How to Witness to a Buddhist

How to Witness to a Buddhist

Living Waters

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@cathyhamlin3611 - 30.04.2022 01:11

I know a person from HS who follows buddhism and I have
tried through fb to give him the
truth of the gospel, but he has
continued to reject it.I keep him
in prayer and hope before he dies
he will see the true Light of Jesus

@Raptor-7 - 01.06.2022 10:39

I like dark Asian girls😃😙👍😄💕💕💕

@Econnocon - 15.06.2022 21:30

Death isn't horrible or terrible its natrual it happens to everyone. Death teaches us to love and be greatful for everything because we know we earnt gonna be here forever.

@meggrotte4760 - 30.06.2022 05:10

I live in Taiwan and it's pretty hard to share the gospel with Taiwanese it's harder in Japan though

@meggrotte4760 - 30.06.2022 05:10

these guys are Asian Americans so probably it might be a little bit easier but I'm going to check this video out anyways

@devinsonntag3731 - 12.07.2022 03:18

It's sick how Ray thinks these girls are worthy of eternal torture. If there is a hell, only people who think it a suitable punishment should be there.

@garybobst9107 - 26.08.2022 15:38

Bhuddist is different. Death is unavoidable, there are no loopholes. You can never avoid paying the FULL PRICE of your sins. The wages of sin is not death,but PAIN(spiritual, that is). Death is the inevitable end of life. Even in Heaven, you won't live forever. No restrictions? Have you read the Dharmapada? Bhuddist is not an easy religion, NOTHING is free. It's hard, tough, and it ain't the easy path Christianity offers. You have to EARN your salvation through lifetimes of hard work.

@samphonnetgamgee5625 - 26.08.2022 16:25

The girl on the left obviously doesn't even know much about Buddhism.

@nicoleg.7011 - 07.09.2022 00:04

Jesus paid for Our sins.. He carries the receipt in his hands.😢

@a_j_pessa - 02.10.2022 00:10

Buddhism has a lot of restrictions!

@GP-fc2xx - 15.10.2022 22:05

God bless them!

@childofgodyehovah187 - 28.10.2022 02:35

Amen Ray... no other Religion provides payment for our sin to reconcile us to God who is holy. Only Jesus paid this price, so that if we trust in Him we can know God and be born into His Family, receiving eternal life. Only Jesus could do this.
Thank you Jesus!

@TheGuiltsOfUs - 21.11.2022 08:53

The truth of Buddha: his birth; meaningless; his life; foolishness; his death; worthless.

The truth of Jesus: his birth; promised; his life; miraculous; his death; redemptive.

@championsofdestinyllc5694 - 24.11.2022 14:04

I love every video you post, Ray. Showing us that evangelism — the command and privilege we Jesus-followers have all been given — is not an attempt to manipulate or coerce someone to “pray the prayer.” You hold up the mirror of God’s law in such a winsome (even tender) way, then share the priceless truth of God’s grace through Jesus. Whether you are tilling hard soil in an atheist’s heart, or planting and watering seeds in the uninformed or skeptic, or repotting false converts, or pruning the branches of complacent Christians, you are sharing the Gospel. With gentleness and respect. Without fear or compromise. With holy boldness and the urgency demanded by the days we are in. I am eternally grateful the Lord led me to you this side of heaven, to help inspire and equip me (all of us) to do the same!

@virtuouslady6679 - 26.12.2022 21:42

Ray you are so inspiring. I have been watching your videos for almost a year now. Everytime I see them I feel so eager to want to share the gospel. Although It’s very nerve wrecking -But my BIGGEST issue is witnessing to family members. I get so nervous, I already feel like the odd ball. My husband is kind of an agnostic - then his family is also that. Yesterday as we shared our Christmas together my nephew whom I love so much received a Christmas gift of a Buddhist / Hindu symbol for his necklace . My heart sunk , I was now in the middle of their conversation just sitting there as he shared why he wanted this necklace “it represented protection “ and the other one power. 😔 in my head I’m like wow if only they knew the truth none of those things are what they say there are instead they are just demonic strongholds that keep them in bondage . But most of all I was filled with grieve when he said Buddha and Hindu because this meant he refuses to accept salvation from Christ. I know this comment is long but I would love to have turned that into a witnessing moment. But how when your family gets so defensive when speaking about God and refuse to acknowledge the truth. I know I need to be in prayer about this because my heart desires to be BOLD & witness. I’m so grieved that I didn’t say anything. If u could please give me some advise on how to share the gospel with them without any boundaries rather love & the truth of God .
Ray I’m praying for you and the team as I say this I get emotional because truly God has used you tremendously. I can’t wait for you to receive your crowns 👑 in heaven of the many souls that heard the gospel because you said YES TO GOD . I pray for the fullness of God to be in you always -to help you to strengthen you. Love u brother God bless u all at living waters 🙏🏼♥️

@Ben-jr6vl - 29.01.2023 02:42

Why would you try to convince a Bhuddist who understands the nature of the universe better than you?

