.

@absurdnerd7624 - 29.08.2023 13:57

Newb is short for newbie and noob was a idiotic misspelling of newb. And newbie was is a derogative term for new player. Number one new player mistake is wasting time watching this video.

The term noob or newbie is condescending. Apparently this guy was born with the innate knowledge of everything in the game and never was a new player 😋

@principleshipcoleoid8095 - 28.08.2023 21:04

Expantion and Discovery are meh, actually.

@icewolfwolfie173 - 27.08.2023 19:17

This game its always either my empire crumbles in economy problems. Or i stay weak and suddenly become op and the game gets boring especially since the largest map makes every month in game take half a minute

@zeekirill1177 - 27.08.2023 17:25

0. Open L-Cluster too early

@chrizzlybearlol - 20.08.2023 15:07

I hate influencers telling me what’s a “mistake” or “wrong” choice. It pushes the idea that you have to minmax a game for being a good player or having fun and that’s not healthy for the community. I’m not saying those tips aren’t neat but you can totally choose to play a certain way for roleplay reasons without it being the optimal solution.

@foot5487 - 15.08.2023 23:03

To add to the Fallen Empire Wars,

It is quite possible to defeat them sooner, but you have to go about it a certain way. Don't know the exact number off the top of my head, but if you can beat their stations and you goad them into a war with the "Punishment" War Goal, you can fly your fleets around them as they come into your systems, they will ignore you attacking their stations and planets, and conquer them while they are "Punishing" you because their fleets aren't there to protect them.

@Deridus - 15.08.2023 05:58

I am very happy to say that after 5 games, I figured all of this out on my own. I think that is what actually sold me on the game, being able to mess around and find out.

Now I just need a few more DLC's...

@fyrestorme - 14.08.2023 20:16

I disagree with when to research anomalies. Sometimes you want to know whether an anomaly means that a potential world will have certain negatives which would be revealed by the anomaly or whether it has a bunch of buffs revealed by the anomaly before you want to decide whether to include it in your empire's borders at all.

@user-ve8vy7dr3w - 14.08.2023 04:58

I like to research some of the quicker anomalies as the science ships go. This can help them get a faster level. That could give you a useful leader trait. I leave the harder and thus longer anomalies for later though.

@mightypancake2211 - 11.08.2023 06:47

Number 1. Don't fight fallen empires... Especially if you play gigastructures and give fallen empires 20 planetary craft ^^;

@blogovitchxyz - 07.08.2023 23:28

Please sir, it would be appreciated if you induced maximum cognitive dissonance, due to mismatch of video and audio, by including video from a different game entirely, played backwards and upside down. Thank you, sir.

@DarkSoulja3323 - 06.08.2023 19:21

Your not showing us what your talking about......
