Android S10E3 : Retrofit JSON - GridView Images Text

Android S10E3 : Retrofit JSON - GridView Images Text

ProgrammingWizards TV

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Mohamed Lamine Toure
Mohamed Lamine Toure - 21.06.2020 20:47

Nice tuto.
I have 13 different GridViews in my app I don't want to create 13 differents php files for every Gridviews.

I want to know how could I check in my php file which GridView has call server.

Something like this:

if(isset($_POST["something_here"])) {

// get data from server


Kamesh Vadivel
Kamesh Vadivel - 18.09.2019 05:05

Sir,I am using flutter and I am using grid view builder to load images from friestore, when I scroll down images are again loading I also tried cached network image but it not worked,how to solve this problem???
