Western forge is closed CP, went out of business earlier this year. They expanded and transferred it all over to Illinois in the SK plant
ОтветитьI got the 1/2 inch ratchet also. This has to be the heaviest ratchet I have now. Love the ratchet but I had some issue with the cosmetics. I had some type of water stain that I could not get off. I am still happy with the purchase though.
ОтветитьSk makes nice tools
ОтветитьLol that hammer looks good on you
ОтветитьI have a tool addiction,just like yourself I think I help
ОтветитьThose LP ratchets suck
ОтветитьLOVE that hammer!! Great tool haul!
ОтветитьMan look at the new proto ratchets, you are gonna love them, it has 2 bands of knurling on the handle and the stamp a mini USA flag to let you know it’s made here, it’s my favorite ratchet
ОтветитьBeautiful, beautiful stuff! Thanks for the plug!
ОтветитьBought the 1/4 metric impact socket set from the steals and deals. The 10mm is taller than the 12mm. The 11mm is shorter than the 10mm but longer than the 12mm. 🧐. Other than that they are really nice sockets for $37.99. 👍
ОтветитьU call that a bfh...... hold my sweet tea 😝
ОтветитьThose off set wrenches are good for long reach into twin motorcycle heads and you can use another wrench to attach( interconnect) to the head of the first for that extra reach and swing.
ОтветитьId be using that hammer in vegas to hit over the head of the twenty one dealer takin all my money.
ОтветитьAbout the knurling on the ratchet, you described a Proto ratchet exactly with two strips of knurling. If you don't know what I'm talking about Google it. I have the 5450XL.
ОтветитьMatco's deadblow hammers are made by Trusty Cook too,Green and Red including Black
ОтветитьSpeak softly and carry a big green hammer LOL! ..... Love that ratchet, just a tip, You can get those exact same tongue n' groove pliers (a.k.a. channel locks) with a comfort grip handles on them from Ideal (Ideal and SK pliers are the same)
ОтветитьI saw those offset wrenches and paused this video and went right on SK and ordered them! $54.00 shipped HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG!?!
ОтветитьI got that hammer from matco in Orange , got the 48oz ? Snap on but nice to have a little more beef for those wheels. Matco had a black imported version I almost bought but I paid up for a USA version, orange to no brainer for me & One Mechanic Dave..Great Haul Chad..
ОтветитьLOVE S•K
ОтветитьHammer time I had a nice order going this month from steals and deals!
ОтветитьIve bought the the snakkee water pump pliers didn't have one in that size and hammer couldn't pass on it didn't know the wrenches are shorter I'll have go back and get them
ОтветитьWhen I got into firearms and reloading, gunsmithing and shooting I thought THAT was expensive.
Then I became a mechanic and don't really want to know how much I've "invested" in tools over the past 10 years..... They need a tool-a-holics anonymous for people like us, but I doubt it would help haha
The more hammers you have, the longer you will be a mechanic. You have to beat the ever living hell out of stuff from time to time for that much needed stress relief. Haha
ОтветитьEvery time I hear Sk Tools I think of F!rearms for some reason. Lol. Love the green hammer and the 3D preview! 👍
ОтветитьAll my plastic dead blow hammers are either Snap On or Stanley.
I’ve got Stanley from 21oz up to 11&1/2LBS
Here in Canada 🇨🇦 we still get shafted with the foolishly expensive shipping on most stuff.
But SK will ship warranty stuff to us for free, and that says a lot about how great a company they are 👍
Keep the great videos and content coming brother.
I have the 3/8 SK ratchet same as the one you shown. Great piece. Just hard to shift the selector lever.
ОтветитьI totally realize how it feels to have issues and the addiction to buying tooks, or whatever we live to collect
ОтветитьI love the hammer 5 pounds no messing with that great tool haul CP :-)
ОтветитьYou coocoo for hammers
ОтветитьI have had that one for years got it in green off the matco truck. Still doing ok. I use it on cylinders mostly where I need to be careful with marking up chrome. It’s a great size. Funny how you brought up the green is only offered in 2 places and it’s where I got my green one from. Great haul man. Thank you
ОтветитьI'm glad SK made a comeback!
ОтветитьI like nupla hammers
Ответитьnothing feels quite like swinging a heavy deadblow whackamajig