37 Tips for Jr. Software Developers

37 Tips for Jr. Software Developers

Sean Allen

4 года назад

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M Talha Khalid
M Talha Khalid - 04.04.2023 05:15

I follow more of those prsctices ❤❤ thanks for w9nderful video

Dom Gia
Dom Gia - 04.04.2023 04:13

Here's one, learn to accept feedback and don't be the guy no one wants to review your pull request.

Qaw - 01.04.2023 10:53

Even senior Dev Google basic stuff make me feels ease a bit

D.O.N MUZIC - 24.02.2023 13:21

Thank you 🙏🏾

b.illidan2 b.illidan2
b.illidan2 b.illidan2 - 31.01.2023 20:01

Keep doing what you doing, man!

Christopher Salisbury
Christopher Salisbury - 18.01.2023 17:49

Mentors - I think this is the best tip you gave. I had a great mentor while learning to code early on and I learned so much in such a small amount of time from him. If I could have followed him around my whole career I would have.

Dizzy Roth
Dizzy Roth - 09.01.2023 01:30

Can anyone recommend any podcasts?

Universal1 - 29.11.2022 15:22

Abraham SeCoE
Abraham SeCoE - 19.11.2022 19:30

Hello Sean! I am not used to commenting but I want to say thanks for these tips, you made me think positively and that I am not an idiot or a pretender. Keep sharing stuff, God speed to your work,

Aurorah - 12.11.2022 02:31

The hard part with "give yourself more than a couple months to prepare for the interview", is when you're applying for lots of interviews. You end up with a n+1 problem of learning.

jeremy mitchell
jeremy mitchell - 07.11.2022 18:36

I’m 45 and just quit a 20+ year career in construction. To begin my coding journey.

Zahra Salehi
Zahra Salehi - 30.10.2022 16:08

thank you. im an introvert and it is rally difficult for me to deal with people and speak with confident. i think most developers should do speak very good to impress the co-workers, you know its hard for me to speak what i've done even though it was hard and takes me time, and my colleagues are super nice and this is my first job but u know every day i try more and more to ability to speak to people :))) you may laugh but its hard to show passion when pple start talking :))) and i hope all introvert developers be super suscessfullllllllllllllllllllllllll <3

Jacob Potter
Jacob Potter - 28.10.2022 16:31

What dev podcasts do you recommend?

Nikolaj Torres
Nikolaj Torres - 20.10.2022 23:26


Slim Yelow
Slim Yelow - 07.10.2022 00:25

One of the best tips: try to bypass HR and get your resume and git portfolio straight to a tech lead. Or apply to smaller firms where the owners / founders are directly accessible and play a direct role in the hiring process.

Slim Yelow
Slim Yelow - 07.10.2022 00:17

I would be extremely cautious about bringing up new features as a junior. You need to really know your bosses well. I made the mistake of bringing up an idea that got me looks as if I was about to get an axe thrown at my head.

Slim Yelow
Slim Yelow - 07.10.2022 00:13

I am in Switzerland and got fired on my 50th birthday just after 5 weeks on my very first web dev job. On day one I was tasked with creating a full stack mobile app for ios even though I had never mentioned experience or interest in building native apps. My resume makes absolutely no reference to mobile dev. I don't even own Mac products and made that perfectly clear when ordering my company work laptop. So we settled with React native which was as total disaster with Expo. The company then told me to switch to a PWA, which I did. After 4 weeks I had created an MVP with the MEVN stack, ready for deployment. I did EVERYTHING by myself, completely alone, from scratch alone at my desk at home. I worked 11-12 hours per day including weekends. I wasn't offered a single sliver of help ever. The only thing my 2 bosses did every day was demand new features and deadlines and they shot down with vigor every tiny concern or question I had. They ganged up on me every day, but I didn't care, because every day that I survived was a win for me. Nobody can every take that away from me. The reason they gave for firing me: "uhhh, we need a senior developer. You are too slow" All in all this nasty experience boosted my confidence in coding and being able to cope with wicked bung holes of this industry is another skill to boot. However just like a shark I have smelled blood and I love it. I am now back with a vengeance. I forgot to mention that the company I worked for was a software startup headed by 2 web dev seniors with a combined experience of 30 years and my job title on the contract literally was: "Junior Web Developer". My pay was 3k / month which in Switzerland is at the poverty level.

Raoul Koopman
Raoul Koopman - 05.10.2022 21:42

heyo - some serious gold in here. 2 years later and this video is still relevant. 

I transitioned from Outdoor Recreation to Tech and it couldn't have been done without a bootcamp (for me).

Even though it's certainly not impossible to learn and transition into the tech industry without going to a coding bootcamp; there are a few things (really good bootcamps provide). In addition to what Sean mentioned:
1. Establishing the groundworks for a network - you'll immediately start meeting new people and building a network. A lot of camps also have some sort of career coaching.
2. Have a clear sense of progress - I self taught while working for about 1/2 a year, then went to a bootcamp. You quickly realize the more you learn - the more there is to learn. So bootcamp does a good job filtering out what's needed. In addition - there's no busy work. EVERYTHING you learn become the ground work for basic skills needed as a developer.
3. Yes, they're expensive but a lot of them have loan/ finance options - and if it's an option for you, see it as an investment in yourself. This isn't the same as spending $1,000 on a shiny new iPhone that'll be outdated in a year. A lot of them require pre-requisite work, so in the time learning some basics you'll find out how serious you really are.

Only other thing (non-bootcamp-related) I'd like to add is.
+ KEEP IT FUN - your brain has an easier time absorbing information when it's in a state of "fun" vs being stressed, and thinking "I need to f!cking memorize all of this!!"
+ it's a science (there's a set way to do things) then once you have the basics - it becomes an art (there are many ways to accomplish the same thing).
+ build things that interest you, find open sourced/ free APIs and practice networking and parsing data, and it doesn't matter if it's a map, list of tasks, or the weather
+ build those things again (but better), from scratch, and without looking at your previous project

Good Luck!!

osseous42 - 10.08.2022 17:07

Got my first dev job at 47 after working in a different, non-coding tech field for a lot of years. It was kind of a scary leap into the unknown but turned out to be the best career decision ever.
You're never too old as long as you're forever eager to learn new stuff. :) Just do it!

Bobby Ford
Bobby Ford - 28.07.2022 10:01

Best developer podcasts?
