How to Get and Setup Member Count Bot on Discord Server Members Counter Bot Working 2022

How to Get and Setup Member Count Bot on Discord Server Members Counter Bot Working 2022

Victor's Tech Tutorials

2 года назад

28,212 Просмотров

Today I'm going to show you how to setup the member count bot which which allows you to setup a member count system on your discord server. This means that with this discord bot on your discord server, you can have a channel to show different server statistics like the number of members, number of bots, number of users, number of channels, number of roles by displaying them on the side of your server to help increase server members and engagement.


00:00 Introduction to Server Captcha Verification Bot
00:13 Adding the bot to your Discord server
00:33 Adding the Member Count to your server
00:55 Showing the user count, role count, bot count, other features
01:09 Turning on and off the member counter

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#how_to_set_up_member_count_bot_in_discord_hindi #how_to_set_up_server_count_members_bot_in_discord #how_to_set_up_member_count_bot_discord_hindi #full_set_up_member_count #full_counter_member_count_discord_bot #how_to_setup_discord_server_with_member_counts #server_member_count_discord_bot #how_to_get_member_role_count_discord_bot #server_member_counter_bot_setup #member_counter_discord #count_server_members_discord #discord #discord_bot #discord_member_count
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@M1WCR_Official - 26.08.2023 21:24

Doesn't even work on my side

@das_broetchen - 07.08.2023 21:18

Du huan geht nicht

@sasnyx - 06.08.2023 11:38

i tried the command, didn't work. so i started reading the comments. didn't work, BUT i figured it out! you have to mention the bot @membercount and then type SETUP in CAPITALIZED LETTERS for it to work. @membercount SETUP

@IIHappyII - 22.07.2023 21:13

if it does not work type @Member Count setup

Thank me later :D

@vangxwb - 24.05.2023 21:19

if it's not working, i assume you're mentioning the Member Count role. you have to mention the bot itself

@ThatGold8089 - 05.05.2023 13:44

thank you so much and btw i love your videos

@OCEspark - 20.04.2023 11:44

This tutorial was quite useless for me and i would like to state the reason why

1. None of the commands work, including the updated one

@tankogoroibyo - 06.03.2023 05:27

Thank you but I tried to run the command m!setup and it didnt work I have the bot added.

@pierresmith7147 - 11.02.2023 01:27

commands are not working

@littleman787 - 21.12.2022 17:12

Why does a simple bot need admin rights, and all this other stuff?

@twstdfool - 18.11.2022 08:33

update 11/18/22 its @MemberCount setup (space after mention)

@spyropoulosdim - 14.11.2022 15:57

Its Not Workk

@xeminie - 08.09.2022 22:38

Nice bot

@exlyeeto841 - 02.09.2022 23:40

if you are watching this in September 2022 the command to setup the bot has turned into a mention command: @Member Count setup

@asx232 - 11.08.2022 14:05


@freighttrain1668 - 11.05.2022 12:02

thank you. This tutorial was electric!