@jmckasyru - 26.02.2023 00:12

Did Ray give them some literature? The lady with glasses seemed to want to know more.

@gongwillywilly8985 - 18.03.2023 12:58

This is always Christian people's bring buddle people to join Christine
Why Christian don't bring Muslim people to join Christine?😂😂
Don't simply take another People to join ok.. jessu language you know how to talk?
No!! Jess don't talk English
Hahaha..u see Muslim and buddle all know hot to read they language!!

@mslgizzle - 20.03.2023 06:52

The smaller girls looked speechless at the end... Hallelujah! And I pray when I witness to my family I get the words out good and they turn to Jesus🙏

@hachi7100 - 31.03.2023 18:50

Death is natural but you will live again. Just like the ocean one wave comes in and then recedes and then another will come again. We are the ocean.

@yashvantB - 08.05.2023 10:46

And I was listening to Diakins and Hitchkins, and request you to teach them what you are imposing on poor girls. The normal person lives normally and doesn't think much about religion or what God said. It will be interesting to witness whether Catholic don't lie, or do anything that was asked to judge the person. Even the person with Mike who is aware about the God might have done the same things in his life.
It's all about terrorising people in the name of God and run the business of fear.

@vasilyberg7320 - 06.06.2023 17:38

Glory to God for His amazing grace. Thank you. May God richly bless you and everybody by His grace🙏🕊🌾🌹🏝

@mikewabrown1052 - 26.06.2023 23:03

Awesome Ray! Anyone have any tips to witness to a Buddhist?

@TheEpicLol-ol6vj - 14.07.2023 05:25

“Buddhism doesn’t have restrictions.” Inaccurate. All religions have restrictions to a certain extent.

@sonsofyngve - 12.09.2023 01:37

Jesus was a worthless person from an inferior culture that accomplish nothing of note. The Buddha was from a superior Aryan culture making superior than Jesus. Superior cultures create superior men.

@MatiasPajulahti - 16.09.2023 01:16

Just for clarification there are "restrictions" or high emphasis for living a morally ethical life without causing suffering also in what the Buddha originally taught. Most lay Buddhists follow the basic five precepts for example and monastics have a lot more rules to help living more wholesomely.

@lmrony - 07.10.2023 15:03

All religions teach Good - pls don't belittle other religions if u don't really understand them

@randypendleton2529 - 22.10.2023 17:52

Ray; I love how you share the Gospel with others. As I watched this particular interview, the girls were distracted with the sun in their eyes. Next time when you notice this, ask them to move to where they have the sun to their back and yours full on into the sun just as Jesus would have done. I know you could do this with your eyes closed if need be. By you caring for their comfort in this moment over yours, it would put the exclamation point on the truth you spoke.

Thank you again Ray! May God continue to work a mighty work in and through you and this ministry. 😉👍🙏

@Bodhi_118 - 01.11.2023 13:22

In the day you eat of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall surely die.
They did not physically die that day.
“I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death. For sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment put me to death” Romans 7:10-11
Mainstream christianity is lost to ancient truths

@sca8217 - 05.11.2023 19:14

This is infuriating. This is like a child trying to have the rest of the household engage in its role play with its childish rules. Any buddhist can see how stupid and baseless these assertions are.

There is norhing worse than when a stranger says "I care about you".

@jinger_m - 21.11.2023 02:00

Buddhism has lots and lots and lots of restrictions! They claim if you don't follow, you go to become an animal or a bug, or suffer in hell etc. It takes a lot to stay come back to be human. And if you want to become Buddha, according to them you need to do so many impossible things that I have not heard anyone people are sure they went on to become Buddha. Look at Dalai Lama he claimed he had come to human life how many times now just to study to become Buddha. Still not Buddha yet. It is much restricting with basic rules such as being vegetarian, don't harm any lives including insects, no marriage, no children, etc etc...

@magicalfruitstudios4162 - 31.12.2023 16:23

So everything you just said is great if you are witnessing to athiests, but they are not. I'm glad you tried, but your usual way of witnessing to people only works if you believe in a god or no god. Being convicted of sins doesn't matter if you can still do anything according to Buda. How do we convince them that buda was incorrect and God is real and correct?

@geezus7833 - 19.01.2024 18:49

How about tell them to forsake all they own? Luke14:33 or maybe. You cannot serve both God and money. Matthew 6:24. If you truly loved people then you’d forsake it all like Jesus. Not even Jesus thought any man was good. Bet you have lots of toys to forsake in your home including your home itself. Try teaching commandments that are unique to Jesus.

@confory9620 - 01.02.2024 01:18

All these well-practiced lines, the leading questions, the threatening them with hell - you're a manipulative person acting from a place of selfishness, not love. You showed no interest in the girls, in their particular problems, in what they need, in what love they needed to be shown. You just wanted to get a video and potentially a conversion.

I was just looking up "christianity and buddhism" to see dialogue between these great traditions and it's sad instead to see all these videos from christians obsessed with converting others. Rather than loving others, you just see them as a target for conversion. I hope you one day see that there is a much deeper religious life than this, and one that doesn't require you to treat others as targets.

@user-lp1in8il7p - 05.02.2024 16:01

The hard thing is, is that they always use the same argument, saying that Jesus is younger than Buddha, so how can he create everything?

@tomgould3475 - 25.02.2024 06:05

It's easy to talk about religion with impressional kids. Try having a conversation with an older Buddhist practitioner. As long as people from all religions can treat each other with loving kindness, that what really matters.

@Onistuwa - 26.02.2024 04:50

Hey guy's i have a question

@kubikiribasara3499 - 08.03.2024 10:51

Yeah, Buddhists are tough cookies to share the gospel with.

@wordscapes5690 - 16.03.2024 11:31

Christians. Disrespectful as usual.

@dalex60 - 17.03.2024 13:41

Currently, there are approximately 4000 different brands of religions in the world today, and they all have a few things in common. Number one, they all claim their God exists, and that no other God exists. Number two, they all believe that their particular set of beliefs are correct and true and everybody else’s is false. Number three, when you ask him to prove any of their beliefs or claims or assertions, they all throw up the word faith, “I have faith”, “I have faith I know I’m right”. All 4000 brands of world religions claim faith. How does the Christian brand supersede the Buddhist brand. How does the Buddhist brand supersede the Christian brand? How does any brand of world religion Supersede any others, when not a single one has any definitive, demonstrable proof to support any of their claims… all religion is dangerous man-made garbage!

@ygal02 - 26.04.2024 00:47

Wait, so the legends of god and hell / heaven is more real than incarnation? “Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity”.

@Bright-Plans - 17.05.2024 23:26

😇You are misinterpreting Buddhism. Buddhism encourages free thinking but does not allow harmful actions. According to Buddhism, every action has consequences, whether good or bad. The Five Precepts guide you to avoid harming or killing, not to steal, avoid adultery, speak truthfully, and keep your mind clear of drugs and alcohol. 😈On the other hand, Deuteronomy 13:13-19 in the New Living Translation (NLT) seems to suggest that God encourages killing people, which doesn't make sense.

@Boxingexpert123 - 29.05.2024 21:15

Poor girls. Leave them alone.

@aaaa-ur2jw - 10.07.2024 18:41

All blessings

@monstermaker181 - 13.07.2024 19:46

Please pray my Chinese Buddhist wife's salvation and the restoration of our marriage. We have been living apart for 5 months.
Thank you, God bless you.

@FaustHaidee - 14.07.2024 00:39

Every attempt by Christians to discredit and defame Buddhism only makes my love for Buddhism grow stronger. I pray that I may continue to practice Buddhism and follow the path of dharma for years to come. May all beings be rid of ignorance and take refuge in Dharma. Namo Buddhaya🙏

@FaustHaidee - 14.07.2024 00:42

The contempt Christianity holds for other religions is very upsetting and I would have lashed out if not for Buddha’s teachings. But now I know better and the only thing I could say is I wish you gain the wisdom to realise your own shortcomings and become a better person.

@phungphan2245 - 15.07.2024 12:29

It is impossible to gain enlightenment and escape Samsara due to our human condition. Even if you do what is "right" and in "good judgement" it is not guaranteed to become a Buddha. Once a Buddhist accepts the concept that their morals are subjective being that it's not defined and comes from a man, they then have more chances of accepting the morals that God has provided especially if they learn how historical the Bible actually is. Teach and show them the love from God and His story and you'll be able to convert a former Buddhist like myself in time!
